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Official Doctor Who Series 1, 5, 31, or Fnarg Thread of Moffat & Smith

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Thomper said:
... and in that case, I'm pretty sure the BBC would just shift Doctor Who to autumn/winter. Pretty sure the main reason BBC shows Doctor Who in the spring is because there's the 'least' competition.

I think that may have been true for the start, but now they know that it's a ratings banker, and it could probably earn significantly higher ratings if moved to the Autumn/Winter schedule.

The thing is, though, they also know it can earn 6-8M reliably in the spring, and in doing so give the rest of the Spring schedule a little bit of a boost - could they replace it with something else and still do that well? Probably not. Even up against the ratings behemoths like X-Factor and BGT, it still musters >5M (Silence in the Library got 5.4M against the grand final two years ago); chances are, nothing else would do that.
I have enormous expectations from Moffat so I wouldn't say I was thrilled by this episode. It was great by RTD standards but a disappointment by Moffat standards. Both girl in the Fireplace and Blink were better imo. I liked the character development but the story wasn't something special.


mclem said:
I think that may have been true for the start, but now they know that it's a ratings banker, and it could probably earn significantly higher ratings if moved to the Autumn/Winter schedule.

The thing is, though, they also know it can earn 6-8M reliably in the spring, and in doing so give the rest of the Spring schedule a little bit of a boost - could they replace it with something else and still do that well? Probably not. Even up against the ratings behemoths like X-Factor and BGT, it still musters >5M (Silence in the Library got 5.4M against the grand final two years ago); chances are, nothing else would do that.
All quite true. But I think that if ITV decides to mix things up by moving X-Factor to Spring, BBC would be just as willing to simply reshuffle a large part of their schedule to Autumn/Winter. Either way, yes, Doctor Who is one of the BBC's most reliable shows right now, so you can expect it to be a 'tentpole'-show whatever time of year it's programmed. And ITV knows that, so they'll try and avoid programming 'big' shows against DW as much as possible.
Doctor who works great in spring, and it makes the Christmas special seem alot better, you have 6 months to get hyped up for it!

All of RTD's Christmas specials were terrible

And in Autumn it would be contending with X Factor, which you Reaaaaly dont wanna do.


watkinzez said:
I like how the new theme takes a few cues from the older ones. The lead has the same wobbliness as this one

Minus it's simple elegance, scaryness or title visual elegance. There's a reason that theme / diamond logo is used in every spoof of Dr Who - it's timeless. It *is* Dr Who. I was hoping for Smiths titles to forget trying to replicate the Baker era titles and do something different like the starburst of Davison or the butterfly rochache butterflys of Pertwee - perferably to a version of the theme like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKxK4s5RZN4

Watched that episode again. Miles better then Rose, but still too much of a 'bit of a romp' for a cynical old bastard like me. Good by RTD standards, but a bit too much of Moffat reaching down the back of his sofa for a script. He's set the bar high with Silence in the Library, Girl in the Fireplace ect - still bring on the weeping Angels!

Regarding the extended trailer - I'm getting a real sense of the first couple of years of the DWM magazine comic strips, stuff like The Starbeast with a bit old ode to Britannia and British imagery (which is funny as Moffat is Scottish). If we could have the Starbeast turned into an episode, I'd be really happy :)



mclem said:
To be fair, she *did* go to the trouble to check that she could get back in time (er, so as to speak) for tomorrow morning. Although it does appear that The Doctor's temporal aim is a bit off...

I get the idea the Doctor knows she is supposed to get married and he deliberately came at those specific time points to get her because of the crack on the display at the end. The idea of a Timelord not knowing the time is a bit goofy


DoctorWho said:
Where can I buy Jeff's "Myth" laptop? Strange name for a laptop brand.
That would be because BBC can't advertise products within their tv shows.

To the questions about moving Who they have the awesomeness of Merlin for winter.


