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Official Fable! (released tomorrow)

EB called me a few hours ago that it was in... probably not going to pick it up til tomorrow so I can pick up Gradius at the same time.


EB hasn't updated my order status,so I dunno when I'll get mine,I got 3 day shipping,so I'll have it by at least Friday :(
I called Fry's, the guy working the games section had no idea when they're getting it. It would be nice if we got them quicker since Microsoft is a stone's throw from the place.
anywhere else I could buy this game from other than EB or Gamestop today?

I ordered it from outpost for the 30.99 with next day shipping but they ripped me off on another order, so I am gonna be cancelling the order with them and just not do business with them anymore.

but when I call Eb and gamestop, it seems since i didnt preorder it they wont sell it to me and both gave me an attitude for not preordering the damn game....
jerk faces.

so is there any other place i might be able to get it from?


Deku Tree

Has anyone heard any reports about a Fable sales rush?

maximum360 said:
I ordered it at outpost.com for $30.99 along with Kingdom Under Fire for the same price. Right now they have it listed as backordered which really isn't a bad thing since I'm in school and need to study. I'm just glad that I'll be getting two decent to great games for a little over the price of one.

Apparently they list all pre-orders as "back-ordered" at least that's what they told me @ the CAG forums. My copy of Leaf-Green was listed was "back-ordered" until the release date and it shipped on time. I expect to get an email tomorrow morning about my outpost.com copy of Fable shipping.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Deku Tree said:
Has anyone heard any reports about a Fable sales rush?

Apparently they list all pre-orders as "back-ordered" at least that's what they told me @ the CAG forums. My copy of Leaf-Green was listed was "back-ordered" until the release date and it shipped on time. I expect to get an email tomorrow morning about my outpost.com copy of Fable shipping.

I just called my Gamestop and they said they were about to get the game in but all of their copies were already preordered. I'll try EB and if they don't have it I'll just get it at Best Buy tomorrow.
My EB in ATL only got 30 copies in today - not nearly enough to cover the pre-orders.

I'm thinking there could possibly be a shortage of games. For y'alls sake, I hope I'm wrong.


Reminds me of when Mortal Kombat 5 came out, I was at EB to pick up my copy, and this guy was massively pissed off about not being able to get a copy since he didnt pre-order. The clerks went on and on about how he should have pre-ordered, and bla bla bla. The guy was about to push a magasine rack when he yelled "You know what, fuck you guys, i'm going to download it off the net like I should have done a week ago" and he just left. The blank stares from the clerks were solid gold. They all looked at each others going "...."

I had to share this little slice of life.

My friend should be able to get it early for me since he works at Toyrus. Let's pray ;)


I'm still waiting on outpost.com order to ship. I'm patient, I can wait.

Rodriguez said:
Just got back with my copy. Maybe I'll try it out tomorrow.

Back to Wolfenstein.

Since the game is only 12-15 hours long, it gives you plenty of time to trade it back and put that money towards a preorder of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.


Fusebox said:
Can someone please confirm for me if Fable has 16:9 support or not?

Thx. :)

Just picked it up from EB. The back of the box makes no mention of 16x9 support though I'll play it like that anyway as I do most games.


Tag of Excellence

They are going to receive the game today and are shipping them out tomorrow.


My GameStop says they're getting the game tommorow morning...but are taking pre-orders until closing tonight....what the fuck??? That seems kinda weird to me.

I pre-ordered it yesterday, which was a tepid experience, because the clerk would not shut the fuck up about Halo 2. "We have a half kazillion pre-orders! Do you have it pre-ordered? HUH HUH HUH!?!?"

I really don't care, please stop talking. :( Almost makes me want to rip into Halo, call it gay. Then come back and pre-order it just for kicks. Part of the enjoyment of living in a smallish town.

White Man

distantmantra said:
I called Fry's, the guy working the games section had no idea when they're getting it. It would be nice if we got them quicker since Microsoft is a stone's throw from the place.

The EB's downtown are getting some today, but neither of the two locations is getting enough to cover preorders. They should have preorders covered by tomorrow, but they don't know if they'll have copies to sell.

Dag nabbit, I wish I had preordered, but I didn't know if I'd have my Xbox by now. I'm going to be stuck waiting like a week.


Outpost uses DHL which require a signature, anyway to tell them to just leave it? I missed a package today from them by a fucking half hour, don't want this to happen when fable ships.


I just had to post this from some dude over at IGN :lol



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Hmm, the game is pretty appealing so far...I'm liking it. I can't comment too much on gameplay yet, but it seems like it could be good fun. It is quite beautiful, though, that's for sure. The shots that have been showing up for the past year have looked pretty awful, so I was quite suprised to see that the game actually looks very lovely (the lighting is fantastic). The only complaint is the occasionally bad framerate and the fact that it only runs in 16-bit color (and is quite grainy in some areas). The music is REALLLLLY good, though...

