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Official GAF Chromehounds Squad Thread


Trasher said:
All you need to do is set it to however many bots you want (up to 6 obviously) and just get the game off before any players join.
I'm 87.4% sure this doesn’t work.
I think the only way to do it is to have your friends join you and disconnect after the match started.
But I may be wrong.


Kingpen said:
so it would be me and 5 other A.I bots on my team vs. 6 other bots if I use the method that thrasher described?

or me in a 1 on 6 bots game?
Yeah just you vs up to 6. There's no way to get bots on your side.


Chichikov said:
I'm 87.4% sure this doesn’t work.
I think the only way to do it is to have your friends join you and disconnect after the match started.
But I may be wrong.
I am almost certain it's possible because we had a game where we were supposed to have 5 of us, but someone couldn't make it in, so we just started it and ended up playing 5 bots.


Trasher said:
I am almost certain it's possible because we had a game where we were supposed to have 5 of us, but someone couldn't make it in, so we just started it and ended up playing 5 bots.
Well, who are you going to believe?
Me or the guy in the pink mech?
I jest, I jest.
But I’m almost sure that the number of CPU hounds is the number of people actually in the game lobby when you launch the game.
I will double-check when I get home.
Well, when I get home and get tired from killing zombies with a plastic lightsaber.
Expect an answer somewhere around 2047.
Chichikov said:
But I’m almost sure that the number of CPU hounds is the number of people actually in the game lobby when you launch the game.
Yea, that's how it seems to work for me, regardless of what the player limit in the setup is set to.


hyperbolically metafictive
i wasn't playing the ai. i was playing solo missions against humans. just to clarify. it'd probably take a week of ai games to go up and down in rank the way i have...and if i lost a bunch of games to the ai i'd probably have to kill myself. :lol

and yeah, che, that period of uncertainty preceding the encounter is a big part of what makes chromehounds great. all the little feints you can use to make the fight unfold at your range and on favorable terrain -- or the feeling of winning a fight when you've walked into a bad situation. i took one game off an entrenched heavy gunner by making him think i was going for his base...and i managed to beat a sniper across a big gorge by lobbing rockets whenever he stopped to fire. not sure which was more fun. and then you never know what sort of freaky mech you'll go up against. i fought this one hound that i swear was just a bastard cannon on treads, knee-high to a proper hound -- devil knows where its cockpit was. and you're constantly finding pilots who'll demonstrate the merits of weapons or builds you've written off. man: i love chromehounds.

i've been seeing tons of disconnects lately, though -- kind of puts a damper on things. people have been giving me negative feedback too, for whatever reason. i got one for trash-talking. in chromehounds. where you can't talk to your opponents. looks like the xbl morons have discovered our game.


Last night I was able to kill a hound in one shot. Sadly, that hound happened to have been Drohne... It was kind of a bittersweet moment where I felt some pride over my efficiency and then some embarrassment over having killed a teammate. Mainly pride though.
Pink or not - I am going to shoot you.


Spooka said:
Last night I was able to kill a hound in one shot. Sadly, that hound happened to have been Drohne... It was kind of a bittersweet moment where I felt some pride over my efficiency and then some embarrassment over having killed a teammate. Mainly pride though.
Pink or not - I am going to shoot you.
LOL that was hilarious, but it wasn't very funny when we lost that one. :(


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Trasher said:
LOL that was hilarious, but it wasn't very funny when we lost that one. :(

I remember a similar incident involving you walking in front of my artillery once and another event in which I lit you up because you didn't respond to me and did not change your colors. :lol We lost one and won one.


hyperbolically metafictive
that was pretty crazy, spooka. one moment i'm strafing along in my hello kitty livery and then the next moment i'm dead. i didn't even see the shot! :lol


DenogginizerOS said:
I remember a similar incident involving you walking in front of my artillery once and another event in which I lit you up because you didn't respond to me and did not change your colors. :lol We lost one and won one.
LOL yup! No one had told me we switched colors that day. :(


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Warms my heart to see the NeoGAF Brigade so active as of late.

This game has legs, folks. Long ass reverse-joint legs.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
DenogginizerOS said:
And to think some thought it was a non-issue.

Well, really, I think we're all just really passionate fans of 5.0-mediocre-grade-non-issue games. I can't wait to play more games that score 5.0 in the future.

