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Official Jan 2008 NPD Thread - HW Shortages + Spectacular SW


the amount of crying and pure panic from the 360 crew in this thread is just hilarious and morbidly fascinating!

i mean, you're even running out to stores for anecdotal reassurance that things are gonna be ok :lol


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
sonycowboy said:
What do people think the 360 would have sold if not for the retail shortages?
And do people think the PS3 was a replacement for folks who were looking for 360's?

I think maybe 300K. Nothing too insane. I think its possible some people picked up a PS3 when they couldn't get a 360, but not to a really large extent.

p.s is it at all possible to get NMH numbers at some point?


WrikaWrek said:
What train? And why won't GTA be good for MS, who the hell is Isupply, why are you alwats trying to measure sales by online shops when it has failed you in past months, and again what is your theory on this whole shortage issue.

Do you think 360 demand went down after an amazing christmas for no reason at all?

It will be great for MS for sure. It is idiotic to think that it will not be great for PS3 as well.

But then again, be my guest... i should be nicer, your feelings are hurt.


schuelma said:
They were not confirmed (dude got them from the banned site), and sonycowboy hasn't told us what the real numbers are

I know, I really wish Matt had said something... *sigh*

I also want NiGHTS and Endless Ocean, but that's a different story.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
spwolf said:
It will be great for MS for sure. It is idiotic to think that it will not be great for PS3 as well.

But then again, be my guest... i should be nicer, your feelings are hurt.

All the progress you had made...gone in a blink of an eye

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Hey I just got here, and I'm leaving soon.

Can someone pllleeeeaaaase send me a private message with the No More Heroes sales?

k thx :)


KTallguy said:

The best thing about this thread, right here :)

I'm happy the PS3 is doing well, as I'd like to see more quality software on the platform. 2008 is going to be one amazing year. I can't wait for MGS4, fuck.

You look forward to Resistance 2 and Infamous rawr!!!111!!!


kyle (in stereo) said:
Wanna know how the rest of the year is gonna look for the PS3?

Pretty much like last year.

it will be slightly higher due to better value/more games being released. Along with a couple bumps for truly big games. but overall probably similar. Having big games and hardware price cuts doesnt hurt, but it historically hasnt put a lagging console in front either. If people dont buy a system on a month to month basis, its going to languish. Im not sure WHAT makes some consoles more successful than others in the long run, but as it stands now, the Wii masters it, xbox 360 kind of knows, and Ps3 is struggling to figure it out. But that doesnt diminish the sales in January from being a success. I think everyone probably concedes that Ps3 did well for itself, unless they are fucking lunatics.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
dabig2 said:
After a year's worth of endless photoshops, mockery, "the end is nigh after 1 year of bad" etc. Of course they came out!

For it to all balance out, we'd need 12 more of these kinds of results.
Whew! Good thing you're not a Nintendo fanboy! I'd fear for your safety!


I'm beginning to understand that the Sony Fanboys aren't as strong here at GAF as once thought. If this were 360 still on top even though supply constrained, even if it was by 40k, this thread would be 40 pages long by now. But because 360 was below, due to circumstances, nobody cares.

Nintendo fans still run GAF, confirmed


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
DenogginizerOS said:
What if GTA IV came out last year as planned? How bad would this "shortage" have been since they say they didn't plan the demand to be as high as it was starting as far back as last November. This all seems very dumb, even for MS.

It sounds like it's all part of the RROD headache. There's no other way they should have a problem getting out hardware that's been in production for two and a half years now.


spwolf said:
It will be great for MS for sure. It is idiotic to think that it will not be great for PS3 as well.

But then again, be my guest... i should be nicer, your feelings are hurt.

Once again i make you questions that you "gracefully" evade, being very selective with what you answer to.

And then you trow a line "your feelings are hurt" out of nowhere, just to try and leave on a high note.

