I have exactly ZERO issue with someone not liking the designs. If I was a strait female I probably wouldn't be crazy about a lot of them.
But the non stop ridicule that comes in some of these threads because some guys like to look at tits and ass is getting hella old some times. Saying, hey these designs don't work for me and I don't like how sexualized they are. That's cool no issue. Its when people say stuff like "Wow only a teenage boy could ever like something like this" or try to make people feel ashamed about it I have an issue with.
I'm a very successful married man. And I like tits. Oh well.
Didn't say only teenage boys could ever enjoy it, I said the models are clearly designed to pander to them, because they're the demographic with the most positive reception for that sort of thing. That's on you if you're ashamed of it.