Finally finished the game last night, I'd say the length was damn near perfect, this is the first game I've played through to completion in years.
- Amazing animation
- Stunning art direction
- Addictive gameplay
- Voice acting and character design all extremely high quality
- Beautiful visuals as far as the eye can see. Exactly how I imagined a next-gen ICO to look.
- Giving me the option to turn off motion control. The game was 100% more fun with it turned off.
Cons: Anything negative I can say about this game stems from technical issues, which I'm confident could have and should have been addressed. Perhaps a patch down the line?
- Frame studdering during cutscenes while the HDD is accessing data to load the upcoming scene. This literally made some of the cinematics in the game crawl to a slideshow for a few seconds.
- Dialogue volume was a bit low, even cranked to full in the options. I always had a bit of a tough time hearing all the spoken words with everything else going on in the background. I even turned down music and combat volume, but dialogue still wasn't pronounced enough for me in certain instances. I'm playing in 5.1 digital btw.
- Load times are arduous when you fail a section. Thankfully, QTE's reload instantly when you fail.
- Strange enemy AI. Sometimes, enemies wouldn't attack unless I did so first. I could stand there, with a dozen guys circling me and no one would take a swing at me until I attacked first.
- Framerate takes a hit in certain instances.
Overall, this was one fantastic videogame. I enjoyed every minute of it, and I'm praying it sells well enough to justify what I'm sure will be one amazing sequel. It took me about 10 hours to complete, although I do like to take my time and admire my games as I progress through them, checking out the sweeping vistas and any secrets that may be kicking around.
Great job NT, I hope you can fix the technical bugs I mentioned, , this is one that shall remain in my collection for years to come.