BTW, 130 hours logged in Chromehounds now... :(


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
chespace said:
Well, really, I think we're all just really passionate fans of 5.0-mediocre-grade-non-issue games. I can't wait to play more games that score 5.0 in the future.

BTW, 130 hours logged in Chromehounds now... :(

My wife gives me the rolleyes now when I tell her I have a Chromehounds date. I am at 63 hours. What does your wife say, or is that why you are staying so late at the office? :lol
chespace said:
Warms my heart to see the NeoGAF Brigade so active as of late.

This game has legs, folks. Long ass reverse-joint legs.

hopefully those legs stay long... i probably wont be picking up a 360 until after this holiday and i really really really wanna get in on the chromehounds goodness :)


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
I swear, most of my time was spent with the game in idle, or building mechs, or a good chunk of it was the initial single-player stomp.


half-wit retard monkey's ass
Trasher said:
I am almost certain it's possible because we had a game where we were supposed to have 5 of us, but someone couldn't make it in, so we just started it and ended up playing 5 bots.
As many people as are in the lobby when the game starts is the count of the enemy BOTS. So 3 in lobby is three bots, all regardless of what you set it to before. :)

Also, the great thing about this game is that battles can be fast and furious, but can also go on a for a long, long time. That's what makes the battles interesting, you never know what the hell you will find in the battlefield and how you will have to fight it.

There is always a surprise around the corner, except for the lamers who stick with their single working tactics, which, through experience, you will be able to effectively counter without sacrificing your diversity if you play well and as a team.

This game is simply grand in it's depth and versitility, truly a great game. With it's own quirks and shortcomings, but strangely almost none of those in the gameplay once the game starts, it's nigh flawless when you are actually playing.


DJ Brannon said:
Haven't gotten negative feedback YET, but this game seems to draw them out, from reading other forums.
It sure does, I've never had negative feedback before playing this game.
But seriously, don't sweat it, it's not like you're running for XBL's miss congeniality.
They way I look at it, the only thing rep is good for right now is building a list of assholes for halo-3.
Everyone who give you negative feedback for beating him up is one less person who will be shouting at you weird racial slurs come spring 07 (or whenever it comes out).
So it's actually a good thing.
when life give you assholes, make assholade.


I'm already at 50 hours, and I have only had the game for a few weeks. I guess that's my WoW dedication kicking in.

Ya Che, same with me, I bet half of my time logged is just making mechs.


And even i am moderately surprised
Wait, where in the podcast does it talk about Chromehounds? Give me m:ss numbers.

5:12 to 6:37
some northen poofter by the sound of it, talking about the game they've been playing this week...
A couple of Chromehound gifs..



^^ lol ... check out that guy take a cannon hit and drive away on fire. Awesome.
I so really want to get this game.. but am broke for a few months methinks :( Someone on ebay is selling it for real cheap but without the box and manual, should I go ahead and get that, I wonder.


hyperbolically metafictive
the second gif is chromehounds -- it really communicates the intensity of the firefights. anyone watched the intro movie recently? it's actually pretty neat once you're familiar with the role types it depicts.

and yeah, get the game now if you're interested, tahrikmili -- it's hard to say how long its xbl popularity will last, and it'll lose most of its appeal when server traffic slows down.


I hope this game doesn't die out too quickly. I've put in around 60 hours and I like it more everytime I play it. The depth of the game is crazy. Its fairly amazing how balanced it actually is with all the different variables and options available.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
After all of you left for the night, I had the best 1v1 match... it was intense and frustrating and ultimately gratifying.

I finally created a decent cannon/sabre soldier/sniper hybrid with good stability and two primary sets of weapons -- triple Analace anti-hound cannons and triple Sabre sniper cannons. The challenge with these weapons clusters before was that I could never get them to 1). eliminate the recoil so I can actually aim and 2). get the projectile spread just right so that when you fired these cannons, all 3 bullets stayed close together and hit around the same area on the target.

Anyway, with Morskoj reverse-joint legs and a tiny Sal Kar cockpit and the smallest Sal Kar generator (with the wing tips), a heavy duty plate of armor over the cockpit (KE:CE something like 98:96) with the help of a spacer, and these 3 cannon clusters, my hound travels at about 120... definitely none too fast. But it fires stable as hell.

