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Official Doctor Who Series 1, 5, 31, or Fnarg Thread of Moffat & Smith

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Episode Currently being watched / discussed will be underlined and bolded :)

(feel free to discuss other episodes obviously.. this IS the Doctor Who thread.. but with these older episodes it would be nice to focus conversation on them as they're being watched for the first time.. or rewatched! I guess!)

[URL="http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=22457261&postcount=5409"][U][B]July 20th		An Unearthly Child			Hartnell[/B][/U][/URL]
July 23rd		The Daleks				Hartnell
July 26th		The Dalek Invasion of Earth		Hartnell
July 29th		The Space Museum			Hartnell
August 1st		The Time Meddler			Hartnell
August 4th		The Tenth Planet			Hartnell
August 7th		The Tomb of the Cybermen		Troughton
August 10th		The Invasion				Troughton
August 13th		The Krotons				Troughton
August 16th		The War Games				Troughton
August 19th		Spearhead From Space			Pertwee
August 22nd		Inferno					Pertwee
August 25th		Terror of Autons			Pertwee
August 28th		The Daemons				Pertwee
August 31st		The Sea Devils				Pertwee
September 3rd		The Three Doctors			Pertwee
September 6th		The Green Death				Pertwee
September 9th		The Time Warrior			Pertwee
September 12th		Planet of Spiders			Pertwee
September 15th		The Ark In Space			T. Baker
September 18th		Genesis of the Daleks 			T. Baker
September 21st		Terror of the Zygons			T. Baker
September 24th		Pyramids of Mars			T. Baker
September 27th		The Seeds of Doom			T. Baker
September 30th		The Deadly Assasin			T. Baker
October 3rd		The Robots of Death			T. Baker
October 6th		The Talons of Weng-Chiang		T. Baker
October 7th		Horror of Fang Rock			T. Baker
October 10th		The Armageddon Factor			T. Baker
October 13th		City of Death				T. Baker
October 16th		Logopolis				T. Baker
October 19th		Earthshock				Davison
October 21st		The Five Doctors			Davison
October 24th		Ressurection of the Daleks		Davison
October 27th		The Caves of Androzani			Davison
October 30th		The Twin Dilemma 			C. Baker
November 2nd		The Mark of the Rani			C. Baker
November 5th		The Two Doctors				C. Baker
November 8th		Time and the Rani			C. Baker
November 11th		Remembrance of the Daleks		McCoy
November 14th		The Greatest Show in the Galaxy		McCoy
November 17th		The Curse of Fenric			McCoy
November 20th		Survival				McCoy
November 23rd		Doctor Who: The Movie (Enemy Within)	McGann
November 26th		Dalek & Father's Day			Eccleston
November 29th		The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances	Eccleston
December 2nd		Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways	Eccleston
December 5th		The Christmas Invasion			Tennant
December 8th		The Runaway Bride			Tennant
December 11th		Voyage of the Damned			Tennant
December 14th		The Next Doctor				Tennant
December 17th		The End of Time				Tennant
December 20th		Pandorica Opens  /  Big Bang		Smith
December 25th		2010 Xmas Special			Smith

Mr. Sam

infiniteloop said:
I just got word that the BBC is poised to announce that "Doctor Who: The Complete Fifth Series" will hit Blu-ray and DVD on November 9 and that it will contain a truly tantalizing extra: two newly filmed sequences, both written by Steven Moffat and available only in this collection.

They are called "Meanwhile, in the TARDIS ... " and, as that title suggests, they are drop-in moments that show what happens between the episodes -- I suspect they're the comedy mortar between the story bricks, and with Moffat's wry sensibility and the daft charms of Matt Smith and Karen Gillan, I'm guessing these interstitial escapades have a chance to be pretty entertaining.



Is it-- is it possible to breed with a blu-ray? Because I want to have sex with this. It just needs one more thing to make it perfect: "As an added bonus, the Silurians two-parter has been completely purged from the box set and so those paying extra for the blu-ray release won't be tempted to subject themselves to such tripe."
infiniteloop said:
I just got word that the BBC is poised to announce that "Doctor Who: The Complete Fifth Series" will hit Blu-ray and DVD on November 9 and that it will contain a truly tantalizing extra: two newly filmed sequences, both written by Steven Moffat and available only in this collection.

They are called "Meanwhile, in the TARDIS ... " and, as that title suggests, they are drop-in moments that show what happens between the episodes -- I suspect they're the comedy mortar between the story bricks, and with Moffat's wry sensibility and the daft charms of Matt Smith and Karen Gillan, I'm guessing these interstitial escapades have a chance to be pretty entertaining.



Oh god yes!

infiniteloop said:

Bloody Doctor Who Fans with their spreadsheets!
infiniteloop said:
The Chase is awful, Edge of Destruction is pretty good; depends on where you want to draw the line on how many stories per doctor you want to watch.

B..b...b.ut The Chase is one of my favorite 1st Doctor stories! It has Frankenstein and Dracula (robot versions)!
For 'The Great Rewatch', can whoever posts the "Ok, now this week is ___" post include any links to (legal) internet streams/downloads if available? A bunch of old episodes are officially on YouTube, or MSN Video, or SeeSaw, or iTunes... and mentions of what DVD they're on - just to help out for those who don't have them all already. I'd rather stream what I can rather than buy too many classic DVDs - I have some, but not many. Thankfully, I have "The Beginning" boxset.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
JonathanEx said:
For 'The Great Rewatch', can whoever posts the "Ok, now this week is ___" post include any links to (legal) internet streams/downloads if available? A bunch of old episodes are officially on YouTube, or MSN Video, or SeeSaw, or iTunes... and mentions of what DVD they're on - just to help out for those who don't have them all already. I'd rather stream what I can rather than buy too many classic DVDs - I have some, but not many. Thankfully, I have "The Beginning" boxset.

