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Official Doctor Who Series 1, 5, 31, or Fnarg Thread of Moffat & Smith

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Wiseblade said:
Ever fancied someone you know you shouldn't?
I thought the delivery of that line was rather lame when Amy made a point of looking at the Doctor. I sincerely hope we don't get another unrequited love storyline similar to the Martha one.

As for the Daleks episode aired tonight, I thought it was a very weak episode. It struck me as very much geared towards kids tonight - the characters were very one dimension (I would have loved for the android character to be explored a bit more or had more of Churchill's dark side shown than just the one line 'I would make a pact with the devil to defeat Hitler'). The spaceship/spitfire fighting was very over the top and echoed RTD's era.

Still, I'm liking the current direction of this series - I hope the crack in the universe has something to do with the Timelords because I really want to see them return.


I did like how they sprinkled in some actual Churchill quotes, like the one about giving the devil a favourable reference if Hitler invaded Hell. Meant to be about communists not aliens but hey.
blazinglord said:
Still, I'm liking the current direction of this series - I hope the crack in the universe has something to do with the Timelords because I really want to see them return.

I wouldn't get your hopes up. Way, way back in 2005 during all the series one promotion Moffat called revealing the Doctor's race and home "the biggest mistake the old series ever made" - I can't see him bringing them back. Personally I agree with him.


APZonerunner said:
I wouldn't get your hopes up. Way, way back in 2005 during all the series one promotion Moffat called revealing the Doctor's race and home "the biggest mistake the old series ever made" - I can't see him bringing them back. Personally I agree with him.

I'd also think that if Moffat did want the Time Lords back, RTD wouldn't have gone out of his way to keep them locked away in The End of Time.
Mr. Sam said:
The first twenty minutes wrote a check the rest of the episode just couldn't cash. Next episode looks insanely good and - here's the kicker - is two parts.

Fuck that, im skipping and then watching both in 1 sitting

I despise two parters, esp if you have to wait a week
New episode lacked a lot of energy. Was...entertaining, not great or anything. Not like the last episode where it failed to meet the potential.

Next episode looks really great
This week's episode was quite enjoyable, though I would have appreciated some more depth. I definitely liked it more than the last Dalek episode.

I really loved it when
The Doctor went berserk on that Dalek. Lovely performance by Matt Smith as usual.


Well first ep aired in BBC America, I liked it. I really liked the last part where he intimidates them. Good stuff, I guess this guy's alright.


Furret said:
I bet you're right. That's why there are no ducks.

So what your saying is that ducks are dimensional creatures and when theres a disturbance they travel back through the dimensions back home.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Haven't watched Victory of the Daleks yet.

In unrelated news, isn't The Eleventh Hour supposed to be up on iTunes already? Because it isn't there yet and I kind of want to have it with me.
Because I needed entertainment for the last while...








If you like one, and want to use it as an avatar, just grab it. Just make a post in the thread to show you are using it so duplicate avatars dont happen


I love this episode and thinks that it's on par with the first two. However, I think that this episode would have been better without the melodramatic stuff. It was a fun and quirky adventure for most of it, but then dove right into the RTD stuff for the ending. Though, RTD seems to surprisingly be more subtle than Moffat at the season story arc. I hope they're not planning to show the crack at the end of every episodes.


Eteric Rice said:
Keep in mind this wasn't a Moffat episode guys. This was some other guy.

Irregardless, he's the overall season director so one of his tasks is to maintain overall quality I assume. Not that this episode was a pile of poo, although it did have lots of flaws.

On reflection the largest flaw was the pacing - there really was no time to settle down and explore anything that the episode was talking about, it just became a silly adventure, which had to involve some big climactic battle with a city at stake.

If you just took the "Wolrd War II Daleks" and ran with that, exploring the implications a bit more, that would have been interesting.

But at the same time they tried to fit in another story - the rebirth of the daleks.

And then, very qucikly, another story - the life of an android.

Too much stuff, not enough time.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Okay, so, Victory of the Daleks.

