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Official "Free" NES/GBA games for 3DS thread of Nintendo's guilt


User33 said:
If you honestly think those games have held up over the years, and are objectively "good", than Nintendo has some of you by the balls more than I thought.

It's the retro eyes... very few NES games hold up well. I, however, don't even want to play those titles for free (and I had Ballon Fight and some others in Animal Crossing - pretty boring by today's standards).


User33 said:
If you honestly think those games have held up over the years, and are objectively "good", than Nintendo has some of you by the balls more than I thought.

Some of them, of course, have held up quite well -- SMB and Zelda being obvious, I think -- but yeah, I think some folks believe their own perception is the barometer for what's "good."

Like I said when Nintendo first announced the Ambassador's Program, I'd be happy with just the five NES and five GBA games they initially announced. Doesn't mean I can't express disappointment for not seeing SMB3 and Kirby's Adventure on the list, since I was hoping for them while those slots were still unrevealed. "Free" is definitely a relative term in this situation, and people probably don't need to get so uptight about other folks expressing their interest in what Nintendo will throw up there (or when they will throw it up there).
Zelda 2? Metroid? Yoshi? Cool. All great games though I'm suprised about Zelda 2 and metroid since I figured they'd wait and have us pay for them since we already had the original Zelda and Metroid...Fusion?

Never really played Metroid (NES or GBA versions...or any versions for that matter) or the NES Zeldas much so now I will be commited to beating them! Wrecking Crew is also nice I guess. Didnt play it much but I remember it being fun. And Yoshi is basicly Yoshi's Cookie but on the NES right? If so then yay that'll be good. Loved yoshis cookie on the snes.

Also wtf at golf. Lol so random but whatever I dont care. Especially wierd since they are release the GB Golf game on the VC soon...

Now we need the other GBA games. Come on Zelda Minish Cap! They better release MC because
1: I lost my GBA copy and I want it on my 3DS and its nit available on any current systems.
2: Its my third favorite Zelda next to Wind Waker and Twilight Princess
3: If they release this and not allp then that means alttp will be a 3D Classic most likely :p also havent beaten alttp ;_;

And SMB3 better not be one of the GBA games. Unless they have all of the ereader levels. If they dont and they release it then wtf.

I really hope one of the GBA games is a RPG. Any RPG Mario & Luigi especially but anyone would do.
How about the fact that some might still enjoy a game as much now as they used to...and may feel these games actually do hold up well.

Case in point: My wife and I still play multiplayer balloon fight on our NES together on a regular basis. We still love it and I feel it holds up fine. We do the same thing with Wrecking Crew.

It's all subjective. If one person still enjoys the games and another doesn't...it does not make either of them wrong. It also doesn't mean the one that likes the game still has his balls held onto by Nintendo.

Get off your high horse and realize not all people feel the same way about things.


User33 said:
Because I don't praise Nintendo's every move, I should just be ignored? My point stands. When seven of the games have worse graphics, sound, controls and features than the free Brick Breaker game that comes with a Blackberry, and the other three have been released 5-6 times already than there's a problem.

I have no problem with the GBA games, the selection is already quite good. However, the NES selection is just laughably bad.

But that's the problem with NES games...most of them are just very basic and lack a proper presentation. They simply cannot hold up too well.
User33 said:
Because I don't praise Nintendo's every move, I should just be ignored? My point stands. When seven of the games have worse graphics, sound, controls and features than the free Brick Breaker game that comes with a Blackberry, and the other three have been released 5-6 times already than there's a problem.

I have no problem with the GBA games, the selection is already quite good. However, the NES selection is just laughably bad.

I have no issue with you not praising Nintendo, as they do have their fair share of problems.

On the other hand, it's not your place to blast those happy with the selections. Many do (Myself included) feel that many of the games during the NES era hold up well even by todays standards. That's just bad form.


Nintendo: "Hey look everyone! Thanks for buying our system early. Here are a pile of free games."

GAF: "Fuck you guys! These games suck! I only like half of them. I am going to bitch."

