what the hell is a soda fountain?
also the stats for Italy are wrong iirc
but you can't say we eat like shit here too, you kill an entire economy

what the hell is a soda fountain?
also the stats for Italy are wrong iirc
but you can't say we eat like shit here too, you kill an entire economy
Wait, you're eating the exact same thing for the entire day?
Hmm I'll have to try this sometime bookmarked for future reference since I've been eating like the same meals for the past month on this cut. This seems simple enough for a little variety since I hate tracking complex meals lol.The sad part is meal prep can be very easy and quick.
I just bought a 5.00 costco rotisserie chicken and shredded it up into a container.
While I did that, I boiled 3 ounces of whole wheat pasta shells
I then used a table spoon of olive oil, and stir fried 4 cups asparagus and 4 cups kale
Portioned 3 ounces of chicken in one container with a 1/3 of the veggies, half the pasta, 3 ounces chicken and another 1/3 in a container and then the last half pasta, 3 ounces chicken and the last 1/3 of veggies into the final container.
A snack, lunch and dinner for tomorrow all cooked within 20 minutes. Super healthy, cheap and delicious.
Physical labor for one, When I started working in the trades I started in roofing, 8-10 hours a day going up and down ladders with my shoulders loaded with shingles in hot weather. As time went on people got more concerned with occupational health and safety.
Manual portable hand winches were temporally installed on roofs. They had to be hand cranked but was 100 times less intense then before. Now they are electric as well. Even zoom booms and scissor lifts are common on even small construction jobs.
Also how many people worked in a office in the 70`s compared to physical labor whats the ratio now?
When you physically carrying bags of concrete, or lumber, or coal, or piping, hell even pipe wrenches use to weigh a 100 pounds, forged steel. Now they are aluminium and weigh a tenth of that..... you couldn't over eat calories if you wanted to.
I cant talk about any one else but myself, but in the winter when I`m behind a desk planning jobs all winter I put on 20-25 pounds easily. But when summer comes along and I`m working shutdowns and doing 12 hour days of climbing stairs and carting tools and equipment around I drop the weight. Zero change in diet, other than in the summer I drink alot more (empty calories)
How am I able to drop the weight but I dont change what I eat at all?
I could take any individual that says that cant loose weight, bring them with me too pull wrenches for 3 months 12 hours a day in the summer working the oil sands and I promise you you will drop weight without changing a thing with your diet.
Sugar is a drug
I am sure they're out there, but when I was last in Europe (Germany and France) in 2012 I didn't see a soda fountain anywhere.
Why not? We banned candy commercials aimed at kids in the Netherlands.The key to our success against smoking was banning advertising, something we can't really do against the food industry.
No it's the same meal but done so it can be eaten in different days. Meal prepping can solve the fast food dilemma by having you cook tons of meals all day for one day then store in the fridge or freezer till you want to eat. Just re heat and you have a nutritious meal that good for your health and wallet because eating out does pile up over time despite those $1-$5 deals out there.
Well at least certainly take away the time management and convenience excuse some used in this topic. It does require some planning
They're not eating pasta with creamy cheese sauces every meal.God damn Italians. Got the best food And aren't fat?
God damn Italians. Got the best food And aren't fat?
They're not eating pasta with creamy cheese sauces every meal.
The common Italian foods are very simple and not the restaurant varieties.
Insulin resistance is a real bitch.
I do wonder if it's going to hit a point where we see strong government regulation to try to right things. I can't imagine the vast majority of Americans being okay with that, but at the same time I don't understand how obesity of 45+% could be sustainable. The national health care costs alone would be absurd.
OECD seems to mostly be pushing consumer education and similar policies, but I have no confidence of that working in any real way. At least in the US, obesity has been a well-publicized problem for decades, and despite lots and lots of education it's only gotten considerably worse. (I personally have a lot of problems with much of this education -- particularly the focus on total calories and reducing fat consumption -- and think a lot of that has only increased the problem, but it still demonstrates it's not an issue of the public not caring.)
Obviously nothing positive is going to happen in the US under our current government. I guess we'll see where things stand in ten years.
Agreed about the key differences here but you can still force the food industry into some corners here. No way a meal should have 1500 calories in it.While both smoking and over/unhealthy eating is both addictive and bad for you, I think the fact that eating is basically key to your survival while there are no positive benefits to smoking is a big difference. There is also no "second hand eating" phenomenon.
This is like old people saying "when I was a kid I walked 3 miles to school and back everyday". Eh, yes grandpa because you didn't have a choise. Of course you pull wrenches when you HAVE to if that's your job.
Agreed about the key differences here but you can still force the food industry into some corners here. No way a meal should have 1500 calories in it.
That sounds like an important potential fact you should be more certain about the truth of.I think I read somewhere that mixing Sugar and certains kinds of fat create a really strong response in your body and can certainly lead to an addiction.
That sounds like an important potential fact you should be more certain about the truth of.
