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Official "Free" NES/GBA games for 3DS thread of Nintendo's guilt


Uh. How shit are the LoZ games if OoT is top tier? I've played WW and MC and liked them... don't really like OoT NEARLY as much. It's rather dated, for sure. Maybe at the time it was amazing, I don't doubt... but here and now? I dunno. 7/10 for me.
Well, it was the first 3D Zelda, so it gets bonus points. Or something.

making lists is hard, i wish someone from ign would teach me how


Uh. How shit are the LoZ games if OoT is top tier? I've played WW and MC and liked them... don't really like OoT NEARLY as much. It's rather dated, for sure. Maybe at the time it was amazing, I don't doubt... but here and now? I dunno. 7/10 for me.
I'm trying to read your post and decipher what you're saying.
I don't know I am the only one but SML2 didn't age well, I bought it on ebay some years back and I was just breezing through the game thinking that this wasn't as amazing as it used to be. Despite the neat powerups, the levels feel empty and not very engaging.
I would say SML3 aged better, as I have played that game a lot more too.


I'll be happy once they re-re-release the original Pokemon games.

Still my most played games, with probably around 1200 hours over the years. SO GOOD.


Uh. How shit are the LoZ games if OoT is top tier? I've played WW and MC and liked them... don't really like OoT NEARLY as much. It's rather dated, for sure. Maybe at the time it was amazing, I don't doubt... but here and now? I dunno. 7/10 for me.
It's boring and not very creative to troll one of the most popular games of all time.


Alright, just bought my 3DS. I'm from Mexico, so I suppose I still apply for the Ambassador program right?

I performed the update and logged to the eShop. But I didn't get any notification or something like that...

Is there a way to check if I applied to the program? (I will be very mad if I didn't lol)


Boney said:
I'm trying to read your post and decipher what you're saying.
I'm saying is how bad are the LoZ games I haven't played if OoT, one I have played is one of the TOP games in the series?

It's dated as hell. The bosses are lame. The Water Temple is crummy, it's not hard like people make it out to be. It's just poorly laid out and rather tedious. There's a lack of direction. More than a couple parts where you're left thinking "Well, what next?". There's camera issues. Stupid shit. Honestly, explain how one was supposed to know to throw a bomb at the goron that's rolling around for him to give you the red tunic. Please. (And don't say the hint system because having to go back to the temple of light for them to just give you the answer isn't a good answer. That's a shitty bandage fix). Navi is kind-of annoying. Some control issues. I tried to jump from one branch to the other in the forest temple and jumped clear past it. Weird stuff like that. Then there's just little annoyances like not being able to skip going from adult to young link. Or the little cutscene when you play a song. It's nothing huge, but a bit of an annoyance when I have to watch a lame 10 second cutscene for Zelda's Lullaby for the nth time. And what about lame stealth in a non-stealth game? In the Gerudo house area. You're telling me I can murder a dragon, but a lady with a spear I surrender to at first sight? Really? REALLY? The game has numerous issues, and even at it's best it's just pretty good. Some semi-clever puzzles, but at this point it feels more like just going through the motions. It hasn't aged very well. Better than most 13 year old early 3D games, sure, but it's still 13 years old. And this was released in 2011 relatively untouched aside from graphics. And this is one of the greatest games of all time? Yes, it was important at the time... but now? To say this still holds up as a 10/10 type game? I dunno, that dog don't hunt. Perhaps it's just that I went into this having never played OoT before, so the nostalgia goggles weren't fully functioning just yet.

What I'm saying is if this old, dated, flawed and at its best pretty good game is some of the best the LoZ series has to offer... why do people care so much? It's important... but it's less about doing it first and more about doing it best. In 2011, I'm not sure I'd recommend someone in a similar situation as mine to go and play OoT for the first time. It's pretty good, but flawed... there are far to many better and less flawed games to play to worry about this.

If the best LoZ has to offer is something that sits between a 6 or a 7 out of 10 for me what does that say about the other games in the series?

(For reference: I have played Minish Cap and Wind Waker as well, and would rank them far higher than OoT)

wrowa said:
It's boring and not very creative to troll one of the most popular games of all time.