Seriously people. If you don't like them who cares? Play what you like, and if not shut up about it. They are free you idiots.


omgkitty said:
Nintendo: "Hey look everyone! Thanks for buying our system early. Here are a pile of free games."

GAF: "Fuck you guys! These games suck! I only like half of them. I am going to bitch."

Seriously people. If you don't like them who cares? Play what you like, and if not shut up about it. They are free you idiots.
Being free doesn't make them exempt from criticism.


omgkitty said:
Nintendo: "Hey look everyone! Thanks for buying our system early. Here are a pile of free games."

GAF: "Fuck you guys! These games suck! I only like half of them. I am going to bitch."

Seriously people. If you don't like them who cares? Play what you like, and if not shut up about it. They are free you idiots.

Just because they are free we are not allowed to voice our opinion? Are you from China or North Korea?


Well Metroid, Legend of Zelda and Zelda II are great free bonuses as far as I'm concerned. As far as my tastes go those where must gets from the start, also Metroid: Fusion later, fuck yes. Granted these are NES games so I don't know what anyone expected but since they are NES games getting both Zelda's, Metroid, and SMB is a pretty big bonus, Nintendo essentially gave away most of their must have NES titles for NA right off the bat. What else might one want from Nintendo for the NES? SMB 3 and, umm, was the first Star Tropics Nintendo? Seriously, they could have made these 10 NES games a lot shittier but we're getting a good list I think.


Shiggy said:
Just because they are free we are not allowed to voice our opinion? Are you from China or North Korea?

Sure they aren't exempt to criticism but complaining about them constantly is just dumb. You don't have to download them if you don't want to.


Cheesemeister said:

The games:

Famicom, available starting 9/1

Super Mario Bros.
Donkey Kong Jr.
Balloon Fight
Ice Climber
The Legend of Zelda
Wrecking Crew
NES Open Tournament Golf
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

No, I don't know if this is just for Japan, or what.

Hmm, not bad. I'll definitely replay the original LOZ, and play Metroid for the first time.

Too bad I just started a play through of Zelda II on the Gamecube, I didn't think they'd give us 2 Zelda games for free.

However, this does give me hope that we'll get Minish Cap (and maybe LTTP) as a GBA game. They seem to be going all out for Zelda's 25th anniversary. Fingers crossed!


nods at old men
omgkitty said:
Sure they are exempt to criticism but complaining about them constantly is just dumb. You don't have to download them if you don't want to.
Who's complaining about them constantly? Stop making stuff up.

user33 said the games are dumb, other people replied, he replies back

That's how forums work.


Oh hoh hoh! This is like the calm before the storm. I so look forward to Thursday.

Anyways, out of the entire list I think I have only played Super Mario Bros so it'll be interesting to see how the other games are like.

qq more

User33 said:
Because I don't praise Nintendo's every move, I should just be ignored?
Oh, for crying out loud. No one is fucking criticizing you for not being impressed with the game choices. It's your attitude towards those who are happy with the choices. I'm not even impressed with the choices either (I'd say I'm even disappointed) but you don't see me calling people out for having different tastes.

User33 said:
I also find it kind of funny that a lot of Nintendo fans mock "99 cent shovel-ware apps" on the iPhone, and then freak out over Wrecking Crew and Open Tournament Golf.

User33 said:
If you honestly think those games have held up over the years, and are objectively "good", than Nintendo has some of you by the balls more than I thought.


nods at old men
qq more said:
Oh, for crying out loud. No one is fucking criticizing you for not being impressed with the game choices. It's your attitude towards those who are happy with the choices. I'm not even impressed with the choices either (I'd say I'm even disappointed) but you don't see me calling people out for having different tastes.
That I can agree with.
It's the "Amir0x attitude" that can get annoying.


Corporate Apologist
AbsoluteZero said:
As expected, it's alot of "early" NES games. Outside of Yoshi, nothing on the list is past 1988, unless I'm wrong and someone wants to correct me
NES Open Tournament Golf is from 1991.

