Miami will sweep the Pissed-ons in three. PEACE.
Shaq will go for 80 tonight, 20/20 freethrows. PEACE.
I am a complete dickrider. PEACE.
In a way I feel lucky to have been a Spurs fan all my life, because I've had to learn humilitiy in the face of greatness. We've had teams that were destined for glory that wound up falling short because we didn't respect our opponent. Despite the fact that we've won some chips, I've learned to separate cockiness from confidence because I realize that you have to earn titles, and consequently, the right to run your mouth. Of course this is all brand-new to certain Heat fans who have started feeling themselves in the face of their new-found competitiveness, and as a result you catch them running their mouths nonstop on message boards, only to wind up humbled in the face of their own arrogance. Whether you learn it or it learns you, humility comes, in time. The only question is "sooner?" or "later?"..
Oh yeah...