Ripclawe said:
I get the idea the Doctor knows she is supposed to get married and he deliberately came at those specific time points to get her because of the crack on the display at the end. The idea of a Timelord not knowing the time is a bit goofy

Lots of times in earlier shows the Doctor has claimed to be terrible at getting to anyone particular point in time, but maybe he was just being sly.
Dragona Akehi said:
I swear to the gods, there's no pleasing you people.

I loved it, but what I really can't abide is the people using this really solid episode as a way of slagging off RTD. Like, really, just fuck off. I honestly believe that no other person could've executed the revival as successfully as he did, and for that he's owed a debt of gratitude from every sweaty who nerd that turns their nose up at him for Love & Monsters or Last of the Time Lords.

I loved it, but that stuff really pisses me off. RTD wasn't perfect in any way and put out quite a few outright stinkers, but even then those people saying that, say, Voyage of the Damned or The Runaway Bride sucked ought to look up the AI and viewing figures for those episodes; they're some of the best on TV period.

But Dragona is right. Those same people will undoubtedly be screaming blue bloody murder about something in the next thirteen weeks, as similar boundless enthusiasm (with some small dissent from a small group) existed after 'Rose' was broadcast and if you head to the Who forums those small pockets have already formed, manbabies banging on as if Moffat is the anti christ and "we didn't know how good we had it with RTD!!!" or, more frequently "all new Who is horrible why can't it be 1979!!!". The sad thing is those groups will only grow larger with each passing episode and series.

tldr: fans suck


Subliminal said:
Doctor who works great in spring, and it makes the Christmas special seem alot better, you have 6 months to get hyped up for it!

All of RTD's Christmas specials were terrible

And in Autumn it would be contending with X Factor, which you Reaaaaly dont wanna do.
The other doctor was a great episode the other Xmas specials I'll agree


Linkified said:
That would be because BBC can't advertise products within their tv shows.
There is that, but it wouldn't surprise me if it came back at some point. They like to foreshadow things throughout the series (Bad Wolf, sound of drums, etc) and that logo would have been created just for that shot when the easier solution would have been to cover up the logo on a Dell or MacBook Pro like they usually do on BBC stuff.


NekoFever said:
There is that, but it wouldn't surprise me if it came back at some point. They like to foreshadow things throughout the series (Bad Wolf, sound of drums, etc) and that logo would have been created just for that shot when the easier solution would have been to cover up the logo on a Dell or MacBook Pro like they usually do on BBC stuff.
I thought it was the crack business
i really liked it although
i thought it moved a little toooo fast

that aside, you can already see a difference in the caliber of storytelling. i am really hyped to watch this season and get to know the new doctor.
APZonerunner said:
I loved it, but what I really can't abide is the people using this really solid episode as a way of slagging off RTD. Like, really, just fuck off. I honestly believe that no other person could've executed the revival as successfully as he did, and for that he's owed a debt of gratitude from every sweaty who nerd that turns their nose up at him for Love & Monsters or Last of the Time Lords.

I loved it, but that stuff really pisses me off. RTD wasn't perfect in any way and put out quite a few outright stinkers, but even then those people saying that, say, Voyage of the Damned or The Runaway Bride sucked ought to look up the AI and viewing figures for those episodes; they're some of the best on TV period.

But Dragona is right. Those same people will undoubtedly be screaming blue bloody murder about something in the next thirteen weeks, as similar boundless enthusiasm (with some small dissent from a small group) existed after 'Rose' was broadcast and if you head to the Who forums those small pockets have already formed, manbabies banging on as if Moffat is the anti christ and "we didn't know how good we had it with RTD!!!" or, more frequently "all new Who is horrible why can't it be 1979!!!". The sad thing is those groups will only grow larger with each passing episode and series.

tldr: fans suck

RTD wasn't that bad at drama and character development but the way he resolved Doctor's problems was insulting my intelligence. He either had to just push a fucking button followed by a ridiculous pseudo-scientific explanation or he was just becoming Jesus (oh god that episode...). No surprise that some of the best RTD episodes were the first of a two part episode and the worst were the second part where RTD's simple mind couldn't put everything together so he just settled for deus ex machina retarded plot.

