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Official Doctor Who Series 1, 5, 31, or Fnarg Thread of Moffat & Smith

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Don't know if this is the place to ask, but anyone got any recommendations for particular Classic Who serials to watch? I've only seen bits and pieces from repeats on UK Gold back in the 90s so I have next to no familiarity with most of it, apart from a few clips that stick as nightmare fuel -
Sarah Jane discovering Davros
the Autons breaking out of the shop windows and killing everyone... the first time round

Really don't know much about Classic Who, I am a bad geek.


As far as serials go, I liked City of Death, Deadly Assassin, and the Five Doctors.

Any chance of Animated Giffing/Avataring Eleven walking through the images of the previous doctors? I imagine doing all ten would be too big for an Avatar, but even the end would be cool.
RetroGamer42 said:
As far as serials go, I liked City of Death, Deadly Assassin, and the Five Doctors.

Any chance of Animated Giffing/Avataring Eleven walking through the images of the previous doctors? I imagine doing all ten would be too big for an Avatar, but even the end would be cool.

5MB... EEK!!


47 frames... EEK!!


And a Bacon Bonus beofre bedtime....



Eteric Rice

One thing I REALLY, REALLY love is the new Tardis. The reason is kind of hard to explain, but I'll try.

As a kid, I remember being fascinated by the most... Odd things. The sound the keys made on those old QWERTY keyboards (especially the ones on a register at a grocery store). I loved glass, crystals, and things that I could see through. I loved clock work things before clock work was popular. I loved retro electronics and designs (wood grain, brownish brassy stuff), also, grandfather clocks with it's gears slowly turning.

As a kid, these things are interesting. The sights, the sounds, the shapes, and the colors. When you saw something in a fantastic place, you wondered how it worked. When you saw interesting buttons or levers, you just wanted to press or pull them.

When I saw that the new Tardis had an old looking monitor, a type-writer as a keyboard, levers, a nick flippy clock... Holy shit I was in love.


I like how the new theme takes a few cues from the older ones. The lead has the same wobbliness as this one.
Anyway, cloning technology should be fast-tracked so we can have every episode written by Steven Moffat, basically. Love how the Doctor's still picking his clothes when confronting the giant eyeball. :lol


There's already speculation about things.

The laptop that Jeff used had the word Myth on it. But the Y was different.

It's the Greek letter Psi. The letter right before

He'll never do it, but it would be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BluWacky said:
Don't know if this is the place to ask, but anyone got any recommendations for particular Classic Who serials to watch? I've only seen bits and pieces from repeats on UK Gold back in the 90s so I have next to no familiarity with most of it[/spoiler].

Really don't know much about Classic Who, I am a bad geek.

One for each Doctor

1-Unearthly Child
2-Tomb of the Cybermen
3-Doctor Who and the Silurians
4-Pyramids of Mars
5-Caves of Androzani
6-Mark of The Rani
7-Remembrance of the Daleks
8-The Movie


I'm not caught up with all of Who yet but I couldn't resist the premiere.

Twas fantastic!! :D My god at the improvement in cinematography. It's going to make watching the older episodes a little painful now. :p

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
BluWacky said:
Don't know if this is the place to ask, but anyone got any recommendations for particular Classic Who serials to watch? I've only seen bits and pieces from repeats on UK Gold back in the 90s so I have next to no familiarity with most of it, apart from a few clips that stick as nightmare fuel -
Sarah Jane discovering Davros
the Autons breaking out of the shop windows and killing everyone... the first time round

Really don't know much about Classic Who, I am a bad geek.

The Caves of Androzani, Fifth's last story, is mandatory watching.


RetroGamer42 said:
The one I requested? Wow.

Anyway, thanks for making them! They are really cool.

Sorry, I didnt see that. If you want it, you can have it :p Just let me know. The result of skimming posts.

Edit: All yours :p


Borman said:
Sorry, I didnt see that. If you want it, you can have it :p Just let me know. The result of skimming posts.

Edit: All yours :p

Thank you. :) I was trying to edit a different one out of the footage, but I suck at AniGif editing.

Anyway, thanks again.