That was, in all honesty, better than last week's episode. Sure, it doesn't have much to say since it's pretty much The Doctor vs. The Daleks part bazillionth, but it was better structured than The Beast Below. Gatiss managed to make me care for Bracewells in forty minutes, while Moffat couldn't for Liz Ten in the same amount of time. I think that speaks more about the format and ideas in each script. In any case, I feel that VotD is going to be more easily rewatchable. It's pure eye-candy at parts, but the story as a whole feels more focused and, well, fun.

Okay, the bad: The cracks. I like that there's an overarching theme through this series, but it is seriously getting to Series Two levels of "cringeworthiness". The reason "Bad Wolf" worked in Series One was because it was never in your face -more like an Easter Egg, if you will, that didn't reveal itself until the very last episode. Sure, it hasn't gotten to the point where "Torchwood is this institute that will protect the UK and we'll repeat it every single episode hereonafter", but they are not being subtle about it.

Yeah, that's it pretty much.


blazinglord said:
I thought the delivery of that line was rather lame when Amy made a point of looking at the Doctor. I sincerely hope we don't get another unrequited love storyline similar to the Martha one.

I'm beginning to think it will be unrequited the other way around if at all. Amy clearly has feelings for the Doctor, but unlike Martha has a really solid reason to resist those feelings (even if we don't know much about him yet). She knows that fully falling for the Doctor is a path that leads to pain because she's already been there.

Also, she's useful. Martha wasn't.


Keyser Soze said:
Because I needed entertainment for the last while...

If you like one, and want to use it as an avatar, just grab it. Just make a post in the thread to show you are using it so duplicate avatars dont happen

So many great choices but I don't want to switch :lol


Watched a few episodes of 4 tonight...getting closer to Smith. The Doctor's daughter is smokin hot! Kind of like a British Kristen Bell.


The episode was pretty hokey, but all is forgiven with the Spitfires in space. That's just too awesome, too funny, and too "what I would have drawn in my binder in 6th grade" to get too muffed about anything else.


Haven't seen Victory yet, but just wanted to pop in here and pass a little blurb from Entertainment Weekly along. Matt Smith indicates that he and Amy will be
more than just friends
Regulus Tera said:
Okay, so, Victory of the Daleks.

That was, in all honesty, better than last week's episode. Sure, it doesn't have much to say since it's pretty much The Doctor vs. The Daleks part bazillionth, but it was better structured than The Beast Below. Gatiss managed to make me care for Bracewells in forty minutes, while Moffat couldn't for Liz Ten in the same amount of time. I think that speaks more about the format and ideas in each script. In any case, I feel that VotD is going to be more easily rewatchable. It's pure eye-candy at parts, but the story as a whole feels more focused and, well, fun.

No... no no no no. Last week's Doctor's was for adults this week's Doctor was reaching Power Rangers levels of cheesiness and acting. It was fucking ridiculous and for the first time this season it was insulting my intelligence again. Shitty, annoying acting for Churchill's character, Deux Ex machinas all over the place, ridiculous laser fights, and general stupidity all over the episode. I was appalled, unless you're 12 years old there's no reason you liked that shit.

And what's up with the new Daleks? I know BBC's toy department must make money but different colours for a race of aliens that want purity and uniformity? It was like a fucking hippy parade.
Keyser Soze said:
Because I needed entertainment for the last while...

If you like one, and want to use it as an avatar, just grab it. Just make a post in the thread to show you are using it so duplicate avatars dont happen
Thanks for the avatars. ^_^
fortified_concept said:
And what's up with the new Daleks? I know BBC's toy department must make money but different colours for a race of aliens that want purity and uniformity? It was like a fucking hippy parade.
:lol My first thought was that they reminded me of Power Rangers.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
fortified_concept said:
No... no no no no. Last week's Doctor's was for adults this week's Doctor was reaching Power Rangers levels of cheesiness and acting. It was fucking ridiculous and for the first time this season it was insulting my intelligence again. Shitty, annoying acting for Churchill's character, Deux Ex machinas all over the place, ridiculous laser fights, and general stupidity all over the episode. I was appalled, unless you're 12 years old there's no reason you liked that shit.