And btw I will never, ever say how good we had it with RTD. You can quote me on that.
Napoleonthechimp said:
Who gives a shit if someone has a different opinion to you. Just enjoy the show.

I do, that's kind of my point, really. It doesn't effect my enjoyment of the show, but one thing I wish is that I could enjoy the Who community in the same way I did with, say - and this is a distant stretch of an example - 24. I frequented 24 communities for ages when the show was at its strongest (Season 3-5) and even when there was a horribly telegraphed plot-twist (another mole OH NO) or really badly executed idea people used to just discuss it, dissect it and then move on because it was all about the bigger picture, which was almost always awesome.

It's not really about the opinion, they're welcome to that, but for me it is more about the way in which many of them act like the show is literally the worst thing on the planet when it isn't what they like when even in its worst spots it is some of the best TV out there.

For every Fear Her (the worst episode of the new series ever, imo) there's a wonderful episode like Midnight or Girl in the Fireplace and a couple of solid ones. Perhaps my problem with Who is that I love it too much, but what I really hate is not people saying "man, that episode was bad" but people saying "OH GOD THAT EPISODE WAS TERRIBLE FUCK THIS SHOW FOREVER" because, as I said - even at its worst it's one of the best things on TV. People forget how bad it used to be - a mere six years ago Doctor Who was such a joke that newspapers were tipping people like Paul Daniels and Les Dennis to play the ninth Doctor! It was that bad! We're really very lucky to have this show be as good as it has for the past five years.

Anyway - watched the first episode again. Loved it again. Really clever script... and I really, really adore the new TARDIS. Not so sure about that glass-blown time rotor, though.. the more I see it the more it reminds me of a sex toy.

RTD wasn't that bad at drama and character development but the way he resolved Doctor's problems was insulting my intelligence. He either had to just push a fucking button followed by a ridiculous pseudo-scientific explanation or he was just becoming Jesus (oh god that episode...). No surprise that some of the best RTD episodes were the first of a two part episode and the worst were the second part where RTD's simple mind couldn't put everything together so he just settled for deus ex machina retarded plot.

And btw I will never, ever say how good we had it with RTD. You can quote me on that.

To be honest, I agree with that assessment largely, though I wouldn't use as harsh terms. Simple Mind? Really?

RTD actually reminds me a lot of Peter Molyneux. He's really talented but he often over-stretches and over-promises and it backfires, and when stuff goes really well it often happens by accident (see Midnight, Bad Wolf) because there's no promises with those accidental bits.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: You can respect the show business savvy of RTD in getting new who back to top form, but that doesn't mean you have to respect his hackneyed writing and storytelling.


maharg said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again: You can respect the show business savvy of RTD in getting new who back to top form, but that doesn't mean you have to respect his hackneyed writing and storytelling.

Like how I respect George Lucas for giving the world the Star Wars mythology, and the wonderful spin-offs that it has spawned. I don't have to respect him for the prequels.
maharg said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again: You can respect the show business savvy of RTD in getting new who back to top form, but that doesn't mean you have to respect his hackneyed writing and storytelling.

True enough. Fair enough, and a good way of putting it. That said, I feel he has put out some great episodes in his time, too... but I also wouldn't have wanted him (or Tennant) to stay on - it would've been bad for the show. Moffat was clearly the obvious and right choice, and Smith was a genius bit of casting (though I will always wonder about those Paterson Joseph rumours as I've always felt he's fantastic.)

I'm glad they're gone; that time had passed, and I definitely think the show needs to continue totally refreshing itself once every few years with an entirely new team. After how refreshing it felt to see everything new yesterday, I hope they do it again in 2015 or whenever. I think doing that could assure the show's success and avoid a repeat of how it all tapered off in the 80s.


I never thought RTD was a great storyteller and his writting was often terrible, and there's nothing wrong for disliking someone for being terrible in such key areas. Although he did clearly get worse with time.
I just finished watching it, and I have some mixed feelings. Overall it was great, though. :D I definitely don't have any more worries about Smith; his performance was excellent.