Lol i troll u. Obviously no legitimate complaints to be laid against the greatest game of all time. silly me.


GaussTek said:
Alright, just bought my 3DS. I'm from Mexico, so I suppose I still apply for the Ambassador program right?

I performed the update and logged to the eShop. But I didn't get any notification or something like that...

Is there a way to check if I applied to the program? (I will be very mad if I didn't lol)

Just bought it today? You're around 5 days too late, I think. Unless it's different in other areas.


GaussTek said:
Alright, just bought my 3DS. I'm from Mexico, so I suppose I still apply for the Ambassador program right?

I performed the update and logged to the eShop. But I didn't get any notification or something like that...

Is there a way to check if I applied to the program? (I will be very mad if I didn't lol)

You are too late

Edit: Nevermind, didnt know it got extended for Latin America


GaussTek said:
Alright, just bought my 3DS. I'm from Mexico, so I suppose I still apply for the Ambassador program right?

I performed the update and logged to the eShop. But I didn't get any notification or something like that...

Is there a way to check if I applied to the program? (I will be very mad if I didn't lol)
I recall reading that the ambassador program for Latin American countries has been extended to August 19. So I think you're still good to go.

Edit: Yup I'm right. Check the last page of posts. You have until the 19th!


My geography of the Americas isnt too crash hot. Does Mexico fall under Latin America? I thought it did. In which case:

I live in Latin America. Am I eligible?


The cut-off to be part of this program has been extended for our customers in Latin America! To be automatically registered for the Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Program, please perform the latest Nintendo 3DS system update before 11:59 pm Eastern time, August 18th.


Yeah, lol I already knew that...

But wondering if I should get any notification because I didn't get one. I hope Nintendo wasn't lying heh


GaussTek said:
Yeah, lol I already knew that...

But wondering if I should get any notification because I didn't get one. I hope Nintendo wasn't lying heh
There is no real notification. The one that could be found in the eShop was removed the day that the first deadline ended. The SpotPass notification was merely a notification stating the guidelines of the program, rather than a confirmation of acceptance into the program. Nintendo has said there should be a site up sometime this week that'll allow us to check if we are indeed in the program and allow late registrees to actually register themselves into the program.


(For reference: I have played Minish Cap and Wind Waker as well, and would rank them far higher than OoT)
This is the part were I'm trying to wrap my mind around.

You've clearly played other games in the series, and think those are better. So why would anybodies opinion change that?

Of course most the garner it recieves has to do within the context it released, and it's still a fine game, as OoT 3d makes it seem, but who cares?

Hell, I'd rank OoT like 6th or 7th in the series


MooMoo said:
There is no real notification. The one that could be found in the eShop was removed the day that the first deadline ended. The SpotPass notification was merely a notification stating the guidelines of the program, rather than a confirmation of acceptance into the program. Nintendo has said there should be a site up sometime this week that'll allow us to check if we are indeed in the program and allow late registrees to actually register themselves into the program.

Ahh great, thanks for the info.


www.nintendo.com.au has an Ambassador tool where you enter your 3DS serial number and it confirms if you are in the program or not. Obviously it might be limited to Aus 3DS systems only.

Maybe NoA might have a similar tool in the works?


Boney said:
This is the part were I'm trying to wrap my mind around.

You've clearly played other games in the series, and think those are better. So why would anybodies opinion change that?

Of course most the garner it recieves has to do within the context it released, and it's still a fine game, as OoT 3d makes it seem, but who cares?

Hell, I'd rank OoT like 6th or 7th in the series
If people would say, rather often, that OoT is one of, if not the best LoZ game what does that say about the rest? How bad is Twilight Princess, for example. That's what I'm saying.


RandomVince said:
www.nintendo.com.au has an Ambassador tool where you enter your 3DS serial number and it confirms if you are in the program or not. Obviously it might be limited to Aus 3DS systems only.

Maybe NoA might have a similar tool in the works?
Yes, they do. There's already messages about it coming out this week on the eShop. Looks like today's the day, maybe.


If people would say, rather often, that OoT is one of, if not the best LoZ game what does that say about the rest? How bad is Twilight Princess, for example. That's what I'm saying.
Most people say FFVII is the best FF.

