Now watching Tanahashi vs. Giant Bernard (Albert). 30 mins left on the TV show, so this will likely be a 20-minute match. Hmm. Intrigued.
Rhyno looks like shit.
I would date her.
Look at that young, skinny kid from Quebec. He'll never amount to nothin'!
I agree with you in a way, but I felt it was made clear that they all know (in kayfabe) they'd get fined or fired so no one does anything to the head anymore. That's why Triple H got away with doing that spot where he "hit" Bryan's head with the chair against the ringpost. He can get away with it. Good heat.And here's another rant from watching old hardcore wrestling. It's directed at WWE in particular. If you're not gonna hit dudes in the head with a chair? Don't bother using fucking chairs. The 'hit them in the stomach then hit them in the back' shit continues to just say FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE THIS IS FAKE FAKE. If you're worried about concussions, then just don't use chairs. Because that shit looks so awful. If you're wailing on a dude while they're down on their stomach, hitting them in the back makes sense. But fuck the stomach/back shot bullshit. Stop doing it. Even the 'nail them in the face with the edge of the chair' is safe and looks a hundred times better
I agree with you in a way, but I felt it was made clear that they all know (in kayfabe) they'd get fined or fired so no one does anything to the head anymore. That's why Triple H got away with doing that spot where he "hit" Bryan's head with the chair against the ringpost. He can get away with it. Good heat.
I feel like the Shield breakup and Lesnar vs Big Show showed that chairs can still be relevant and still make you wince.
And here's another rant from watching old hardcore wrestling. It's directed at WWE in particular. If you're not gonna hit dudes in the head with a chair? Don't bother using fucking chairs. The 'hit them in the stomach then hit them in the back' shit continues to just say FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE THIS IS FAKE FAKE. If you're worried about concussions, then just don't use chairs. Because that shit looks so awful. If you're wailing on a dude while they're down on their stomach, hitting them in the back makes sense. But fuck the stomach/back shot bullshit. Stop doing it. Even the 'nail them in the face with the edge of the chair' is safe and looks a hundred times better
Reminds me of Triple H and his fucking sledgehammer. You're gonna get em real good by hitting them with your hand around the back of the sledgehammer, dude.
You've seen the light on WWE documentaries.Just finished watching the DX story of their role in the Monday Night War. my memory bad or were they really that important? I remember them being pretty entertaining but if you take this MNW doc on its face than these fellas were a big reason why WCW got wrecked.
You've seen the light on WWE documentaries.
Now realize every single one of them lies like this.
Will Big E, Barrett andeven have a match at WM31?Wyatt
Cena is wrestling the whole roster. It will be the inaugural John Cena handicap match.
Will Big E, Barrett andeven have a match at WM31?Wyatt
Seth walking on his knuckles there.
She's coming back.
Seriously, what's your relationship to this guy?
Don't ask no question, just watch the video. =]
I think I seriously prefer Hogan's skinny WCW build than his bloated WWF/E one.
It's you, isn't it?
Say what you want about Hulk, but there's no denying at dubbya see dubbya, he worked by the sweat of his bald.
Does anybody else get ads on mobile gaf that close the web browser and automatically opens up the app store?
That's some real carney shit right there.
Hello mark.No. They're really not. DX had a huge role in the war. It was like NWO but not fucking shitty.
I've said it before, I'll say it again. Dubbya See Dubbya was garbage from top to bottom. Then. Now. Forever.
You know where you won't see any app store ads? Any of the Live Events on the WWE Network, for only $9.99 a month!
Why is the first 9 so spaced out then?That's just a fun and playful reminder that Hulk Hogan is IMMORTAL, brother. 999 years and still has the largest back in the world, jack.