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Official GAF Chromehounds Squad Thread


DenogginizerOS said:
Seconded. What the hell does that mean. Please, let these parts be free. Please.
Well when I got the free downloads off the marketplace the parts in the game were free to buy. Take the Sabres for example: I was able to buy 8 of those for nothing.


chespace said:
What do you mean free to buy in-game?
They're free in the CH shop itself, so you can "buy" 800 of them and it wouldn't cost you a thing. Same as the last set of downloads.

Hmm.. I wonder what the MS point cost is? If any..


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Hitler Stole My Potato said:
Once you download it, you can purchase as many as you want from the shop for free - just like the other downloadable parts.

Ahh. I knew that. I guess I meant to ask, "Will I have to buy these parts with real money using MS points?"
I love reading the war stories in here. So many different stories by everyone, and they each give a glimpse into the tension and strategy that can go into a CH game. Keep 'em coming! :)


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
DarkAngelYuna said:
Oh yay, the time has come where you have to pay real money to keep competative in combat it seems =\

If this is true, my demeanor towards this game will change significantly. It has not been out long enough for them to be charging for guns and spacers. Please, say it isn't so.
DarkAngelYuna said:
Oh yay, the time has come where you have to pay real money to keep competative in combat it seems =\

Yeah, we were talking about this last week. If that happens, and it becomes an major issue, it'll probably be the death of the fun of Chromehounds. I don't mind buying DLC if it's worth it, but 100 points for a single weapons seems kind of excessive. 200 poins for a weapons pack with four weapons and a spacer or something might be different.
I joined a Squad called 'Bravehearts' - the Squad is still small and 'rookie'-level, but the 'Squad-leader' is a kind fellow. He even donated me 10mil to get my game going.

I am still open for joining the NeoGAF Brigade someday, but not for a while. The game, as I might say, is addictive as hell, so I will be playing it for a long time to come. I am very, very glad that I bought it. :)

See you on the battlefield!


Hitler Stole My Potato said:
Can we trade these parts? If so, we should assign one part to purchase per member and then trade 'em to everyone else in the squad.
Downloadable parts, for what I understand, are only tradeable to those who have downloaded them? I'm not sure, however.


Maxrpg said:
Downloadable parts, for what I understand, are only tradeable to those who have downloaded them? I'm not sure, however.

I would be extremely surprised if you’re wrong.
But if you are, I say we do a deathmatch and the loser buy them for the entire squad.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Hmm, well... I don't know I would go far enough to say that paying for these parts (or not paying for them) would kill any enjoyment of the game, but I can see how many would feel offended just out of principle to use real money to keep up with the jonses'.

Still, on my part, I love the game a lot, so a few hundred points for a few things that I want is really no big deal (it's like, what, less than 3 bucks?)


Please, you can still play without them, it's just you'll not be using the parts. They are there if you want them, and I certainly think firing 3 shots at once (rifle!) is worth 100.


hyperbolically metafictive
Trasher said:
Btw, Drohne, DJ, and Spooka, I'm still pumped about that match last night. That was hella fun!

yeah, i was only around for like two minutes of that match, but it was awesome to watch on foot. i kinda wish i hadn't kept rushing in after we took out that one double-barrel guy, but then i guess it wouldn't have turned out so memorably.


Considering you can be extremely competitive without winning a single lottery, I will be surprised (and very disappointed) if From Software make the new downloadable parts unbalancing.


Man... I've been sitting here in torture reading everything you guys talk about this game and thinking of how I can wring my cats neck for f*cking up my Chromehounds disk. I have got to get a hold of another one some way.

I might have to trade in a game or 2 to spot me another copy.....

Since no one will box me and beat me in Fight night around here, I might have to trade it in...
So, how many hours does everyone have on their save now anyways? Mines only at about 59 hours. I would have a ton more time in the game so far if it didn't take sega TWO weeks to fix my -999999999 glitch and if I didn't have to go out of town for 9 days back in July.
Kingpen said:
Man... I've been sitting here in torture reading everything you guys talk about this game and thinking of how I can wring my cats neck for f*cking up my Chromehounds disk. I have got to get a hold of another one some way.

I might have to trade in a game or 2 to spot me another copy.....

Since no one will box me and beat me in Fight night around here, I might have to trade it in...

Hold your horses, man. I recently got Fight Night Round 3, so I just might step up... After a bit of practice. ;)
DarkAngelYuna said:
So, how many hours does everyone have on their save now anyways? Mines only at about 59 hours. I would have a ton more time in the game so far if it didn't take sega TWO weeks to fix my -999999999 glitch and if I didn't have to go out of town for 9 days back in July.

