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Official GAF Chromehounds Squad Thread

Do most people play out of zoom? I can't stand that. I have a pretty big TV (60-inch) and I still can't see SHIT on that screen on the top right.

(I'm also TERRIBLE with Howitzers so they're not even in consideration... though it would be nice to be a competent HVG... they're so damn powerful when done right)


hyperbolically metafictive
i've gotten so unbelievably bad at chromehounds that i'm never going to play it again. or at least not until i get home tonight.
Woot, drove my spiker into the enemy base, ran to the bathroom with my wireless controller, held down R and found out I won the war for my group while taking a crap. =] I own!:D


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Hey enron, sorry to have kicked you off to make room for others.

I overestimated and now we still have 1 spot left so if you want to rejoin, please do.

None of the kickings are intentional, please keep that in mind. If you feel like you have to sell your game because you got dicked over or whatever, then be my guest. There are always other squads to join -- or hey, make your own and invite others.

The good news is that I've convinced Mark Mac from EGM to rethink his review and play Chromehounds with our squad. He should be joining soon and we Brigaders will have to show him how shit is done. :D
How often does the Brigade play? 13th is never on, it seems, and I've really started to get into the game. Unfortunately I'm out of town and don't have access to live, so I can't test out my new Defender/Soldier build.
Hum - I would gladly join, but I only bought the game yesterday, and I seriously have to play through the single-player to get money / parts, and ( obviously ) experience.

Hopefully you still have an opening early next week. ;o I am ready to 'sacrifice' a lot of my time into the game - that was one of the reasons why I bought it to begin with - so activity will not be an issue.


My Arms Your Hearse said:
How often does the Brigade play? 13th is never on, it seems, and I've really started to get into the game. Unfortunately I'm out of town and don't have access to live, so I can't test out my new Defender/Soldier build.
We're on every night usually (ranging from 3 to 6 members normally, except this week was Dead Rising, so people are still chewing that down). Expect performance to pick up next week and the next. At the end of the month though, I'll probably be gone (Enchanted Arms, AND Saints Row).
Ah - I have to say that next month will be pretty busy for me as well. Dead Rising ( since it will be released on 8th of September here in Finland ), Saint's Row and Enchanted Arms. :D

What are your thoughts on Chromehounds in general - is the Live-play as awesome as it seems to be?


those retards with dual barrelled heavy cannons are easy to take out. Just aim for the cockpit. They are slow due to the addded weight.

But then again i've gotten pretty damn deadly with my canons so it's pretty easy for me
I just got the game and finished Dead Rising. I still play a lot of LOTR and SF but I'd like to join a GAF squad if anyone wants a new member.

gamertag: robut
Enron said:
Nope, im done. This little "experience" has completely soured me on this game.

Quit crying like a little baby. Rejoin the squad, or if you don't want to do that, join another or form your own. There seem to be plenty of GAFfers who'd like to join a squad. It's stupid to give up on a game because of an incident like this, and selling it off because you're not in the brigade makes you look like a little bitch.

I was on for about two hours last night, from about 6 PM Central Time to about 8 PM, and didn't see another soul. Played some good 1 vs. 1 matches, and tried out several new mech designs. Collected some nice cash too, including a 48k bonus from Tarakia. We were holding about 4% of the map when I logged out (up from 0%) from earlier in the day when some of us played.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
Quit crying like a little baby. Rejoin the squad, or if you don't want to do that, join another or form your own. There seem to be plenty of GAFfers who'd like to join a squad. It's stupid to give up on a game because of an incident like this, and selling it off because you're not in the brigade makes you look like a little bitch.

I was on for about two hours last night, from about 6 PM Central Time to about 8 PM, and didn't see another soul. Played some good 1 vs. 1 matches, and tried out several new mech designs. Collected some nice cash too, including a 48k bonus from Tarakia. We were holding about 4% of the map when I logged out (up from 0%) from earlier in the day when some of us played.

I'm giving up on the game because I don't HAVE THE TIME it takes to satisfy you guys and its a little assholish to get booted without any sort of explanation.

I'm not bothering with another squad because If I do manage to find/get one together that was HALF as good as the NeoGAF Brigade, the same thing would just happen again because I don't have to time to put into it as everyone else seems to have. Sorry, but a 20hour per week investment in this game is not possible for me.