Long live Moffat. That's all I have to say about that.

Kind of hoping they go kind of Time Traveller's Wife with Amy given how he's already leapt around her life a bit just in her first episode. Seems like the sort of thing Moffat would do. And if he doesn't, then presumably he will with River Song.

I think this might be the first time someone has been in charge of Doctor Who who was actually capable of creatively using time travel as a plot element instead of a means of dropping the Doctor into a story. Blink and Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead both showed that potential.

Oh and there are so many little nods to old who in this. The opening theme going more shrill again, the outside of the tardis design, the tardis lying on its side like in Logopolis. So perfect.


I liked it a lot, Smith made me remember that near the end Tennant as much as I love him as the Doctor had become almost a parody of himself. Smith made the Doctor less goofy, more apt to make fun of himself and Karen as Amy makes a perfect companion and she has to be a little bit off since meeting the Doctor as a child while trying to convince others he was real.

so far so good


force push the doodoo rock
Today was the day I realized yes, RTD was really that bad. So loved this episode and I'm so psyched for the rest of the series.


force push the doodoo rock
Lard said:
Only today?

I always knew he was bad, but like, the change between a RTD and a Moffat headed Who is like totally night and day.

By the end of the episode I was like Tennant who?!


That was fucking excellent. Smith may already be my favorite new Who Doctor.

Also, it's hilarious seeing some of the more negative reactions to it. Some people are freaking the fuck out.
It looked excellent in HD as well, as opposed to the specials which weren't really that much of an upgrade. The new TARDIS looks amazing.

Never any on screen crap on BBC HD either. <3 the BBC.


Also Moffat has some more interesting implications as well - these characters aren't perfect, like she's skipping out on a rather key event to jump into the TARDIS. Also I wonder if we'll explore the issue of this kind of figure appearing in someones life at an early stage - already hinted at I suppose by the shot of her bedroom (and character converstaions).

Talking about conversations there really wasn't a lot of "dead words" that mean't nothing. Not focusing too much on humour but explaining character, backstory and plot as well. Although there was another bloody prophecy but I guess it can't all be perfect.

Mr. Sam

Clevinger said:
Also, it's hilarious seeing some of the more negative reactions to it. Some people are freaking the fuck out.
I personally like the new opening and theme. It was almost like I was watching a whole new show at the start.

I also realised why they couldn't have Paterson Joseph as the Doctor - Sophie from Peep Show had already landed a part.


I liked it, except for the opening titles. The previous ones gave an awesome sense of speed as the TARDIS rushed by, these seemed slow and plodding. And the bad CGI stormclouds... Maybe it'll grow on me.
Ratings: 8.3 million (38.4% share)

Another 338,000 watched on BBC HD.

Good stuff. The share of viewers is very high, which is worth noting.


killer_clank said:
Good stuff. The share of viewers is very high, which is worth nothing.
Fixed. It's the BBC. Viewership is just for fun. ^^

I loved it, though, and I won't be needing more episodes to get used to Tennant being dead. Smith is awesome, I'm not even going to discuss Karen here, 'cause she's mine and you guys are jerks. The opening credits, meh, but that really isn't important.

Oh, and Blackberries can really do anything, can't they?
The preview for the next episode looking amazing. I'm a writer myself (with a passion for scifi) and that sort of imagery is exactly the sort of thing I've wanted to see on British TV. This is what you get with having a skilled writer as a show runner.

I think I might watch Doctor Who again in HD.
Maiar_m said:
Fixed. It's the BBC. Viewership is just for fun. ^^

I loved it, though, and I won't be needing more episodes to get used to Tennant being dead. Smith is awesome, I'm not even going to discuss Karen here, 'cause she's mine and you guys are jerks. The opening credits, meh, but that really isn't important.

Oh, and Blackberries can really do anything, can't they?

Eh, it's not really. If Doctor Who started doing bad in ratings, and ITV had a show that was trouncing it, they would kill Doctor Who.

Eteric Rice

Dragona Akehi said:
I swear to the gods, there's no pleasing you people.