Anyways, back to the game...


dark10x said:
Hmm, the game is pretty appealing so far...I'm liking it. I can't comment too much on gameplay yet, but it seems like it could be good fun. It is quite beautiful, though, that's for sure. The shots that have been showing up for the past year have looked pretty awful, so I was quite suprised to see that the game actually looks very lovely (the lighting is fantastic). The only complaint is the occasionally bad framerate and the fact that it only runs in 16-bit color (and is quite grainy in some areas). The music is REALLLLLY good, though...

Anyways, back to the game...

IAWTP The graphics are really sweet. I like the initial pacing. I like taking my time. My only comment is that as mentioned thegame does not support 16x9 and as I said I usually stretch the picture using FULL mode on my TV. The thing is that the game looks stretched, so this is the rare exception that I have to use the Wide Full. Widescreen owners should know what I'm talking about.


Soul4ger said:
We got 84 copies in. Closed tonight with 18 remaining. Mine is in my backpack. Cursed motherfucking homework.

Is that good? What was your last big seller?

We need more impressions guys.. Rodriguez?


Prine said:
Is that good? What was your last big seller?

We need more impressions guys.. Rodriguez?

Madden, obviously, was the last big seller. Fable did about equivalent to the first night of that, though we got less copies in. What's more, we're not getting NEARLY as large of a second shipment. We're only getting 30 in tomorrow, and the last 18 we had were all pre-ordered.

Musashi Wins!

Ahhh, just got back with mine. We got 40 copies, but every one was a pre-order (we were short). Same with the whole area. Hopefully everyone else will get it tomorrow.


Soul4ger said:
Madden, obviously, was the last big seller. Fable did about equivalent to the first night of that, though we got less copies in. What's more, we're not getting NEARLY as large of a second shipment. We're only getting 30 in tomorrow, and the last 18 we had were all pre-ordered.

Thanks. You think you can update us on how its selling tomorow?



I put in about 3 hour so far. Its a cool game, way better then the reviews had me thinking it was. The fact that its 15-20 hours long is kinda wierd because even after like 3 and half hours it hardly feels like I scratched the surface. Only 2 quests done. You can run around just doing a bunch of shit though and there are tons of choices even this early in the game. This one guy keep making me change my appearance into something retarded because he said his daughter would like it. After about running to the barber 5 times he confesses he was just messing with me and he doesnt even have a daughter. He gave me a cool tatoo for my trouble but that didnt stop me from beating his ass up and down the street for a good 5 minutes. If I had a weapon, his ass would have been murdered thats for sure. bastards :p

Such a cool game. The RPG elements are also alot cooler then I thought they would be. PLeasantly surprised at that. It also has the best statistics screen ever. Think GTA but cooler

"Number of Times had Sex"


Right now Im a bit evil because I helped these bandits raid a farm. Im a shrimpy looking punk with paleish skin, a short ponytail and tiny little horns. I look stupid, but that will change once the power of mana is flowing through my body. Mwahahahah.


AeroGod said:
I put in about 3 hour so far. Its a cool game, way better then the reviews had me thinking it was. The fact that its 15-20 hours long is kinda wierd because even after like 3 and half hours it hardly feels like I scratched the surface. Only 2 quests done. You can run around just doing a bunch of shit though and there are tons of choices even this early in the game. This one guy keep making me change my appearance into something retarded because he said his daughter would like it. After about running to the barber 5 times he confesses he was just messing with me and he doesnt even have a daughter. He gave me a cool tatoo for my trouble but that didnt stop me from beating his ass up and down the street for a good 5 minutes. If I had a weapon, his ass would have been murdered thats for sure. bastards :p

Such a cool game. The RPG elements are also alot cooler then I thought they would be. PLeasantly surprised at that. It also has the best statistics screen ever. Think GTA but cooler

"Number of Times had Sex"


Right now Im a bit evil because I helped these bandits raid a farm. Im a shrimpy looking punk with paleish skin, a short ponytail and tiny little horns. I look stupid, but that will change once the power of mana is flowing through my body. Mwahahahah.


Seriously, that sounds so cool. What about the NPC reactions? I heard its pretty funny. Im still trying to deside what path to take. I might be evil my first run through


AeroGod said:
I put in about 3 hour so far. Its a cool game, way better then the reviews had me thinking it was. The fact that its 15-20 hours long is kinda wierd because even after like 3 and half hours it hardly feels like I scratched the surface.

Most of the reviews basically said that was just the straight no frills playthrough with some quests, but like other semi open-ended gameplay types.. clearly if you are enjoying the game you can generally put in a ton more hours.

It just added to the fun Hatorade when the initial reviews dropped.


