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Official Heavenly Sword Thread - Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads


Aeon712 said:
At the part where Nariko has to kill her own clan to survive, any easy way to get the safe counter? I keep getting the kill counter

Counter with triangle then QTE the right button.


Aeon712 said:
At the part where Nariko has to kill her own clan to survive, any easy way to get the safe counter? I keep getting the kill counter

Just have to quick on the QTE. When you miss it, she kills them. Ooops!


when is my burrito
I went to my local BB today and there were 2 copies of HS left on the shelf. There were a bajillion copies of Lair which I just finished (rented it)l. There was also about 8 copies of everything else save for warhawk which had only 3 copies. Can't wait to get a fresh breath of air with a good game (ie Heavenly Sword). :D


Incredibly Naive
tanod said:
I went to my local BB today and there were 2 copies of HS left on the shelf. There were a bajillion copies of Lair which I just finished (rented it)l. There was also about 8 copies of everything else save for warhawk which had only 3 copies. Can't wait to get a fresh breath of air with a good game (ie Heavenly Sword). :D

yah it was all sold out at the gamestops near my house, a bunch were on reserve, plus the demo has been added the ps3 kiosks. I hope the sales go well the game was absolutley fantastic, it deserves any sales it gets.


SaitoH said:
Just have to quick on the QTE. When you miss it, she kills them. Ooops!

That part was really cool. Great way to mix up the gameplay a bit. Definitely wished they did more things like that.


So I'm going to start playing this game today.

Is it awesome?

Apart from the trouble I had at the end, I thoroughly enjoyed the game. The reviews for the game are off. The complaints that I read included the fact that you had to play with Kai and didn't spend all of the 6 hours using the heavenly sword and what-not. I thought that maybe they complained because the Kai experience was bad but when I played it, I was surprised at how enjoyable it was. Normally when you have elements like this in games, they usually aren't as enjoyable as playing as the main protagonist but Kai was a pleasure to play with. I wished they added platforming elements into her segment though.


Finished the game today in one sitting.Honestly the game was good but I felt that the cutscenes overshadowed everything else I honestly found myself quickly fighting through ust to get to the next cutscene.The writing is excellent, the Jokes are great and the characters are excellent.

Gameplay wise it was decent but I found myself enoying Kai's game alot more than Noriko's.Norikos because very repetitive and Kai's although repetitve it still had abit more depth.Overall it's super sort but a pretty good game overall.


This game really has me intrigued, but with all the great titles coming out, I'm wondering if I should part with the 60 bucks.

I think I would, if I could be sure of two things:

1) That this game is a heavenly showpiece of PS3's hardware muscle;
2) That it would stand up as an overall experience to God of War 2, which I am now in the process of finishing.

What say you, oh Gods of GAF?


Kolgar said:
This game really has me intrigued, but with all the great titles coming out, I'm wondering if I should part with the 60 bucks.

I think I would, if I could be sure of two things:

1) That this game is a heavenly showpiece of PS3's hardware muscle;
2) That it would stand up as an overall experience to God of War 2, which I am now in the process of finishing.

What say you, oh Gods of GAF?

Rent it.


hyperbolically metafictive
chapters five and six are ridiculous. the one-person army has obviously been done before, but it's never quite pulled its emotional weight -- here you can feel the desperation of the thing, and you can almost share in nariko's pleasure in her own strength. it's all about the way they build up to it -- sometimes context is everything. it runs at about 5 fps, but shit is worth it. and the fight with bohan...well, it managed to be climactic even after chapter 5's madness. which is saying something.

i'm surprised they ended the game the way they did -- kind of a riposte to the videogame obsession with prophecy and fate and 'chosen ones.' nariko showed those mystics. and i'm pretty sure they've set kai up to star in a sequel -- if they do a sequel. she's perfectly lucid in that little eulogy she delivers.

got all 129 medals too -- it was worth doing for the fun of it, but for once i wish ps3 had achievements so i could show off. hell mode is next. it may only hold the title for a week and change, but i think this is my goty so far.


Well, also finished it this afternoon (with my kids watching the end sequence, did not find it too frightening or gory so I let them in the living room), my little guy said that bolan surely has no toothbrush due to its yellow teeth :) )

What a ride, nice game, enjoyable and I also found the Kai sequences nearly better than the Nariko's ones. A 8.5 without any problem, well It's a must rental if you don't want to pay full price, my copy is going back to EB for Trade in for Uncharted as I have enough games to do it twice. It is the first PS3 blockbuster since resistance and motorstorm.

