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Official "Free" NES/GBA games for 3DS thread of Nintendo's guilt

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Brazil said:
You're being screwed over for your own decisions. No one held you at gunpoint and made you buy the thing. You did it because you wanted to.

Stop wetting the thread and get over it.
Roto13 said:
Oh, boo fucking hoo.

The maturity in this thread is astounding. Nintendo apologists until the end.


So on September 1st we'll be able to download ALL 10 games at once or they're gonna release them one by one over a period of time? And when are the GBA games coming?


idwl said:
So on September 1st we'll be able to download ALL 10 games at once or they're gonna release them one by one over a period of time? And when are the GBA games coming?

None of this has been announced. They say the GBA games should be before the end of the year.


Neo Member
omgkitty said:
None of this has been announced. They say the GBA games should be before the end of the year.

I believe he meant the NES games which:

Nintendo said:
1.Beginning Sept. 1st, Nintendo 3DS Ambassadors will be able to download 10 NES™ Virtual Console™ games at no charge and before they are available in Nintendo eShop for the general public. These games, including Super Mario Bros.™, Donkey Kong Jr.™, Balloon Fight™, Ice Climber™ and The Legend of Zelda™, will be released as paid downloadable games, but Ambassadors can download them in advance of launch for free. Once the paid versions of the games are released in Nintendo eShop later in the year, the updated versions will be available to Ambassadors for download at no cost.

omgkitty said:
Zero Mission is a remade version of the original Metroid. It would be kind of dumb to release both of those.
No more dumb than releasing both separately on GBA, though.
Saroyan said:
I would like to see Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World
Haaalfway there with you on this. My problem is that since this Virtual Console combines home and portable versions, we have a situation where they have multiple versions of a game, none definitive. GBA Super Mario World has smaller screen area, lower quality sound, lighter colors to compensate for GBA screen, and spin jump assigned to a shoulder button. SNES version has no unique Luigi with different physics, no ability to keep track of which Dragon Coins you've found, and of course no Mario Bros. remake.
JoshuaJSlone said:
Haaalfway there with you on this. My problem is that since this Virtual Console combines home and portable versions, we have a situation where they have multiple versions of a game, none definitive. GBA Super Mario World has smaller screen area, lower quality sound, lighter colors to compensate for GBA screen, and spin jump assigned to a shoulder button. SNES version has no unique Luigi with different physics, no ability to keep track of which Dragon Coins you've found, and of course no Mario Bros. remake.
Most important difference of all for me is that in the GBA version you can take an extra hit from the point where you have a fire flower or cape, for that reason alone I would prefer the SNES version where you always go straight back to small Mario from the cape or flower.

Also Luigi can't run fast enough to get past certain obstacles if I remember correctly, that cave level in Choco island being the prime offender with its long sinking platform.


Registered User
sphinx said:
what are everyone's wishes regarding the unknown 5 NES and 5 GBA free games?


GBA: Kirby and the Amazing Mirror, Final Fantasy VI, Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, Metroid Zero Mission.

I don't expect that to happen, but those are 5 GBA games I haven't played.


Minish Cap and Zero Mission are my two most wanted GBA games at this point. Never played them. Unfortunately, with Fusion making the cut (and Nintendo not giving a single fuck about Metroid's 25th anniversary), I don't think Zero Mission is likely.

Minish Cap, on the other hand... what better way to celebrate Zelda's 25th anniversary!?


Registered User
Anth0ny said:
Minish Cap and Zero Mission are my two most wanted GBA games at this point. Never played them. Unfortunately, with Fusion making the cut (and Nintendo not giving a single fuck about Metroid's 25th anniversary), I don't think Zero Mission is likely.

Minish Cap, on the other hand... what better way to celebrate Zelda's 25th anniversary!?

Minish Cap was actually my first Zelda game. It's excellent.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Oli said:

GBA: Kirby and the Amazing Mirror, Final Fantasy VI, Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, Metroid Zero Mission.

I don't expect that to happen, but those are 5 GBA games I haven't played.

I'd love to see FF6, but as it's not a first party game I really doubt it's a possibility.


I think they will try to avoid getting two games from the same series in the same system, which is why I doubt we'll get SMB2, SMB3, or Zelda 2 on the NES games, ditto for Metroid Zero Mission on GBA.

I'm calling:

NES games:
- Metroid
- Punch Out
- Kid Icarus
- Kirby's Adventure
- StarTropics (US/EU) / Fire Emblem (JP)

GBA games:
- Kirby and the Amazing Mirror
- Golden Sun
- Fire Emblem
- Advance Wars
- Zelda: Minish Cap


I'd really like to see Ice Hockey and Punch Out as two of those five games. Give me those and I'll be happy with whatever crap fills the rest of the slots.


A Human Becoming said:
The maturity in this thread is astounding. Nintendo apologists until the end.
They're giving you 20 free games and you're demanding they remake 10 of them for you. We're not apologists, you're just a self-entitled little brat.
Javier said:
I think they will try to avoid getting two games from the same series in the same system, which is why I doubt we'll get SMB2, SMB3, or Zelda 2 on the NES games, ditto for Metroid Zero Mission on GBA.

I'm calling:

NES games:
- Metroid
- Punch Out
- Kid Icarus
- Kirby's Adventure
- StarTropics (US/EU) / Fire Emblem (JP)

GBA games:
- Kirby and the Amazing Mirror
- Golden Sun
- Fire Emblem
- Advance Wars
- Zelda: Minish Cap
I think these are all perfectly reasonable guesses, except possibly Golden Sun because it's only half a game.


