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Official GAF Chromehounds Squad Thread


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
DJ Brannon said:
I was a pioneer in the cannon usage field; they're such a great all-around weapon. Attach a machine gun to them and you can fire at the enemy pretty accurately without having to go into the slower rotating zoom view.

Do you set your camera to be the machinegun or not?


Yes, the camera is on the machine gun in one weapon setting, and on the cannon in another just in case the gun gets destroyed. Works great since it forces me to get in sort of close to be accurate, but I don't have to zoom in to know where the cannon shots are going to go.


hyperbolically metafictive
light cannons rock. seems like everyone is using them now, but at least you actually have to aim them -- people who are really good with these things are frightening. i've got four anelace with the strongest ce rounds in a cluster on my current hound, and i've got enough stability that they fire in tight formation -- i've gotten a couple one hit kills, and i've actually yet to lose to a double barrel in solo, though i assign most of that to inept opponents. i'll have to try brannon's machine gun camera trick. like...now, in fact.


For one on ones, what's the best strategy?

At first I was like "ok, I'll just kill the other hound" but then I just got my HQ destroyed while I was searching for the guy. Then I was like "ok, I'll just kill THEIR HQ" but then I get smoked by the other hound! Also make it more difficult that I don't know WHICH hq is the right one, any advice on that?
i tired playing with u guys tonight but u didn't addd a space to the room for me when u made a new one.... sat in the lobby for 25 minutes but u never came back so iu played some saints row.


hyperbolically metafictive
holy shit -- brannon's trick of binding a machine gun to a set of cannons works so well that it almost feels unfair. it's cannons...but without the pointlessly zoomed-in scope and the pokey rotation. i'm down to three cannons now instead of four, but every extra hit i get over the course of a battle makes the difference up three times over. it made the machineguns i had as a backup weapon obsolete -- i switched them out for a single sabre. and with all the weight savings, i've switched over to the heaviest tarakian cockpit with the big high-resistance morskoj shield covering it entirely, and the fast sal-kar inverse legs. i lost a couple solo games with this build, but i had a bunch of scandalously easy wins. i'd probably run out of ammo in big squad games, but otherwise i'm in love. tomorrow i'm going to see what i have to do to squeeze in a second sabre.


Whoa whoa whoa. Backup. Why is attaching a machine gun to cannons good? Isn't the zoom of a cannon the same as a machine gun?
I've been using cannons since I got the game (~month ago). Nobody was really using them widespread until recently. Fortunately, though, most people aren't very good with them (yet at least). I don't use a machine gun to aim... pointless to me and my mech can't bear the wait, and I refuse to use less than four cannons (I might try it on one of my Morskoj leg models). If I'm so close that the zoom is inadequate, I just use the top right corner screen.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
Trasher said:
Whoa whoa whoa. Backup. Why is attaching a machine gun to cannons good? Isn't the zoom of a cannon the same as a machine gun?

I haven't played recently, sorry 13th, but I can still answer your question. The cannon zoom is greater than the machine gun, and often up close, you can't lead your shots correctly or tell when they are stopping because you are zoomed so close. The machine gun is zoomed further out and helps you when both hounds are right on top of each other.

I played with analece cannons from pretty much the begining and knew they would catch on eventually. Had 6 cannon designs, 5 cannons etc...Cockpit behind the cannons(good way to save on weight and still get shielding), underneath the mech, 3 cannons and 3 snipers, 3 cannons and 2 snipers with sheilds, generator below the cockpit(the best for shild placement), generator above...mobile legs, heavy legs, stupid tracks..

