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Official GAF Chromehounds Squad Thread


I just lost to a telephone pole. He had 3 homing missile launchers, a cockpit, and a generator all stacked on top. I didn't know you could make something so tall. The reason I lost was cause I couldn't tell what his cockpit was. I probably woulda won had I figured that out earlier since I had already taken out his treads. Meh, at least I'll know where to look next time. =/


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Put me down as a scout or a heavy gunner. Depending on the map, one may be better than the other. Plus, I can moonlight as a defender with my mine-laying, cannon baring, hell-dishing bitch with big eyes. ;)


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Trasher said:
I just lost to a telephone pole. He had 3 homing missile launchers, a cockpit, and a generator all stacked on top. I didn't know you could make something so tall. The reason I lost was cause I couldn't tell what his cockpit was. I probably woulda won had I figured that out earlier since I had already taken out his treads. Meh, at least I'll know where to look next time. =/

You're a sniper, right? What the hell were you doing within range of his homing missiles? :p


Trasher said:
I just lost to a telephone pole. He had 3 homing missile launchers, a cockpit, and a generator all stacked on top. I didn't know you could make something so tall. The reason I lost was cause I couldn't tell what his cockpit was. I probably woulda won had I figured that out earlier since I had already taken out his treads. Meh, at least I'll know where to look next time. =/
God, I hate this build so much.
Almost as bad as the generic double-double barrel.
The good thing is that you can spot them from across the map.
Just blow his tracks and stay far enough from him and you should be fine.


chespace said:
BTW, Maschinen Krieger says hi. Wonder if the From Soft Team 2 guru is a Kow Yokoyama worshipper. Cuz this game is basically Maschinen Krieger... :p

WHERE CAN I GET THAT!?! I don't even like making models, but I'll do it for that.

I saw a copy of CH for $40... I'm so close to buying it, it's ridiculous.
-Rogue5- said:
WHERE CAN I GET THAT!?! I don't even like making models, but I'll do it for that.

I saw a copy of CH for $40... I'm so close to buying it, it's ridiculous.

Where did you see it for $40? That's a hell of a deal! Someone have it on sale?


Kung Fu Jedi said:
Where did you see it for $40? That's a hell of a deal! Someone have it on sale?

Used... it was used, but in mint. The person probably took it home thinking it was MechAssault 3...
-Rogue5- said:
WHERE CAN I GET THAT!?! I don't even like making models, but I'll do it for that.

I saw a copy of CH for $40... I'm so close to buying it, it's ridiculous.

Just go pick it up for $40 now while you can. You know you WILL buy it.. so just do it now while it's $20 off or you'll kick your own ass when you pay $60 next week. :p
-Rogue5- said:
Used... it was used, but in mint. The person probably took it home thinking it was MechAssault 3...

Yeah, someone probably got sucked in by the eye candy, took it home and played the single player, and then took it back without giving it a chance. Seriously, the game is so much better in every way in multiplayer it's ridiculous. Even the graphics are better. In single player, the levels are barren and plain, and rather boring. In multi, the maps look much much better. Have more interesting features, and are far more fun to explore.
Trasher said:
I just lost to a telephone pole. He had 3 homing missile launchers, a cockpit, and a generator all stacked on top. I didn't know you could make something so tall. The reason I lost was cause I couldn't tell what his cockpit was. I probably woulda won had I figured that out earlier since I had already taken out his treads. Meh, at least I'll know where to look next time. =/

I've been there. That missile stack build is ****ing ridiculous but thankfully I've only ran into a couple of times so far. We won a match against 3 of those guys one time by just running away from 'em and capturing Combases.


I'd prefer being either a soldier or defender for right now. I have quite a few soldier/defender mech builds set aside for use depending on how many players we have so I can adjust on the fly to different situations. For the smaller games I prefer to be more well rounded.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
I'm not even waiting for the red lights. This goes straight back to MS. (was a EU launch system btw)


So I just watched a 720p video of this game, and I'm thinking that I might need to buy a 360 to drop in my office, because it looks like a hell of a lot of fun.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
puck1337 said:
So I just watched a 720p video of this game, and I'm thinking that I might need to buy a 360 to drop in my office, because it looks like a hell of a lot of fun.