Same here, though I have watch The End of Time part 2 and then get to Season 5. Classic Who on top of all of that may be too much.
JonathanEx said:
For 'The Great Rewatch', can whoever posts the "Ok, now this week is ___" post include any links to (legal) internet streams/downloads if available? A bunch of old episodes are officially on YouTube, or MSN Video, or SeeSaw, or iTunes... and mentions of what DVD they're on - just to help out for those who don't have them all already. I'd rather stream what I can rather than buy too many classic DVDs - I have some, but not many. Thankfully, I have "The Beginning" boxset.

Yeah, the DVDs can be pricey. iTunes and youtube are the best bet for most people on here. Good idea.


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DoctorWho said:


I kind of liked calling it Season FNARG though.

So we will not be doing a new thread for this?

Hadn't even thought about it! although it does seem a wonderful idea, we did get a mod earlier saying WW should have made a LTTP thread..

hmm! I think a new thread should be a good idea! Will create in a jiffy.
Syth_Blade22 said:
Hadn't even thought about it! although it does seem a wonderful idea, we did get a mod earlier saying WW should have made a LTTP thread..

hmm! I think a new thread should be a good idea! Will create in a jiffy.

Sounds good. I have a couple of Non-Gaffers who might join in as well.

infiniteloop said:
I think we should just have an ongoing Who thread rather than different ones scattered about.
Well, Season Fnarg is pretty much over so this one will die down after WW finishes up probably. Then we will have a re-watch thread and a Season 6 thread. I think that should be ok.
DoctorWho said:
Well, Season Fnarg is pretty much over so this one will die down after WW finishes up probably.

The re-watch can keep the thread going until Christmas, and then bumped if needed for the next series. I'll be using this thread for my own re-watch regardless.
ultron87 said:
We could just get the thread title changed to "Official Doctor WhoGaf Thread of Rewatches, Fezzes, and Christmas Specials"

This is intriguing.

We should still add the rewatch list to the OP though.


Kills Photobucket
I really think if we're doing a rewatch thread and want to get more of GAF involved we need to start a new thread instead of starting it 110 pages into a mega thread.


infiniteloop said:
bah, can I still post on thoughts in here? :lol

Anybody know if a series 5 soundtrack is coming out any time soon?
Don't know about 'soon', but there's hints that it might come out around the same time as the DVD's. So... before Christmas-ish would be your best bet. They'll be playing a whole of the series 5 soundtrack at the Proms this weekend, though, and you'll be able to listen to that for free live/up to 7 days after.
For the older episodes, wouldn't it be worth mentioning that some might be found on Netflix as well?

Now a question. I just finished my run-through of the Eccelston/Tennant series (had the specials already on Blu-Ray). Should I just bite the bullet and get the season pass on iTunes for series 5, or wait for the blu-ray?
mightynine said:
For the older episodes, wouldn't it be worth mentioning that some might be found on Netflix as well?

Now a question. I just finished my run-through of the Eccelston/Tennant series (had the specials already on Blu-Ray). Should I just bite the bullet and get the season pass on iTunes for series 5, or wait for the blu-ray?

$22.99 is a lot if you are going to buy the box set again in November. Depends how impatient you are I guess. It is a great season.


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mightynine said:
For the older episodes, wouldn't it be worth mentioning that some might be found on Netflix as well?

Now a question. I just finished my run-through of the Eccelston/Tennant series (had the specials already on Blu-Ray). Should I just bite the bullet and get the season pass on iTunes for series 5, or wait for the blu-ray?

Cheers mightynine! didn't know about netflix, (am Australian.. we haven't quite got the internet yet) found it on the site and adding a link to the other thread now! If you guys come across anyothers (hulu, itunes) let me know or post in the other thread so I can edit them into the episodes main posts
infiniteloop said:
$22.99 is a lot if you are going to buy the box set again in November. Depends how impatient you are I guess. It is a great season.

I may just get the first episode with Smith and see if I'll like the guy (though by going on the 9 minute preview, I should), and give the older series a shot to kill time until the blu-ray.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Oh, shit. TimeLordsTimeLordsTimeLordsTimeLordsTimeLordsTimeLordsTimeLordsTimeLordsTimeLordsTimeLordsTimeLordsTimeLordsTimeLordsTimeLordsTimeLordsTimeLordsTimeLordsTimeLordsTimeLordsTimeLordsTimeLordsTimeLordsTimeLordsTimeLordsTimeLordsTimeLordsTimeLordsTimeLordsTimeLords


Oh, I'm watching The End of Time Part 2

EDIT: Sorry, guys. This episode so far is just as bad as last seasons ending. The Master is terrible and 5 billion of him is 5 billion times the retardation.


The overall plot was pretty bad but it has it's "Oh crap!" moments. Are you going to jump right into series 5 immediately after? :D


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Togeo said:
The overall plot was pretty bad but it has it's "Oh crap!" moments. Are you going to jump right into series 5 immediately after? :D


But I am so stoked that the Time Lords are back. I never knew them, but I hated that the Daleks kept returning and the Time Lords didn't. It ruins some of the emotional impact of season 1, but they never really went anywhere with the last of the Time Lords plot point any way, save for the episode before this one.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Wait. The Time Lords are evil.

Aw. It's like I just found out that Santa killed somebody in a DUI in 1978. So disappointed.
WanderingWind said:
Wait. The Time Lords are evil.

Aw. It's like I just found out that Santa killed somebody in a DUI in 1978. So disappointed.
Lol. Most of them aren't. Many of them are annoying beuracrats. No wonder the Doctor ran.
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