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Official GAF Chromehounds Squad Thread


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
DCharlie said:
hoooooooooold on

6301 load on inverted legs..?

i'm struggling to hold my thoughts together here, that would mean i could build a genuine SIR KILL A LOT ! :)

Read the rest of the replies, that was a typo, it's 5301.


half-wit retard monkey's ass
Haha, we just beat 5 rusher human players with homing missles. None of us died, lolz0r! :lol


Heheh, here's some more images.

First, from the snow:

Then, from the desert: (Night vis!)

Then, a hilarious video of me and purge shooting an ACV to make it dance ("Dance, sucka, dance!")

I feel so crappy for missing out on the action. Worst part is I'm online at the Lobby most of the time and I see you guys going on missions and I can't hear anything. :(


Teams that consist entirely of fast spikers are dead to me. Though surprising them by your base and stripping them of their weapons and killing them in a couple of shots is one of the most satisfiying things in the game. Good job on that last match Mirik, Twilight, and Joates.

Hopefully we can set up a battle with neogaf brigade soon, it'd be a nice change of pace from fighting base killers over and over again.


half-wit retard monkey's ass
I have never seen as much basekillers as today though!

The thing is, 4 on 4 they are spread too thin, easy to pick off and don't carry enough firepower to take the base down either. Plus, if you have your cockpit anywhere put low, they can't kill you quickly either.

Basically, those basekillers work best in groups of five/six I guess. It sure is a lame way to fight, but in all honosty we just need to be capable te defend. :)

BTW, our squad is now up to professional rank! How about the other GAF Squad?


Kobold said:
Basically, those basekillers work best in groups of five/six I guess. It sure is a lame way to fight, but in all honosty we just need to be capable te defend. :)

It's definitly possible to beat them on 5/6 player matchs. Hell, I Still think we could have won some of those others if we were more prepared like that last match. It's a good thing you were around with that NA though, or we wouldn't of had a chance, Twilight distracting and stripping them of some of their weapons before he went down was also crucial so me and Joates could get into place.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
i could have killed that one basekiller... though i would have killed half our team in the process too considering how close everyone was bunched together - now i feel sorry that i didn't :)


MisterAnderson said:
Yeah I think some brigade vs 13th would be fun.
Well tell che!

I really want to see who's the better squad :D

Yeah in that spiker match I was definitely the Martyr.

Spikes themselves have LOW endurance. Heavy weapons own them if you're a good shot.


DopeyFish said:
i could have killed that one basekiller... though i would have killed half our team in the process too considering how close everyone was bunched together - now i feel sorry that i didn't :)

Yeah next time take the shot. I know I wouldn't mind as long as they get it too, chances are we have more durability anyway.

Maxrpg said:
I really want to see who's the better squad :D

I don't really care who the better squad is, I just want more good human fights.


And even i am moderately surprised
Basically, those basekillers work best in groups of five/six I guess. It sure is a lame way to fight, but in all honosty we just need to be capable te defend.

load someone up with a mine dispenser and sabotage your own base area and watch the fun ensue.

(i don't see the spikers carrying mine detectors usually)

best accompanied by a home in missile carrier.


chespace said:
Apparently, this has been proven false over at the official forums.

I urge you all to read this:


And yes, fixes to the territory points:

1) Capital battlefields now have an average of 50,000 capture points each.

2) Regular battlefields now have an average of 10,000 to 30,000 capture points each.

Don't even know why they are called heatseekers to begin with! Apparently these are self guided radar missles (Fire and Forget) that are fooled by chaff, which are simply pieces of aluminun and various other reflective components.
Finally had a chance to get into the garage and try out some new mechs last night since the Brigade lobby was mostly empty in the early hours. Made a heavy mech that straddles the line between Solider/Heavy Gunner and Defender. Nice array of weapons and armor, but slow. I guess those are the trade-offs.

I also made a quick mech that's designed to be a commander. I haven't tried it out in the field yet, but seems like it's speed and light weapons should be decent for the job. I figure I'll pull him out from time to time when it's my turn to be the commander.


Ah yes, sweet, sweet internet, how I missed you. Now what did I mi....


......good thing I bought all the parts from Tarakia :D

Now to spend all this excess moolah again!![/billgates]



I decided to try my Commander mech against two human opponents in the oil field. Armed with two machine guns and three anti-hound cannons, I went into the fray against a scout with spikes. It threw smoke and fired machine guns, but I just hung back until it tried to escape in another direction. It started backpedalling, and thankfully it backpedalled to it's own base (no search for me!). I saw well in advance that there was another mech there and surmised that it would be packing heavy, and it did.

It was going to distract me while the scout went around, but I saw that coming, threw a couple of potshots at the heavy to keep him from realizing that I'd turned my tread so I could drive backwards toward the spiker at full speed. I disengaged and hightailed it back to my base to protect it, knowing that the heavy was too slow to follow. Meanwhile the scout was also heading for my base and it was much faster.

I didn't think I'd make it, but then something happened; the scout stopped at one of the bases (decoy) and stayed there. And stayed. .... And stayed. What the hell? I roll over and it's destroying the decoy! Now you'd probably say 'flag glitch, you got lucky', but he didn't even check the other base to see if it was the one. A grave tactical error on his part. So I indiscriminately land ordinance on him while making it seem like that's my base so he can waste the majority of his spike charges on the base.

It blows, and he sits there, probably thinking he pwnd me with his spikes, but no. I blast half his spikes off and he rolls around in a panic. In an open area there's nowhere for him to hide so he suicide charges at me. I give him three cannons to the face, he manages to put a spike my weapon array, and he explodes.

At this point I'm capturing COMBAS points all over the map just for the hell of it, watching the remaining mech's every move. He captures one COMBAS, and I let him walk halfway to another before I zip in and recapture that one AND the one south of it. Ran over the foot soldier a couple of times just to get my point across and then he decides to head over to my base. With 7 minutes left, it would take him 5 to get there as slow as he walked. I decided to delay him by shooting at him while heading over to his base. He ignores it at first, but then I get to his base. I spare the foot soldier so I can let him see me making the drones shoot at his own base. With that plus my firepower, it starts to smoke, and I know I'll blow it up long before he gets to my base.

He heads back while I'm using the last of my cannons and I'm down to just machine guns. He starts throwing f'n NAPALM over the base and all of my parts start to burn. So I'm shooting the base, the drones are sort of shooting at me, the mech is using splash damage and fire, my parts start exploding one by one, and right before everything goes, the base collapses!

Then as the Mission Complete text tallies up, my generator, NA-Maker and Cockpit explode in succession. It was too close, and nearly a Pyrrhic victory. Would've made twice as much money if I hadn't gotten cocky and decided to pull out when he started heading back to base.

This is entirely too long a block of text for an 10 minute battle, but well, there you go.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Excellent story, Brannan.

I find that all great games are an endless source of war stories. I remember being so engrossed during a tactical battle in FarCry (yes, FarCry on the PC) that I wrote up a long ass narrative about it... even today, I can still vaguely remember how they tried to hunt me down as a pack and how I narrowly escaped, hunkered down on a boat. Very tense stuff.

Anyway, the more I play the CPU in Chromehounds, the more I find that the AI is VERY clever and VERY challenging. Not only are their hounds always varied, but they really do move and attack like humans do. Really, if you guys lose the patience to wait for a human match, there is no shame in playing against AI this good.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
chespace said:
Excellent story, Brannan.

I find that all great games are an endless source of war stories. I remember being so engrossed during a tactical battle in FarCry (yes, FarCry on the PC) that I wrote up a long ass narrative about it... even today, I can still vaguely remember how they tried to hunt me down as a pack and how I narrowly escaped, hunkered down on a boat. Very tense stuff.

Anyway, the more I play the CPU in Chromehounds, the more I find that the AI is VERY clever and VERY challenging. Not only are their hounds always varied, but they really do move and attack like humans do. Really, if you guys lose the patience to wait for a human match, there is no shame in playing against AI this good.

Talking about AI Hounds, is it me or are they a tad easier to kill since maintenance took place?


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
TTP said:
Talking about AI Hounds, is it me or are they a tad easier to kill since maintenance took place?

What rank are you playing them on?

I find that they're very challenging on Sergeant and above.
The AI Hounds are easy to kill but I haven't noticed if they're any easier since the patch. They can do some interesting things however. Last night we were playing and two hovercraft AI scouts went the back way around to our base, circumventing all of us in the process, and started to attack. Pretty sneaky sis. Of course we wiped 'em out pretty quickly but I thought that was kinda cool. Almost human in a way.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Hitler Stole My Potato said:
The AI Hounds are easy to kill but I haven't noticed if they're any easier since the patch. They can do some interesting things however. Last night we were playing and two hovercraft AI scouts went the back way around to our base, circumventing all of us in the process, and started to attack. Pretty sneaky sis. Of course we wiped 'em out pretty quickly but I thought that was kinda cool. Almost human in a way.

Again, if you're playing on Corporal ranking or below, the AI won't pose much of a problem for good Hound pilots.

I dunno, drohne, misteranderson and I went up against 3 AI hounds last night at sergeant rank I think and got spanked. They had a light scout, a medium soldier, and a heavy hound very ideal spots right away. Very tactical.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
chespace said:
What rank are you playing them on?

I find that they're very challenging on Sergeant and above.

I'm just a Private. Maybe they made it a tad bit easier for newcomers?


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
TTP said:
I'm just a Private. Maybe they made it a tad bit easier for newcomers?

You do know that you can set the rank of your AI opponents when you create your server, right? If you choose Master Sergeant, for instance, that means no humans above Master Sergeant rank can enter your room. And if you start a vs. CPU game with that same setting, all your CPU opponents will be Master Sergeant ranked.

That should explain why you're trouncing the AI. Try it on a harder difficulty -- I guarantee it'll be tooth and nail all the way. ;)


I logged in last night to do some individual missions, to get some funds. Sorry I couldn't join any games (actually everytime I went to check the team was already in a game.)

Another thing I checked, and I found interesting, was that the leaderboards have more than 55K people (as of last night.) This is a good (not great, not bad) sign for sales for this game, considering this is an online only measure. Considering the fact that it's been only 2 weeks since the game was released, and that there's a very good word of mouth on the game, it's looking promising for the game to at least not be a complete BOMBA, as I originally expected.


We played a 5 vs. 5 against the AI last night and they pulled a sort of tricky move. We headed off towards their base and they quickly sent a couple of hovercraft mechs to rush our base along a river. If one of our guys hadn't spotted them we could have been screwed over pretty badly. Obviously the computer counted on us walking on the high ground around the rivers, and they were almost right.


half-wit retard monkey's ass
DCharlie said:
load someone up with a mine dispenser and sabotage your own base area and watch the fun ensue.

(i don't see the spikers carrying mine detectors usually)

best accompanied by a home in missile carrier.
Ya I was thinking that would be super helpful, a missle thingie!


Have a fun! Enjoy!
chespace said:
You do know that you can set the rank of your AI opponents when you create your server, right? If you choose Master Sergeant, for instance, that means no humans above Master Sergeant rank can enter your room. And if you start a vs. CPU game with that same setting, all your CPU opponents will be Master Sergeant ranked.

That should explain why you're trouncing the AI. Try it on a harder difficulty -- I guarantee it'll be tooth and nail all the way. ;)

I know I know. But I'm complaining at all. It's not like the AI is stupid. It's just the Hounds seam like weaker. Takes less rounds to bring them down (when you actually manage to hit them). Or maybe I just managed to assemble a really asskicking Hound myslef :)


DJ Brannon said:
your story
I don't know, I can't help feeling sorry for the scout, he totally didn't know that was the wrong base.

Plus, it sounded like you dicked around instead of ending the match (lol).

So it was 2 on 1? humans? or AI? I don't remember what you said it was.
TTP said:
I know I know. But I'm complaining at all. It's not like the AI is stupid. It's just the Hounds seam like weaker. Takes less rounds to bring them down (when you actually manage to hit them). Or maybe I just managed to assemble a really asskicking Hound myslef :)

Playing against the AI in the "trial sortie" and the earlier online missions is a great way to gain confidence in your mech. Taking part in the War against better AI and human opponents is a great way to watch that confidence get shredded like swiss cheese. :lol


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
SaggyMonkey said:
Hey wait, I thought our time was up. I thought hounds was officially a "non issue" by this point.

Actually, Shane is the only non-issue around here.


True I was a dick, and it'll probably bite me in the ass later, but for now it was great. Oh yeah.

EDIT: They were real people.


Should I be getting this game if the only Mech game I ever liked was MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries?

Something about having a badly beaten Mech lumbering at a snails pace towards an evacuation point just seems so appealing and intense (even though, to on lookers, it'd be boring as hell).

At the same time dropping $60 on any game, let alone one that could potentially be ass, is just as intense but not so appealing. Should I just wait and spend the money on Dead Rising?


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
-Rogue5- said:
Should I be getting this game if the only Mech game I ever liked was MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries?

Something about having a badly beaten Mech lumbering at a snails pace towards an evacuation point just seems so appealing and intense (even though, to on lookers, it'd be boring as hell).

At the same time dropping $60 on any game, let alone one that could potentially be ass, is just as intense but not so appealing. Should I just wait and spend the money on Dead Rising?

Yes and yes again. This game has so many shades of Mechwarrior 2, but is even deeper and more customizable. I've put 73 hours into this game already and I'm still learning new details each day. From Soft team 2 has truly outdone themselves. The design doc for this game must've been massive.


And even i am moderately surprised
Actually, Shane is the only non-issue around here.

Shane is a great guy, but when someone says a game is a "non-issue" it just screams "I'm pulling for one team and one team only"

the only case in which this would be considered an issue of any sort is if you were actively worried about the game selling hardware units.

I think his lingering hanging on the "i'm not a sony fanboy" vine died with that statement.


We (the 13th) played against Col. ranked A.I. and found them to be a little too easy. we would wipe them out within a few minutes of starting.

Btw sorry I dropped out in the game I lost my wireless connection due to an unwary wife who decided that the Router didn't need electricity anymore:lol


OK I'm about to jump online for the sole sake of joining one of our squads..I'm still with Tarakia...Is there space available anywhere?


Does anyone know if you can play against the Ai in offline non-story mode battles?

In other words, is there anything you can do in the game after you beat all the different RT missions?


shuri said:
I think this game is even better than the previously best game ever made, Mechwarrior 2

But is the sound track as good? I guess if it's not I could always try and find the MechWarrior 2 OST and just play it in the background (If I didn't know better I'd say that being able to play MP3s as BGM is what makes next-gen, next-gen.)

TEMPTED... so tempted.

chespace said:
I've put 73 hours into this game already and I'm still learning new details each day.

Does that mean if I'm LTTP I'm going to get my ass handed to me?

OH, and does everyone say, "Kiss My Shiny Metal Ass" ala Bender? 'Cause if they do, I'm not playing.
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