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Official GAF Chromehounds Squad Thread


The last few nights with Chromehounds have easily been the most fun I've ever had with an online console game. Some classic moments from last night were teamkilling Trasher with the help of PocketHitler and then still killing the 3 remaining enemy mechs, achieving the moral victory "Both Sides Failed" when we should of lost, an unfortunate unveiling of my new cannon scout..., Modus falling off a cliff, a 1 vs 1 battle with Fudge, and killing the enemy base under the cover of a glorious Chromehounds netsplit. Its a magical game.


Yeah those thermal assist parts for the low, low weight of 50-60.....you can't go wrong. So helpful in so many different situations.


Can you guys touch a little more for us Newbs about the thermal, night vision, and or radar mechanics of the gameplay? I am wondering if I need to install something on the mech to be able to spot other mechs on the map, and I have no idea how to get night vision to work, even if I had it.

Thanks a lot!


Kingpen said:
Can you guys touch a little more for us Newbs about the thermal, night vision, and or radar mechanics of the gameplay? I am wondering if I need to install something on the mech to be able to spot other mechs on the map, and I have no idea how to get night vision to work, even if I had it.

Thanks a lot!

The default radar (bottom right hand corner) you see you don't need any additional parts for. Your radar will pick up any movement within a range but if an enemy mech stands still you won't see them on the radar.

Thermal Vision & Nightvision are both assist parts you can buy and add to your mech and once you launch on a mission you hit your L trigger to turn it on. Nightvision being great for those complete dark maps but only those as any day maps will blind you silly. Thermal will show the heat signatures of everything on the map up to whatever the range is on your part. Thermal makes itself useful for seeing through sandstorms, smoke and almost anything else that would restrict your vision.
Kingpen said:
Can you guys touch a little more for us Newbs about the thermal, night vision, and or radar mechanics of the gameplay? I am wondering if I need to install something on the mech to be able to spot other mechs on the map, and I have no idea how to get night vision to work, even if I had it.

Thanks a lot!

To actually turn them on, you select them from your assist parts using the left bumper, and activate them using the left trigger. Pretty simple.

I have installed night vision on all my mechs so far, mainly because I don't want to have to worry about it when it comes time to set up a match. Does anyone leave it off, and add it as needed? It doesn't add that much weight as to be an issue, although it might be worthwhile to swap it out for a thermal sensor when needed. I'll have to see how many of my mechs I can fit both of them on. :)


Thanks for the advice. I think I'll follow Jedi's advice and just include both of them on any mech designs... it sure would seem to be nice to have them if you needed them.
I've never found night vision useful. I have no trouble at all picking out mechs on the night maps, and you can't tell the difference between red and green names with it on.
Confidence Man said:
I've never found night vision useful. I have no trouble at all picking out mechs on the night maps, and you can't tell the difference between red and green names with it on.

Hmm...maybe I need to turn up the brightness on my TV, because on night missions for me, I see the mechs as shadows moving in the night, and unless I turn the night vision on, I can barely see them at all.


I can't afford to put both types of vision on my mech. I pretty much just switch out to whatever is needed before the match begins.
Trasher said:
I can't afford to put both types of vision on my mech. I pretty much just switch out to whatever is needed before the match begins.

I'm not sure that I can either. Haven't tried it yet. I'd say that most of the designs I have won't allow for it. Going to have to give it a shot with my sniper though.
Holy shit.
This game does have stats. People always complaining it doesn't but I just found em!
Highlight your name on the squad member list and keep pressing LB to cycle through a TON of stats!


Note to potential employers: mainlines heroin
is anyone from the 13th about to be online in say 15 mins? If you guys have any openings I would like to join the squad.
This thread is far too large to search entirely so...

What nations are the two GAF squads in now? I'm stuck in Sal Kar for like a week more barring the war ending (which it probably will) and would like to know where to go to have, at least, a chance at signing up (I'm pretty mean with Light Cannons as a defender/soldier)?

That is if either are actively recruiting at all.


hyperbolically metafictive
i can't log in to the chromehounds server. i've tried resetting my network and all. STOP JERKING ME AROUND, XBOX
Played some good 1 vs. 1 matches again last night, as I was on for nearly two hours by myself again. KingPen and I played a couple of 2 vs. 2 matches before he had to go.

It was a joy for me to take on two mechs at once while King thought it was more prudent to grab combases! :lol


So did anyone grab any of the new weapon packs on Marketplace? If so are they worth it? I'm pretty curious about the assault rifle that fires 3 shots at once and that HEAT rocket.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
Played some good 1 vs. 1 matches again last night, as I was on for nearly two hours by myself again. KingPen and I played a couple of 2 vs. 2 matches before he had to go.

It was a joy for me to take on two mechs at once while King thought it was more prudent to grab combases! :lol

Hey.... like I said... those 30 bucks count....

Not all of us can just depend on 'Chucky Bucks' like some of us that were in the brigade lobby last night... :lol

I need to get more then one mech in my collection....

You guys have been more then nice enough to us newbs... I learn more and more about the game every single time I play it.

Does anyone have any links to any Chromehound fan sites that are any good? I'd like to spend the government dollar here at work researching mech designs....
Kingpen said:
Hey.... like I said... those 30 bucks count....

Not all of us can just depend on 'Chucky Bucks' like some of us that were in the brigade lobby last night... :lol

I need to get more then one mech in my collection....