I haven't played recently because after close to 200 hours I felt like I had pretty much gotten all I could from the game, and I wasn't seeing anything knew. Maybe thats changed but itnthe limited time that I have, a totally different online game like COH is a good change.
Also, machine guns are too weak for my tastes (durability wise). Too easy to lose the camera. I don't see the attractiveness of Anelace cannons. Falchions are better. More powerful and substantially less kickback. Yes, they reload a tad bit slower, but it is more than fast enough. If you lose legs/generator with Anelace... BYE BYE aim.


hyperbolically metafictive
Trasher said:
Whoa whoa whoa. Backup. Why is attaching a machine gun to cannons good? Isn't the zoom of a cannon the same as a machine gun?

no -- i think it varies between cannons, but the zoom on the quick-reloading anelace is halfway to a sniper rifle, and being that cannons are terrible long-range weapons, i have to assume that the zoom and the slow rotation are just balancing mechanisms. they're a pain to aim at close range. with my cannons bound to a machinegun, i can just get really close to other cannon hounds, watch them thrash around, and hit as often as i can reload. makes hitting fast bastards on wheels and hovercrafts really easy too.

If you lose legs/generator with Anelace... BYE BYE aim.

depends on how much stability you've got -- with the backus chip and the heavier sal kar legs, my three-cannon cluster holds together pretty well even when my legs are out. initially i was using a different chip, and with that my cannons would spray like mad when i lost my legs. i like the anelace cannons -- they reload so quickly that you don't need two sets. i'm not sure how much of an advantage two sets is, unless you're using really slow cannons...seems like you have to fire them in rapid alternation to use them effectively, and i get lots of free hits on cannon hounds who predictably fire twice in a row.
drohne said:
no -- i think it varies between cannons, but the zoom on the quick-reloading anelace is halfway to a sniper rifle, and being that cannons are terrible long-range weapons, i have to assume that the zoom and the slow rotation are just balancing mechanisms. they're a pain to aim at close range. with my cannons bound to a machinegun, i can just get really close to other cannon hounds, watch them thrash around, and hit as often as i can reload. makes hitting fast bastards on wheels and hovercrafts really easy too.

depends on how much stability you've got -- with the backus chip and the heavier sal kar legs, my three-cannon cluster holds together pretty well even when my legs are out. initially i was using a different chip, and with that my cannons would spray like mad when i lost my legs. i think the quick reload of the anelace cannons is worth it -- they reload so quickly that you don't want or need two sets. i'm not sure how much of an advantage two sets is, unless you're using really slow cannons...seems like you have to fire them in rapid alternation to use them effectively, and i get lots of free hits on cannon hounds who predictably fire twice in a row.

Eh, with 236 stability Morskoj legs and ~105 stability chip (obviously backus is better, but speed is imperative) I get kicked to hell and back with Anelace. I disagree that they reload fast enough that you don't wan't two sets (well, depends I suppose, if you have a cluster of three... maybe).

I'm familiar enough with my mechs, close range, to simply LOOK at the screen, where my character is, and where there is, and be accurate. Failing that, I've forced myself to be quite good with the camera in the top right... these two things allow me much better evasion than using a camer zoom up close, which is suicide. I'm also very good at long range with cannons. Extremely accurate. Though as always, you have to "predict" where the enemy is going to be. Having two sets helps immensely with this.


hyperbolically metafictive
i used to use rockets, and had a lot of success with them until double barrels and light cannons really caught on. now that i've got a good cannon build, i realize the extent to which i was running uphill. :/ the firing lag on rockets makes them harder to hit with than cannons, really.

edit: yeah, i've been experimenting with third-person aiming at close range...i've won a couple fights against guys with mortars just by sticking my barrels in their faces and plugging away. it's easier than you'd expect.
Wow... I just tried it.

Definitely not for me. As I said, I do a lot of fighting from near max/medium range (I'm good from this distance, most people aren't = win). Without the cannon zoom I'd have to relearn how to aim again, and I'm definitely not interested in that. I was firing all my shots waaaay too long. Really had no way of juding how far they would travel with that camera. And yea, i checked some of the durabilities on the MGs... one shot from anything decent and they're toast.
My Arms Your Hearse said:
Wow... I just tried it.