Gold Member
Prine said:

Seriously, that sounds so cool. What about the NPC reactions? I heard its pretty funny. Im still trying to deside what path to take. I might be evil my first run through

I have a pretty good reputation and the villagers cheer me when I walk through the village after a few quests. My hair is also starting to shorten it seems since I use mostly magic.


Prine said:

Seriously, that sounds so cool. What about the NPC reactions? I heard its pretty funny. Im still trying to deside what path to take. I might be evil my first run through

I dont have many emotes yet. I have a laugh, fart, belch, flirt are the initial ones you get. Through the course of becoming evil I picked up a cool sneer and the middle finger which is hilarious. I went around town flirting it up with a bunch of chicks. At first hey were laughing at me and saying stuff like "You need some work with your wardrobe" because I had this grunge shit hairstyle and really crappy ripped up leather armor. I changed into my apprentice cloth and got the clea ncut pony tail and now the ladies are like "Do you like me" and like "Lets go out for dinner some time" IM GOING TO SCORE :p Maybe. I need a house first.

One thing I wish was that we had more time to be the kid and young adult. Its mostly a tutorial and although you get to make a few choices that are cool its really short. I wanted to have a bit more time playing as a little hellion :p
White Man said:
The EB's downtown are getting some today, but neither of the two locations is getting enough to cover preorders. They should have preorders covered by tomorrow, but they don't know if they'll have copies to sell.

Dag nabbit, I wish I had preordered, but I didn't know if I'd have my Xbox by now. I'm going to be stuck waiting like a week.

It's all about $37 copies at Fry's in Renton. I'm going to call them again today.


Man,EB put up my tracking number today...so I got 3 day shipping,the game shipped on the 14th,yet UPS says my game is on schedule to be delivered on the 20th!!!!!!WTF?!

Its in Louisville right now,which is 3 hours away,so its gonna take them 5 days to get it down here,bullshit,so I get charged for 3 day shipping and really end up with 5 day shipping,fucking BS.
I called Fry's, they're now saying Thursday before 4pm. You'd think they would know when their shipments actually arrive as opposed to their nebulous response... oh well.


For the people in the area of the Renton Frys if you want it today try checking CC in Tukwilla. Last week Frys didnt get Pokemon till Thursday but I took the Frys add to CC and got it price matched.

Musashi Wins!

Well, I popped it in a little after midnight, ended up playing till 4am. I'm, uh, officially sick from work today. Yea.

Anyhow, I didn't really like it at first. The production values are high, there's a ton of graphical detail, good music, nice art in the cut scenes, nice voice work etc. but I wasn't really caring for the tutorial sections of being young. While there's some interesting features to that part, it felt very closed and fairly linear. The initial learning tests were far too easy and predictable. For what was supposed to be a living, branching world it felt hemmed in and terribly scripted (basically what I hate about most RPGs). That said I stuck with it until I "graduated" from Hero school and had a some freedom about my movements.

Then I was absolutely hooked. The thing is, once you're off the main track as it were, the world begins to feel a lot more worldlike. Peoples reactions to you open up, locations are larger, time changes and you find a lot more interesting ways to get in trouble, get noticed, etc. And it's a lot more addicting that I would have thought. The best way I can describe it is imagine an action RPG with a ton of cool customization mixed with the NPC and world interaction of a Sims game. People really do change around you based on how you're behaving. I love how they mock your lowly title or cheer when you display the head of an enemy. I liked flirting in the bar, buying beers, or creeping around town stealing in the houses. None of it really becomes the deepest mechanic you've experienced in a game by any means, but it's all there and you keep finding little things to use and abuse and basically it creates an RPG where a lot of your surrounding don't feel like a 2D cutout. Enough so where it felt fresh at least and if it's not the largest sandbox I've experienced, at least it's another one (precious few games like that). I can definitely understand now the reviews, especially the XBN one, that said the game can be awe filled and open or basic and boring. It definitely depends on you and your reaction to a set-up like this. You have to be as thrilled with the micro-interaction as you are with a macro-narrative/world. I guess luckily I am. I wish some more of the reviews would have touched on that, I would have been less worried from the press about it.

So, I'm no completist in games, but I've played nearly 4 hours and completed one quest. I'm a little taken with the "micro" right now. That could change of course.

I don't know about the 16:9 support, so I'm afraid I can't answer that.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I swear, when you get right down to it, technical issues are the one thing that holds it back for me...

I'm enjoying it a lot, but 60 fps with a seamless world would make a HUGE difference. It feels very choppy at times and you get the feeling that the HDD is cranking away (like a PC game running with low memory) and I don't like how the world is divided (though, to be fair, loading is much faster than I expected).

It just lacks the fine polish that makes a game feel really solid. I mean, if it were as open as Morrowind...I wouldn't have a problem with those issues, but since it is tightly woven together, I kind of expected something smoother.

Oh well, minor complaints. I'm still having a lot of fun here.
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