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Official GAF Chromehounds Squad Thread

Finally got a good chance to play with you guys last night, and had a blast. Learned a lot about strategy in the game, and the strengths and weakness of my mech. Now I have the urge to get more parts, build more mechs, and test them out.

Urban combat does indeed rock in the game, and the night vision is amazing, even though it's hard to tell your friends from foes at times. In one match last night I was frantically flashing my lights off and on, yelling into the mic that I was a friendly. Alas, my poor mech was turned into swiss cheese, and I was left guarding the base with my pee-shooter! :lol

Great game! Must play more! :D


chespace said:
We are in the midst of many many excellent and intense 4v4 matches in the capital city of Xeres tonight.

Urban combat in this game is unreal...

WTH? You guys were able to play last night? When i checked, the servers were still unavailable, so i gave up.


Sorry I missed last night guys, I was under the weather. I'll be back on tonight though.

Any idea how long before someone builds a flash application so we can fiddle with mechs during the day?

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Really hate to do this to you guys, but I'll be selling my copy of Chromehounds this afternoon. Just don't have the time to dedicate myself to the war effort.

Neat game, but at least this will open a slot in the GAF guild for someone more capable to help out.



Vark said:
Sorry I missed last night guys, I was under the weather. I'll be back on tonight though.

Any idea how long before someone builds a flash application so we can fiddle with mechs during the day?
I believe this might be what you're looking for. Just click on the build your hound link.


Ok, I can't take it anymore. I don't really have the time for this game, but after reading about how much fun it is, I think I'm gonna have to get it. I was really into Steel Battalion and Line of Contact when it first came out and really love the squad coordination of persistant war of this game.

I should have it on Monday or so from Gamefly. I hope there's still a spot open on one of the GAF squads when I get it.

BTW: I'm a new member, but I've lurked here for ages and was a member of the old GAF.


Geoff9920 said:
I believe this might be what you're looking for. Just click on the build your hound link.
Have they updated it after launch? If not, it should be missing a lot of parts.

I'd check, but I'm lazy... :lol


Vark said:
Sorry I missed last night guys, I was under the weather. I'll be back on tonight though.

Any idea how long before someone builds a flash application so we can fiddle with mechs during the day?

I missed last night also. We had some major weather here in the north east and I thought it best to leave to 360 off given how sensitive it is. The functionality you are looking for in that flash app your talking about I guess is what Live Anywhere is all about.


Besides the big win, it was pretty lax last night. I got on and four of us got one match in before the war was over. I didn't wait around for the server to reset, so I played a game of NCAA.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Kung Fu Jedi said:
Names!! We should take them out back and shoot 'em!

Sorry, I think maybe it was me. I entered into the lottery for a bunch of foreign parts last night, but had no idea that the quota was squad-wide and not just me.

Don't shoot me! :D
chespace said:
Sorry, I think maybe it was me. I entered into the lottery for a bunch of foreign parts last night, but had no idea that the quota was squad-wide and not just me.

Don't shoot me! :D

You just want my rocket launcher! :D


hey DJ BRANNON if you're reading this, you owe me some cash buddy. thanks for the friendly casualty! :lol i was in the midst of getting the last kill!

naw, i'm playing. but it was definitely fun finally getting in some multiplayer with the NeoGAF Brigade last night. i was finally able to join a squad after trying GAFHOUND for nearly 3 days. you guys will be seeing lots of me. :D


chespace said:
Sorry, I think maybe it was me. I entered into the lottery for a bunch of foreign parts last night, but had no idea that the quota was squad-wide and not just me.

Don't shoot me! :D


Ah well, we'll definitely have plenty of more chances.


Dekelia said:
Ok, I can't take it anymore. I don't really have the time for this game, but after reading about how much fun it is, I think I'm gonna have to get it. I was really into Steel Battalion and Line of Contact when it first came out and really love the squad coordination of persistant war of this game.

I should have it on Monday or so from Gamefly. I hope there's still a spot open on one of the GAF squads when I get it.

