How exactly is this not suitable?
It isn't Brock just choosing not to show, it's WWE choosing not to have him show.
I agree his reign is cold and sucks, but it's hardly Bork's fault.
It's sad how wretched the product is right now. Everything looked in place to go a good direction after Wrestlemania, and here we are closing in on Survivor Series and we have Bork/Cena 3 when no one gave a shit about Bork/Cena 2, Cesaro going nowhere, Rollins being the same boring heel every show, Ambrose being a slightly wackier Stone Cold, Rusev fighting the old giants club. When your developmental show is far better than your actual shows, you have a serious problem. They seem to know that their company is hemorrhaging, but instead of innovating and taking a chance at really getting people interested, they're doubling down on the same shit that got them flatlined for the last decade.
How high is Rollins on the heat meter?
Question is, who would Rusev even bother with teaming up for? I can't think of any pals he has.
I am completely over Bray Wyatt. The talky things he does that some people call "promos" do nothing for me and actively have me tuning out and his in-ring has never been anything more than "fine". I am completely done with the character and wish it would go away for good.
Hell in a Cell matches need to go back to being a special rare match used for super hot rivalries.
TLC matches need to be retired unless the Hardy's, Dudleys, Edge & Christian discover the fountain of youth.
Move Elimination Chamber to a December PPV.
Bring back Halloween Havoc
He knows, he just doesn't want to take it. He's working "safe".
Honestly, I've suspected Cena has been working injured for at least 3 or 4 years and just doesn't dare to take any long amount of time off to heal, or isn't allowed to.
Maybe you can run him off like you run off members of this community.
I honestly think the only reason why they didn't want to wait is so they can revisit Ambrose/Rollins further on down the line.
Regardless, HIAC was main evented by new dudes and Wyatt being another new dude, we should be celebrating that fact.
Maybe you can run him off like you run off members of this community.
This needs to be updated into either "DIDNT READ LOL" and/or "GOT YOUR 9.99 LOL"
Maybe you can run him off like you run off members of this community.
I can't wait for the Plywood OT:
November Wrasslin' |OT| Father Sina is Undefeated
I'll be very disappointed if he doesn't rip off the MMA thread again.
I think it's impressive how devoted Vince is to riding the Orton-and-Cena caboose no matter what until one of the three finally wrecks and dies.
So can we all just say that love or hate last nights ending, you still gotta respect it!?!
So can we all just say that love or hate last nights ending, you still gotta respect it!?!
Remember the storyline last year where Vince was kicked out of his own company and replaced by Trips? I think that actually might be the only way things get better.
It's gotten to the point where I feel (rightfully) like an idiot for paying to watch the network talk about how good wrestling used to be when Vince was pushed to ditch the 2 dimensional muscleman shit and then turn around and watch the product now as if that self-awareness completely evaporated in the last 15 years. It's insulting.
CM Punk, "when Vince is dead", etc.
It's true. And Trips even admitted on Jericho's podcast that he would never step down, so this shit isn't getting any better.
I just told a buddy of mine that I feel like if I were to start taking my favorite ex-girlfriend to dinner and drinks only so she could reminisce and to tell me stories about how great things used to be with us but never touch me or have sex with me now.
The Network is like: "God damn, look at this shit, it's Stone Cold versus The Rock. Isn't this great? These guys are fucking awesome. They're being funny and believable and interesting. God damn this is good. Anyway, here's a fat fuck in sweat pants interrupting the main event of the match you've been waiting to see."
This community complains about the WWE not doing anything new, but they just let two guys who have never main evented a show before do so together for the first time since Bret Hart/Bulldog st Summerslam 92. In addition, the show ended with another young guy getting involved. All this on a show where the fucking US title match was higher on the card than a Cena/Orton match.
This community complains about the WWE not doing anything new, but they just let two guys who have never main evented a show before do so together for the first time since Bret Hart/Bulldog st Summerslam 92. In addition, the show ended with another young guy getting involved. All this on a show where the fucking US title match was higher on the card than a Cena/Orton match.
This community complains about the WWE not doing anything new, but they just let two guys who have never main evented a show before do so together for the first time since Bret Hart/Bulldog st Summerslam 92. In addition, the show ended with another young guy getting involved. All this on a show where the fucking US title match was higher on the card than a Cena/Orton match.
WWE is only going to change in the event of 1 out of 3 scenarios happening.
1- Vince dies, because he's never going to step down due to his micromanaging workaholic nature.
2- Cena goes down with a legit career threatening injury, something that will sideline him for almost a year and force WWE to actually build up some new star(s).
3- Another federation actually rises up to compete against WWE.
Happy to see Bray back, but Ambrose - Rollins needed closure last night. No problem in revisiting in the future, but it simply needed a clean finish.
2 doesn't matter because Reigns is Cena's understudy. Boring ass generic Reigns is his successor in Vince's eyes. 3 probably won't happen either only because WCW and ECW were built on existing feds and there aren't really any existing feds to build off of anymore.
Just because something is new doesn't mean it was good. No one left that PPV glad that the match ended the way it did.
Even if Reigns is an understudy to Cena I'd still take Reigns at this point. Roman still has the possibility to grow into something new/different. Cena has been the same stale character for pretty much a decade and he's not going to change (read: turn heel) so long as Vince is around.
Vince McMahon did. Both the real one and the one that posts here.
3- Another federation actually rises up to compete against WWE.
But Reigns is going to be the exact same way except with less charisma.
poor TNA
This community complains about the WWE not doing anything new, but they just let two guys who have never main evented a show before do so together for the first time since Bret Hart/Bulldog st Summerslam 92. In addition, the show ended with another young guy getting involved. All this on a show where the fucking US title match was higher on the card than a Cena/Orton match.