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October Wrasslin' |OT| Running around in our underwear making ugly faces

If Bryan comes back and immediately goes after Brock for Survivor Series, I'm pretty sure Brock squashes the fuck out of him to set up the Mania main.

From our darkest despair, etc
I actually change my mind, guys. A DB+ and Bork program could be pretty fun.



I honestly don't see a scenario where Bryan doesn't win and the crowd doesn't shit on that Rumble.

I get the feeling they'll do one of two things:

1. Bryan stays off TV (even if he's cleared to return), and they make it abundantly clear that he is not cleared to compete and therefore will not be on the show in any way.

2. Bryan gets his title shot against Brock at Rumble. Gets decimated, cannot enter the Rumble.

Either way Reigns is the first man and wins the whole thing free. The crowd will NOT like it. This whole Reigns build comes off as way too forced.

Indeed. I hate how they pushing Reigns to the moon when the only thing he's progressing in is selling a move or two. He's still sloppy in the ring, he can't tell a story, and his promos are rancid. It just blows my mind to bits when folks defend Reigns like he's Rocky Miavia when The Rock was progressing on every aspect even character development around that time and it paid off in the end. I just hope the fans help mold Reigns just like they did with the rock.


D. Bry had his moment. Back to Rey Mysterio level.

Although for awhile there Rey was Cena mini. So that's not too bad.


Indeed. I hate how they pushing Reigns to the moon when the only thing he's progressing in is selling a move or two. He's still sloppy in the ring, he can't tell a story, and his promos are rancid. It just blows my mind to bits when folks defend Reigns like he's Rocky Miavia when The Rock was progressing on every aspect even character development around that time and it paid off in the end. I just hope the fans help mold Reigns just like they did with the rock.

I'll defend Reigns to a certain point. At this point in Reigns' career he's ahead of where Cena was at the same point, IMHO. But Reigns is so not ready to sniff the main event yet, Ambrose and Rollins are both way ahead of him.


Yeah. WM30's projected card going into Royal Rumble was terrible.

I just meant that I don't think Punk quitting is what started the domino effect of getting Bryan into the main event. Bryan was already over as fuck before Punk left, Batista being in terrible ring-shape was going to happen regardless, and Orton was putting on boring matches with everyone. The biggest direct impact of Punk's departure was probably that he freed up Triple H to go have a better match with someone else.

Pretty much. Punk leaving seem like it humbled the WWE and even trips to do something better for the ppv rather than original plans. I wonder how the original Wrestlemania 30 plan was gong to stack up with a CM Punkless Wrestlemania 30?

I could see the shield probably having the match of the night and maybe taker keeping the streak going.

Also it didn't help that the Network was debuting during that time which they really had to make an impact...and Orton/Batista wasn't going to do anything but cost lawsuits to get out of the commitment.


I'll defend Reigns to a certain point. At this point in Reigns' career he's ahead of where Cena was at the same point, IMHO. But Reigns is so not ready to sniff the main event yet, Ambrose and Rollins are both way ahead of him.

Like I always said...Reigns is a tag partner not a singles wrestler. He relies heavy on collaboration with somebody than being solo....hence the Reigns/Bray match on one of the raws was shitted on by the fans. When Bray can't put you over...it's a problem.

Hell Orton had to go into overdrive during Summerslam to get the crowd into reigns...it got to the point that Orton was wrestling like he just got off of evolution. Sure Reigns is ahead of Cena but he still got a long way to go to make an impact to the WWE because so far his counterparts are heading up to main event status within weeks.
So Bryan vs Brock which could be the biggest match of the decade will be push to the side for the meh pair up of Brock/Reigns because they so desperately trying to fulfill an era that died years ago...and they refuse to let it go despite the godtier roster they have as of this moment.

vince was barely even convinced that bryan should get a main event push last WM over a big guy like washed up boring ass bootista. I would be shocked if this was to ever happen.

people denying it out of fear in here but unless rock/brock doesn't happen (which is looking somewhat likely due to his return last monday) it will either be cena/lesnar or reigns/lesnar (very unlikely).