I really feel like some of the fandom misunderstands the purpose of the show. Doctor Who should be a show that covers everything from dinosaurs being revived by fundamental ecologists to the dark heart-wrenching drama of killing a normal human in order to save a school of children. For every Caves of Androzani there should be some The Unicorn and the Wasps (aka one of the highlights of series four).

The Beast Below didn't work because it was never given enough time to fully flesh out the concept behind it. What you find in that episode is a collection of ideas that look pretty on paper, but hardly have substance beyond the hardly concealed political commentary about totalitarianism. The script is full of plot holes (like why the Doctor doesn't do anything about the adults being fed to the Star Whale, or how exactly weren't Amy and the Doctor vomited to outer space) and none of the supporting cast is given enough characterisation to make us feel anything about them. On the opposite corner, Victory of the Daleks features a really simple idea with one purpose (to resurrect the original Daleks and stop this bullshit "Daleks-are-extinct-but-wait-one-survived!") that maybe goes on a tangent real soon, but never tries to be anything more than a fun romp. And that's why it's commendable.
maharg said:
The episode was pretty hokey, but all is forgiven with the Spitfires in space. That's just too awesome, too funny, and too "what I would have drawn in my binder in 6th grade" to get too muffed about anything else.

Haha, the Spitfires were the "worst" part for me.

Do like the new Dalek design, very 60s looking.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Anybody who hates the "new" Dalek design is bonkers in my book. They have this "classic" je ne sais quoi about them. Plus, they can finally look to the corner of their eyestalk!

Deadly shit.


Keyser Soze said:
Mass avatars

Man, so many...

What process do you go through to make animated avatars? It's like the one thing I can't find a good tutorial on. You seem to be quite versed, though...
I wouldn't be as harsh as fortified_concept, but yeah... mediocre episode. It didn't utilise the WWII setting well at all, and it was basically a rehash of Daleks in Manhattan with the recreation of them yet again. I can't stand them and would be happy to never see them again. I did love The Doctor's trigger for the Tardis self-destruct, though. :lol

The music was really, really bad at points, especially during the bomb defusal or whatever the hell that was, and the final scene with the android professor. Everything about those scenes was cringeworthy anyway, but the music turned into full blown melodrama.

Matt Smith was awesome throughout, so at least there's that constant, even in lesser episodes. Karen Gillan, on the other hand, is kind of grating on me a little bit with some of her delivery...

I rewatched last weeks as well and i enjoyed it way more. Still disappointed, because the concept really deserved to be explored in a 2-parter.
Meier said:
Watched a few episodes of 4 tonight...getting closer to Smith. The Doctor's daughter is smokin hot! Kind of like a British Kristen Bell.

Fun fact: She's real fifth Doctor Peter Davison's daughter, and Tennant's real life squeeze. Imagine dinner there; two Doctors and the daughter all at the table..

pitt_norton said:
Apparently this script was a leftover from the RTD days... hence it's likewise tone.

Nope. Gaitiss was writing a WW2 episode for Series Four, but it didn't have Churchill or Daleks or the Cabinet War Rooms, so it seems it was a completely, entirely different episode. Reposting this as it got bottom of the page, but it's all regarding the way episodes are constructed...

Blader5489 said:
Not good. A Dalek/WWII story could have been so much more interesting than this. As it is, there was no reason for the WWII setting at all.

This underlines a problem the series has in general, which is the "checklist writing" - by which I mean RTD/Moffat hands the writer a list of things they want/need to accomplish their season arc/vision. Using only Dalek stories as an example...

Back for Evolution, Raynor was handed a list that said, almost literally - "Cult of Skaro, New York, Mutant Pig Men, Human Dalek, One 'pure' Dalek must escape and survive"

In this case, Confidential pretty much confirmed that Moffat too uses the list mechanic, as Gatiss says he was told "Daleks, World War 2, Churchill, Introduction of a New, pure Dalek design" and then "Spitfires in Space" was later added as on by Moffat. Judging by the comments on Confidential, Moffat also brainstormed alongside Gatiss for how many new types of Dalek there should be and their ranks.

