Napoleonthechimp said:
Who gives a shit if someone has a different opinion to you. Just enjoy the show.
I do, that's kind of my point, really. It doesn't effect my enjoyment of the show, but one thing I wish is that I could enjoy the Who community in the same way I did with, say - and this is a distant stretch of an example - 24. I frequented 24 communities for ages when the show was at its strongest (Season 3-5) and even when there was a horribly telegraphed plot-twist (another mole OH NO) or really badly executed idea people used to just discuss it, dissect it and then move on because it was all about the bigger picture, which was almost always awesome.
It's not really about the opinion, they're welcome to that, but for me it is more about the way in which many of them act like the show is literally the worst thing on the planet when it isn't what they like when even in its worst spots it is some of the best TV out there.
For every Fear Her (the worst episode of the new series ever, imo) there's a wonderful episode like Midnight or Girl in the Fireplace and a couple of solid ones. Perhaps my problem with Who is that I love it
too much, but what I really hate is not people saying "man, that episode was bad" but people saying "OH GOD THAT EPISODE WAS TERRIBLE FUCK THIS SHOW FOREVER" because, as I said - even at its worst it's one of the best things on TV. People forget how bad it used to be - a mere six years ago Doctor Who was such a joke that newspapers were tipping people like Paul Daniels and Les Dennis to play the ninth Doctor! It was that bad! We're really very lucky to have this show be as good as it has for the past five years.
Anyway - watched the first episode again. Loved it again. Really clever script... and I really, really adore the new TARDIS. Not so sure about that glass-blown time rotor, though.. the more I see it the more it reminds me of a sex toy.
RTD wasn't that bad at drama and character development but the way he resolved Doctor's problems was insulting my intelligence. He either had to just push a fucking button followed by a ridiculous pseudo-scientific explanation or he was just becoming Jesus (oh god that episode...). No surprise that some of the best RTD episodes were the first of a two part episode and the worst were the second part where RTD's simple mind couldn't put everything together so he just settled for deus ex machina retarded plot.
And btw I will never, ever say how good we had it with RTD. You can quote me on that.
To be honest, I agree with that assessment largely, though I wouldn't use as harsh terms. Simple Mind? Really?
RTD actually reminds me a lot of Peter Molyneux. He's really talented but he often over-stretches and over-promises and it backfires, and when stuff goes really well it often happens by accident (see Midnight, Bad Wolf) because there's no promises with those accidental bits.