So I spend the first 6 minutes of the match babysitting my base, worried it was going to get spiked. Since that didn't happen, I began to venture out and spotted a bi-pedal commander hound with some armor, a couple of sniper cannons, and a triple cluster of assault rifles. He basically saw me as soon as I entered his NA so he began shooting at me as I crested the hill. I saw the first round hit the dirt in front of me and I backed down the hill, trying to figure out a way to tag him with my Sabres.

But there simply wasn't any way to hide and get around him. He had the commander hound. So I decided to charge him and close the distance. Well, he had the faster mech, so this became kind of futile for me as I chased him all over the map and all he did was run backwards and peck at me with his assault rifles. It got to the point where his assault rifles had stripped away half of the durability on my legs -- sparks were flying and I was losing speed fast. The clock was also ticking down...

He would zigzag backwards while I tried sniping him with my Sabres with no luck. With only 8 rounds in these rifles, I was soon down to my last pair of bullets for the Sabres. I started getting desperate. Clock was reading 2:30 secs or so and I knew he had more COMBAS towers. All I could do was to try and close the gap.

I hit him a few times from afar with my Analace cannons and saw some smoke come out of his mech. He crested a hill and I lost sight of him for a while. It took me another 15 or 20 seconds to climb that very hill myself. When I got to the top, I was given my one and only window to win the match. I felt like Luke Skywalker on a trench run or something. The stars had aligned and here it was, the perfect opportunity.

Apparently, he had forgotten about me for a moment as my drone snipers and machine gun nests began pelting him from near and far. He used his assault rifles to take out a few turrets but assault rifles being what they are, it took a while. I popped up over the hill, zoomed into the scope and squeezed off my final Sabre volley, which landed square in the side of its cockpit. The screen paused momentarily before he lit up the pastoral setting with his explosion. :)

What an awesome game this is...
I'm really unsure of how to build my own mech right now and would like some advice.. Currently I'm using reverse biped legs with an armored experimental cockpit and generator, 4 assaut rifles and 4 machine guns..

However, more and more I find that close quarters fighting is not for me. First I tried shotguns and that didn't work, now machineguns and I'm not satisfied. I want to go for a sniper/soldier and possibly a little bit of a defender crossbreed kind of mech. What should I do? If I dump the 4 machine guns and go for 2 or3 neat sniper cannons woul I have enough long and medium range firepower with my cannons and assault rifles while managing to keep my distance from the enemy? Would the assault rifles be enough if they close in? If not, what could I add? Rockets?
chespace said:
-- Che's awesome story --

haha, thats wicked. this game is filled with war stories like that i love it :p

I find the one thing i thought i would hate, is one of the main reasons this game is so awesome ...how long it takes to kill someone can be a LOONG time, its not like GRAW where people die instantly, it feals closer to PDZ for me, where battles will take a long time if you dont play right, you need the right guns for the right situation, and to be able to hit the guy in the right place. when you kill someone you actualy had to work for it (most of the time :p ), not just rush and shoot first.


half-wit retard monkey's ass
tahrikmili said:
I'm really unsure of how to build my own mech right now and would like some advice.. Currently I'm using reverse biped legs with an armored experimental cockpit and generator, 4 assaut rifles and 4 machine guns..

However, more and more I find that close quarters fighting is not for me. First I tried shotguns and that didn't work, now machineguns and I'm not satisfied. I want to go for a sniper/soldier and possibly a little bit of a defender crossbreed kind of mech. What should I do? If I dump the 4 machine guns and go for 2 or3 neat sniper cannons woul I have enough long and medium range firepower with my cannons and assault rifles while managing to keep my distance from the enemy? Would the assault rifles be enough if they close in? If not, what could I add? Rockets?
I'd argue that everything but the most powerfull machineguns are a waste of space. I have four of the Morskoj one on my commander, and if teammates damage opponents I can get in close and kill them fast, or reverse, plus they kill a base in 1 minute flat or so.

So those are definatly functional in their most heavy and damaging form. The assault rifles, I don't know. They may be accurate over long range, but arguiably a sniper rifle would help out more, since when you are medium to close range you wanna fire the machineguns in tandem. So chip away from a distance and grind down from close up with sustained fire.