I'm sure it must make you feel good to say those sort of things, "stop crying", "little bitch" from behind your keyboard..you feel like a big man now? Go ahead, call as many names as you like. I'll take solace in the fact I've got better things to do with my time than play a videogame 30 hours a week, and you apparently don't.

Edit: Another GAFer will be the recipient of my copy, so someone else here will get to enjoy the awesomeness that is chromehounds.
Enron said:
I'm giving up on the game because I don't HAVE THE TIME it takes to satisfy you guys and its a little assholish to get booted without any sort of explanation.

I'm not bothering with another squad because If I do manage to find/get one together that was HALF as good as the NeoGAF Brigade, the same thing would just happen again because I don't have to time to put into it as everyone else seems to have. Sorry, but a 20hour per week investment in this game is not possible for me.

I'm sure it must make you feel good to say those sort of things, "stop crying", "little bitch" from behind your keyboard..you feel like a big man now? Go ahead, call as many names as you like. I'll take solace in the fact I've got better things to do with my time than play a videogame 30 hours a week, and you apparently don't.

Edit: Another GAFer will be the recipient of my copy, so someone else here will get to enjoy the awesomeness that is chromehounds.

I'm not on all that much either, but I do check in every few days and play when I can. It doesn't take that much time, and no one is saying their is a limit you need to play each week. It simply came down to the fact that several people were asking if there were open slots, and Che cleared out a few people who hadn't been playing. Honestly? I'm surprised I haven't been booted already myself, as I don't have the time to play as much as some of the others either. But you know what? If I got kicked, it wouldn't bother me. I'd understand, and I'd most likely form a new squad for more casual play. You don't have to play 20+ hours a week to get good at the game.

As for calling you names, I apologize if I upset you, but seriously, your posts come across as a whining child who can't get his way. "I got kicked out, so I'm going to quit all together!" "I won't find a group as good as the Brigade!" If you like the game so much, you shouldn't give up on it because you were booted from one squad. It just comes across as such a cry-baby move.


hyperbolically metafictive
you don't have to play for hours every day to stay in the neogaf brigade. you probably just don't play the same hours that che does, and he probably thought that you don't play at all -- the game doesn't give him any other information to go on. i think i do play the same hours as che, and i don't remember seeing you. i'm sure it'd suck to get kicked from a squad, and if you're through with the game that's your call, but i don't see why you're taking it so personally.

i had the most hilarious back-and-forth text messages with one of those double-barreled cannon guys last night. the way i mocked his hound you'd think i'd won, and not...uh...limped around the map with no guns for 10 minutes :(
From what I've read there's the 13th which seems to be full...any other GAF squads out there? I don't want to create my own since I'm a total noob to the game. I played some single player to get experience and cash but it's very boring. My gamertag is robut.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I will be playing this afternoon if anyone wants to play. Enron, you were kicked for no other reason than we needed space for someone to play. As Che said, you can come back and we will gladly accept you back. You do need to understand that some of us want to play CH more than anything else (my copy of Dead Rising is still sealed!) and the number of us who DO play that much is, right now, is a little in the minority. However, over time, people may want to play CH more and those people are the ones we want to play with simply because the more people on a team, the more the experience is fully realized. You should not take your getting booted as anything other than a space adjustment and the fact that it bothers you just says to me you liked playing with us and we would gladly take you back. So, if you come on this afternoon and see me online, I will give you the vote to come back and we can move on from this. Ok?


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
It's downright silly how much drama these Chromehounds squads can produce. :p

Enron, again, I'm sorry that I kicked you with no explanation. Since gamertags and GAF names are different, I really had no idea who I was kicking.

Next time, I'll send private XBL messages to anyone I kick to make room for new blood.

drohne: to deal with the double barrel motherf.uckers, I've been working on perfecting my pure Sabre hound. Right now I've got 6 of them linked to slots of 2 each. If I press the trigger just ever so slightly, I can fire just one shot of the pair if I'm not confident the terrain will accomodate for the trajectory of 2 bullets. Anyway, 6 x 8 rounds each is 48 Sabre bullets no matter how you look at it. Two downsides so far I can't seem to overcome with a build like this... speed and armor. Sabres weigh like 527 or something and so you can do the math yourself... multiply that by 6 and you're well into 3000+ lbs just for your weapons without the addition of cockpit and engine. Still, the good news is that this hound has absolutely ZERO recoil so if I miss, it's because I suck at sniping (and I'm trying to get better).

