Wow! This game is fucking crazy. Hester is a return machine. They have to work him into the offense, he's just too explosive not to. He also had a good stop on a return tonight as well. He can do a lot. He broke that kicker in half on that stutter step. Damn, and he had one called back earlier tonight as well.
Louisville is doing a great job on coaching. The team is talented, but it's a lot of good coaching going on tonight. That fake kick, the freshman QB and just the way they haven't been intimidated at all. They've scored more on this Miami D than most teams in many years. I think some of the calls have gone Miami's way, but that's the homefield the Orange Bowl supplies. This field is tilted towards Miami, always has been. Berlin will be the end of the team. I stand by my prediction. Teams are just gonna blitz the shit out of them. Put some pressure on Berlin and he throws the game away. What a joke. PEACE.
EDIT: Either a great job running, or a poor job tackling. Might be a bit of both, but that was a strong drive right there. Louisville isn't rolling over. If they win tonight, they better get Top 10 respect. Michael Irving talked a lot of trash earlier tonight, and noq his karma is sinking his old team. :lol