Jexhius said:
I never thought RTD was a great storyteller and his writting was often terrible, and there's nothing wrong for disliking someone for being terrible in such key areas. Although he did clearly get worse with time.

This. He's a terrific IDEAS man...he should have just let other people put those ideas into action. The Toclafane were a wonderfully horrific and scary idea, unfortuantly all we remember is Jesus Tennant and another wibbly wobbly timeywimey solution. For every one step forward in an RTD script there were two steps back like the retarded midget shrunk Doctor and the Master dancing around to pop music.


We're safe. You want to know why? She sent for backup.

I didn't send for backup.

I know, that was a clever lie to save our lives. Okay, yeah, no backup. And that's why we're safe, why we're not a threat to you. If we had backup, then you'd have to kill us.

[Atraxi announcement outside]

What's that?

Well, that would be backup. Okay, one more time. We DO have backup and that's why we're definitely safe...or safe apart, from, you know, incineration.


Blader5489 said:
We're safe. You want to know why? She sent for backup.

I didn't send for backup.

I know, that was a clever lie to save our lives. Okay, yeah, no backup. And that's why we're safe, why we're not a threat to you. If we had backup, then you'd have to kill us.

[Atraxi announcement outside]

What's that?

Well, that would be backup. Okay, one more time. We DO have backup and that's why we're definitely safe...or safe apart, from, you know, incineration.

Nit pick time! why can they so clearly hear the warning from insede the house, yet everyone else only picks it up on radios etc...
Reno7728 said:
Nit pick time! why can they so clearly hear the warning from insede the house, yet everyone else only picks it up on radios etc...


Or the atraxi followed the Doctor and knew that Prisoner Zero was in that house so they were talking to the house.


Subliminal said:

Or the atraxi followed the Doctor and knew that Prisoner Zero was in that house so they were talking to the house.

Actually i was thinking it could have come through Amy's radio - if it was a real radio...
Just watched this.

Really really enjoyed it. Smith's great, and has made a brilliant impression. He's fun, smart, very random and probably more enthusiastic than any other the previous Docs!

Amy's made a great impression too, she seems to be a very capable companion.

Was happy with the plot and sheer imagination it delivered. Doors you cannot see, dimensional prisons between the walls, eyeball-ships, leeching memories from coma patients, there are more good ideas packed into this episode than most Sci-fi shows can get into a whole series.

Music, acting, production, FX, pacing, characters, mood, humour, all spot on. Brilliant television, and cannot wait for more!

Eteric Rice

Mama Robotnik said:
Was happy with the plot and sheer imagination it delivered. Doors you cannot see, dimensional prisons between the walls, eyeball-ships, leeching memories from coma patients, there are more good ideas packed into this episode than most Sci-fi shows can get into a whole series.

What I liked is that the new series (well, okay, the continuation) has a sort of fairy tale feel about it. Like when Amy first meets the Doctor, or when she enters the Tardis for the first time.

Gold should be patted on the back for that theme that plays during those two parts.

Anyway, yeah, the NEW New Who has a sort of fairy tale... Alice in Wonderland sort of feel to it.

And I like that.


paid requisite penance
Eteric Rice said:
What I liked is that the new series (well, okay, the continuation) has a sort of fairy tale feel about it. Like when Amy first meets the Doctor, or when she enters the Tardis for the first time.

Gold should be patted on the back for that theme that plays during those two parts.

Anyway, yeah, the NEW New Who has a sort of fairy tale... Alice in Wonderland sort of feel to it.

And I like that.

You're right. I like what they've done with the colours and lighting in particular.


Kilrogg said:
You're right. I like what they've done with the colours and lighting in particular.

I said this a few pages ago, and I've sure Moffat has brought in a different crew to handle such compisition.
I loved the new Doctor Who episode on Saturday. I was expecting it to take a good couple of episodes for Matt Smith to get comfortable in the role of the Doctor, but he aced it in the first episode alone. My only complaint is that there was a lot of SFX which made it look a bit cheap in some moments. I hope the later episodes will equally embrace the subtleness of good make-up and animatronics instead of over-reliance of SFX.


blazinglord said:
I loved the new Doctor Who episode on Saturday. I was expecting it to take a good couple of episodes for Matt Smith to get comfortable in the role of the Doctor, but he aced it in the first episode alone.