Definitely not for me. As I said, I do a lot of fighting from near max/medium range (I'm good from this distance, most people aren't = win). Without the cannon zoom I'd have to relearn how to aim again, and I'm definitely not interested in that. I was firing all my shots waaaay too long. Really had no way of juding how far they would travel with that camera. And yea, i checked some of the durabilities on the MGs... one shot from anything decent and they're toast.

Why not just make a seperate weapon setting for with/w/o the MG?


hyperbolically metafictive
i swear i don't even understand how you're hitting with cannons at long range -- the shells arc slowly and do no splash damage, so unless your hound is absurdly slow, you can pretty much dodge them on reaction. maybe that's what you need two sets for -- fire the first, and hit them with the second as they try to dodge? or maybe we don't mean the same thing by "long range."

Son of Godzilla said:
Why not just make a seperate weapon setting for with/w/o the MG?

yeah, that's what brannon suggested doing. and while i've lost the machine gun a few times -- a stylet, mind, rather than the really fragile light ones -- the fight was usually decided by then.
Because I don't want my mech to be burdened down weight-wise by ineffective weapons with no durability that are, in my personal case, never going to help me with aiming (in fact, degrade my aiming). I'm never going to use camera zoom up close. Never. It's suicide, especially if you have more than one guy firing at you.
drohne said:
i swear i don't even understand how you're hitting with cannons at long range -- the shells arc slowly and do no splash damage, so unless your you're absurdly slow, you can pretty much dodge them on reaction. maybe that's what you need two sets for -- fire the first, and hit them with the second as they try to dodge?

1) Most mechs AREN'T fast. Really fast mechs I try to get closer to (most of them can't put out that much damage). Though one good shot to the legs is usually enough to fix this :lol

2) Yes... obviously you try to hit them with all shots, but the second firing is usually more accurate. You can pretty much figure out how people dodge quickly. Also, I usually play free battle (so there is a disclaimer) so when I'm behind someone, or something, and they have, say tank treads, I can blast them from BEYOND range and still be pretty accurate. Or if they don't have treads, I can at least maybe get a few shots in before they even know where they're coming from (and can't see my radar blip).

Two sets is also nice up close... 4/6 > 3. I even have some joke mechs with 7/8 cannons... terribly slow, not very good overall, but DAMN if you hit someone it's soooo satisfying.

Edit: When I say "long range" I mean the max range of the cannons, or a bit more (which isn't really LONG range).


Canons are great, but can also be easily countered with the right build.
Most of them have slow rotation speeds, my commander that have 4 machine guns and run at 190 can usually destroy them one on one without getting touched.
get close, out run their rotation and keep shooting at the legs.

And even if they do kill me, hey, if someone manages to shoot a zigzagging hound from 300-400 meters, well, hat off to you, well played, I’ll get you next time.


Good news, everyone! I'm finally back to my old home, and hooked up, fired up, ****in ready to go.



hyperbolically metafictive
i just had the most ridiculously intense fight with a colonel-ranked double double on that gazi oil field map. he was sitting on a little prominence by his base and wouldn't come down. i got one or two cockpit hits with my single sabre before i decided to take out his legs, but i didn't manage to do so before he'd broken the sabre with splash damage -- i describe it in a brief sentence, but this was an awfully protracted business. my legs and remaining guns were in damned bad shape by this point, so thinking i was screwed, i pulled back to a corner of that big central rock and waited for him to close in. i spent a couple tense minutes watching his radar blip move and listening to the explosions as he took out acvs. at one point i guessed that a nearby cluster of quadrupedal shotgun drones were occupying his attention, and decided to risk a rush -- my guess was right, i got a pretty decent look at his side as i broke from cover, and my first cannon volley scored a partial hit on his legs, which was enough to blow them. the explosion smelt like victory. i got a solid cockpit shot as he was turning around -- he shot wide, but still managed to splash me, taking out my legs. i realized that i'd pulled the trigger lightly and still had one unfired cannon. it was enough to finish him. the fight started about a minute into the game, and there were like two minutes on the clock when it ended. you get a ****ton of merit points for beating a colonel. chromehounds rocks.