My soldier has three anti-hound rockets for the really damaging work close up, and four machineguns for medium range sustained fire. It's been fairly effective, though I play commander most with the four machinegun array when we have more people on.
I too have 4 of the Morsoj heavy machine guns on my mech in a tandem but I get owned by rockets pretty fast - they don't seem to do much against armor at all. Assault rifles are much more accurate at medium range and do a good deal of damage due to better armor penetration. Right now where I get owned is long range cannon/howitzer fire, against which I have nothing. That's why I was wondering using cannons and rifles, with rockets for when someone annoying gets in close.. What say you? :)


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Trasher said:
I love this color so much. We better stick with this one for at LEAST a couple days. :)

Is this gradient color what you are referring to, or the coral snake pattern that vince did earlier in the evening?


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
m0dus said:
The gradient color. It's f'nuckin' badass. Fits the GAF theme. And goes well with the . . . um . . . mascot. thing. meeble. or whatever :lol

Can you discern people from distance? part of the reason we wanted the coral snake or blood and light-yellow pattern was so that those of us that shoot from distance can distinguish our team from the other. When we tried the gradient color, it just looked like black. however, the coral pattern was easily distinguishable from 3-4 grids away. I think the color looks good, but it may not be practical in its application.


half-wit retard monkey's ass
tahrikmili said:
I too have 4 of the Morsoj heavy machine guns on my mech in a tandem but I get owned by rockets pretty fast - they don't seem to do much against armor at all. Assault rifles are much more accurate at medium range and do a good deal of damage due to better armor penetration. Right now where I get owned is long range cannon/howitzer fire, against which I have nothing. That's why I was wondering using cannons and rifles, with rockets for when someone annoying gets in close.. What say you? :)

Hmm! Do you mean missles anti HEAT rockets? Like i said, I use the HEAT rockets, and they are pretty good, but if you miss, you miss, and fast mechs are hard to hit. Cannons, a few well placed hits, should take out anyone, especially if you fire in tandem.

I dunno, there is so many possiblities!!!

I guess for 1 on 1's vs humans it's difficult to find a mech that can really counter everything.
Can you discern people from distance? part of the reason we wanted the coral snake or blood and light-yellow pattern was so that those of us that shoot from distance can distinguish our team from the other. When we tried the gradient color, it just looked like black. however, the coral pattern was easily distinguishable from 3-4 grids away. I think the color looks good, but it may not be practical in its application.

I showed Modus the orange/black gradient color to see what he thought about it, and he loved it so I set it as the squad color so he could have it. Then the rest of the squad returned from their battleground and took a look at our mechs and they loved it as well (save for MattsOnlyHope, who thought it looked good but chose to stay pink anyway). Well we tested it out and it's very easy to spot teamates from enemies, so I think this is the color we should use since based on the reactions of all the members they seem to be liking it a lot.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Kobold said:
I guess for 1 on 1's vs humans it's difficult to find a mech that can really counter everything.

Therein lies the beauty in the 1v1 or 2v2 matches.

You can be well-rounded at the expense of not being able to specialize in one virtue (speed, long range, etc)... but if you specialize, you run the risk of getting caught in close quarters with an all sniper type hound or being too slow to win by a combas capture, etc.

I love how the game forces you to adapt and change your strategy on the fly every time you play, depending on who you're facing. It's brilliant, frightening and frustrating at the same time that your opponent is just a faceless enemy in another hound across the map. You can't talk to him, he can't talk to you. There is only death and dismemberment!! ADoOOoOosh.

Right now, I'm sacrificing speed and large amounts of ammo for good protection, good firepower, and long/short range capability. I have to admit though, I really do miss being fast.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
MisterAnderson said:
I showed Modus the orange/black gradient color to see what he thought about it, and he loved it so I set it as the squad color so he could have it. Then the rest of the squad returned from their battleground and took a look at our mechs and they loved it as well (save for MattsOnlyHope, who thought it looked good but chose to stay pink anyway). Well we tested it out and it's very easy to spot teamates from enemies, so I think this is the color we should use since based on the reactions of all the members they seem to be liking it a lot.

Sweet! I really like that color scheme. Matt, let the pink go. Just let it go. :lol


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
chespace said:
Right now, I'm sacrificing speed and large amounts of ammo for good protection, good firepower, and long/short range capability. I have to admit though, I really do miss being fast.
You should try out "Boomer" sometime if you want to experience slow. I need to put a "gramps" picture on my mech because I am SLOWWW.
But deadly.
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