Dude, you and I played (and kicked ass) until 4:30am PST... so you played for 3 more hours after that and STILL couldn't raise your rank?!
We got some pretty good teamwork strategy going there at the end with you as a heavily armed commander. I'm thinking about making a fast lance-heavy commander hound for urban combat so I can hide behind buildings, go around mechs, and run straight for their base while you distract them. With enough lances, the base should go down in less than 30 seconds. I'll probably just add a light assault rifle to take care of drones and tanks.
One of the Morskoj teams we beat last night messaged me and said nice work. I was like, whoa... good sportsmanship on Xbox Live. I actually like how, just like in real war, you don't really get to know who you're fighting -- you don't know their gamertags or anything. You just see the color of their mechs before you blow it the fcuk up.
BTW, I brought my game to work so we could do our 9:30EST offensive tonight. Very tempted to load it up now though.