Anyway, I'll be back from Vancouver tonight so I'll have to give this thing more experimentation.

m0dus: lol, you are so officially the squad's velocity girl. who wants to be beat builder? :p


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I am a proud card-carrying double barrel motherfukcer. And when I blow up a base in the nick of time or cap someone from 900 away, you are glad I am on your team. :lol


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
DenogginizerOS said:
I am a proud card-carrying double barrel motherfukcer. And when I blow up a base in the nick of time or cap someone from 900 away, you are glad I am on your team. :lol

Yeah but you're not a double-barrel mofo who walks with 150 speed on a bipedal reverse joint. :p


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
chespace said:
Yeah but you're not a double-barrel mofo who walks with 150 speed on a bipedal reverse joint. :p

Nope. I accept my handicaps with a raised fist. Modus, I need a sign for my mech that is like something you would find on a moped or a horse and buggy that tells faster moving mechs to go around and bypass me as I move at a glacial pace. :)


chespace said:
...I've been working on perfecting my pure Sabre hound. Right now I've got 6 of them linked to slots of 2 each. If I press the trigger just ever so slightly, I can fire just one shot of the pair if I'm not confident the terrain will accomodate for the trajectory of 2 bullets
OMGWTF! I'll sue!

It's best if you find a trade off. You don't need 6 Sabres and it's best to have some armor, some speed(especially speed) or both.. when the situation calls for it.

With your current setup it sounds like your screwed if you're spotted before you see your target. If that target is another sniper or someone with good howitzer aim... ruh roh!


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
raYne said:
OMGWTF! I'll sue!

It's best if you find a trade off. You don't need 6 Sabres and it's best to have some armor, some speed(especially speed) or both.. when the situation calls for it.

With your current setup it sounds like your screwed if you're spotted before you see your target. If that target is another sniper or someone with good howitzer aim... ruh roh!

Well, the reason for the 6 sabres is so you can fire one volley and quickly have another at the ready. These damn things take 12500 time to reload. But yes, speed is very important for snipers so I may have to up that.


m0dus said:
Also, Che, when you get on have someone give you the new squad text/logo. I didn't realize there was a squad calling themselves "GAFHOUND" so I've axed that and replaced it with a stylish "NeoGAF" instead.

Yeah yeah. I spend half my time making ****ing emblems now. Just change my tag to 'Chromehounds Velocity Girl" :lol


m0dus' emblem making business is thriving!


Enron said:
I'm giving up on the game because I don't HAVE THE TIME it takes to satisfy you guys and its a little assholish to get booted without any sort of explanation.
Maybe if you ever played they could have given you an explanation.


Hey guys.... just gotta say that my cat (er, wife's cat) is officially on the shit list. Little bastard decided that he wanted to use my floor speaker as an obsticle course pole vault, and on it was my Chromehounds box (game was inside it, but loosly and not snug on in the prongs) Well after he jumped (right before my eyes) I saw the case took a 4 foot drop and out popped my disk, with 3 huge ass scratches all across the disk. Now the damn game won't play....

Being that I had a budget for games, it doesn't look like I will be replacing Chromehounds anytime soon. Please drop me from the Brigade so someone else with the game can join up.... What a shitty thing to wake up too. I hadn't even had time to put much time into this game.

All I gotta say is that little bastard better not be around me when I am playing dead rising... that game gives me too many ideas.

Thanks for welcoming me into the brigade for the little time that you did. I appreciate it.
So has anyone actually found a viable way to use the Sniper RT yet? Snipers just seem so underpowered when it comes to attack power, and mediocre at best at everythign else.
Oh yay, we just lost to some squad who had shields on their front core that said "**** you" and shields on their side with the number 69 all over em. =\
MadraptorMan said:
So has anyone actually found a viable way to use the Sniper RT yet? Snipers just seem so underpowered when it comes to attack power, and mediocre at best at everythign else.

Use chemical ammo (always use the most powerful/expensive ammo), keep your distance, and shoot for the legs if they've got anything but a light exposed cockpit.

I'm using a sniper now; 3 sabres, 2 Morskoj sniper cannons, and 2 machine guns if anyone gets too close. Don't bother with armor or any extraneous parts - keep your mech as light and fast as possible.
Confidence Man said:
Use chemical ammo (always use the most powerful/expensive ammo), keep your distance, and shoot for the legs if they've got anything but a light exposed cockpit.