What? Thats the fucking point! People were thinner exactly because they didn't have a choice. Them society started taking the physical out of labor and surprise surprise now you`re fat.
So you plan on banning people from ordering a appetizer before the meal and dessert after?
The fact is until science finds away to make kale taste like cheese cake, and boiled broccoli taste like a bacon double cheeseburger people are going to keep getting fatter.
Eh, incorrect.It is true...its called flavor.
But for some reason people are now describing taste, flavor or anything that people really enjoy as "addictive"
God damn Italians. Got the best food And aren't fat?
That's some weird defeatism. The point is that there are huge disparities across the OECD, while every country in there has to deal with an increasingly sedentary population. It's not like countries below that median have poor tasting food either.
Obesity is on an upward trend worldwide but exploring the differences between country that spectacularly fail like the US and countries that somehow resist is key to fighting it off.
Eh, incorrect.
Food is deliberately being made addictive and has been for a bit.
Google "Sugar, Salt, Fat"
This is far from a chef's deft touch with flavor.
What? Thats the fucking point! People were thinner exactly because they didn't have a choice. Them society started taking the physical out of labor and surprise surprise now you`re fat.
It is true...its called flavor.
But for some reason people are now describing taste, flavor or anything that people really enjoy as "addictive"
Okay, let's do nothing because in the history of the world, that has always worked really well. I mean, the US having 10 times more obesity than Japan is meaningless.If obesity is on a upward trend worldwide, then no country has resisted it. The US just has a lead in the fat race.
As well as things become more automated we are all heading to a Wall-E existence you can t fight it because thats what the majority of people want.
Ok, maybe my reading comprehension is of key but you quoted the following with your anecdote:
"As entremet said, being fat is a recent development on a macro scale. Do you think 2.5 times the amount of people in 2017 are lazy compared to the mid-1970s? If so, what made people not lazy in the 1970s?"
You made it sound like people actually were less lazy back in the 70s which I objected to. Sry if I read it wrong.
No. It's just not just flavor. Food addiction exists (no, I'm not comparing it to drugs and alcohol) due to added fat, salt and sugar. I don't know the exakt english word for it but basically it's extremely rewarding for the brain (belöningssystem på engelska?)
Sorry yes, I was trying to get the people in the 70 were just as lazy or at least wanted to be as lazy if not even more so then we currently are. But because of how life was you had no choice but to be physically active all day.
Its not accidental that political comics of the times showed the rich, bankers, politicians as fat not just as a metaphor for gluttony but because those are also all office jobs.
Maybe I just dislike the term "addictive" then. Anything someone finds pleasurable or brings happiness, joy what ever is addictive, I just find it odd that any activity people enjoy doing is labeled "addictive"
lol this has to be the most Italian gif possible.
Maybe I just dislike the term "addictive" then. Anything someone finds pleasurable or brings happiness, joy what ever is addictive, I just find it odd that any activity people enjoy doing is labeled "addictive"
Growing up in the deep south, I believe it. Being overweight was largely considered "normal" weight and being morbidly obese was "fat."
Moved to Minnesota (one of the healthiest states) and I was shocked at how much healthier everyone is. There are still obese people here, but it's not nearly as shocking.
They regulate everything else and tax everything else up the arse. Should have a fat tax to go with the sin tax. 20% tax on any meal over 1,000 calories. That will teach em!
How about forcing restaurants to display the amount of calories in each item? They did that here in Ontario recently.
How is Italy so low on the list?!? They eat unimaginable amounts of pasta every day.
They already do that at most fast food chains here in Northern CA.How about forcing restaurants to display the amount of calories in each item? They did that here in Ontario recently.
I was quite baffled to see plenty of Belgian waffles (even pictures of waffles with bacon) because almost no one eats that for breakfast here (of course I see there are American fast food chains offering that as breakfast). A typical Belgian breakfast would be a slice of bread with cheese, jelly or Nutella. A tub of yoghurt, maybe a piece of fruit, apple/pear or banana. The other option would be cereal with milk. Maybe an omelette or hard boiled egg on certain occassions.
Cold cereal and milk is actually the most common breakfast in America. Well, actually the most common breakfast is not eating breakfast at all. I only eat it on Sundays.
Yeah, that's not surprising that's very common here as well.
What I mean was surprising was all the pictures of waffles when googling for "Belgian breakfast" specfically, because that is not a breakfast item at all here. That's more of a snack, especially when going out.
Why is Finland so high up when the rest of Scandinavia is doing ok?
I didn't even know the situation is that bad. I really don't see it when I go outside. A lot more people seem to be exercising compared to like 15 years ago.
Exercise is far less important than diet. Hell, if I do a lot of cardio it takes my appetite through the roof!
We really need to teach CICO and calorie counting in grade school.
I have the hardest time controlling portion size. Sometimes I just crave snacks and start binge eating. I get full meals and just have to eat it all. I can't save it for later. And throwing food away is wasteful.
Probably th biggest factor in me not losing weight.