The key problems with both stories seem to stem from those ideas in the checklist. Both Helen Raynor and Gaitiss accomplished the content of the lists relatively well, but the key problem with Evolution for me was the way the New York setting was used and those bloody awful Pig Men. I'll be fair, though - the Great Depression worked well for Daleks covertly enslaving unvalued humans and the Empire State building being used as a Lightning mast to kick start their plans was cool.

Likewise in this story, there's some cool stuff - great to see the Doctor meet Churchill, Daleks do fit the WW2 era well - especially the RTD era design - and WW2 is generally a great story but this episode could've been set bloody anywhere.

What I'm saying is that the episodes that have the shorter requirement lists always tend to be the best. Again, looking at only Dalek stories, look at Dalek. The only requirement there for Sherman from RTD was "introduce the Dalek, terrify children, establish it as an all-powerful killing machine, have it bring out the darker side of the Doctor, introduce Adam, talk about the time war and kill it at the end". By comparison these requirements are meagre. It's a better, cleaner story as a result, I think.

People always talk about Moffat's episodes being the best in the series in the RTD years, and part of that is down to Moffat's considerable talents but I strongly believe the other part is down to the fact that Moffat rarely had any real instructions. Series one all he was told was WW2 and to introduce Captain Jack, series two the only requirement was "this is Mickey's first trip in the TARDIS (and Mickey was quickly shoved aside), three was "this is the Doctor Lite episode" and four was "please add some Donna foreshadowing" - he was never weighed down with the weight of all the extra shit, ever.

This was still a great episode, and I don't think there's really been a bad Dalek episode in new Who anyway, but I think it provides some interesting food for thought on how the series is written. The only real way to get around this is to write the show by comittee, but when you look at shows that are (like 24, where writers sit in a room and work in a group of 4 or 5) it becomes awfully formulaic.


The only requirement there for Sherman from RTD was "introduce the Dalek, terrify children, establish it as an all-powerful killing machine, have it bring out the darker side of the Doctor, introduce Adam, talk about the time war and kill it at the end"

I don't see how you can consider those requirements meagre. That's a boatload of the plot summary of the episode right there.
maharg said:
I don't see how you can consider those requirements meagre. That's a boatload of the plot summary of the episode right there.

Well, it depends what you mean. You're right, it is rather loaded, but you can handwave so much of that stuff away and Sherman does and yet it's still effective. Handwaving something like the Pig Men or the WW2 setting or how the Spitfires went from normal to spacefaring in a few short minutes can be done but when it is it leaves you with questions and feels a lot weaker.

The nature of the requirements are different, too. Those requirements are more 'tell' - the time War is told, now shown, the dark side of the Doctor comes out in his dialogue - and so it allowed Sherman to get into these meaty dialogue scenes, all the "I watched it happen, I made it happen" whereas a requirement like "pig men" or "Spitfires in space" is basically 'hey, this'll be cool guys, put it in the story?' I still can't think what the fuck the purpose of those pigs were.

It could just be that Sherman is a better writer than Raynor or Gaitiss (I think he is anyway), but then look how much better Raynor performed a year later when her only requirement was "bring back the Sontarans and show Martha in UNIT" - I think they really might have an effect. The requirement lists that RTD sent out to writers for Series One, Two and Four are all published in various places, but it's interesting to see what writers were told before they sat down to work.


This episode wasn't as good as the other ones and there certainly was some wasted potential, but it was not awful. It was still quite good imo.


fortified_concept said:
And what's up with the new Daleks? I know BBC's toy department must make money but different colours for a race of aliens that want purity and uniformity? It was like a fucking hippy parade.

In Confidential, Gatiss and Moffat said that the colours denote rank.

White - Supreme
Red - Drone
Orange - Scientist
Blue - Stratagist
Yellow - Eternal

Irritatingly though, we'll have to wait until they come back to understand exactly what significance the different ranks have, particularly the enigmatically named Eternal. Moff says he doesn't know what Eternal means (he just chose it because it sounds cool), but he's always bullshitting about stuff like that.
Just dug out the script synopsis for Mark Gatiss' series 4 WW2 script to check for similarities... Summary written by RTD.