NES Open Tournament Golf is not "Golf" from 1984.

This is the game:


Chris R

So the download of the NES games starts on Thursday right? Just trying to figure out what day I need to bring my 3DS into work to hop on the Wifi.

edit: and stop the Golf hate :< Golf was probably my 4th or 5th favorite NES game (granted we only had like 7 or 8).


Corporate Apologist
AbsoluteZero said:
Thank you for correcting me. :p

Edit: With this, I assume they won't bother ever putting up the original Golf title then, right?
Well, NES Open Tournament Golf is the only one on the Wii VC, so I imagine so.


Chopper said:
Am I crazy, or did I play this on the Gameboy when I was a kid? Yoshis... Cookie? Which is better?
Both Yoshi and Yoshi's Cookie were released on NES and GB. As to which is better I like Yoshi's Cookie better however Yoshi is a also fun.


Drkirby said:
Well, NES Open Tournament Golf is the only one on the Wii VC, so I imagine so.
Also, Game Boy Golf is on the "Coming Soon" section on the eShop. So yeah, I wouldn't bet on NES Golf anytime soon.
Not a bad bunch of games. Although I doubt it will be the same list of games in other regions. Probably see one or two swapped out for other games.

Japan always gets different games than NA or EU. I doubt this will be any different.


DownWithTheShip said:
Not a bad bunch of games. Although I doubt it will be the same list of games in other regions. Probably see one or two swapped out for other games.

Japan always gets different games than NA or EU. I doubt this will be any different.
All the games in the list were released in all regions. Same with the GBA stuff which makes me think they want all Ambassadors getting the same stuff. Before the final 5 were released however I thought the same thing as you.


And seems to be confirmed that all 10 games will be available on September 1st:

The ten NES Virtual Console games will be available to Nintendo 3DS Ambassadors beginning Sept. 1. Due to the large number of redemptions, you may experience a longer than normal download time per game.​


Here's the news you've all been waiting for: Metroid, Open Tournament Golf, Wrecking Crew, Yoshi and Zelda II: The Adventure of Link are the other five NES VC games you will be available to download for free on 9/1.​

Also, the games won't be available directly on the eShop, but on the "download history":

  1. From the Nintendo 3DS HOME menu, select the Nintendo eShop icon.
  2. Scroll left and select "Settings / Other."
  3. Scroll down and select "Account Activity" to view a list of transactions.
  4. The NES game will be listed here once it is available to download. Tap "Software Info," and then "Redownload" to begin the download process.

Also, an "Ambassador Certificate":

The Ambassador Certificate is a downloadable video available to Ambassadors.

By tapping the receive button on the Touch Screen when viewing this video, Ambassadors will receive updates regarding the Ambassador Program, such as when new titles are available to download. As soon as details for the 10 Game Boy Advance Virtual Console titles are available, we will send an update to those who have opted in using the Ambassador Certificate.

Ambassadors will be able to download 10 Game Boy Advance Virtual Console titles for free before the end of the year.​


Nintendo #3DS Ambassadors get 10 games free including Metroid, Open Tournament Golf, Wrecking Crew, Yoshi & Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

fernoca said:
And seems to be confirmed that all 10 games will be available on September 1st:

The ten NES Virtual Console games will be available to Nintendo 3DS Ambassadors beginning Sept. 1. Due to the large number of redemptions, you may experience a longer than normal download time per game.​


Here's the news you've all been waiting for: Metroid, Open Tournament Golf, Wrecking Crew, Yoshi and Zelda II: The Adventure of Link are the other five NES VC games you will be available to download for free on 9/1.​

Also, the games won't be avaibae directly on the eShop, but on the "download history".

  1. From the Nintendo 3DS HOME menu, select the Nintendo eShop icon.
  2. Scroll left and select "Settings / Other."
  3. Scroll down and select "Account Activity" to view a list of transactions.
  4. The NES game will be listed here once it is available to download. Tap "Software Info," and then "Redownload" to begin the download process.

