The Elite
infiniteloop said:I don't get it. When WW was watching Fires of Pompeii, I posted a pic of Karen in heavy makeup from that episode he replies "Amy Pond!". Now he doesn't know who she is? Bit weird .
Timey wimey wibbley wobbly.
infiniteloop said:I don't get it. When WW was watching Fires of Pompeii, I posted a pic of Karen in heavy makeup from that episode he replies "Amy Pond!". Now he doesn't know who she is? Bit weird .
infiniteloop said:I don't get it. When WW was watching Fires of Pompeii, I posted a pic of Karen in heavy makeup from that episode he replies "Amy Pond!". Now he doesn't know who she is? Bit weird .
infiniteloop said:fair enough. Wasn't the future though, it was the episode you were watching at the time.
WanderingWind said:This Doctor doesn't really seem to be as into humans as the others.
infiniteloop said:yeah, i like about 11.
Keyser Soze said:There are those that said this day would never come. What are they to say now?
WanderingWind said:Okay, well two things. 1) I have to go to bed and 2) I only have so many episodes left. I could watch these like I have been, or ration them out. One a day. If I do like I have been, I'll be done with Fnarg by next weekend. Which could suck...but then again, I have plenty of classic Who to catch up on. Like, all of it.
What to do, oh wise WhoGAF?
DoctorWho said:I'd advice you to ration it a little bit. Maybe finish it off by the weekend after next. There's years worth of classic who to catch up on. I've been watching the show for years and haven't seen everything yet. No need to rush.
Jintor said:Ration. RATION. RATION
WanderingWind said:I'll probably do that. But damn, this new cast is fantastic.
Somebody said earlier that it felt like a reboot. Was that intentional?
DoctorWho said:Well, the new team went out and bought all new cameras. It's definitely meant to have a different look and feel. For a time, some were referring to it as series one but Moffat didn't really give a damn what it was called. I've heard him refer to it as Season 5, Season 31 and even Season Fnarg.
It's technically Series 5 now, according to the new box set picture, but it's certainly meant to have a fresh new feel. A new direction for the series and the character.
Keyser Soze said:
WanderingWind said:The chemistry between these two is on the level of Rose/Eccleston in the first freakin' episode.
WanderingWind said:EDIT: Sorry, guys. This episode so far is just as bad as last seasons ending. The Master is terrible and 5 billion of him is 5 billion times the retardation.
Lard said:
captain wow said:Im sure the idea of rationing will fly out of the window after episode 1 of the first two parter.
captain wow said:Im sure the idea of rationing will fly out of the window after episode 1 of the first two parter.
Nickiepoo said:Man, S5 boxset can't come soon enough.
Anyone know where I can find the last part of that Unearthly Child episode though? The BBC seems to have nuked it off Youtube.
:lolHtown said:
Htown said:
mightynine said:Got about 20 minutes left of the 11th hour - and man, it's gonna be tough waiting for the box set. I'm really enjoying Matt Smith's Doctor.
infiniteloop said:Do you have BBC America? They might be re-running the latest series again.
Is this your first time?
Mr. Sam said:Just dug through the old thread to find this: