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Official GAF Chromehounds Squad Thread

-Rogue5- said:
But is the sound track as good? I guess if it's not I could always try and find the MechWarrior 2 OST and just play it in the background (If I didn't know better I'd say that being able to play MP3s as BGM is what makes next-gen, next-gen.)

TEMPTED... so tempted.

Does that mean if I'm LTTP I'm going to get my ass handed to me?

OH, and does everyone say, "Kiss My Shiny Metal Ass" ala Bender? 'Cause if they do, I'm not playing.

The sound track is terrible in the lobby at least. One four second loop. OVER. AND OVER.

And no one says that. In the 13th all we say, repeatedly, is "I CAN'T SEE SHIT." Over. And over.


BenjaminBirdie said:
In the 13th all we say, repeatedly, is "I CAN'T SEE SHIT." Over. And over.

HA. So the line between simulation and arcade was crossed long ago, then? Further proof that the design doc must have been massive.
-Rogue5- said:
HA. So the line between simulation and arcade was crossed long ago, then? Further proof that the design doc must have been massive.

It's actually just an inside joke. I'm not 100% sure exactly what you're referring to.


BenjaminBirdie said:
It's actually just an inside joke. I'm not 100% sure exactly what you're referring to.

I was referring to the idea that, for example, if something was 4km away you wouldn't be able to see/distinguish it from its surroundings in real-life hence you shouldn't be able to in a sim. Similarly if it were night, you wouldn't be able to see it anything either unless you had nightvision on or used a flair (I'd use a flair because they're so much more badass and they make that sweet "pfffsshhh" sound.)

Basically I was laughing at the idea of a battalion of Mechs stumbling around saying "I can't see shit" over and over... I mean , inside joke or not, that's funny.


It happens a lot during storms, also, during heavy firefights in the desert, lots of smoke and sand explosions going around can lead to hilarious friendly fire incidents with people screaming 'GODDAMN YOU SHURI AND YOUR NAPALM GUNS I'M ON FIRE NOW' :lol

I called my hound Cookmaster :lol


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
-Rogue5- said:
I was referring to the idea that, for example, if something was 4km away you wouldn't be able to see/distinguish it from its surroundings in real-life hence you shouldn't be able to in a sim. Similarly if it were night, you wouldn't be able to see it anything either unless you had nightvision on or used a flair (I'd use a flair because they're so much more badass and they make that sweet "pfffsshhh" sound.)

Basically I was laughing at the idea of a battalion of Mechs stumbling around saying "I can't see shit" over and over... I mean , inside joke or not, that's funny.

You've pretty much nailed it on the head, especially with evening battles. It also helps that Chromehounds has some of the best lighting I've ever seen in a videogame. Watching a firefight from afar is absolutely epic. Rockets flying across the map, huge explosions casting a transient orange glow on its surroundings. You even have headlights which are actually USEFUL.

The nightvision in this game is also far better than what was implemented in GRAW. Shooting shit up in nightvision mode looks eerily like real-life infared war footage you've seen on the Internet.


How we looking tonight? hopefully not like 7 like we had the other night. Oddman out FTL. Ill be getting on soon.
Am I the only one who liked the story in single-player? Sure it wasn't best told story I've ever encountered but I really did start to get hooked. Experiencing each countries' perspective made things very interesting. I really wish I had $60 right now.:(


chespace said:
Watching a firefight from afar is absolutely epic.

Reading that gave me tingles. If the sound is like that of muttled/echoed/distanced gunfire (you'd know the kind I'm talking if that's what it's like) I could imagine how much fun it'd be to watch a battle from a distance at night.

I'm thinking I might rent the game before I buy it, that way I'd know for sure. Any word on the release of a demo on XBLM in North America?
-Rogue5- said:
I was referring to the idea that, for example, if something was 4km away you wouldn't be able to see/distinguish it from its surroundings in real-life hence you shouldn't be able to in a sim. Similarly if it were night, you wouldn't be able to see it anything either unless you had nightvision on or used a flair (I'd use a flair because they're so much more badass and they make that sweet "pfffsshhh" sound.)

Basically I was laughing at the idea of a battalion of Mechs stumbling around saying "I can't see shit" over and over... I mean , inside joke or not, that's funny.

It's even funnier because, yeah, like you surmised, it's ALWAYS PROPERLY IN CONTEXT. Whether it's smoke, snow, or just enemy fire coming seemingly from nowhere, the answer is always: I Can't See Shit.


And even i am moderately surprised
it's occured to me a while back that if we had a regiment that was split three ways between US/Europe/Japan then that regiment could theoretically be totalling up silly points on an almost 24 hour basis - give or take work commitments of course.






They all have names, so check 'em out! I made 'em all myself. :D
So what's the deal with the lottery? I've been entering the lottery quite a bit (and have won a couple of 'em) but tonight when I tried to "buy a ticket" a prompt appeared telling me that I'm no longer eligible to enter the lottery 'cause I've reached the max # of times I can enter the thing. Someone please tell me that this resets over X ammount of days/hours. This would really suck if I'm not allowed to enter the lottery anymore.


And even i am moderately surprised
So what's the deal with the lottery? I've been entering the lottery quite a bit (and have won a couple of 'em) but tonight when I tried to "buy a ticket" a prompt appeared telling me that I'm no longer eligible to enter the lottery 'cause I've reached the max # of times I can enter the thing. Someone please tell me that this resets over X ammount of days/hours. This would really suck if I'm not allowed to enter the lottery anymore.

you can have two active lottery entries , the lotteries take place once every day i think (when i put my enteries in , it usually says "Lottery will take place in 18 hours")

after the lottery finishes or after you withdraw your lottery entry , then you can enter the next lottery.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
DCharlie said:
you can have two active lottery entries , the lotteries take place once every day i think (when i put my enteries in , it usually says "Lottery will take place in 18 hours")

after the lottery finishes or after you withdraw your lottery entry , then you can enter the next lottery.

Unless someone on your squad got all the slots available... :/


I'll say again:

I've got one more spot open for the 13th.

And NEOGAF BRIGADE, why do you ignore us? We want to duel any of you and have some fun!


half-wit retard monkey's ass
We had an awesome 5 on 5!!!


OK, first we have a great sinergy going on between all of our squad members, I call the shots as commander and provide people with the information they need to estimate wether they charge, hide, ambush or just plain wait out. Secondly I walk around on my bided 'Tower of Power' (TM) commander to scout out every single enemy. Our guys get into position and then we either lure them out and pick them off or overrun them and destroy.

This match was a perfect example, along with some others we played tonight, how tactics can win a game for you with almost no losses.

We basically picked off their overzealous scout that (unknowingly) got lured into a trap so two of our guys just nailed him in a shot time. One down. After that their soldiers thought they could take our guys out with their sniper for support, this sniper however was engaged by our sniper while I was grabbing their combastowers with the commander, keeping people updated in enemy movements and how many remaining, and general instructions. Anyways, not long after, those soldiers bite the dust. Three down. One of their heavy gunners was close by as was the dreaded sniper, so we decide we just rush them, we had a heavy gunner at the base and I had all the combasses around their base, so we basically had nothing to loose, and decided to go for the kill to finish the game. One of our soldiers was injured in the previous battles, but he and our other soldier engaged the sniper and heavy gunner that where remaning, plus our sniper got up and close as well. They drove the enemy sniper into my arms, where I delivered him heartfelt kisses of death called missles. Our soldiers peeled off to engage the heavy gunner as me and our own sniper took this dude out in mere seconds. Four down. Gunner got off one shot, killing one of our soldiers that was damaged, and mere seconds later he was destroyed y a well placed barrag of cannonshots on his weak cockpit. Five enemies down, game over, one of our guys down.

This game is utter brilliance, we would never have been able to come with this plan of action without the use of the NA and a varied squad of mechs with pilots that wield them with awesome skill! :)

Best multiplayer game ever! But I can imagine if you don't have a squad of such great and dedicated people, you will not enjoy the game as much as we do. We just played so much and KNOW we play each night or other night, that really got a good vibe going that makes us win a decent amount of matches! More then we lose anyways, which we of course still do!


And even i am moderately surprised
Best multiplayer game ever! But I can imagine if you don't have a squad of such great and dedicated people, you will not enjoy the game as much as we do. We just played so much and KNOW we play each night or other night, that really got a good vibe going that makes us win a decent amount of matches! More then we lose anyways, which we of course still do!

yup - From are dabbling with the dark arts with the online game - it's just so perfectly fantastic.

It's also a learning experience. We've only totalled about 140 missions but each time you see/learn something new, you see other peoples tactics, you get a battle of wits as well as having to have the skill/awareness of what is happening, you've got to chose the right payload, you have to have the right tactics for the terrain, you must prepare for things going wrong, etc etc...

it's a stellar game online, it's just a shame a lot of people will probably have been put off by the demo.

I could talk and talk about Chromehounds until the end of time. It's definitely the best game on X360 IMO, and it's something i hope gets built on.

I'm also hoping that Sega/From have Pilot shirts at TGS! or at least some little Tarakia flags ! ;)

Also, why isn't this a sticky?


half-wit retard monkey's ass
DCharlie said:
yup - From are dabbling with the dark arts with the online game - it's just so perfectly fantastic.

It's also a learning experience. We've only totalled about 140 missions but each time you see/learn something new, you see other peoples tactics, you get a battle of wits as well as having to have the skill/awareness of what is happening, you've got to chose the right payload, you have to have the right tactics for the terrain, you must prepare for things going wrong, etc etc...

it's a stellar game online, it's just a shame a lot of people will probably have been put off by the demo.

I could talk and talk about Chromehounds until the end of time. It's definitely the best game on X360 IMO, and it's something i hope gets built on.

I'm also hoping that Sega/From have Pilot shirts at TGS! or at least some little Tarakia flags ! ;)

Also, why isn't this a sticky?
Haha, too bad those official gaming t-shirts are usually crap-ugly. Also, I do hope they are working on a patch to fix the netcode, which plain blows. Disconnects, etc. I don't understand how it passed certification with those problems. I really hope a patch can solve all that, it's very frustrating 6 on 6 matches are almost always disconnected, and we lose people from games all the time.


Oh man this game is like coffee! its SO freaking addictive :D It kinda sucks that I cant play very long since some people are sleeping downstairs but thats gonna change tomorrow...then it will be 24/7 for three weeks of Chromehounds madness! Woo!

I had an awsome match yesterday with Kobold and forgot the other name (sorry). It was a match against humans and we were outnumbered by one, 3on4.

The battle started and soon we began to take over the Combas but we had to be carefull because the map was kinda open so we would be an easy target after we would show our faces ontop of the hill. We tried to take over a Comba but we soon got engaged in a battle with a fast scout and also recieved some sniper fire. We took out the scout and the other guy was heavily damaged because of the sniper fire and got taken out. Me and Mirik hid behind the comba so we could think of an tactic, I dont know what happend then tho, I think Mirik took the other guy out but also got hit then by the sniper fire. So Im alone on the field with my Soldier, legs and cockpit recieved some dmg and one rocket launcher was taken out.

So it was 2 against 1. One commander with full health and a Sniper..what to do?

I rememberd that there was an oilfield at our base so I began walking back again so I could atleast lure the commander back to our base and maybe if he was dumb enough lure him near the Oil Fields.. Didnt think about the sniper then, that was another story for later :p

I took cover behind our HQ and waited for the command by Kobold when I could hit the Oil Fields.. And OMFG their commander walked by it and both my teamies screamed shoooooot shoooot the damn oil fields! NOOOW!!! By that time I got such an adreline shot and unleased a 3 machine gun havoc on the field and blew everything up! That was sooooo freaking sweeeeeeet lol :D Took out that dude without any problems.

Now the sniper, he already took place on a hill near our base and began to fire on me. I still had cover behind the HQ and released a few rockets to distract him so he would waste his ammo, even unleased some machine gun bullets at him. He tried to dodge that fire and lost focus of the HQ for a few secs on the base. In that period I walked to the hill side so he couldnt see me and walked the way around it so I could atleast try to take him out. The clock was still going on at around 2 minutes left, tik tak tik tak :D I have the sniper in my sight...see him walking but wait! He's out of ammo! :D I fire my machine guns at him and damn he was tough. My teammates are screaming shoot him shoot him! My hands are shaking like hell lol :D 50 secs left...40 secs left...30 secs left...BOOOOOM! He's gone sucka!

That was the best match so far and only that was even worth buying Chromehounds lol :D We did a good job as a team and Kobold is the master of commanding!


And even i am moderately surprised
Haha, too bad those official gaming t-shirts are usually crap-ugly. Also, I do hope they are working on a patch to fix the netcode, which plain blows. Disconnects, etc. I don't understand how it passed certification with those problems. I really hope a patch can solve all that, it's very frustrating 6 on 6 matches are almost always disconnected, and we lose people from games all the time.
wow - in the 140 games weve put in we havent had a single disconnecct, and zero lag.

tshirts - now, im having some faith. i got some awesome resident evil shirts like the stars police training top - all they have to do is make a plain green shirt (not a t-shirt), then put a small flag on the chest with the word 'defender' on it and ill be happy


MisterAnderson said:
13th, how many of your members are actually active?
I would say most of them are active - a lot of them don't show up until weekends, or don't game excessively like I or mirik do.

One thing is that KidInsomnia (BenjaminBirdie) has been doing less gaming and is going to make me cry :lol

But mostly all members show up, at least.

We do however have ONE spot open.

Zotty said:
I had an awsome match yesterday with Kobold and forgot the other name (sorry). It was a match against humans and we were outnumbered by one, 3on4.
That was me dude, Twilight Lycian, the leader.
Maxrpg said:
One thing is that KidInsomnia (BenjaminBirdie) has been doing less gaming and is going to make me cry :lol



But seriously. I done got the Saints Row demo yesterday. I'll be back on today. And tomorrow? Oh, I'm all over it.


Maxrpg said:
That was me dude, Twilight Lycian, the leader.

Sorry dude :D I dont know what time it was but I was so damn sleepy and I tend to forget things then :p That match was awsome woo!
For those having conenction issues with Chromohounds (drops and such) have you checked out this guide for resolving the Open NAT issues and port forwarding (without putting your computer security at risk).


This seemed to help out some of my pals who are clueless about networking and just need to know what to do. for those who aren't IT professionals or have little networking experience, this guide is a godsend. Just thought I'd pass it along.?


Here is a new mech build, Im so enjoying the building part and thinking about new ways to make another awsome mech :)


Its a small test mech tho, Im still not sure about the weapon placement since its harder to aim now. But if I pack them all up in a group and one heavy shot hits me then Im all out of weapons. This setup has it pros and cons. So it has 4 machine guns and 1 rocket launcher that has some nice ammo with around 140 or 150 heat on impact.

Added two cooling systems, why? Because I had this crazy idea that this might help lowering my dmg from enemy fire that has a heavy heat on impact like CE ammo. I hope I can lower the overal dmg by quickly lowering the heat lvl...since that shit is nasty when your system keeps overheating and stays that way for a few secs. Added three armor plates on the front and 1 on the back. My cockpit is really in a tight shell now since all the spacers and armor plates, there isnt really a huge opening where the enemy could hit me now and Im always on the frontline so that should be handy. The only problem would be the upper part of my cockpit, might change the rocket launcher with armor :)

Oh well lets get back to the drawing board...that shit is addictive! Cant wait to test this mech out in a huge battle :p
Zotty said:
Here is a new mech build, Im so enjoying the building part and thinking about new ways to make another awsome mech :)


Its a small test mech tho, Im still not sure about the weapon placement since its harder to aim now. But if I pack them all up in a group and one heavy shot hits me then Im all out of weapons. This setup has it pros and cons. So it has 4 machine guns and 1 rocket launcher that has some nice ammo with around 140 or 150 heat on impact.

Added two cooling systems, why? Because I had this crazy idea that this might help lowering my dmg from enemy fire that has a heavy heat on impact like CE ammo. I hope I can lower the overal dmg by quickly lowering the heat lvl...since that shit is nasty when your system keeps overheating and stays that way for a few secs. Added three armor plates on the front and 1 on the back. My cockpit is really in a tight shell now since all the spacers and armor plates, there isnt really a huge opening where the enemy could hit me now and Im always on the frontline so that should be handy. The only problem would be the upper part of my cockpit, might change the rocket launcher with armor :)

Oh well lets get back to the drawing board...that shit is addictive! Cant wait to test this mech out in a huge battle :p

Well, weapons and armor aside, that art design is TIGHT.

The 13th. The flashiest squad on the block.
I've gotta withdraw from the 13th temporarily this morning, to log in to the support squad (between 10 and 11, they say.) (I'm #37) Don't fill my spot while i'm getting my money back! (hopefully someone still is in the lobby so i can rejoin)


SaggyMonkey said:
Ok, got the money bug fixed.. if any of you are around your game, could you setup a lobby and hold it so i can rejoin?
Did you check? #26 (forgot his tag) was just sitting in there when I was on a few mins ago. If not, just post another message here and I'll log on.

ps. You need two approvals.


-Rogue5- said:
Reading that gave me tingles. If the sound is like that of muttled/echoed/distanced gunfire (you'd know the kind I'm talking if that's what it's like) I could imagine how much fun it'd be to watch a battle from a distance at night.

I'm thinking I might rent the game before I buy it, that way I'd know for sure. Any word on the release of a demo on XBLM in North America?

Why don't you just download the japanese one? It's in english and it takes all of 5 minutes to set up a Japanese account
I would say most of them are active - a lot of them don't show up until weekends, or don't game excessively like I or mirik do.

One thing is that KidInsomnia (BenjaminBirdie) has been doing less gaming and is going to make me cry

But mostly all members show up, at least.

We do however have ONE spot open.

Yeah only like half of the Brigade's members actually show up anymore, it's pissing me off lol.


MisterAnderson said:
Yeah only like half of the Brigade's members actually show up anymore, it's pissing me off lol.
I figured as much. Kinda funny how the SECOND group of CH players are more active than the first, who were all gung ho in the first place! :lol
MisterAnderson said:
Yeah only like half of the Brigade's members actually show up anymore, it's pissing me off lol.

Exactly! Where the hell is everyone? I was on pretty much all day yesterday and all I saw was you and DJ Brannon. We need to boot some of these guys that don't play so some others like m0dus can join us.


Apharmd Battler said:
For those having conenction issues with Chromohounds (drops and such) have you checked out this guide for resolving the Open NAT issues and port forwarding (without putting your computer security at risk).


This seemed to help out some of my pals who are clueless about networking and just need to know what to do. for those who aren't IT professionals or have little networking experience, this guide is a godsend. Just thought I'd pass it along.?
Just tried this. Still has my NAT set to Moderate. :/ EDIT: Just disabled UPnP, now it works! OPEN NAT BABY!


Not bitter, just unsweetened
i was up all night fixing my hound. I ended up only getting 2 hours of sleep for work this morning.

Can't wait to finish it! HellsRain mk V is going to be the scariest hound ever created


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Maxrpg said:
I figured as much. Kinda funny how the SECOND group of CH players are more active than the first, who were all gung ho in the first place! :lol

Trust me, those of us who were gung-ho in the beginning (for instance, me, who started the Brigade) are very active. I play till 2am every night without fail. It's really doing a number on my energy levels during the day. :p

Yeah, I haven't had time to do any house cleaning yet but tonight I definitely will. Last night, Misteranderson and I had some productive free battle sessions with each other where we tested out various mech designs and how effective they were (weapons, armor, etc).

I could have kept going all night long, except I had to hit the sack around 2:30am.

If you're in the Brigade and aren't someone I play with often, please PM me if you don't want to get bumped. Otherwise, I'm going to make room and maybe consolidate some folks from the 13th or others who are just out there on their own.


I've given up trying to join one of our illustrious squads. I can never find any of you people online...I wonder if this is a connection issue? Perhaps connections to certain parts of the country are filtered out to decrease lag. Anywho, I switched sides and join the Russians and I'll be joining a squad there.

Are there any squads with open membership on the Russian front ...I'm joining one tonight do or die!


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
3rdman said:
I've given up trying to join one of our illustrious squads. I can never find any of you people online...I wonder if this is a connection issue? Perhaps connections to certain parts of the country are filtered out to decrease lag. Anywho, I switched sides and join the Russians and I'll be joining a squad there.

Are there any squads with open membership on the Russian front ...I'm joining one tonight do or die!

The NeoGAF Brigade are Morskoj now and we'll have openings tonight.

But what I'm really interested in are getting people together who play a lot and play during the same hours. That would make the best squad, theoretically anyway.


Free Battle gives me an idea.

I'm thinking of starting up a 13th (or, if GAF Brigade wants to participate) Tournament.

1-on-1's using a Swiss-style system, with a tier-table of elimination straight to the Champion.

Winner gets Recognition by the entire Squad, and a part of their choice from yours truly (even if I only have one part of said item), and a special decal made by yours truly that commemorates their win.

1,000th reply, woo!
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