4.3 - Nazis
World War II. Monsters on the loose in the Natural History Museum as a Nazi strike-force invades. FIRST DRAFT SCRIPT AVAILABLE, but with changes to come. The museum could be a London shoot for a few days, if we can use the interior of the Natural History Museum, but we'll need Cardigg corridors and rooms as well, if they can match. Plus, an Indiana Jones-type chamber hidden beneath, with sliding stone doors and stuff.

I am worried about recreating World War II again so soon. This entire script could be replaced by...

4.3 - Pompeii

And it was. Nothing to do with this episode it seems, but I wouldn't mind seeing that script made one day, sounds cool..


I've started watching the latest Doctor Who episodes, and they're... well, I can stomach them (mostly). I presume it doesn't help having to watch them through the BBC iPlayer on my Wii, but I'm not sure if higher-quality streaming really helps. :lol

I stopped watching the first episode when I became bored at the "No, don't like that. Give me something else." routine.

The second episode was better, and while I liked the major twist about the Queen, and some of the philosophy of the episode, I also felt that the fundamental premise of the episode was broken if I thought about it for too long; it reminded me more of Terry Pratchett than anything to be taken seriously.

I stayed with the third episode until the Power Rangers showed up dressed as Daleks, and they started blabbering on about all kinds of rubbish. It didn't help that the actor from Sea of Souls was able to construct a deus ex machina in ten minutes, either.

Am I the only one who would like to see the Daleks done away with? I'm not one for their constant re-appearance.


Maturity, bitches.
Burai said:
In Confidential, Gatiss and Moffat said that the colours denote rank.

White - Supreme
Red - Drone
Orange - Scientist
Blue - Stratagist
Yellow - Eternal

Irritatingly though, we'll have to wait until they come back to understand exactly what significance the different ranks have, particularly the enigmatically named Eternal. Moff says he doesn't know what Eternal means (he just chose it because it sounds cool), but he's always bullshitting about stuff like that.
Interestingly Confidential also had a shot of an orange darlek. Maybe it's a shiny.


A thought: had the rest of the series stuck with episode 1's extended running time, it might have improved things. I enjoyed Beast Below, but do agree it needed some world exploration. The main problem with Victory of the Daleks (spitfires in space aside) was how it reaches what should have been the climax
!rebirth of pure race, reveal of new design!
far too quickly.

An extra ten to twenty minutes applied to the first act of each episode would have elevated Beast into one of the best Who episodes to date and Victory into something not entirely rubbish.

EDIT - actually, fuckit, that's another point. The writers should realise that in a non-action oriented show like doctor who, the climax doesn't need to be BIG and bombastic. The introduction of the new Dalek design is a fantastic point the peak the action. They are larger, more menacing in their appearance, their creation foreshadows much suffering in the days to come. A fucking conversation between the Doctor and them, then their leaving to come back another day
especially given that their ship was near powerless
, would have achieved so much more than a third rate riff on Star Wars. It really would have.


distantmantra said:
Who actually gets BBC America HD? Comcast and Verizon FIOS don't offer it in Seattle.
taken from wiki
BBC America HD

BBC America HD, a high definition simulcast version of BBC America, is carried nationally by DISH Network, Time Warner Cable and Cox Communications. It was rolled out by these carriers on February 10, 2010, and is also carried on some smaller regional providers. [11]

On August 19, 2009, Time Warner Cable's New York City division became the first provider to carry the HD channel.[13] BBC America HD is available on Dish Network as of February 10, 2010, but its restriction to newer orbital locations makes it difficult to obtain for many customers. [14]
I loved that episode! Great fun. I liked Churchill's character, I liked the Doctor going
apeshit about the 'Ironsides'
, I liked the
Dalek's plot to resurrect themselves
, I liked the ridiculous
Spitfire dogfight
and I liked the fact that the Daleks
actually came out of that episode better off than when they started, for a change
. Only thing that irked me was the cheesy method that the Doctor used to
stop Bakewell exploding
and the hints at a subplot involving one of the War Room ladies that didn't actually happen.

Too bad the game looks like utter shit.
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