I'm glad they will be available all at once.
fernoca said:
And seems to be confirmed that all 10 games will be available on September 1st:

The ten NES Virtual Console games will be available to Nintendo 3DS Ambassadors beginning Sept. 1. Due to the large number of redemptions, you may experience a longer than normal download time per game.​


Here's the news you've all been waiting for: Metroid, Open Tournament Golf, Wrecking Crew, Yoshi and Zelda II: The Adventure of Link are the other five NES VC games you will be available to download for free on 9/1.​

Also, the games won't be avaibae directly on the eShop, but on the "download history".

  1. From the Nintendo 3DS HOME menu, select the Nintendo eShop icon.
  2. Scroll left and select "Settings / Other."
  3. Scroll down and select "Account Activity" to view a list of transactions.
  4. The NES game will be listed here once it is available to download. Tap "Software Info," and then "Redownload" to begin the download process.

AbsoluteZero said:
As expected, it's alot of "early" NES games. Outside of Yoshi, nothing on the list is past 1988, unless I'm wrong and someone wants to correct me.

Actually, the bulk of Nintendo's software for the NES was pre-1988. Even though the NES was full of life until it died in 1994, Nintendo didn't actually do much for it after the SNES started production.

The only post 1988 Nintendo NES games include Tetris(being re-released with online play), To The Earth(Zapper game), Short Order/Eggsplode(Power Pad game), Dr Mario, Trick Shooting(Zapper game), Play Action Football, StarTropics, NES Open Tournament Golf, Yoshi's Cookie, Yoshi, Kirby's Adventure, Zoda's Revenge, and Wario's Woods.

So it isn't like Nintendo is hording all of their must-have later-releases or anything.

The titles they included are all quality titles. No throw-away crap like 10-Yard Fight, Tennis, or Golf to be found here.

^ Wow, so all 10 will be available at once? Incredible. I expected them to pad them out.


fernoca said:
Also, an "Ambassador Certificate":

The Ambassador Certificate is a downloadable video available to Ambassadors.

By tapping the receive button on the Touch Screen when viewing this video, Ambassadors will receive updates regarding the Ambassador Program, such as when new titles are available to download. As soon as details for the 10 Game Boy Advance Virtual Console titles are available, we will send an update to those who have opted in using the Ambassador Certificate.​
That sounds interesting.
Plinko said:
The crapping on the golf game is completely unwarranted. It's excellent. WAY better than "Golf," the first NES golf game.


I was just playing Open Tournament Golf a few minutes ago. It's an EXCELLENT game. It gets so much crap because everybody confuses it with 1983 NES Golf.


angelfly said:
Both Yoshi and Yoshi's Cookie were released on NES and GB. As to which is better I like Yoshi's Cookie better however Yoshi is a also fun.

*Goes to Google*

Aaaaah. In Europe, Yoshi was called Mario and Yoshi. That's the game I remember. Sweet.
SonicMegaDrive said:
Actually, the bulk of Nintendo's software for the NES was pre-1988. Even though the NES was full of life until it died in 1994, Nintendo didn't actually do much for it after the SNES started production.

The only post 1988 Nintendo NES games include Tetris(being re-released with online play), To The Earth(Zapper game), Short Order/Eggsplode(Power Pad game), Dr Mario, Trick Shooting(Zapper game), Play Action Football, StarTropics, NES Open Tournament Golf, Yoshi's Cookie, Yoshi, Kirby's Adventure, Zoda's Revenge, and Wario's Woods.

So it isn't like Nintendo is hording all of their must-have later-releases or anything.

The titles they included are all quality titles. No throw-away crap like 10-Yard Fight, Tennis, or Golf to be found here.

^ Wow, so all 10 will be available at once? Incredible. I expected them to pad them out.
Really, if Nightmare in Dreamland is one of the GBA games the only games on that list I'd want are Startropics, Wario's Woods and Yoshi's Cookie.

It's a good point.
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