I love this new mech, only now possible with alot of expiremental parts. Gigantic 1200+ NR dish with quad stylet machine guns and here is the best part, 237 speed. If I ever lose a 1 on 1 with it its because I made a tactical mistake. In group battles it lets you coordinate your forces for a 4 on 3 midfield battle or you take out their base.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I finally picked up Chromehounds; if I can ever get my 360 back online, I'd love to start playing with everyone.


And even i am moderately surprised
unless something goes badly wrong, CH is the GOTY for me.
i can't stop playing - i can't stop TALKING about it (i'm STILL banging on about it on the gaf cast)

This game is hot sex, anyone who isn't interested doesn't like hot sex. It's quite simple.

also - i had one of my first battles with a double cannoner... so funny... he hit me with the double cannon... then walked off like i was dead... :/
so i just CE cannoned the shit out of his base as he wandered off and then picked him off at my leisure at distance.... lol



hyperbolically metafictive
man, i just had a really good chromehounds sesson -- 5 and 1 neroimus war solo, with the one loss coming to some jackass who put an na maker on a fast base, grabbed a million combas towers, and hid in the city for 15 minutes -- the big flaw of my cannon/sniper hound is that it has no basekilling potential. i accidentally joined a two-man game, and pwned some guy on treads and his double double partner who sat back and did a really poor job of shelling my base. as good a way as any to go into my second retirement -- yakuza should come in the mail tomorrow, and then it's okami.
I can't ****ing wait until this game arrives.

I'm checking the campus mailroom tomorrow, even though chances are slim that it arrived that quickly.
Got the game.

My tag is Viscen

When are you guys playing again? I have no clue how to setup my mech and shit, never played a game like this before.


you'll want to spend at least a few hours in the single player to get a grip on the basic concepts of building a mech, and how they handle.... If you don't, you will most likely get owned online in any match... But I guess you gotta start somewhere

Brigade..... Anyone going to play tonight.... I'd like to get a few games in....


AdmiralViscen said:
When are you guys playing again? I have no clue how to setup my mech and shit, never played a game like this before.

If you've never played a game like this before then I strongly suggest playing at least one or two of the single player campaigns. They're pretty short, about 1-2 hours, but they give you a good idea on how the game plays, how to target and move properly, etc.

One of my problems with the game is that it's a bit intimidating to start the online portion of the game. You have no money to buy parts, you don't know how to get into an actual mission, and then once you do you don't know what to do!

I've been in about 10-15 missions now, and I STILL don't know how to identify the enemy base.
Oh bullhockey. I've still not touched the single player mode. You identify enemy base by which one has the Nation flag on the sides. And you start with $600k. Which is alot.
I did the first mission, and then I did the one where I attacked some ethnic terrorist base alongside a river. Second mission for the Soldier class, I think. Takes place in Albary.

I have the basic mechanics down, unless there are button functions they aren't telling me about. Still no instruction on mech design, do they ever do that? Or do I have to figure out what to do with these 90 parts all on my own?


Enemy base has a flag of that teams affiated nation on the sides of it.... Don't look at the front of the base, look at the side..

Another common sense tactic is if you have a sniper gun, look across the landscape in the beginning of the match and see if you can spot any mechs moving across the land. If you see at least 2 of them together, you can have a pretty good idea that their base is the one that is closest to where their position is...


hyperbolically metafictive
rastex said:
I've been in about 10-15 missions now, and I STILL don't know how to identify the enemy base.

it'll have a flag on the side of it. short of actually walking up and looking at the bases, you can look across at the combas towers by the enemy bases -- if the ones clustered around a particular base have flags on them, you can pretty securely guess which base they're at.