BTW: I'm a new member, but I've lurked here for ages and was a member of the old GAF.

another one succombs to the greatness of chromehounds. =] welcome to the club buddy.
hyp said:
hey DJ BRANNON if you're reading this, you owe me some cash buddy. thanks for the friendly casualty! :lol i was in the midst of getting the last kill!

naw, i'm playing. but it was definitely fun finally getting in some multiplayer with the NeoGAF Brigade last night. i was finally able to join a squad after trying GAFHOUND for nearly 3 days. you guys will be seeing lots of me. :D

Glad you made it into the Brigade. It's got to be some kind of weird network compatibility issue with someone in the FIGHTIN' THIRTEENTH. Oh, well.

TARAKIA!! (At least until we all decide to switch sides for new swag.)


BenjaminBirdie said:
Glad you made it into the Brigade. It's got to be some kind of weird network compatibility issue with someone in the FIGHTIN' THIRTEENTH. Oh, well.

TARAKIA!! (At least until we all decide to switch sides for new swag.)

yea, thanks for helping me try and troubleshoot it. unfortunately GAFHOUND doesn't like my connection for some reason. here's to hoping that we can create alliances and fight together as one big squad one day.
AgentOtaku said:
I'm kinda put off....because I have a very hectic daily schedule and I don't know if I would be able to play this regularly enough with fellow GAFers.....responsibilty sucks sometimes ya know, but can't help that I'm hardcore gamer with a casual gamer amount of freetime >_<

doesn't help that I'm in AlaskaTimeZone either

But I'll be getting this from Gamefly tommorow or the next day. After that, I'm going to try and see if I can keep up with the momentum everyone else seems to have right now. If I can, then I'll definetly keep this one and play it for a long time to come :)

Hey Agent I'll pay with you. Right now the Squad I'm playing with is a lot more relaxed, and I too have a lot of things going on right now as well. (In fact our Squad leader is out of town for a few days). That's why, I'm playing with a squad of close pals. There are enough of us playing that you'll be able to jump into a game with anyone at nearly anytime. But don't feel that you have to "schedule" a seesion. Some of the members are hardcore which is cool because they are also generous. ;) Hit me up if you want to play with us. You can always drop and hook up with GAF later. It'll also be a good way for you to get some good experience and have fun with the game and not be overwhelmed. We're playing the Sal-Kar faction right now, but we'll may switch at the end of the 2 week waiting period (next week).

I will hook up with GAF later on when I get some projects off my plate and can spend huge amounts of time playing Chromehounds. I had to pull back after I only got maybe 6 hours of sleep this past weekend. I just CAN'T afford to do that on a week night. :lol
chespace said:
Sorry, I think maybe it was me. I entered into the lottery for a bunch of foreign parts last night, but had no idea that the quota was squad-wide and not just me.

Don't shoot me! :D

Haha, I was jk. A few people have done it since the game came out, me included. :p No one seems to know about the limit until they take all 8 and get angry voice messages. *cries*


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Apharmd Battler said:
I will hook up with GAF later on when I get some projects off my plate and can spend huge amounts of time playing Chromehounds. I had to pull back after I only got maybe 6 hours of sleep this past weekend. I just CAN'T afford to do that on a week night. :lol

Yeah, the NeoGAF Brigade has settled into a nice mellow pace too I think. Our regularly scheduled offensive is still 9:30pm EST for those who can make it. Last night, we had a smaller group so we did a bunch of 4v4's until way past my bedtime on a school night (3am). At any rate, looks like the Brigade will have an opening soon.

I'm finding that I really like 4v4 matches because it has just enough action without the mass chaos of 6v6, plus, it allows you to have a heavily armed commander sit back and defend the base while calling out orders and enemy locations. Turns the match into a game of cat and mouse while we close in on the enemy and try flanking maneuvers. When you're trying to get to a skirmish, running at top speed but desperate because you're not going fast enough and your squadmate is screaming for help over the headset, thoughts of having a lighter and faster mech start entering your mind... that is, until you get to the battle and thank christ you have twin anti-hound cannons and a shitload of rockets at your disposal.

I don't play WoW, but now I truly understand online gaming addiction. Miguel Lopez, I forgive you for ditching our friendship to go on raids with your guild every single night for 3 years.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I have been swamped at work this week and yet, I am still daydreaming about Chromehounds when I get a break. I agree with Che about the 4X4 matchups. Seems like a nice balance and is easier to set up communication lines. 6X6 makes me wish we had two channels for communication.