What's your point?
OOT is not the best Zelda, that goes to MM imho. Having said that, your complaints have nothing to do with the fact people considered, and still do, mostly, OOT the best videogame of all time. Not the best Zelda, the best of the best of the whole medium . Innovation, pacing, lenght, graphics, sound, characters, story (on a certain extent), basically everything was pitch perfect. It's the Watchmen of videogames. So why isn't a game like MM, which is better, considered the best vg of all time? Because OOT came first and pushed the boundaries before everything else


Well, if you went through the trouble of listing several points, I think it's fair to look at them.

The bosses are lame.
What would make you think that?

The Water Temple is crummy, it's not hard like people make it out to be.
It's neither. It's certainly not my favorite temple in the game, but it's well laid out.

More than a couple parts where you're left thinking "Well, what next?".
Okay, I'm not sure if this was still supposed to be about the Water Temple or about the whole game. But anyway, this is a mindset I can't really understand. A game like this should be about exploration and not handholding.

There's camera issues.
Okay, that's true. They could have done more about this. For its time, it worked great (better than say Mario 64), but today it's not that great.

Honestly, explain how one was supposed to know to throw a bomb at the goron that's rolling around for him to give you the red tunic. Please.
There are several characters in the game telling you about this, well hinting.

(And don't say the hint system because having to go back to the temple of light for them to just give you the answer isn't a good answer. That's a shitty bandage fix).
The game was already easy to understand in the original version, you shouldn't need these hints anyway. Also, the temple of light is not the only place you can find these hint stones.

Navi is kind-of annoying.
Yes, but that's not really affecting the enjoyment of the game.

Some control issues. I tried to jump from one branch to the other in the forest temple and jumped clear past it.
These instances are very rare.

Then there's just little annoyances like not being able to skip going from adult to young link. Or the little cutscene when you play a song.
How old are you? You have to be pretty hyperactive to be annoyed by that. It's quite the opposite, I love these little cutscenes. The OST is good enough that you're whistling along after some time.

And what about lame stealth in a non-stealth game? In the Gerudo house area.
There are several Zelda games that do this, these scenes are never good.


So...the thread has officially run off the rails, then? Ah well, not too much longer before the NES games are released, and then I suppose we can get back on topic.

Kirby's Adventure hasn't been confirmed yet by any chance, has it? I swear, that's really the only NES game I care much about. I'll still play SMB because it's been a while and it's still fun, but Kirby's Adventure is perhaps the best-aged NES game I can think of by Nintendo.

EDIT: Well...SMB3, but that goes without saying, really.


I'm still confused about Spirit Tracks being an above-bottom-tier game on quote's list. The train mission stuff was so horrible and so easy to screw up (or maybe I just suck at avoiding demon trains) that it killed my desire to continue with the game.

I actually didn't mind the megatemple at all in Phantom Hourglass, though. I really quite liked it.

Aaand I've never cared enough about LttP to get more than halfway in it. So I guess my Zelda priorities are deranged.


I can honestly see these 20 games seeing me through for a few months.

The only retail game I intend to buy this year is Super Mario 3D Land, the rest will be downloadable titles.

It seems a bit backwards that my most played games on the system (aside from OoT) have been:

Donkey Kong 94 (Completed)
Zelda Links Awakening (Completed)
Mario Vs Donkey Kong: Minis March Again (just working on those last few gold stars!)

I can't wait to play GBA Mario Kart and Metroid, I totally missed them the first time around. Unfortunately I completed Mario Vs. Donkey Kong on the GBA earlier this year, otherwise I would really be looking forward to that. It is awesome though...maybe I'll play it again.

I originally bought the 3DS as I got caught up in the hype about 3D and new titles, but actually, I never use the 3D, and see my 3DS as more of a portable Nintendo time machine. I'm pretty happy with the situation.

Lee N

RandomVince said:
www.nintendo.com.au has an Ambassador tool where you enter your 3DS serial number and it confirms if you are in the program or not. Obviously it might be limited to Aus 3DS systems only.

Maybe NoA might have a similar tool in the works?
There's a validation tool like that available for Japanese systems too.