Which 720p video did you watch? URL pls.
TTP said:
I'm not even waiting for the red lights. This goes straight back to MS. (was a EU launch system btw)

The replacement 360 I got from MS has been fine so far. Only lock up I've had is in UNO and god knows why that happened. Funny thing is that the replacement runs quieter and cooler than my original.


chespace said:
You're a sniper, right? What the hell were you doing within range of his homing missiles? :p
Well, like I said I blew out his treads, but he was still around the same speed as me, maybe a little faster, so he eventually ran me into a corner. He was pretty much impossible to hit in his cockpit cause he was just moving all over the place. I wish my connection was a bit better. :(


chespace said:
Good god, here is the latest Morskoj secret weapon:


Watch the entire intro sequence -- it is ****ing AWESOME.

Talk about military fetishism. This is totally over the top. The close-up of the artillery shell being stuffed into the chamber, etc. I love the aesthetic of this game. :)

This heavy gunner just sits on a hill and drops 70 or so rounds from his double-barrel and single-barrel quad-hound onto this thing and it doesn't even faze it.

How are we supposed to take these things out?

My squad fought this twice last night and I shat my pants. We had no idea what we were getting into. It's ****ing HUGE and the worst part is there's little machine gun turrets and missle launchers on the ends and legs. What that video doesn't show you is it's main attack - a huge missle that leaves a mushroom cloud and explosion visible from pretty much anywhere on the map, which coats you in some sort of napalm like thing that takes of 75% of your HP.

As for how you beat it - you've basically got 10 mins to beat the shit out of it as it strolls down the road, and it's got HP bar that degrades. You just need to do what the guy does in the video - time your attacks between missiles and hide behind a ridge otherwise you're screwed. During our first attack it was already down to half health, then by the time we were done there was less than 10% left so we had one more quick go at it. After that it disappeared on the map and that was it. Definitely the highlight of the game for me so far though.

And I believe you get an "Emergency" message from the News telling you where it's located and that squads are requested to attack it ASAP or something.

That's basically it, and when you find the zone, one of the flags will say "Enemy Weapon Spotted" or something so you know you've found the right one.
I'm about to buy the game - thanks to all the great Live feedback - and I was thinking whether your Squad still has an opening. I haven't been a very active member here at NeoGaf, but I am an avid video-gamer nonetheless - so if you are interested in taking a 'newbie' into the mix, let me know. :)


Thanks for the advice last night on the mech Che and Denogg. I look forward to getting into some battles with you... I am going to ditch the treads that you saw on my mech last nigth though, as I think I favor a mech that is faster then what those can provide...

Now I am actually looking forward to beating the single player missions to get more parts.
Sorry I wasn't on last night but it was my ex-girlfriend's birthday and a bunch of us went out drinking. And tonight I'm going to Qwest Field to watch the Seahawks-Cowboys exhibition game but I'll probably be able to jump on afterwards....as long as we don't go over to Pioneer Square and get lit up again. Oh....my liver.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Yeah, I'm going to Vancouver with the wife today and coming back sometime tomorrow... so I won't be on 'til tomorrow night.

BTW, awesome games last night Denog...

I am slowly perfecting my sniper/soldier hybrid, although at the rate this is going, I may just lean towards going all sniper with either Sabres or the Morskoj sniper cannons. Last night, I had a real taste of power when I crested a sand dune and saw one of the enemies trying to flank us in a 2v2. So I fired one sniper cannon round (not Sabre) then another into the side of its cockpit. The second shot popped him and I think he was probably as surprised as I was.

Now imagine a (relatively) fast, pure sniper with 8 Sabres... that is my goal.


Hey, what the hell? I got booted from the NeoGAF brigade? Are you shitting me? WTF is going on?

I get busy at work last week and don't have time for any chromehounds save for one night and now im booted?

For Christ's sake, im sorry I can't play 40 HOURS A WEEK.

You know what, nevermind, **** this game. If playing with a decent squad means I have to sacrifice every waking hour when I'm not at work, its not worth it. Off to eBay this game goes. Such a shame, too. I enjoyed every minute with the Brigade. Too bad that apparently only hardcore players are wanted.

If anyone wants it, first 25 bucks takes it. PM me :)
Yeah I was booted from NeoGaf Brigade a couple a weeks ago myself but that was after about a weeks absence from Chrome Hounds though. You really need to play every weekend and some more during the week. This games eats large amounts of time and NeoGAf Brigade is pretty devoted to having people play on a regular basis. I had a blast when I played with Denogg, Che, Matts, DJ and the others. I am going to try and get into another squad tonight and get back online at least twice a week.
this game is hilarious :p

only 20 spots guys, with so many people playing wanting to play the game with GAFers, you cant all be in the same squad, when someone isnt on for a week, when most everyone else is on nightly, they gotta make room for some new people sometime.

