Do The Mario said:What would be your reaction be in 30+ years if America was invaded by a superior country so it could be disarmed.
^Matlock said:Dear Born-Again Christians:
Thank you for fucking the future.
Manabanana said:We need an optimist rationalization thread, stat. It'll be about how Bush can't fuck things up that bad, honestly. I need the cheering up.
Link648099 said:Plus we got the House and Senate as well, and the voters in 11 states overwhelmingly voted for amendments barring homosexual marriages. Bigotry is slowly prevailing over activist judges.
Link648099 said:Wheres a good "Kerry Owened" pic when you need one?
Oh well, FOUR MORE YEARS!!!!
Plus we got the House and Senate as well, and the voters in 11 states overwhelmingly voted for amendments barring homosexual marriages. Democracy is slowly prevailing over activist judges.
Bush will most likely get to appoint some much needed Supreme Court Justices over the next few years, which could lead us to see Roe v. Wade overthrown.
The only dissappointment is Proposition 71 over in California, but we will see what happens with that.
All in all, today has been a very good day!![]()
Raoul Duke said:Seriously, ordinary citizens need to hijack the Democratic Party, for it's own good. They are the most ineffectual, whiny bunch of hacks this side of the UN. If you can't beat the party that stands for deregulating the marketplace to the point that corporations no longer even bother with using lube or giving you a reach around before they stick it to you, well then guess what, Bubba? You're doing something very, very wrong. If you can't beat the party that wants to clear cut our national forests, drill in our arctic wildlife preserve, and allow big corporations to dump toxic waste wherever they please, you suck.
Raoul Duke said:It's time for regular citizens to take over this stupid machinery and use it to give the system a righteous kick in the ass, before it's too late(well, it's probably already too late). It's time to mobilize and hold our elected representatives accountable for the shit that they do in our name. They'll keep doing it unless we stand up to them and demand better. And it's time for ordinary citizens to run for elective office.
Raoul Duke said:The time isn't now. The time is months, maybe years ago. But we, as citizens who have this country run into the ground in our name, have to demand better. Because no one is just going to give it to us. Politics is a blood sport, and if you aren't willing to put up, you better shut up and take what they're gonna give you.
Matlock said:Dear Born-Again Christians:
Thank you for fucking the future.
Xenon said:are you talking about bible thumpers and bush or minorities and the democratic party?
Phoenix said:And for the rest of you who are saying America is stupid - America is not stupid. Kerry WAS a weak candidate. Look at the exit polls available on CNN. Bush was more effective at converting Democrats than Kerry was at converting Republicans. That speaks masses for how poor a choice Kerry was from the very beginning. Though I voted for Kerry, I really just never liked Kerry. This wasn't a vote between a great Democratic candidate and a poor Republican candidate - this was a vote between a sub-par Democratic candidate and an average Republican candidate. Bush for all his annyoying stupidity appeals to rural America because he is rural America. Kerry doesn't really appeal to anyone. If you look at the poll numbers, 71% of the people polled said they were voting more against Bush than they were FOR Kerry. That's a HUGE problem.
In summary - yes much of America is sheep, but given the choices it was easier for many to chose Bush than Kerry. We can lump much of this decision on the Democratic party for choosing Kerry to represent us. If he was the best that the democratic party had to offer, God help us come 2008.
JackFrost2012 said:When North Korea nukes Tokyo in 2007 and I die in a painful, horrible nuclear conflagration, I want you fuckheads who are giggling about voting for Bush now to feel guilty for JUST ONE SECOND.
Just one.
Link648099 said:Wheres a good "Kerry Owened" pic when you need one?
Oh well, FOUR MORE YEARS!!!!
Plus we got the House and Senate as well, and the voters in 11 states overwhelmingly voted for amendments barring homosexual marriages. Democracy is slowly prevailing over activist judges.
Bush will most likely get to appoint some much needed Supreme Court Justices over the next few years, which could lead us to see Roe v. Wade overthrown.
The only dissappointment is Proposition 71 over in California, but we will see what happens with that.
All in all, today has been a very good day!![]()
Gek54 said:Becuase only college educated people should matter.
ManaByte said:Don't worry. The US will invate Iran next year, and North Korea in early 2007.
BruceWayne said:Bu..Bu..But he won 3 purple hearts..
suck it down DemoCRUDS and liberals.
Vgamer said:I think the Youth vote 18-25 is more responsible. Supposedly the Youth segment of the population hates Bush but then they are to lazy to go out and vote. Only 17% of 18-25 year olds voted the same as in 2000. If they hated Bush so much they should have gotten off thier couches and voted.
Phoenix said:Game companies should have delayed the release of GTA: San Andreas until after the election.
Celicar said:This is great. I'm so happy. I was laughing in this liberal's face today. He was pissed. HAHA
I'm gonna get wasted to celebrate tonight. I can't wait!! YAH!! FOUR MORE YEARS!! Lets party!!
This is great. I'm so happy. I was laughing in this liberal's face today. He was pissed. HAHA
I'm gonna get wasted to celebrate tonight. I can't wait!! YAH!! FOUR MORE YEARS!! Lets party!!
JackFrost2012 said:Oh, cool. Dying slowlly from a festering bullet wound after I'm drafted into the Korean conflict is so preferable to a fiery nuclear holocaust.
I feel safer already!
Chony said:The house and senate are all R, there is nothing they wont let Bush not do.
JackFrost2012 said:"Vote for Kerry or we'll cancel Halo 2!"
No, what I want is for people to care. I want people to WANT to be informed about the decisions they are going to make, and then to make those decisions.ManaByte said:Sounds like you want a civil war.
Phoenix said:More importantly you should care about the spending power of people during those years.
Phoenix said:Vote for Kerry and get a free Halo2... that would have brought people out in droves
Claus said:So, when does this civil war break out?
Raoul Duke said:No, what I want is for people to care. I want people to WANT to be informed about the decisions they are going to make, and then to make those decisions.
Mainly, what I want is for the entrenched, useless leadership(national and local) of the Democratic Party to be thrown out on it's ass. They are beyond stupid and useless. They suck harder than a crack whore jonesing for her next rock.
GB2GameFAQs is right.Doc Holliday said:Might was well celebrate, enjoy it too, your ass might be in raq or iran in a few years LOL.
Celicar said:LOL
The liberals on this board are sooooo bitter. And the funny part is they shouldn't be. Bush won the electoral vote AND the popular vote. He is a man of the people!!!
Guileless said:Right after everybody is done watching Extreme Makeover on their TIVOs, finishes the turf wars in San Andreas, eats their Filet-O-Fish sandwiches, and synchs up their IPods. In other words never.
Celicar said:This is great. I'm so happy. I was laughing in this liberal's face today. He was pissed. HAHA
I'm gonna get wasted to celebrate tonight. I can't wait!! YAH!! FOUR MORE YEARS!! Lets party!!
Guileless said:Right after everybody is done watching Extreme Makeover on their TIVOs, finishes the turf wars in San Andreas, eats their Filet-O-Fish sandwiches, and synchs up their IPods. In other words never.
Link648099 said:Wheres a good "Kerry Owened" pic when you need one?
Oh well, FOUR MORE YEARS!!!!
Plus we got the House and Senate as well, and the voters in 11 states overwhelmingly voted for amendments barring homosexual marriages. Democracy is slowly prevailing over activist judges.
Bush will most likely get to appoint some much needed Supreme Court Justices over the next few years, which could lead us to see Roe v. Wade overthrown.
The only dissappointment is Proposition 71 over in California, but we will see what happens with that.
All in all, today has been a very good day!![]()