I should pick that up
it's really good. If you listen to Wrestling observer or Bryan and Vinny show or read any of Figure Four Newsletters it would be familiar to you cause it just reads like Bryan reviewing TNA
I should pick that up
Man, the yes chant.
Remember when Lord Sina got that dumb shit over for his little furry friend?
Good times.
Hog Wild is surprisingly good! Look at the match list from the preshow though, that's why. A ton of stinkers there.
Shame we probably will never get those on the network.
Did you know that those WCW pre-shows were 2 hours long!? So technically if you ordered the PPV you would get a 5 hour PPV.
Wait what? No.
Man that ECW Guity as Charged 2001 though....
Good ppv for a company to go out with a bankruptcy.
Paul Heyman = Good Booker; Shitty Businessman
Shame we probably will never get those on the network.
Did you know that those WCW pre-shows were 2 hours long!? So technically if you ordered the PPV you would get a 5 hour PPV.
The amazing part about it was the fact it was 5 hours of WRESTLING...and not 3 and the half of bullshit segments.
did Sibersk Esto just turn face on the NWO???
5 hours of wrestling in one sitting sounds awful. Especially when a bunch are under 5 minutes and have shitty dudes in them.
The amazing part about it was the fact it was 5 hours of WRESTLING...and not 3 and the half of bullshit segments.
Any show that goes over the 3 hour mark starts feeling way too long. Between 2 and 2.5 hours is the wrestling sweet spot, and that's counting an intermission.
Here's the pre show list for Hog Wild.
You couldn't pay me 9.99 a month to watch that, brother.
Here's the pre show list for Hog Wild.
Saturday Night match: The Public Enemy (Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge) defeated Dick Slater and Mike Enos (3:47)
Saturday Night match: Konnan defeated Chavo Guerrero, Jr. (4:24)
Saturday Night match: The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobs and Jerry Sags) defeated High Voltage (Robbie Rage and Kenny Kaos) (3:22)
Saturday Night match: Alex Wright defeated Bobby Eaton (0:30)
Saturday Night match: The Dungeon of Doom (The Taskmaster, Meng, and The Barbarian) defeated Joe Gomez, Jim Powers, and Mark Starr (3:06)
Saturday Night match: Squire David Taylor defeated Mr. JL (2:37)
Saturday Night match: Diamond Dallas Page defeated The Renegade (6:53)
Saturday Night match: Arn Anderson defeated Hugh Morrus (0:40)
You couldn't pay me 9.99 a month to watch that, brother.
At least the Yes chant has a degree of positivity to it. All "What" does is kill any potential heat from whatever superstar is doing their promo.Bryan might as well just return as a heel, because as long as people I don't enjoy watching use his chant (like Brie and Bog Show, for instance) I am turning on the chant like it's the 2014 version of WHAT?!
My problem with the chairs is an entirely different one tbh. It's the fact that the blatant plastic looking and most of all sounding chairs are still being sold to us as steel chairs.
They are plastic, plastic, they couldn't be more plastic if they tried. Especially in HD that shit just doesn't fly. Stop it.
What plastic chairs are being used on WWE TV? Show me video, stills, or illegal gif evidence of this.
My problem with the chairs is an entirely different one tbh. It's the fact that the blatant plastic looking and most of all sounding chairs are still being sold to us as steel chairs.
They are plastic, plastic, they couldn't be more plastic if they tried. Especially in HD that shit just doesn't fly. Stop it.
She's being a savvy business woman. I'm sure Daniel doesn't mind.
This is why you get a prenup Daniel.