This wasn't actually the first one recorded, though, so don't read *too* much into that!

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Green Scar said:
The Dalek episode was the first one recorded, it's gonna suuuuuucck. :p

The first block of recording was the one with The Eleventh Hour and The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone. Matt has mentioned that his first day of filming happened on a
, which we know is from the first two-parter.

Actually, you are right. It was VotD and the two-parter. Sorry. :(
Regulus Tera said:
The first block of recording was the one with The Eleventh Hour and The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone. Matt has mentioned that his first day of filming happened on a
, which we know is from the first two-parter.

Oh yeah, it was. I thought back to the first set photo I could remember and remembered the one of Matt sticking his head over a wall for the Dalek episode. Clearly I forgot the massive blowout for the River Song episode.

Edit: Was it? I dunno now :lol

Edit2: Oh, right, VotD and the two-parter. Gotcha.


paid requisite penance
Jexhius said:
I said this a few pages ago, and I've sure Moffat has brought in a different crew to handle such compisition.

Maybe! It's not as if I hated the composition in the RTD era though, just that I liked what's been done in the Eleventh Hour even more. I don't know anything on the subject, just that I've liked everything I've seen in that episode from a visual standpoint. It just gets you in the mood. I hope the same can be said of the entire season. RTD-Who had a nice cheap homemade feel to it, but Moffat-Who seems much more professionally made, and all in good taste. That's what you call production values used well.

Eteric Rice

Kilrogg said:
Maybe! It's not as if I hated the composition in the RTD era though, just that I liked what's been done in the Eleventh Hour even more. I don't know anything on the subject, just that I've liked everything I've seen in that episode from a visual standpoint. It just gets you in the mood. I hope the same can be said of the entire season. RTD-Who had a nice cheap homemade feel to it, but Moffat-Who seems much more professionally made, and all in good taste. That's what you call production values used well.

I loved the Gold stuff. Some of the best stuff in a TV show if you ask me.

Here are some of my favorites.

This is Gallifrey
All the strange, strange creatures.
The Doctor Forever
Donna's Theme(Perfect for her, btw)
Song of Freedom

You can say a lot of bad about RTD's run, but the music was brilliant imo.


Eteric Rice said:
I loved the Gold stuff. Some of the best stuff in a TV show if you ask me.

Here are some of my favorites.

This is Gallifrey
All the strange, strange creatures.
The Doctor Forever
Donna's Theme(Perfect for her, btw)
Song of Freedom

You can say a lot of bad about RTD's run, but the music was brilliant imo.

Kilrogg is talking about *visual* direction, not musical direction.

There's great music in RTD's run, but there's also absolute shit. Blaring bombast for any scene with any action whatsoever is not good music production, and it's probably the only problem I had with the new episode that there was a bit of that in it still.


A pretty good episode.

Doctor isn't so bad, but he completely fails imo when he has to do anything serious. When he told the Atraxi
"basically run"
I just laughed. It's the type of scene Eccleston and Tennant would have done so much better. He just sort of did it with this whimpy, deflated whisper that really just couldn't be taken seriously. If I was the Atraxi, I'd have laughed at him. I understand the actual point was the Atraxi had seen what the Doctor had done in the past, but you wouldn't tell that Smith was capable of any of that with his performance.

I like my Doctor's when they seem completely out of control, like they're always a bad event away from going too far. I just don't get that in Smith.

We'll see as the season progresses. At the moment, the writing definitely seems where it should be. Just hoping the Doctor gets to where I'd like him to be.


Overall it was OK. Most disappointing was that I found myself wishing they'd gone with a more radical departure from Tennant. I'm sure Matt Smith will make the role his own over time though. Not really into Amy Pond either. She seems pretty dull and it wouldn't hurt them to change the formula a little.

Still looking forward to next week's though.
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