I really didn't mind it all that much. It's literally a death trap though :lolWanderingWind said:Oh, man. They did away with the Deus Ex Machina and introduced the Deus Ex Death Trap of No Other Discernible Use.
WanderingWind said:Wait. The Time Lords are evil.
Aw. It's like I just found out that Santa killed somebody in a DUI in 1978. So disappointed.
ag-my001 said:Always having someone at the controls is one thing, but I'm still trying to figure out the engineering behind that thing. Who designs a system that vents radiation into a living room?
Cosmonaut X said:Well, no, they really aren't except in this particular episode.
In the classic series, they were always portrayed as a staid, hidebound race, supreme in the universe but rather self-absorbed and conservative. They produced the occasional maverick or renegade - The Doctor, The Master, Morbius, The Meddling Monk or The War Chief - but they weren't "evil".
I expected more as well. Poor intro for the Time Lords in the new series.WanderingWind said:The same creators of the suicide booth, I'm guessing.
They were nothing but straight mustache twirling evil in this episode. I expected more from them. Clearly. :lol
WanderingWind said:They were nothing but straight mustache twirling evil in this episode. I expected more from them. Clearly. :lol
Oh shit it's time!WanderingWind said:....so the only two black characters in the show get married. Hmph.
It's fun watching the Doctor run about changing the world because he wanted to.
<3 Rose, one last time.
Ood - "This song is ending, but the story never ends."
DoctorWho said:Oh shit it's time!
WanderingWind said:Short introduction for Smith, and an overly long departure for Tennant. I suppose he was somewhat of the Picard to Tom Baker's Kirk, in most fans eyes, so it's to be expected. He did sort of go out like a bitch.
Hmph. It was sad to see Tennant go, but this Smith guy seems manic enough. I'm in a Who mood, so I'm going to roll right into the first episode of season 5.
WanderingWind said:'I'm a girl? No! I'm still not a ginger!' :lol
Short introduction for Smith, and an overly long departure for Tennant. I suppose he was somewhat of the Picard to Tom Baker's Kirk, in most fans eyes, so it's to be expected. He did sort of go out like a bitch.
Hmph. It was sad to see Tennant go, but this Smith guy seems manic enough. I'm in a Who mood, so I'm going to roll right into the first episode of season 5.
WanderingWind said:Well, that was not the introduction I expected.
"Can I have an apple? :lol
Gotta watch out for those trees, Doc. Well, so far this Doctor is a dick. COOK ME BACON BITCH!
Oh, I think I'm going to get along just fine with this guy. "Beans are evil!"
:lolKeyser Soze said:It's happening...........
infiniteloop said:i love The Eleventh Hour.
Keyser Soze said:People asked Moffat what this season should be called "Should we call it 1, 5, 31"
He said "Call it whatever you want 1, 5, 31, or Fnarg"
WanderingWind said:Do British cops really dress in those uniforms? Need tickets please.
DoctorWho said:Yes. It's a magical world of sexy legs!
cnet128 said:*grins uncontrollably* WW is watching Season Fnarg! This is the moment I've been lurking in this thread all this time for!
Keyser Soze said:
Keyser Soze said:
WanderingWind said:!!!! That's Amelia? WHAT?
Oh, I feel bad now.
Keyser Soze said:Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey makes it okay!
Keyser Soze said:Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey makes it okay!
WanderingWind said:Good. Because she's breathtaking, really. And actually funny.
DrForester said:Nope, you're all jsut as bad as the K-On people in the animu thread!
DrForester said:Nope, you're all jsut as bad as the K-On people in the animu thread!
Blader5489 said:I don't understand. Is WW stopping the episode every couple minutes to post here? :lol
DrForester said:Nope, you're all jsut as bad as the K-On people in the animu thread!
WanderingWind said:DoctorWho. I need that picture in hi-res, please.
There's something incredibly refreshing about seeing this come as a surprise to someone. I know when I, and everyone I know, first watched this episode, we knew exactly who she was before we even saw her >< Damn publicity.WanderingWind said:!!!! That's Amelia? WHAT?
Oh, I feel bad now.
DoctorWho said:So do I. :lol
cnet128 said:There's something incredibly refreshing about seeing this come as a surprise to someone.