people are getting dicked around by these squads all over the place... but its how the game is set up, 20 max, thats it... you could try never kicking people out, but with a 20 person max, and the fact that some people rent, or get bored of the game very quickly you gotta make room.

make your own squad and invite the newer people who want to play into it. im sure you did like playing with those certain people, but so do a lot of people, more than 20 usualy :O


No. I was on at least 3 nights a week and played about 10 hours a week online since the game came out, and when i was on it was always the same 6 people or so. I have a hard time believing that 10 hours a week is NOT ENOUGH COMMITTMENT to play with a GAF squad. I think I know why I got kicked out, though. And I'm through with this game. It's hard enough finding a decent squad to play with so I'm not going to bother with it any more. Its such a shame, too, this game rocks but I didn't buy it to play 1vs1 online nor did I buy it to play with a great bunch of folks, and then get kicked out because someone decided that since i dont play 40 hours a freakin' week that wasn't enough. Screw that.
just seems kinda radical .... to just give up on a game you obviously really like, because some people droped you from a squad, possibly accidently, or without really thinking, since people are getting shifted around all over the place.


Nobiru said:
just seems kinda radical .... to just give up on a game you obviously really like, because some people droped you from a squad, possibly accidently, or without really thinking, since people are getting shifted around all over the place.

Accidentally my ass.
Enron said:
Accidentally my ass.

not accidently, as in "oops wrong guy" ...as in "lets make some room for the people wanting in.... havent seen this guy on ina couple days, he will ask again if he wants back in like everyone else" type of thing...


If it is any consolation dude, I am feeling bad that you got booted, possibly for one of the 3 spots that I filled last night.

I'd be willing to give you your spot back in leau of my own...


hyperbolically metafictive
i'm about to log on -- i was on a little while back, and didn't see any neogaf brigadiers. let's play some fuggin chromehounds.

edit: man, i'm not finding any solo battles. dead rising has killed this game :(
drohne said:
i'm about to log on -- i was on a little while back, and didn't see any neogaf brigadiers. let's play some fuggin chromehounds.

edit: man, i'm not finding any solo battles. dead rising has killed this game :(

I saw that you're on CH on my friends list so I came on. I'm just sitting in the main lobby now..
Doc Savage said:
Yeah I was booted from NeoGaf Brigade a couple a weeks ago myself but that was after about a weeks absence from Chrome Hounds though. You really need to play every weekend and some more during the week. This games eats large amounts of time and NeoGAf Brigade is pretty devoted to having people play on a regular basis. I had a blast when I played with Denogg, Che, Matts, DJ and the others. I am going to try and get into another squad tonight and get back online at least twice a week.

Brigade has 1 slot left still. Come back =[


They really need to up the squad limit to at least 40. Didn't Halo 2 have up to 100 people in a clan?

C'mon From Software, make that the update!
DJ Brannon said:
They really need to up the squad limit to at least 40. Didn't Halo 2 have up to 100 people in a clan?

C'mon From Software, make that the update!

halo 2 doesnt have a lobby where you can all chat with each other though. 40 people talking would get pretty crazy, people need to start forming up new squads though.


I see. I guess the others can be in their own lounge area and one can be the impromptu leader of that area and pass messages onto the main Squad Leader... ambitious, sure, but it could probably work.

So... I think I'd like to focus on building and perfecting a Defender.

Any suggestions based on actual combat? I'm interested in being extremely good at close-quarters combat, and wonder about the interplay between capacity [armor, amount of firepower] and speed.

As far as actual weapons, I seem to be pretty deadly with cannons, machine guns, and shotguns, but I'd like to hear opinions on the pros and cons of these and others (missiles, heat rockets, 6x rockets, etc)
This game is just pissing me off tonight. We win our first battle but the kids disconnect telling me we were doing "standby" wth. Then the next 3 or 4 battles in the city all we fought were the double barrel noobs killing us in two hits.


Kingpen said:
If it is any consolation dude, I am feeling bad that you got booted, possibly for one of the 3 spots that I filled last night.

I'd be willing to give you your spot back in leau of my own...

Nope, im done. This little "experience" has completely soured me on this game.


I have a defender/heavy gunner with a sniper rifle, howitzer, and a setup of three cannons + machinegun that acts as a tracer/laser sight so I never have to go into zoom during those hectic moments. Along with the armor setup, it's pretty resilient and can take quite a bit of damage before it starts to falter.

Also the sniper rifle I use isn't all that much until I switch the rounds to CE; that give it much more penetration power, and most mechs are weak enough to CE damage as it is. One hit won't kill, but it's enough to spook an enemy and shake his confidence a bit.
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