If yuou have a PS3 you have got to play this one.


hmm...i have mixed feelings but overall I have really enjoyed the game so far (I just beat up Roach). The first time I had to use Kai was awful and I was really frustrated...but I have gotten pretty good at it and actually enjoy her segments now. I was hoping someone in here could point me to a place to get pointers because I am having problems with the counters. It just doesnt feel like I am doing it right. TIA


Kolgar, I can't tell you what to do, but I relay my point of view.

I am at the beginning of Chapter 5. Some parts of the game can be completed quickly if you short cut it. I get the sense that the game _can_ be challenging at higher difficulty, so the replay value is there. I adore the cast and the acting. I love the visuals.

I bought the game because I want to support them to make a sequel.
The game is worthy of one, and the team is capable of doing one.


hyperbolically metafictive
perfect counters are harder than they should be, simply because enemy animations tend to be weird -- it's hard to predict when they'll actually swing. it's easier to counter the second hit of a combo than the first. i've got the timing down pretty well though -- probably because i played the demo a million times and really abused the counters. the scoring system discourages counter abuse in the final game.


Kolgar said:
This game really has me intrigued, but with all the great titles coming out, I'm wondering if I should part with the 60 bucks.

I think I would, if I could be sure of two things:

1) That this game is a heavenly showpiece of PS3's hardware muscle;
2) That it would stand up as an overall experience to God of War 2, which I am now in the process of finishing.

What say you, oh Gods of GAF?

1. Yes it is if you can get over the tearing and frame rate problems. I didn't have too much of a problem with them.

2. I didn't play god of war 2 and I didn't like god of war 1... so I can't help ya there :(

I'd say rent it. I think you'll get all you need from it through a rental. That is, unless you want to keep it to show your buddies here and there.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
So I'm going to start playing this game today.

Is it awesome?
It's teh awesomest single player PS3 game, right besides SuperStardust HD (and coming from me, that's a huge endorsement, trust me :p )


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
So I'm going to start playing this game today.

Is it awesome?

Best way to approach any game is with low expectations, then it's more likely you won't get disappointed. See Bioshock (for me), my expectations were too high.


Rolling Thunder
was one of the best parts I've ever played.
I felt so sorry for the big guy. Man was truly an epic boss fight. I got shivers right there.

I am not disappointed!


I say buy it.

You may or may not feel that the length of the game is worth $60, but Ninja Theory deserves your support and it makes a longer sequel all the more possible.


Belfast said:
I say buy it.

You may or may not feel that the length of the game is worth $60, but Ninja Theory deserves your support and it makes a longer sequel all the more possible.

A game like this gets knocked for its length which is bullshit. Look at Max Payne 2 - the game was balls to the wall action all the way through which made it so memorable. If they added in all these nonsensical elements to extend the life of the game, we wouldn't have a game that deliveres a complete kickass experience from start to finish. I definitely put HS up there in the same category. Everything that needs to be there is there.


Core407 said:
A game like this gets knocked for its length which is bullshit. Look at Max Payne 2 - the game was balls to the wall action all the way through which made it so memorable. If they added in all these nonsensical elements to extend the life of the game, we wouldn't have a game that deliveres a complete kickass experience from start to finish. I definitely put HS up there in the same category. Everything that needs to be there is there.

Other games this short:

-Castlevania games
-Metroid games
-Silent Hill Games

And some of those would be even shorter without all the backtracking, of which HS has none. Yet I love them all.


Belfast said:
Other games this short:

-Castlevania games
-Metroid games
-Silent Hill Games

And some of those would be even shorter without all the backtracking, of which HS has none. Yet I love them all.

There's no way Silent Hill games are that short? Or maybe it's just long for me cause I don't want to go into certain rooms. :/
Belfast said:
Other games this short:

-Castlevania games
-Metroid games
-Silent Hill Games

And some of those would be even shorter without all the backtracking, of which HS has none. Yet I love them all.

Hey hey...careful now.


Twing Twang is great :lol

The cinematics are so well done, it has a lot more life to it than anything I've seen in games. I didn't seem to get full ratings for chapter 3 though. How do you get those 3 icons to light up?


Core407 said:
A game like this gets knocked for its length which is bullshit. Look at Max Payne 2 - the game was balls to the wall action all the way through which made it so memorable. If they added in all these nonsensical elements to extend the life of the game, we wouldn't have a game that deliveres a complete kickass experience from start to finish. I definitely put HS up there in the same category. Everything that needs to be there is there.

Or Gears of War! That games is just as short, and every review was downplaying that fact like it didn't matter. And now for Heavenly Sword all the reviews make that their number one talking point.