81 hours. I'd imagine half of 'em are from waiting in the lobby.


half-wit retard monkey's ass
DarkAngelYuna said:
So, how many hours does everyone have on their save now anyways? Mines only at about 59 hours. I would have a ton more time in the game so far if it didn't take sega TWO weeks to fix my -999999999 glitch and if I didn't have to go out of town for 9 days back in July.
I'm emberrassed :lol (145 hours, Major rank in Legendary unit - 13th)


DarkAngelYuna said:
So, how many hours does everyone have on their save now anyways? Mines only at about 59 hours. I would have a ton more time in the game so far if it didn't take sega TWO weeks to fix my -999999999 glitch and if I didn't have to go out of town for 9 days back in July.

I'm around 65 hours now I think. The first 30 hours were before I was even with the squad. Mainly just waiting and building. Lets just say I was glad to get on the Brigade where we occasionally - between bouts of waiting and building - get to play Chromehounds.


Lé Blade Runner said:
Hold your horses, man. I recently got Fight Night Round 3, so I just might step up... After a bit of practice. ;)

yeah I never can seem to part with Fight Night, as it is my favorite game... might just go pony up the cash for it...

Hit me up if you want to box... GT: KINGPEN66


DarkAngelYuna said:
So, how many hours does everyone have on their save now anyways? Mines only at about 59 hours. I would have a ton more time in the game so far if it didn't take sega TWO weeks to fix my -999999999 glitch and if I didn't have to go out of town for 9 days back in July.
I'm just under the 100 hour mark. Without a doubt at least 2-3 of those hours were spent reading war updates.

Kobold said:
I'm emberrassed (145 hours, Major rank in Legendary unit - 13th)
Yeah, you play too much. As a matter a fact it's weird when I log on and you aren't online... :lol :p
pilonv1 said:
Has anyone had the -9999999999 bug fixed yet?

As I said in my post like 5 above this, I did. All you do is go to their forum where they have dates and times posted.. Join their squad during that time and the guy will give you an item to sell for 999999999 to the store to break even.


half-wit retard monkey's ass
raYne said:
I'm just under the 100 hour mark. Without a doubt at least 2-3 of those hours were spent reading war updates.

Yeah, you play too much. As a matter a fact it's weird when I log on and you aren't online... :lol :p
Haha yea, though it's my job I guess! :lol


Had lots of fun with all you other Brigade players tonight! Looking forward to more. Thanks for being so helpful. This game is alot of fun on Live...

Makes me wonder if anyone plays Ghost Recon anymore.

The cat that destroyed my first disc managed to keep some of his nine lives.... Fight Night was the victim though... I'll have to reclaim my GAF throne in that game next spring...

On to Chromehounds!

TJ Bennett

TJ Hooker
I'm still pretty much a newb at this point. I've played Chromehounds for 13 hours so far and have finished 1/2 of single player with all S rankings. I really need to plow through the rest of single player so that i can focus on all that is multiplayer. I'll probably never catch some of you guys but i'll do my darndest to be a valuable member of the brigade.
I'm still mostly a newb too, but I'm learning fast, and I've tweaked my Mech builds with new parts and for a better fit for my style. Single Play provided some decent starter parts, but playing online is where you really learn to play and get the good stuff. I'm hoping to contribute to the squad where I can as well. :)


After everyone got off last night, I finished the Hound I was playing with when I first got on. I put it in a Team Deathmatch and it was really fun.

I made a heavy commander. Has anyone else tried one of these. When I play, it seems we need both a defender and a commander so I thought I'd make both. If anyone has any advise, I'd love it.

So far, I have a quad base, NA, double barrel, for range and Javalin Missles for close.

My cockpit is lighter than I'd like (3900 or so) but it was my heaviest with 9 slots so I could use the 165 stability chip. I also just barely come in under weight. I figure with the heavy guns on either side of my cockpit acting like shields I could get away with a lighter one. The NA is the smallest I have but it is one of the ones from single player so maybe I could go smaller.

I played it in a team deathmatch. Its not the best place to test and NA, but I mostly wanted to test the fighting power of this anyway. It worked great. I gave more than I took and it was fun directing the team to try to gang up. The other team was really cocky going in (and they *were* good). They killed a few of us before we killed one of them, but once they started to die, they were all split up and we started to dominate since I could direct.

I hope to try this out in the sqaud next time I'm on (probably Wednesday).


I also am learning fast. I had a few rounds where if I wasn't getting at least 3 combas for the team, I was picking off 2 and even 3 of the enemy units. I was pretty satisfied and look forward to more of it...