Registered User
Anoregon said:
I'd love to see FF6, but as it's not a first party game I really doubt it's a possibility.

It was published by Nintendo in the US, so I guess it's possible. But I doubt it also.


Oli said:
Minish Cap was actually my first Zelda game. It's excellent.
Wait what?!
How is that possible?!

Also I second zero mission though the chances for that are slim since fusion is also released.


Registered User
hiro4 said:
Wait what?!
How is that possible?!

Also I second zero mission though the chances for that are slim since fusion is also released.

I had played some other games including Ocarina of Time. Minish Cap was the first I bought. Just really late to the party.


I know a guy who says that Sonic '06 is his absolute favourite game ever. I still don't know how that's possible. And this dude loves Zelda so it's not like he doesn't know what a quality game is like.

qq more

Roto13 said:
I know a guy who says that Sonic '06 is his absolute favourite game ever. I still don't know how that's possible. And this dude loves Zelda so it's not like he doesn't know what a quality game is like.

How old is he? Has he ever played a Sonic game? Does he love "EDGY" stories?
Roto13 said:
I know a guy who says that Sonic '06 is his absolute favourite game ever. I still don't know how that's possible. And this dude loves Zelda so it's not like he doesn't know what a quality game is like.
He is obviously a defective unit. Melt him down for parts.


DryvBy2 said:
Really wish they'd just give us a credit and let us pick the games we want.
The reason I like they are doing this way is because it's game's that are not out yet and I would prefer to have new games to play than what's on the system now.

If they gave us credit and than released these games to buy than yeah I agree but I don't have an issue with them doing it this way.


qq more said:

How old is he? Has he ever played a Sonic game? Does he love "EDGY" stories?
Mid 20s I guess, I dunno, he doesn't strike me as the type who would really care about "edginess" :p
AceBandage said:
He is obviously a defective unit. Melt him down for parts.
I know, right? I just can't figure it out. It's just... an objectively bad game. It's broken. It's barely playable. And this is one of the few times "broken" and "barely playable" can be used to describe a game without being hyperbole.

DryvBy2 said:
Really wish they'd just give us a credit and let us pick the games we want.
If they did that they'd have to pay money for every non-Nintendo-published game someone decides to download. Since they own all of these games, they can give them out for free, as opposed to buying 3rd party games for you.


hiro4 said:
Wait what?!
How is that possible?!

Also I second zero mission though the chances for that are slim since fusion is also released.

Heh, Link to the Past was my first Zelda game, and then Link's Awakening, then each other one in order upon their releases. Zelda 1 and 2, I finished before Twilight Princess.

Anyway. I'm hoping for Zero Mission too. It's awesome.


Roto13 said:
If they did that they'd have to pay money for every non-Nintendo-published game someone decides to download. Since they own all of these games, they can give them out for free, as opposed to buying 3rd party games for you.

I'd be fine to limit just Nintendo games. Cus I'd be all up in Nintendo originals.
Assuming that SMA4 doesn't have the e-levels, I hope that SMB3 is one of the NES games, along with Zelda II, SMB2, Kirby's Adventure, and Punch-Out!!. GBA can have Drill Dozer, Minish Cap, Mario & Luigi, Metroid: Zero Mission, and Advance Wars.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Roto13 said:
They're giving you 20 free games and you're demanding they remake 10 of them for you. We're not apologists, you're just a self-entitled little brat.

Naming calling makes you the brat. I'm not saying they need to remake all 10, I'm saying if they decide to remake any of the 10 NES games ambassadors deserve to have the 3D classic over just a straight port. They can afford it and anyone who thinks otherwise is being an apologist.

A Twisty Fluken said:
You're asking for something that does not exist and complaining that you deserve it.

The fact is it probably will exist, that's my problem.


A Human Becoming said:
Naming calling makes you the brat. I'm not saying they need to remake all 10, I'm saying if they decide to remake any of the 10 NES games ambassadors deserve to have the 3D classic over just a straight port. They can afford it and anyone who thinks otherwise is being an apologist.

The fact is it probably will exist, that's my problem.
That's the least of your problems.


never left the stone age
A Human Becoming said:
Naming calling makes you the brat. I'm not saying they need to remake all 10, I'm saying if they decide to remake any of the 10 NES games ambassadors deserve to have the 3D classic over just a straight port. They can afford it and anyone who thinks otherwise is being an apologist.

The fact is it probably will exist, that's my problem.
->Buy 3DS at a price you're obviously content with -> Get 20 free titles due to pricedrop -> Demand more free games.

This makes sense bro.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Easy_D said:
->Buy 3DS at a price you're obviously content with -> Get 20 free titles due to pricedrop -> Demand more free games.

This makes sense bro.

Not demanding for more bro. Demanding Nintendo to not be cheap as fuck.

Roto13 said:
That's the least of your problems.

ShockingAlberto said:
Didn't they already say that the Ambassadors will get the updated versions that show up on the store later?

Yeah. Once the games are released on the show with all the upgrades, we can redownload them for free.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
A Human Becoming said:
The maturity in this thread is astounding. Nintendo apologists until the end.
You can call me names. Whatever makes you sleep at night, buddy.


ShockingAlberto said:
Didn't they already say that the Ambassadors will get the updated versions that show up on the store later?

Updated versions = bug fixed + local wireless multiplayer + instruction manual. Making a 3D version out of them would require remaking them completely from scratch and would not involve a NES emulator anymore.
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