Has anyone had any success tinkering with Sniper setups? The last time I played, I found myself laying back and taking out turrets and other NPC units. However, unless the mech has one of those jet aircraft cockpits, I am still finding it damn near impossible to have any success with sniping against larger mechs. I have used both heat and high-velocity armor piercing rounds and have yet to have many in-roads. Unless a need arises, I may just abandon the sniper role and work towards a soldier.


Just equipe a machine gun and use it to take out tanks and turrets. Don't waste precious sniper ammo on them


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
DenogginizerOS said:
I have been swamped at work this week and yet, I am still daydreaming about Chromehounds when I get a break. I agree with Che about the 4X4 matchups. Seems like a nice balance and is easier to set up communication lines. 6X6 makes me wish we had two channels for communication.

Has anyone had any success tinkering with Sniper setups? The last time I played, I found myself laying back and taking out turrets and other NPC units. However, unless the mech has one of those jet aircraft cockpits, I am still finding it damn near impossible to have any success with sniping against larger mechs. I have used both heat and high-velocity armor piercing rounds and have yet to have many in-roads. Unless a need arises, I may just abandon the sniper role and work towards a soldier.

From our discussions yesterday, it seems that HEAT rounds work wonders on cockpits so maybe try equipping 4 high powered sniper rifles with recoil-proof legs and just attach 1 rifle per weapon set so you can just cycle through them, allowing you to basically shoot continuously from afar. I find that the problem isn't lack of damage as much as it is the reload time. So if you can continuously pelt them from afar, a sniper in a good spot could be used as long range suppression that pecks away at enemies and weakens them for soldiers and defenders when they get into close quarters combat later.

The problem with having 4 sniper rifles on 4 weapon sets with a potentially slow base (like a multi-legged or treaded hound) is that if you're caught upclose without any fire support, YOU ARE FCUKING FCUKED BUDDY.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I didn't know this was 60fps. Keeping w/ tradition, I will now buy this game. Look for me.


chespace said:
Sorry, I think maybe it was me. I entered into the lottery for a bunch of foreign parts last night, but had no idea that the quota was squad-wide and not just me.

Don't shoot me! :D

This already had happened and the person (forget who) kindly withdrew all but one of his requests.


half-wit retard monkey's ass
MisterAnderson said:
God this game rules all ass. Me, chespace, drohne, and DJ Brannon are playing 4v4 matches and are fighting to take back Tarakia's capital in 4v4 and haven't lost tonight yet. I'm probably going to be up awhile so if anyone else wants to fill in chespace's spot after he leaves (he's only up for one more game) come join us in this celebration of online gaming bliss.
Can you let us know the composition of your squad? (what parts, what roles) We might be able to use that at GAFHOUND as well.

Yesterday I was owning 1 vs 1, but today I got creamed a couple of times... :( I don't think I have mad skills, or mad insights in what is most effective, but I would love to know way more about the mechs and what weapons would be more effective, like which parts are the best in which nation, etc.

I did some cool 2 vs 2 with FallenOne against AI, but they are sorta easy. I'm scared humans opponents will trump me if I play them!


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Kobold said:
Can you let us know the composition of your squad? (what parts, what roles) We might be able to use that at GAFHOUND as well.

Yesterday I was owning 1 vs 1, but today I got creamed a couple of times... :( I don't think I have mad skills, or mad insights in what is most effective, but I would love to know way more about the mechs and what weapons would be more effective, like which parts are the best in which nation, etc.

I did some cool 2 vs 2 with FallenOne against AI, but they are sorta easy. I'm scared humans opponents will trump me if I play them!

AI won't be so easy if you set it to "corporal" or above difficulty when you set up your server.

Trust me, they'll trounce you and then rape your burning mech corpse.
Can you let us know the composition of your squad? (what parts, what roles) We might be able to use that at GAFHOUND as well.

Yesterday I was owning 1 vs 1, but today I got creamed a couple of times... :( I don't think I have mad skills, or mad insights in what is most effective, but I would love to know way more about the mechs and what weapons would be more effective, like which parts are the best in which nation, etc.

I did some cool 2 vs 2 with FallenOne against AI, but they are sorta easy. I'm scared humans opponents will trump me if I play them!