I'll try my best to be a valuable member of the brigade as well!
Dekelia: I built a Heavy Commander over the weekend and used it in a number of the matches we played. It was pretty decent build, and I've tweaked it some since then. I call it Defender Prime as it works great as a base defender or mid-range defender while still being able to spot the enemy. I'm very happy with the results so far, except it's very slow! :lol


Nice to see so many 13th players players on last night, it was nice to have atleast a 5 man game going almost the whole night. I guess people are finally coming back from DR.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
...except it's very slow! :lol

I was worried about that too. Mine goes 82...lol. In practice though, it didn't feel *that* much slower than my 182 soldier. I certainly won't be chasing anyone down, but it felt fast enough to get into position and change if nessessary. I figure I'll be hanging out near the base anyway.

The only thing I'm worried about is that my plan is to be the base defender, but if the enemy is smart, they run past me and stay near our base. It'll be hard to damage then without also damaging my own base with the splash. I guess I just need to make sure they don't get past me, lol.
Dekelia said:
I was worried about that too. Mine goes 82...lol. In practice though, it didn't feel *that* much slower than my 182 soldier. I certainly won't be chasing anyone down, but it felt fast enough to get into position and change if nessessary. I figure I'll be hanging out near the base anyway.

The only thing I'm worried about is that my plan is to be the base defender, but if the enemy is smart, they run past me and stay near our base. It'll be hard to damage then without also damaging my own base with the splash. I guess I just need to make sure they don't get past me, lol.

Yeah, mine is about the same speed, but you're right, it doesn't feel that bad, except when you are trying to keep up with your speedier squad-mates. It works fine for base defense and moving into an outward position to intercept attackers depending on the map. Just don't stray too far away from the base when you're the defender. I sometimes felt caught in the middle, wanting to support my squad more, but also trying to stay close to the base.

My version doesn't have any of the Heavy Weapons. It's outfitted with three rocket pods, a powerful shotgun, and two howitzers, which do some splash damage, but not any where near the amount of the Heavy weapons. Not enough to worry about damage to the base any way.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Played some absolutely abysmal games late last night. Turned off my system and watched The Descent instead.

Earlier on, it was fun playing with the Brigade though.

It's fun to double-team hounds with our two-man Trasher/chespace Sabrehounds.... that is until a HVG walks right up to our faces. :)


chespace said:
It's fun to double-team hounds with our two-man Trasher/chespace Sabrehounds.... that is until a HVG walks right up to our faces. :)
Sabres don't work too well when you are getting blasted point blank I'm afraid. :(


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
chespace said:
Played some absolutely abysmal games late last night. Turned off my system and watched The Descent instead.

Earlier on, it was fun playing with the Brigade though.

It's fun to double-team hounds with our two-man Trasher/chespace Sabrehounds.... that is until a HVG walks right up to our faces. :)

All I heard after I did that to you was, "Che is going to be pissed." :lol
I was on for about an hour early last night, but only saw Che on, who was off fighting in Free Battle mode most of the time. I did some fun 1 vs. 1 matches again, winning three out of four.

The one I lost, I wandered through a sandstorm to find the enemy base with no one in site. I started blasting away at the base, doing decent damage to it, when about half-way through it's destruction, I got blased from behind from a double barrel mech. Did major damage to my backside since I wasn't paying attention. I had a split second of indecision where I couldn't decide if I should concentrate on the base or turn to fight, but then I realized that I didn't have the base close enough to destruction to go after it, so I turned to face him, only to take another massive shot to the side as I'm turning. By the time I got my guns trained on him, he was unloading another shot, and warning alarms were going off all over my mech. I fired off a few quick bursts from my weapon systems before I went up in flames. It wasn't pretty.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
I was on for about an hour early last night, but only saw Che on, who was off fighting in Free Battle mode most of the time. I did some fun 1 vs. 1 matches again, winning three out of four.

The one I lost, I wandered through a sandstorm to find the enemy base with no one in site. I started blasting away at the base, doing decent damage to it, when about half-way through it's destruction, I got blased from behind from a double barrel mech. Did major damage to my backside since I wasn't paying attention. I had a split second of indecision where I couldn't decide if I should concentrate on the base or turn to fight, but then I realized that I didn't have the base close enough to destruction to go after it, so I turned to face him, only to take another massive shot to the side as I'm turning. By the time I got my guns trained on him, he was unloading another shot, and warning alarms were going off all over my mech. I fired off a few quick bursts from my weapon systems before I went up in flames. It wasn't pretty.
I hate that POS sandstorm map.
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