I'm using a sniper now; 3 sabres, 2 Morskoj sniper cannons, and 2 machine guns if anyone gets too close. Don't bother with armor or any extraneous parts - keep your mech as light and fast as possible.

Inverse legs, I assume?
Confidence Man said:
Use chemical ammo (always use the most powerful/expensive ammo), keep your distance, and shoot for the legs if they've got anything but a light exposed cockpit.

I'm using a sniper now; 3 sabres, 2 Morskoj sniper cannons, and 2 machine guns if anyone gets too close. Don't bother with armor or any extraneous parts - keep your mech as light and fast as possible.

Similar to what I've been playing with. Light, fast, plenty of firepower, stay at a distance, take the high ground (Anakin!) and act as support for the rest of the crew.

I was playing a 1 vs. 1 game last night, and started off quickly grabbing Combases. Found the enemy base while grabbing a combas on high ground that overlooked it. I saw the enemy mech moving out of a valley and up towards my position, quickly filled him with four shots from my four different sniper rifles. (Two each onf two different weapons systems). He ducked back down behind a canyon wall and out of site, so I switched to my two machine guns and started filling his base full of hot depleted uranium lead. It wasn't long before the thing was smoking, so the guy thought he'd better to something about me, he popped out and tried to make a mad dash toward my position but I again hit him four times in the cockpit. By now his warning lights and alarms must have been going off, so he hopped back around the corner out of sight, and I went back to machine gunning his base.

Time was running low and I clearly had more combases than he did, so he decided to give it one more desperate try. He rushed around the corner, moving back and fourth very quickly, and I popped off two shot of my more powerful sniper rifles, which both missed their marks. Emboldened, he charged on, but I switched over to my other set of rifles and fired two (weaker) shots into his cockpit. That didn't bring him down, but finally I switched to my machine guns and pelted him at close range as he tried to rush the hill in vane. His cockpit lit up like a Fourth of July celebration, and I claimed victory for Tarakia and the GAF Brigade.
MadraptorMan said:
Inverse legs, I assume?

Yes. I'm using Tarakian legs with the curved armor at the feet (I forget the name, starts with a B). I also use a chip with really high stability, the name also starts with a B I think.
m0dus said:

I can't get on until this evening :-( Good job on getting our rank up tho.

Us 3 have been playing since like 11 am est.. we're still fighting our way up the ranks. woot woot word yeahhh
Well everyone seemed to disappear, whenever anyone gets on and wants to play just send me a message, gt is mattsonlyhope. I'll be playing dr until then.


Trasher said:
Maybe if you ever played they could have given you an explanation.

Trasher, you can kiss my ass. At least I can play a full round without having to reconnect seven hundered times and teammates can at LEAST understand me when I speak. And what do you mean "if I ever played"? I've played matches with you SEVERAL times.

Enron = chrisful = 27
Enron said:
Trasher, you can kiss my ass. At least I can play a full round without having to reconnect seven hundered times and teammates can at LEAST understand me when I speak. And what do you mean "if I ever played"? I've played matches with you SEVERAL times.

Enron = chrisful = 27

To be far with trasher, deno and I played with him for a few hours today already, no voice com. or connection trouble at all.
I was on twice today. This morning, at about 10 AM Central time and then again at 3:30 PM and I haven't seen anyone online at all. I did see that Denog and Trasher were on earlier, but you guys never showed up in the lobby at the same time I was, despite waiting for you. Guess we couldn't connect, so I played some 1 vs. 1 for awhile. Hopefully tomorrow night we can hook up again.
Kung Fu Jedi said:
I was on twice today. This morning, at about 10 AM Central time and then again at 3:30 PM and I haven't seen anyone online at all. I did see that Denog and Trasher were on earlier, but you guys never showed up in the lobby at the same time I was, despite waiting for you. Guess we couldn't connect, so I played some 1 vs. 1 for awhile. Hopefully tomorrow night we can hook up again.

We saw you in the lobby a few times this evening but you wouldn't reply..


The NeoGAF Brigade has decided to hire some help for our recent overflowing of squad members. They will be helping us....a little here.


Enron said:
Trasher, you can kiss my ass. At least I can play a full round without having to reconnect seven hundered times and teammates can at LEAST understand me when I speak. And what do you mean "if I ever played"? I've played matches with you SEVERAL times.

Enron = chrisful = 27
My bad, I didn't know you were chrisful. You should come back dude. Let Che know the next time he is on.

