G-Fex said:I wonder what Obama would've said about that part.
Mana Sin said:Where can I find a jacket like the one Matt wears in most of this season? I'm terrible with identifying clothing.
mightynine said:And I might just keep this on repeat until then: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUMEzUMcu64
Mana Sin said:How old is the actress playing River? Is it wrong that I find her kinda hot?
Mana Sin said:Ooh, thanks for the link.
How old is the actress playing River? Is it wrong that I find her kinda hot?
neojubei said:River is very very hottt.
Mana Sin said:
Mana Sin said:
mclem said:I believe she also did a stint on ER?
mclem said:For the sake of completeness:
I believe she also did a stint on ER?
Zanken said:Wow at this thread. All you guys living vicariously through WanderWind. In no time at all he'll be finished, and you'll be forced to return to your lives as hollow husks until Christmas time. :lol
...seriously, it's not healthy, the more I read this thread, the more I'm becoming the same. :s
mmmmm.... cougar....Mana Sin said:
Nickiepoo said:Are you saying you can't spend time together watching Dr.Who?
JonathanEx said:Got a tweed jacket from a charity shop yesterday. Pity it's grey instead of brown.
Mr. Sam said:I got an old tweed jacket off my dad. Unfortunately, the sleeves are a bit long and it has no leather (are they leather?) patches. Right colour and design though.
What time do they say doors open? I'd say earlier, this one's going to be veeery popular.Thomper said:Don't know where else to ask this, but this thread seems to have a big density of Britishmen: am going to the Doctor Who prom on Saturday, I have tickets and stuff, but... how late do I get there? Should I be there at the time labeled as 'when doors open', or earlier than that?
Doors open at 18:45, 45 minutes before the thing starts. Seats are the (Upper) Choir area, I think. And... yeah, if this was a less-popular prom, I'd feel fine at getting there just as the doors open. But besides maybe the Last Night, this seems like it'll be the busiest of them all. Any hints are welcome, then. Never been to a Prom before.JonathanEx said:What time do they say doors open? I'd say earlier, this one's going to be veeery popular.
That guide is... almost scarily precise and in-depth. Awesome, though. :lolJonathanEx said:I shouldn't think there'd be a problem getting in before it starts arriving at the door time, but any extra time to get you higher through the very long queue would make itself worth it.
Also: the very in depth guide to 11th Doc cosplay - http://community.livejournal.com/dw_cosplay/375443.html
infiniteloop said:Info from latest Doctor Who Magazine:
- Neil Gaiman's episode is very expensive and was moved back from series 5, so they could to do it justice.
- Beth Willis (EP) is not leaving.
- Moffat talks about series 6, the 13 episode series, as being almost a "year away". The magazine itself mentions that series 6 will "air sometime next year". Moving time slots?
- Question: What exactly has or hasn't happened in the Doctor Who universe, now that the series is over? Are all bets off, as far as Doctor Who 'history' as we know it?
Moffat: More like all bets that we feel like ignoring are off. The increasing problem in Doctor Who is that the people in the show live on a completely different planet from us. They're like 'look, more aliens, planets in the sky, ho hum!'. But history has wobbled. We can have characters suprised at the existence of aliens again, if we feel like it. But let's be honest - it's only us fans who give a toss about all this. So don't expect any 'history has wibbled' scenes. This is just a way for us all to justify continuity errors to ourselves, so we can sleep at night. Don't all thank me at once.
- S6 hints: "You've seen more than you think. The Doctor has noticed what you have not. And when the biggest jaw-dropping twist finally comes - well, the second one - you'll realise you've known about it from the very beginning."
infiniteloop said:Info from latest Doctor Who Magazine:
- Neil Gaiman's episode is very expensive and was moved back from series 5, so they could to do it justice.
- Beth Willis (EP) is not leaving.
- Moffat talks about series 6, the 13 episode series, as being almost a "year away". The magazine itself mentions that series 6 will "air sometime next year". Moving time slots?
- Question: What exactly has or hasn't happened in the Doctor Who universe, now that the series is over? Are all bets off, as far as Doctor Who 'history' as we know it?
Moffat: More like all bets that we feel like ignoring are off. The increasing problem in Doctor Who is that the people in the show live on a completely different planet from us. They're like 'look, more aliens, planets in the sky, ho hum!'. But history has wobbled. We can have characters suprised at the existence of aliens again, if we feel like it. But let's be honest - it's only us fans who give a toss about all this. So don't expect any 'history has wibbled' scenes. This is just a way for us all to justify continuity errors to ourselves, so we can sleep at night. Don't all thank me at once.
- S6 hints: "You've seen more than you think. The Doctor has noticed what you have not. And when the biggest jaw-dropping twist finally comes - well, the second one - you'll realise you've known about it from the very beginning."
Mana Sin said:This upsets me. Why did he have to say that? Now I feel inadequateWhat did I miss? I don't like unknown knowns!
Any ideas?
DoctorWho said:I like that he's disregarding humanities knowledge of aliens existing. Everything else sounds delicious!
Mana Sin said:This upsets me. Why did he have to say that? Now I feel inadequateWhat did I miss? I don't like unknown knowns!
Any ideas?
Mana Sin said:This upsets me. Why did he have to say that? Now I feel inadequateWhat did I miss? I don't like unknown knowns!
Any ideas?
infiniteloop said:Job security for you!
It's episode 3 I believe.
Mana Sin said:This upsets me. Why did he have to say that? Now I feel inadequateWhat did I miss? I don't like unknown knowns!
Any ideas?
Syth_Blade22 said:rory's 1993? or 1992 nurses badge!