I could see a cena/bryan at WM also if somehow they get the belt on cena at RR

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Unconfirmed Member
Holy shit, that Benoit & Woman video from 12/9/96 Nitro is extremely disturbing in retrospect.

It is. I remember it, and any time I watch Nitro and I see Woman and Benoit come out, I feel crummy.


I see Bryan winning the title again in the future. Maybe not upon his return, but after Summerslam next year. Maybe in a face vs. face match against Reigns. Either that, or Bryan will become a heel who feels scorned. I dunno...there's a lot that can be done.


Possible stipulation for Ambrose/Cena:

During tonight’s WWE Smackdown taping, a MizTV segment aired in the main event slot featuring John Cena and Dean Ambrose.

During the segment, The Miz said the match between Cena and Ambrose at Hell in a Cell, which will see the winner face Seth Rollins inside a cell later that night, will be a contract on a pole match.



Damn they replaced the music for the Sting "I Need a Hero" video. Good thing the original is still on YouTube.


Smh well to be fair I hated that video around that time and hate it now.

vince was barely even convinced that bryan should get a main event push last WM over a big guy like washed up boring ass bootista. I would be shocked if this was to ever happen.

people denying it out of fear in here but unless rock/brock doesn't happen (which is looking somewhat likely due to his return last monday) it will either be cena/lesnar or reigns/lesnar (very unlikely).

I could see a cena/bryan at WM also if somehow they get the belt on cena at RR

ugh...the idea of cena beating flair's reign and even triple h's reign just depresses me. When the smoke clears I see cena/reigns for the wwe title at wm 31 because "passing the torch".


An absolutely soulless comment. Just about as soulless as WWF New Generation.

WCW music videos were a whole different level of cringeworthy. It's like the 8th level of Mario Bros of cringing.

I sat through "tell me a lie" with a smile but can't get through 5 seconds of that sting video...


I totally missed the final segment of RAW this past Monday, and didn't realize that Dean dropped "Dirty Deeds", and is now doing the double arm DDT instead. About time my prayers were answered.


Had a dope morning. Went to the liberried. Picked up a book about the Arab Spring through the perspective of an Egyptian ex-pat woman. Read that for about an hour in the downtown park. Walked over and had a delightful Mexican lunch (chile relleno ftw all day every day). Then I stood up, clapped, and shot my gun. On the way back to my car I saw someone driving my first car, which I got rid of 5 years ago.

I also picked up that Rock movie that is a biopic on Frankman.
Catching up on previous pages and about the 40 man rumble. Will they finally sign
Willie Mack
and bring back
Scorpio Sky, Hardys, and Ricker?
. Also when Barrett is supposed to come back?


40 man RR was dumb the first time, so let's do it again!

I'd imagine there will be a much bigger NXT presence this year. Last 2 years had 1 guy. This year will probably have 4 or 5.


40 man RR was dumb the first time, so let's do it again!

I'd imagine there will be a much bigger NXT presence this year. Last 2 years had 1 guy. This year will probably have 4 or 5.

I want the 40 man RR to be a more permanent thing. It gives plenty of room for a few joke entries while not shafting any of the main guys out of a spot.


Roman is truly the only man that has the je ne sais quoi to carry the WWE brand back into the mainstream where guys like Bryan, and Ambrose can't. I don't why you guys can't let this blueprint of the future be?


My four hour interview went well. I got an official offer. HR is going to follow up with the details.

I was asked by different people "what do you do for fun?" I was tempted to mention wrestling, but i didn't. Possible deciding factor?
DB+ just doesn't have that American morning talk show appeal to him, friends. He'll never be the face of the company.

Friend Heel and myself explained this many moons ago.


My four hour interview went well. I got an official offer. HR is going to follow up with the details.

I was asked by different people "what do you do for fun?" I was tempted to mention wrestling, but i didn't. Possible deciding factor?

Smartest decision in your entire life.
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