But dude, stop being so hostile about this. It was a mistake, calm down. This isn't the end of the world.


So is this thread now the official Chromehounds thread?
I've joined DCharlie's squad and am really falling in love with the game.

I've beaten Soldier and am nearly done with Sniper. Played a few matches online, and already I'm addicted to the garage / decal maker. Props to From Software for making such an addictive online mode. The 15 min max on missions really puts a sense of urgency into the game.


half-wit retard monkey's ass
We played one of the stupidest matches ever yesterday in a five on five (or four on four, I don't remember).

We were at the ice level with the enemy base 4 high on the hill and 5 allied bases behind a like icewall area. Anyways, opponenst come from another base, not surprisingly they were double barreled dudes. Also they had a base killer with NA jammer and bombs that went round while they distracted us. Didn't work of course, but the thing is. He started killing a 'RANDOM' base with his bombs, as if he was teasing us as to what he was going to do with or base....

So I just sat there grinding him down with machinegunshots occasionally but basically too stunned to do anything. So after he killed the 'wrong' base, he kept going ON bombing it, as if he couldnt believe he just destroyed the wrong base and wanted to keep bombing it pretending it didn't just blow up in his face.

Now the most moronic part, he apperantly called help from his buddies IN destroying this already destroyed random base. So they had three remaining or so, two of those peeled off and came to the base to also shoot on it lol

I was really, really, freaking stunned as to this pure and utter stupidity. I'm wondering wether they saw a flag on there or something. Anyways obviously we relieved them from their suffering, after which they jinxed us and we went on a massive losing spree-gallore against double barreled-dude clans.
DarkAngelYuna said:
We saw you in the lobby a few times this evening but you wouldn't reply..

That was probably when I logged in, only to get a phone call just as I was entering the lobby. Ended up on the phone with a friend for an hour helping him prepare for his Fantasy Football Draft today. By the time I got rid of him, I just signed out. I'll be on again tonight though. :)

I played a 1 vs. 1 game yesterday on a large, open desert map. Walked around trying to find the enemy and or his base, only to find realize that he was grabbing the Combases right next tom my base. I turned my Solider Mech around to head for home, but he isn't the speediest of mechs (138 speed). I topped a sand dune and could see my base in the distance smoking like mad, so I knew I was in trouble. I lumbered as fast as I could towards the base hoping to have time to engage him before he destroyed my base. As I approached, I knew something was amiss however, as I couldn't see him anywhere. His tracks circled my base, but then went off into the distance. Perplexed, I quickly grabbed the two near by Combases again, then set out to follow his tracks into the desert. Finally, I spied him in the distance, and moved to engage him. He was moving very fast, but I cut him off and started firing rockets and machine gun fire into his legs, slowing him down very quickly. Then I started unloading on him with my heavy cannons, machines, and rockets, while he tried to limp away. After about 20 or 30 seconds of this, it dawned on me that he wasn't firing back! :D Yep, you guessed. This light, fast mech wasn't packing enough fire power to destroy the base, and burned up all his ammo in the process. Now, he was trying to limp away without any weapons to fire back at me. I made short order out of him, and collected my reward! The only expenses I had was the ammo I burned up taking him out. :lol


My Arms Your Hearse said:
How often does the Brigade play? 13th is never on, it seems, and I've really started to get into the game. Unfortunately I'm out of town and don't have access to live, so I can't test out my new Defender/Soldier build.

We play, but we have never tried to pick a set day/time that we should all try to be on that I've seen (I'm still new). It's funny because everytime I've played, its been with the same two or three people, but they aren't nessesarily the people I've seen posting here saying we're playing every night.

I think people are playing but our times just aren't overlapping. I really need to scedule my play time. I can be pretty flexible, but I need to know ahead of time when people are going to be on.

Is it possible to pick one day/time a week that we try to meet up for a big squad day? Something like, every Wed at 9:30 PM ET (day/time just an example) everyone try to be on. The rest of the week could be add-hoc, but for the part-timers this give at least once a week we can count on.

I did this with Steel Battalion LoC and it worked really well.

What do you all think?
I started playing 1vs1 matches last night and it was pretty lame. I always ran into the same kind of player - a real quick basekiller. I move too far from the base and they sneak in and take it out. I hang around at the base and they just run around getting combases and wait out the time and win anyway. It's like you're forced to play the same way just to even it out.
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