Wes said:I know it's not the same but if the BBC shit Sherlock up like they did Merlin and Robin Hood then I'm going to start cracking skulls.
What happened to "In Moffat We Trust"?
Wes said:I know it's not the same but if the BBC shit Sherlock up like they did Merlin and Robin Hood then I'm going to start cracking skulls.
Wait what? There was a Swiss Tony program?Keyser Soze said:Swiss Toni
Wes said:I know it's not the same but if the BBC shit Sherlock up like they did Merlin and Robin Hood then I'm going to start cracking skulls.
RobotNinjaHornets said:Wait what? There was a Swiss Tony program?
WanderingWind said:I'M CLEVERER THAN YOU!
Eh. I'm not digging The Poison Sky. This plot device has been done to death in the episodes I've seen. Alien comes to earth, offers amazing technology that -surprise - is going to kill everbody. Companion makes emotional phone call home. Doctor tries to get everybody to listen to him, but they won't. Etc. Etc.
This one makes it worse, because UNIT brought him in especially for this purpose and they still won't listen. That's not clever, that's lazy writing.
The Santorans are good villains though. A whole race based off of the old British general stereotype. "I'd admire them. The bravery of the stupid is bravery nonetheless."
RetroGamer42 said:So next for you is the Doctor's Daughter. For extra creepy, keep in mind that David Tennant was (and may still be?) going out with the hot blond.
Also: You WILL believe that fish can drown!
Yes! The hollow metal sound feels like it would be so goddamn satisfying.G-Fex said:I wish Sontarans were real so I could hit one in the back of the neck with a hammer.
G-Fex said:I can't believe he dumped the chick from the girl in the fireplace.
RetroGamer42 said:I always thought she dumped him, because she wanted to go to America to pursue a serious acting career... And ended up in Moonlight.
RetroGamer42 said:So next for you is the Doctor's Daughter. For extra creepy, keep in mind that David Tennant was (and may still be?) going out with the hot blond.
I wonder if they ever role-play?mclem said:It's incestuous on so many levels without *actually* being incest!
G-Fex said:David seems like a real nice guy.
Lard said:It's not the best episode for the Sontarans, admittedly.
The Invasion of Time is probably the best one (Fourth Doctor).
Dr Zhivago said:Invasion of Time is pretty terrible, the Vardans are amongst the worst ever baddies. Plus it was another episode that made the Time Lords look like complete morons.
WanderingWind said:"Guns are evil!"
"But I'm going to ignite their atmosphere and blow up the entire ship, killing them instantly."
Dr Zhivago said:But of course, he couldn't bring himself to do it.
Surely you liked the 'Are you my mummy?' line?
WanderingWind said:In 'The Empty Child?'
WanderingWind said:In 'The Empty Child?'
EDIT: The actors attraction in this is evident. It's very, very disturbing.
Mr. Sam said:Tennant says it in The Poison Sky while wearing a gas mask.
Diablos54 said:How could you miss like, the best bit of the episode? :lol
To be fair, she is A Doctor's daughter. Just not THAT Doctor.WanderingWind said:Alcohol.
EDIT: Seriously, why did they pick somebody he was banging to be his 'daughter.' Body language is the hardest thing to fake. So are microexpression. She's TERRIBLE at hiding both and he's actually not much better.
WanderingWind said:I never get tired of the flexible girls ninja flipping through lasers bit.
....FISH CAN BREATHE UNDERWATER FUCKWADS. Great acting too, Martha. :lol
KibblesBits said:Oh no! Don't die! Oh.... he's dying! Oh no! Heeeeeelp!
Thanks for saving me, but don't die... *beat* Oh he's dead now. *goes about business*
Baaaaaaaad Writinnnnng! ...and acting. But can you blame her that time?
WanderingWind said:I can, actually. Her cries of anguish were so bad.
Of course. They kill Jenny off for zero reason. Have to try to pull on those heartstrings one last time. Meh. The handwave to explain away the regeneration was nonsense, too.
His anger at her killer was cliched and we all knew nothing was going to happen. Pointless scene. And yes, Doctor. We've seen you kill people for far, far less. You also committed genocide, remember? You don't really have much room to talk.
G-Fex said:Doctor probably should relieve his anger by beating more people up. I'd kill for a Doctor Who beat em up game.
not serious, though that would be a cool game
WanderingWind said:I owned myself. She lives!
Mr. Sam said:But she can't act. Or she's trying to play the character like the terminator. I can't tell.
I was gonna say they're not normally the focal point of their own spin-off. Then I remembered.KibblesBits said:Be more specific, this is Doctor Who. You could be referring to almost anyone.
WanderingWind said:EDIT2: When did he become such a whiny bitch? "You're an echo. Nothing more!" Wah.
:lolKibblesBits said:Be more specific, this is Doctor Who. You could be referring to almost anyone.
I am childishly excited about being at the Saturday-prom, and fear for those around me about what I'll do if I see a Dalek. :lolmclem said:The Who half of the set list for the 2010 Doctor Who Prom has been announced:
The Madman with a Box (Prologue)
An Untimely Arrival
I am the Doctor
Battle in the Skies
Liz, Lizards, Vampires and Vincent
This is Gallifrey / Vale Decem
Pandorica Suite
Song of Freedom
Doctor Who Theme
An orchestral live Vale Decem should be incredible (once I'd confirmed which it was from a visit to Youtube. The video was, naturally, packed full of spoilers once I'd seen the context!). I hope "I am the Doctor" is the track occasionally suggested to be Eleven's theme. And not the minor pop hit from the eighties with a Pertwee voiceover...
Edit: Y'know, the writeup on Gallifrey Base's news page sounds like it's actually being played out *in character*. That'd be... interesting.
Except Moonlight was awesome, too bad it was just bad timing in retrospect.RetroGamer42 said:I always thought she dumped him, because she wanted to go to America to pursue a serious acting career... And ended up in Moonlight.
WanderingWind said:His anger at her killer was cliched and we all knew nothing was going to happen. Pointless scene. And yes, Doctor. We've seen you kill people for far, far less. You also committed genocide, remember? You don't really have much room to talk.
Thomper said:The Sun made up a story about how Matt Smith is leaving after his second series. Don't believe The Sun, ever, but reading the comments is... wow. Half of the people are saying Smith's too ugly to do any acting, there's a few who want RTD back, and the others seem worried that, as there's only 13 Doctors possible, they'll have to end the show soon if actors keep leaving this quickly. Because it'd be impossible for the show to continue after 13 Doctors. :lol