Why does this make Sina happy? There's no hustle, loyalty, or respect in that.
What is the point of the rock coming back?
The point is that WWE is reeling from just now discovering what happens when you only build one star, so they have to cash in on established stars from the past.
Man. I wish I was as calm as you. I worry about everything that isn't in my control. Good for you.
This book is super-rare and out of print but is probably the best one out there.
Because then there was at least one superstar on the show, rather than a bunch of jobbers playing pretend.What is the point of the rock coming back?
I actually own it. And it has some crazy stories in it. But the main draw for me was how brilliant Gary was with booking and wrestling as a whole. I've considered selling since it's going for $400 and $500 some places but i dunno I really like owning a book that is so sought after and held so highly by so many.
I really hope it will eventually make it's way to ebook. I doubt it will ever get a second printing.
I actually own it. And it has some crazy stories in it. But the main draw for me was how brilliant Gary was with booking and wrestling as a whole. I've considered selling since it's going for $400 and $500 some places but i dunno I really like owning a book that is so sought after and held so highly by so many.
I really hope it will eventually make it's way to ebook. I doubt it will ever get a second printing.
Edit: I bought it at one of my favorite used bookstores in Detroit. Think I paid $15-$20 for it.
So Rock/Brock at mania eh?
I actually own it. And it has some crazy stories in it. But the main draw for me was how brilliant Gary was with booking and wrestling as a whole. I've considered selling since it's going for $400 and $500 some places but i dunno I really like owning a book that is so sought after and held so highly by so many.
I really hope it will eventually make it's way to ebook. I doubt it will ever get a second printing.
Edit: I bought it at one of my favorite used bookstores in Detroit. Think I paid $15-$20 for it.
You should scan it page by page and put it in a pdf. Or sell it to Sunny for $850.
I know people shit on Rock, but this would be the best match for the company during hard times, dadday.
Rock vs Austin or Rock vs Brock would help WWE Network numbers tremendously.
This book is super-rare and out of print but is probably the best one out there.
Not actively fucking up anyone decent on their roster would probably help them more.
And Cena hasn't done that?
I'd trust the Rock to put someone over more than Cena at this point.
Did you not see Sina raise Rock's arm in triumph at WM29?
Rock got the Sina rub, and now he's hotter than ever. Just look at that reaction last night.
And Cena hasn't done that?
I'd trust the Rock to put someone over more than Cena at this point.
This book is super-rare and out of print but is probably the best one out there.
I need to grab Death of WcW
He should put over Savio Vega and WarGames, since you think it's such a good idea. ;PDid you not see Sina raise Rock's arm in triumph at WM29?
Rock got the Sina rub, and now he's hotter than ever. Just look at that reaction last night.
I need to grab Death of WcW
He should put over Savio Vega and WarGames, since you think it's such a good idea. ;P
I need to grab Death of WcW
Rock vs. Brock is like Rocky facing off against this generation's Kane. He needs to stop wasting his time.
Kane himself has been reduced to this generation's Mideon.
most of the part timers are probably huge assholes that would refuse to put anyone over.while i think talking about Rusev/Rock is stupid because it has 0 chance of happening..having someone other than Cena fighting older established superstars other than Chris "Not relevant since 2004" Jericho can help them a lot.
It sends a message that no one else is worth being in the ring with them, and whether it's true or not, it's hard to make people buy into your superstars when you don't even buy into them.
Say what you want about that walk out, but he was in a match with Bork, Rock and Taker in the last two years. Taker hadn't fought anyone besides HHH/HBK for the 4-5 years before that. People were able to buy into him because you knew even though they were never going to make him #1 over Cena, they still liked him and you weren't wasting your time on another "feed to Cena" guy
too bad he had to be a bitch and walkout
I read it back when it came out and loved it. I need to get the new version on Kindle
Also, seated at Smackdown. It's half an hour before the start, but man it's empty so far.
most of the part timers are probably huge assholes that would refuse to put anyone over.
Only two wrestlers qualified to take on Brock at this point is The Rock and John Cena.
Possibly Reigns but either way it will feel too soon by the time he returns.
It's amazing that wwe still only pushes one guy. They can't devolp talent for shit
This guy Should be fighting brock in a cage next Sunday
Edge of Tomorrow was a good movie. Really enjoyed that.
He never went anywhere. Jack Reacher is good, the last Mission Impossible was great. Still got it.Tom Cruise is back.
I hope it is Rock/Brock.
I don't think I could stomach a Roman/Brock mania main event.