If it says プログラムに登録されています。you're good to go.

edit: I just confirmed that this tool will only work with Japanese systems, I tried the serial number from a friend of mine's European 3DS that's definitely in the system and it told me it wasn't enrolled into the program.


Lee N said:
There's a validation tool like that available for Japanese systems too.


If it says プログラムに登録されています。you're good to go.

edit: I just confirmed that this tool will only with Japanese systems, I tried the serial number from a friend of mine's European 3DS that's definitely in the system and it told me it wasn't enrolled into the program.

With no surprise, i'm in. Thank you for the link.

Not surpirsing too this is a localized tool, since the Club Nintendo accounts are related somehow in the process I think.


GeekyDad said:
Kirby's Adventure hasn't been confirmed yet by any chance, has it? I swear, that's really the only NES game I care much about.
Nothing has been confirmed since the original press release, but I'd say Kirby's Adventure has a good shot at being there.
Why is everyone hating on Adventure of Link? That game is awesome if for very different reasons than the others.

Also, I cannot understand how anyone says LttP is not one of the very best.

Link's Awakening and Majora's Mask are my favorites. Lttp, Oot and the original come next. Wind Waker/Adventure of Link are after those (so... third place?)

Everything non DS is in a nebulous area of great games, and Phantom Hourglass can go die in a fire.


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
There's still no update on when these might come out yet right? I'm debating whether to bring my 3DS with me or not.
The NES games are coming September 1st. The GBA games have the vague release window of "by the end of the year."


Heart of Black said:
Why is everyone hating on Adventure of Link? That game is awesome if for very different reasons than the others.

Because it's so hard most people probably haven't played it very long.
Roto13 said:
The NES games are coming September 1st. The GBA games have the vague release window of "by the end of the year."

Cool, thanks! I guess I'm definitely bringing it with me then if NES is coming that soon.

Edit: Sorry I didn't see that in the OP. I saw the "By end of year" and thought it was for both for some reason. I hope GBA isn't like end of December or something. :(


Lee N said:
There's a validation tool like that available for Japanese systems too.


If it says プログラムに登録されています。you're good to go.

edit: I just confirmed that this tool will only work with Japanese systems, I tried the serial number from a friend of mine's European 3DS that's definitely in the system and it told me it wasn't enrolled into the program.

Does NOA have a validation tool?


FrontalMonk said:
Amen to that. I got all the way to the Final Temple, tried it a few times,

Save up lightning for the final boss, and then spam it. It won't kill him, but should knock him down enough for you to finish him off.
Then there's the FINAL final boss, but that's more about strategy than raw power.


Zelda 2 is a good game once you get the hang of it, but the learning curve is so out of whack that it's easy to scare newcomers.

It starts easy, then normal, then SUPER HARD, then normal, then super easy, and finally OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL IS THIS SHIT.
donny2112 said:
Save up lightning for the final boss, and then spam it. It won't kill him, but should knock him down enough for you to finish him off.
Then there's the FINAL final boss, but that's more about strategy than raw power.
You're assuming I got to the final boss. I didn't.
I also refused to use a map of the final dungeon that I could have googled easily. To this day I don't know why I didn't just pull out the map and get back to it.


Turnstyle said:
I can honestly see these 20 games seeing me through for a few months.

The only retail game I intend to buy this year is Super Mario 3D Land, the rest will be downloadable titles.

Same with me, though I intend to also buy Bit Trip Saga along w/ SM3DL.

I'll probably buy some more 3D Classics and a VC game every now and then as well.
I don't get the zelda 2 tales of woe. The only time it was really hard was the grand palace(took me a week when I was a kid, had to map the thing).

brilliant game.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Sir_Crocodile said:
I don't get the zelda 2 tales of woe. The only time it was really hard was the grand palace(took me a week when I was a kid, had to map the thing).

brilliant game.
It's not hard by the standards of the NES era.

It's insanely difficult by today's standards.
That's why I hope it comes just for the use of the savestate function. I'll finally beat Zelda II. I never did as a kid.

I could be Zelda on both quests with no problem, but Zelda II, nuh uh. :(


AbsoluteZero said:
Yeah once is coming "The week of the 15th" according to a news article on the eShop.
This why I don't like NOA. They say the "week of the 15th" so they wait until the end of the week to get off there butts.
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