I demand a review from you Dragona. :D

Also Moffat has some more interesting implications as well - these characters aren't perfect, like she's skipping out on a rather key event to jump into the TARDIS. Also I wonder if we'll explore the issue of this kind of figure appearing in someones life at an early stage - already hinted at I suppose by the shot of her bedroom (and character converstaions).

I'm betting she's getting married because she thought he wasn't coming back.

I hope she sticks with the Doctor. For some reason I always hate the boyfriends, and want the Doctor to win the girl for some reason.

I guess I don't want him to be ronery. :<


Eteric Rice said:
I demand a review from you Dragona. :D

I'm betting she's getting married because she thought he wasn't coming back.

I hope she sticks with the Doctor. For some reason I always hate the boyfriends, and want the Doctor to win the girl for some reason.

I guess I don't want him to be ronery. :<

I dunno, the idea of Doctor-Assistant relations kind of irrriates me.
Great start. It felt like the show cut off the weight that was dragging it along like a dying thing at times. The overly-melodramatic, the overly-bloated and the overly-camp have been all been shod. I haven't been this enthusiastic about the entirety of a season of Doctor Who since I initially watched the repeats of the Baker years many moons ago.

Long live Moffat and Smith!


Amy Pond has got to go. She's far too distracting. I shouldn't be wanting to whip it out in the middle of Doctor Who.

Great first episode. I adore how the Grand Moff uses time to advance the plot and develop characters in unexpected ways. It's how I've always wanted Doctor Who to be like. I can't wait to see what kind of personality quirks Amy has thanks to the 12 years of psychiatrists, and everyone in the town thinking the poor little Scottish girl is a loon.

The Eleventh was really good. It's hard saying goodbye to the Tenth, but I really like how the Eleventh seems to be channeling Tom Baker, with a little bit of Tennant mixed in. The Doctor cleaning out little Amy's fridge was the funniest thing I've seen in Who in a very long time. So good.

The new opening and theme were very jarring. After listening to the full theme, I liked it much more. But it just sounds really different in the show. I think they should extend the opening to include the Middle Eight.

Eteric Rice

Wiseblade said:
I dunno, the idea of Doctor-Assistant relations kind of irrriates me.

Well, as long as she doesn't get married. I'd like to see her maybe travel to different worlds or something (even without the Doctor).

But I'd like her to stay with the Doctor as long as possible. And if she does leave, I hope it's not because she's getting married. She needs to be a free spirit damn it!

I think, just for once... I'd like to see the fairy tale continue for someone. Even without the Doctor himself.


Jexhius said:
Also Moffat has some more interesting implications as well - these characters aren't perfect, like she's skipping out on a rather key event to jump into the TARDIS.

To be fair, she *did* go to the trouble to check that she could get back in time (er, so as to speak) for tomorrow morning. Although it does appear that The Doctor's temporal aim is a bit off...


Napoleonthechimp said:
The idea of ITV having a show that would trounce Doctor Who is hilarious. They're always playing catch up.

Britain's Got Talent can and does. But that's only ever been a one-week thing, so Who gets the opportunity to recover.

The X Factor being moved to the Spring would be the biggest danger, but it's also crucial for ITV to get some *big* advertising sales in the run up to Christmas, so they can't really afford to shift it.


Snaku said:
Great first episode. I adore how the Grand Moff uses time to advance the plot and develop characters in unexpected ways. It's how I've always wanted Doctor Who to be like. I can't wait to see what kind of personality quirks Amy has thanks to the 12 years of psychiatrists, and everyone in the town thinking the poor little Scottish girl is a loon.

I adore the fact that everyone in town *knew* him thanks to that, which Amy got more and more irritable about.


mclem said:
Britain's Got Talent can and does. But that's only ever been a one-week thing, so Who gets the opportunity to recover.

The X Factor being moved to the Spring would be the biggest danger, but it's also crucial for ITV to get some *big* advertising sales in the run up to Christmas, so they can't really afford to shift it.
... and in that case, I'm pretty sure the BBC would just shift Doctor Who to autumn/winter. Pretty sure the main reason BBC shows Doctor Who in the spring is because there's the 'least' competition.
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