AdmiralViscen said:
I did the first mission, and then I did the one where I attacked some ethnic terrorist base alongside a river. Second mission for the Soldier class, I think. Takes place in Albary.

I have the basic mechanics down, unless there are button functions they aren't telling me about. Still no instruction on mech design, do they ever do that? Or do I have to figure out what to do with these 90 parts all on my own?

One tip I learned that wasn't apparent early on is to put a generator on your mech.... It will help to gain speed and energy output to handle your hunk of metal. I didn't know, but I think it is pretty much an essential part to the machine if you want something fairly balanced.


hyperbolically metafictive
AdmiralViscen said:
I have the basic mechanics down, unless there are button functions they aren't telling me about. Still no instruction on mech design, do they ever do that? Or do I have to figure out what to do with these 90 parts all on my own?

that's the fun of it! but a few hints: you don't want to use a really light cockpit -- less than 4000 durability, say -- while you're learning the game. you won't improve if you're being taken out as soon as you see your opponent. as light weapons go, you'll probably want a cluster of three or four of a single weapon type, all bound together, though of course there are exceptions. if all the weapons in a set are close together on your hound, you'll get a tighter firing pattern -- don't go for symmetry. a great many parts -- and particularly cockpits -- are more vulnerable to chemical damage than kinetic damage; that'll be the "ce" and "ke" next to the "penetration power" stat. cannon-type weapons kick back -- you'll need a high stability stat to use them effectively, which means inverse legs, treads, or quad legs.
Kingpen said:
One tip I learned that wasn't apparent early on is to put a generator on your mech.... It will help to gain speed and energy output to handle your hunk of metal. I didn't know, but I think it is pretty much an essential part to the machine if you want something fairly balanced.

drohne said:
that's the fun of it! but a few hints: you don't want to use a really light cockpit -- less than 4000 durability, say -- while you're learning the game. you won't improve if you're being taken out as soon as you see your opponent. as light weapons go, you'll probably want a cluster of three or four of a single weapon type, all bound together, though of course there are exceptions. if all the weapons in a set are close together on your hound, you'll get a tighter firing pattern -- don't go for symmetry. a great many parts -- and particularly cockpits -- are more vulnerable to chemical damage than kinetic damage; that'll be the "ce" and "ke" next to the "penetration power" stat. cannon-type weapons kick back -- you'll need a high stability stat to use them effectively, which means inverse legs, treads, or quad legs.


How long should I use their loaner Hound? I don't have many parts to choose from, but is the base hound so shitty that even my small number of parts are superior to it?

How would I even know if one hound is stronger than another? lol
AdmiralViscen said:

How long should I use their loaner Hound? I don't have many parts to choose from, but is the base hound so shitty that even my small number of parts are superior to it?

How would I even know if one hound is stronger than another? lol

Loaner hound is more than good enough offline. It'll destroy any computer opponent with ease. You just need to buy parts and start building your own online.


A flag eh? That should help.

Well here's another question, how the heck do you kill bases effectively? I thought I had a loadout that could take out a base, but I went through ALL of my ammo without taking one down.

Remember I play only 1 on 1 games because I had to create my own squad :(
rastex said:
A flag eh? That should help.

Well here's another question, how the heck do you kill bases effectively? I thought I had a loadout that could take out a base, but I went through ALL of my ammo without taking one down.

Remember I play only 1 on 1 games because I had to create my own squad :(

4 machine guns or 4 spikes.


AdmiralViscen said:
How long should I use their loaner Hound? I don't have many parts to choose from, but is the base hound so shitty that even my small number of parts are superior to it?

How would I even know if one hound is stronger than another? lol

That is the beauty of this game... you can be both unique to what you think is cool and essential to your hounds, and have different measures of success. There are 6 different classes, and all of them play differently.

There really isn't one uber hound that can be built, they all can be taken out with the appropriate tactics (even double doubles)
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