I was a defender/commander hybrid on treads, and the rest were either soldiers or a soldier/defender hybrid. I think one of our teamates might have also had howitzers, I don't remember.
Argh, vince, Brannon and I are all doing missions right now and this game is just evil. Our first war it takes my money to -999999999 thanks to the glitch. And the past 2 war battles 2 of us can't see the flag on the bases =[


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
chespace said:
From our discussions yesterday, it seems that HEAT rounds work wonders on cockpits so maybe try equipping 4 high powered sniper rifles with recoil-proof legs and just attach 1 rifle per weapon set so you can just cycle through them, allowing you to basically shoot continuously from afar. I find that the problem isn't lack of damage as much as it is the reload time. So if you can continuously pelt them from afar, a sniper in a good spot could be used as long range suppression that pecks away at enemies and weakens them for soldiers and defenders when they get into close quarters combat later.

The problem with having 4 sniper rifles on 4 weapon sets with a potentially slow base (like a multi-legged or treaded hound) is that if you're caught upclose without any fire support, YOU ARE FCUKING FCUKED BUDDY.

I have three Sniper cannons with HEAT rounds, firing 2x and 1X. I also have 2 other lesser sniper rifles with High Velocity rounds. And a gatling gun. I will remove some of the lesser sniper rifles and try your suggestion. I think I .....love this game. Not as much as Luke loves WOW, but close methinks. :lol


Why the big push to kick people out of the squad? I mean god, not all of us can play from 9.30pm - 3 AM every day. I mean, i can only play for 2 hours or so every night. Some of us have jobs that require us to be in the office at 8am, you know. I see someone was already kicked out, and che is talking like he's going to boot someone else. What for? We have more than enough people for a full squad for a game. at 9.30 pm est there's usually 7-10 people on. The night before last we had enough for two full games going on at once.

EDIT: OOPS, i just read up and some guy is quitting. Nevermind.


Right now I'm building a base assault mech. Basically it's as fast as I can get it with 4 spikes and some armor. I tested it out on the Trial Sortie range and I was actually able to destroy the base and every single one of those mechs. I know that those are weaksauce ones rolling around out there, but I was amazed at how quickly I took it down.

I think it might be a good thing to have a little bastard flying around like that in online matches. It works well for quickly capturing COMBAS towers as well.


DenogginizerOS said:
I have been swamped at work this week and yet, I am still daydreaming about Chromehounds when I get a break. I agree with Che about the 4X4 matchups. Seems like a nice balance and is easier to set up communication lines. 6X6 makes me wish we had two channels for communication.

Has anyone had any success tinkering with Sniper setups? The last time I played, I found myself laying back and taking out turrets and other NPC units. However, unless the mech has one of those jet aircraft cockpits, I am still finding it damn near impossible to have any success with sniping against larger mechs. I have used both heat and high-velocity armor piercing rounds and have yet to have many in-roads. Unless a need arises, I may just abandon the sniper role and work towards a soldier.

I said this the other night in-game, but I think the Automatic Rifles are much more effective sniper weapons than the sniper weapons are. Unless its a desert map, there's not really a need for crazy zoom, and the auto rifles seem to provide more punch, especially when you group them.


Jeff-DSA said:
Right now I'm building a base assault mech. Basically it's as fast as I can get it with 4 spikes and some armor. I tested it out on the Trial Sortie range and I was actually able to destroy the base and every single one of those mechs. I know that those are weaksauce ones rolling around out there, but I was amazed at how quickly I took it down.

I think it might be a good thing to have a little bastard flying around like that in online matches. It works well for quickly capturing COMBAS towers as well.

Maybe a scout set up with spikes only? How heavy are spikes?


Enron said:
Maybe a scout set up with spikes only? How heavy are spikes?

They're about as heavy as most of the light arms, so it's not hard to put 4 on a Scout type of setup. That's basically what I've done for now. The armor is key so you can buy a little extra time to run away or to get an extra hit in on the base. It's kind of a kamikaze way to play, but it sure can go a long way towards helping the team. It'd be a great way to hunt down and remove their Commander early too.


On another note. I would like to recommend Escaflowne's Zaibach and Chain music tracks. They go really well for some Hound face to face destruction.
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