I do not think the only thing it has been knocked for is length. I definitely like it and have had fun but there are some things that annoy me. There is a lot of screen tearing and it chugs at times. The game has some really beautiful areas, but I wish it ran a little smoother. As mentioned plenty of times...the cut-scenes and voice acting are top notch. Ninja Theory has come a long way since Kung Fu Chaos :)

Now I have to get back to twing twang


I like Kai's level best because it's funny and refreshing at the same time. I don't know any main character who's fragile, deranged and yet powerful at the same time. I also use her arrows to scout out-of-sight areas for fun.


no_to_co said:
Or Gears of War! That games is just as short, and every review was downplaying that fact like it didn't matter. And now for Heavenly Sword all the reviews make that their number one talking point.
Hold on a second. The other comparisons were valid, but Gears has online play that at the very least doubles the length of the game, especially now that the map packs are free. Besides, it still runs 8+ the first time. To counteract the argument of pro-shortness, two of the greatest action games ever made, Ninja Gaiden and God Hand, run at 20+ hours the first time through. Even the first DMC took me eight. Same with God of War, and I never bothered with any of the challenges there. At the same token though, there are plenty of games that overstay their welcome, and I find myself wishing they would wrap it up two hours before the actual end. It's really such a subjective situation.


Aaron said:
Hold on a second. The other comparisons were valid, but Gears has online play that at the very least doubles the length of the game, especially now that the map packs are free. Besides, it still runs 8+ the first time. To counteract the argument of pro-shortness, two of the greatest action games ever made, Ninja Gaiden and God Hand, run at 20+ hours the first time through. Even the first DMC took me eight. Same with God of War, and I never bothered with any of the challenges there. At the same token though, there are plenty of games that overstay their welcome, and I find myself wishing they would wrap it up two hours before the actual end. It's really such a subjective situation.

Yeah, pretty much. It's all a pointless argument. I was just whining about reviewers attitudes. I personally would have liked HS to be an hour longer. I have never played Ninja Gaiden, knowing now that it is over 20 hours, looks like I will never play it. The last game I finished was Bio Shock, and the last 2 levels and the boss fight felt weak and detracted from the overall experience. So I would have personally have been happier with a shorter Bio Shock game.
Just finished and I loved the game throughout. The ending was really good, yet sad for the obvious reasons. Can't wait for Heavenly Sword 2.
Rhazer Fusion said:
Just finished and I loved the game throughout. The ending was really good, yet sad for the obvious reasons. Can't wait for Heavenly Sword 2.

I live in Singapore, and this small gaming shop ordered in 50 copies and now only has 4 left!


Wait, am I seeing this correctly? All of the unlockable videos are the ones you can already download from the PSN store?

Yep, that was a pretty lame idea to make 'em available.

That said, if people hadn't whine non stop about lack of content on the PSN, maybe they wouldn't have done it :p


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I finally got my game! I'll be playing non-stop till I beat it. Wish me good luck!



i just did
Kais missions, i thought i would hate them but they were alot of fun
i really love how the game mixes everything up, it stops everything becoming stale. However I just got to
Bohans game where I must fight my clansmen, and Nariko voice overs saying how she learnt to paralyse but not kill, but it didnt tell me HOW to do it and I end up dying because I cant counter the heavy moves without the HS
any tips?


Unconfirmed Member
Heavenly Sword looks incredible. Might have to buy a PS3 soon.
I'm trying to get all the medals in Normal. But I'm stuck in Chapter 1, pt 2. Kai's first twing twang mission, any suggestions? I always miss at least 2 or 3 people near the end. So maybe I should focus on the red vases. Are there more than two red vases? Because I only see the one
in the tree cabin to the left
and the one
right in front of you on the floor

Hell mode is fantastic btw, I'm loving my second playthrough more than my first one. Awesome, awesome moves Nariko has :D.


painey said:
i just did
Kais missions, i thought i would hate them but they were alot of fun
i really love how the game mixes everything up, it stops everything becoming stale. However I just got to
Bohans game where I must fight my clansmen, and Nariko voice overs saying how she learnt to paralyse but not kill, but it didnt tell me HOW to do it and I end up dying because I cant counter the heavy moves without the HS
any tips?

Counter with triangle then QTE the right button.


Gold Member
Got the game.


Just beat chapter one, this game = greatness.

Love the movie-feeling of it. Too bad they didnt manage to lock the fps, though I cant say I have really noticed the low fps during combat, I find it most annoying in the cutscenes.


painey said:
yes, it was a Circle every time, she would flip them over and stab them on the ground and the death count would rise.
i'm not sure but I think you're pressing the circle a bit late... unlike god of war, hs has pretty fast QTEs.

don't give up :)
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