Those marks in the Agents of SHIELD thread are worse than all the Bo Dallas, AJ, and Cena marks combined in this thread.
I haven't seen Ep 3 yet so I haven't been in the thread. Should I just avoid the poo theory from now on
Those marks in the Agents of SHIELD thread are worse than all the Bo Dallas, AJ, and Cena marks combined in this thread.
Those marks in the Agents of SHIELD thread are worse than all the Bo Dallas, AJ, and Cena marks combined in this thread.
Those marks in the Agents of SHIELD thread are worse than all the Bo Dallas, AJ, and Cena marks combined in this thread.
Those marks in the Agents of SHIELD thread are worse than all the Bo Dallas, AJ, and Cena marks combined in this thread.
I find that most of GAF has a hard time just enjoying stuff in general.
This is one of the most nit picky places in all of the internets.
I find that most of GAF has a hard time just enjoying stuff in general.
This is one of the most nit picky places in all of the internets.
Botchamania 238
*edit, LOL, I'm going to be severely disappointed if next month's OT title isn't;
Are they still talking about hair?
I do have an issue when a show seems manufactured without a creative engine that drives its existence. That's why it feels like most of the show has retroactively establishing character and stakes that should have existed in the pilot.
Kind of, but now it's more:
And people saying the show is finally doing something right after only having 3 episodes. They talk about like it's been on for 2 seasons and is starting to find its groove. People are mad that corporate synergy and expansion of the movies is what got this show on TV instead of a deep love to get an important story out or some shit.
I enjoy so many things Aiii, you don't even know.
...go on...
i'm completely lost, what's Agents of SHIELD?
Oh yeah how surprising that people are getting illogical in a thread about something to do with comics/superheroes. You guys should just skip giving a shit about SHIELD and watch Brooklyn Nine Nine instead.
Kind of, but now it's more:
And people saying the show is finally doing something right after only having 3 episodes. They talk about like it's been on for 2 seasons and is starting to find its groove. People are mad that corporate synergy and expansion of the movies is what got this show on TV instead of a deep love to get an important story out or some shit.
I, for one, am very disappointed that J. August Richards isn't a regular in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
I wonder if they realised just how many top notch sci-fi network shows start out shaky or weak. For god's sake, Stargate SG-1's third episode was "Emancipation", possibly the series worst ever episode. They expect too much, too quickly.
I can't read any of those comments Aiii, what if you're talking bad about us in there?
it's a show on the tv
strobogo, should I watch Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D?
i only watch the news and sports on the telly, barely pay attention to anything else.
Sure. It's an inoffensive syndicated action show with references to the Marvel movies. Don't expect anything more than what you expect out of the movies and you should enjoy it. It's fairly lighthearted actiony/Whedony fluff. It's fine.
That's okay, but you at least watch It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, right?
Sure. It's an inoffensive syndicated action show with references to the Marvel movies. Don't expect anything more than what you expect out of the movies and you should enjoy it. It's fairly lighthearted actiony/Whedony fluff. It's fine.
Oh yeah how surprising that people are getting illogical in a thread about something to do with comics/superheroes. You guys should just skip giving a shit about SHIELD and watch Brooklyn Nine Nine instead.
Botchamania 238
*edit, LOL, I'm going to be severely disappointed if next month's OT title isn't;
The League is the best comedy on TV.
Awesome picture is awesome;
The Iron Sheik as Batman, now THERE's a movie I'd pay to see.
I don't know about The League, but Louie is the best comedy on TV (that isn't ending this season).
Oh damn, I forgot about Louie. I lost track of it, too. I think it is more than just a comedy, though.
I don't know about The League, but Louie is the best comedy on TV (that isn't ending this season).
That show is According To Jim levels of bad.
When HBK came to visit my school (his brother, Cpt. Hickenbottom was a professor there) for a rally in advance of the Army/Navy wrestling meet, he tagged with the mule mascot and hit a piledriver on a heel dressed up as someone from the other team.would be cool if that was the school's mascot lol