:lol Just givin' you a hard time man! The two games we played were good considering we hadn't played together before. we won both, and walked away with some nice cash. Plus! You pocketed even more with your "Expenses = $0" production! :D


DarkAngelYuna said:
..you mean all of us? Considering there was like 6+ of us on playing last night. :p
Well obviously all of us "earned" it, but I was simply speaking about which game pushed it over, and it was mine. Squad history FTW. :D


Freaking awesome mech I had laying around, I called it the G-DIAN, Guardian style mech, but it really looks a LOT like a Samurai at certain angles.

Imagine the armor is like Samurai armor, and the cannons are katanas.



Really sweet mech - the cockpit is WAY too high for spikers to kill me, and the cannons give me NO kickback whatsoever, so I'm free to switch to fire cannon fire, then go back to pummelling with Machine guns.
Kobold said:
It's n00b-night, we've been schooling noobs for some two hours now, no game lost. :D

Agreed. I just got done playing 45 minutes straight 1 vs. 1 (No Brigade members on), without losing. I even got some medal for 10 straight matches without dying. Woo hoo!

I had one memorable mech against one of the double barreled noobs that everyone has been making fun of. The match started up and I took off grabbing combases and trying to find his base. It was the first one I headed towards. On the way there, I took out a drone, and then I saw him moving behind some buildings. I quickly moved into cover along some buildings as well, hoping he hadn't seen me either.

No such luck, he fired some rockets toward me, completely missing but destroying several buildings behind me. I quickly stepped out and got my first look at him. He was on treads, and had double barrled howitzers on both sides of his mech. One side was heavier than the other though. On the shoulder areas he had rocket pods. I also noticed he wasn't moving very fast, nor was he able to turn very fast.

Quickly I moved in closer, unloading with my machine guns, anti-hound rockets, and my own two howitzers. As I approached I simply moved back and fourth from side to side, and he couldn't train his weapons on me fast enough, all the while I was scoring direct hits. Within a minute I decimated his cockpit, and the match was over.

When I went to collect my cash, I noticed I had zero expenses. He hadn't scored a single hit on me. Not even splash damage with those howitzers. Classic example of a double barreled noob who didn't know how to use his weapons.
****! I can't even play this anymore. It hangs on the connecting screen and after a while eventually tells me the CH server is unavailable and to try again later. It's been like this since yesterday. I assume this isn't happening to anyone else?


Just picked up Chromehounds a couple of days ago. I've completed the singleplayer soldier and sniper training and signed up for Tarika team.

Anybody on Australian time looking for a new squadmember, send me an invite - gamertag monoRAIL.
Confidence Man said:
****! I can't even play this anymore. It hangs on the connecting screen and after a while eventually tells me the CH server is unavailable and to try again later. It's been like this since yesterday. I assume this isn't happening to anyone else?

Sorry man, I've had zero connection issues. Are you running through a router? Have you tried a direct connection to your cable modem?


I learned some valuable info last night from you guys... The hints about adding a generator to increase speed, and that a generator can be used essentially like a spacer were really helpful. These are the types of things that new players have a harder time realizing until they are pointed out (I didn't even think generators did anything helpful unless you were a heavy gunner or something). Is having an additional gas tank worth it?

I noticed that you guys are using a Sal Kar spacer part (the diagonal neck one) I bought the one from our country (Tarakia) and it doesn't work or allow placement like you guys have... I'm talking about being able to have it swoop down in front of the cockpit so you can put a piece of armor there. If anyone has any extra of these parts, it would find a warm home in my garage! I don't plan on defecting from the motherland any time soon.

I also learned that I have a very loving wife that doesn't get pissed when I play 3 nights in a row of Chromehounds all night long... I might have to give her my full attention tonight, but we will see.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Kingpen said:
I noticed that you guys are using a Sal Kar spacer part (the diagonal neck one) I bought the one from our country (Tarakia) and it doesn't work or allow placement like you guys have... I'm talking about being able to have it swoop down in front of the cockpit so you can put a piece of armor there.

All the diagonal spacers let you do that, the key is to put something on top of your cockpit that has a forward facing attachment node, then putting said spacer on there, like a generator for example.


hyperbolically metafictive
had another one of those nights where i played a million games and came out roughly even in merit. slightly ahead, actually -- i'm a "cadet" now. i think that means you have to call me "sir."

the noob cannons seem to be waning in popularity, at least in 1 on 1. either that or i've played and systematically avoided everyone who uses them.

re: putting armor in front of your cockpit, i find that you can get good coverage by putting your generator between your legs and your cockpit, and mounting the shield directly on that -- i suppose it depends on the particular generator and cockpit you use. the spacer is dead weight. why does this paragraph sound so dirty? :x
Maxrpg said:
Really sweet mech - the cockpit is WAY too high for spikers to kill me, and the cannons give me NO kickback whatsoever, so I'm free to switch to fire cannon fire, then go back to pummelling with Machine guns.

Cockpit height is irrelevant with those legs. One pile to kill them and a second to get your cockpit after you can't move/rotate (But if the guy is smart he wouldn't have charged you solo anyway, and his friend(s) will just finish you off. Of course, Pile Scouts are ridiculously easy to kill if you have good single blast firepower (Such as Cannnons).
Spacers aren't necessarily dead weight. Some of them are as tough as shields (though they don't cover nearly the same area. They also add more space between the cockpit and where the shells are hitting and helps disperse damage).

Of course, there is always the fact you can just blow out the legs and then bypass all the defense, but if you have Inverse/Bipedal legs they can be pretty damn hard to hit (unlike Caterpillar, especially, which is just hamburger meat in my [light gun] Cannon scopes).
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