Pathetic. Try harder Spwolf, put some heart into it like you do every day in the Pal sales thread.
Das-J said:
So I dropped by my local Best Buy on the way home just to check on their stock. Here is what I found:

Not a single 360 in the entire store:

5 PS3's (All 40GB units)

There wasn't a single Wii either but that comes as no surprise. Anyway, from my small sample of 1 out of 100,000+ Best Buy stores it appears that the supply constraints are indeed real, even if their impact remains in question.

Anyway, what I found most interesting was this:

I had no idea they were already shipping standalone peripherals for RB... pretty cool! :D

Holy shit! I was just browsing the thread and :lol @ ^^^^^^. Someone actually went out to take pictures at their local store! Well that settles it, every store must be like that.:lol


Kittonwy said:
You look forward to Resistance 2 and Infamous rawr!!!111!!!

You misunderstand, I'm interested in both of those titles, a lot.



Translation: I rule the fucking world.


we should all take an moment and reflect what hard road we had to take to finally come to this place.

And with learning from our previous mistakes, I just want to say that I hope that MS and Nintendo will manage to find ways to overcome their current issues and be back on paths of glory, if for anything, to spare us from collective suicides that will most certainly be coming next month if they do not manage to produce more consoles. Situation is dire, and I hope that Reggie is listening.



DMPrince said:
but with money

it is all the money we saved last gen because there were so few games worth buying for our gamecubes.

So many great phrases this generation:

"Under-promised and over-delivered."
"supply constraints"
"things break"
"What was your contribution?"

Only two years in and look at the entertainment mileage we've gotten out of this round.


BboyDubC said:
I'm beginning to understand that the Sony Fanboys aren't as strong here at GAF as once thought. If this were 360 still on top even though supply constrained, even if it was by 40k, this thread would be 40 pages long by now. But because 360 was below, due to circumstances, nobody cares.

Nintendo fans still run GAF, confirmed

Alas poor Snah... I knew him well...

The Hermit

Xbox fans not knowing how to react = :lol
Speevy is owning this thread btw!

In the meantime I just want to know NMH numbers...and I don´t think its close to 100k ;_;


WrikaWrek said:
Once again i make you questions that you "gracefully" evade, being very selective with what you answer to.

And then you trow a line "your feelings are hurt" out of nowhere, just to try and leave on a high note.

Pathetic. Try harder Spwolf, put some heart into it like you do every day in the Pal sales thread.

iSuppli - analist firm that came out with report today, predicted PS3 winning the war by 2011 at 6 million ahead of 360. We all laughed at them today, including myself.

What else?

If there was massive demand for 360's, people would buy them online. They are not.

I know it sucks. Learn to deal with it. There are DVD's to watch, programs to attend. You will get over it. Life goes on.


spwolf said:
we should all take an moment and reflect what hard road we had to take to finally come to this place.

And with learning from our previous mistakes, I just want to say that I hope that MS and Nintendo will manage to find ways to overcome their current issues and be back on paths of glory, if for anything, to spare us from collective suicides that will most certainly be coming next month if they do not manage to produce more consoles. Situation is dire, and I hope that Reggie is listening.

situation certainly isnt very dire for two consoles coming off of 1.x million holiday sales for December. I think people have kind of forgotten about that in light of these numbers. Interest in a console doesnt just fall precipitously overnight like that. If this sort of thing happened in the middle of the year, I could understand and possibly even agree. But then Id be doing something VERY WRONG.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
spwolf said:
iSuppli - analist firm that came out with report today, predicted PS3 winning the war by 2011 at 6 million ahead of 360. .

No one was laughing at PS3's raw numbers or even that it could be above the 360- we were laughing at the assertion that the Wii would somehow sell 17M in the next 3 years. Tonight's numbers do absolutely nothing to make that report credible. Nothing. Stop with this reasoning.


spwolf said:
iSuppli - analist firm that came out with report today, predicted PS3 winning the war by 2011 at 6 million ahead of 360. We all laughed at them today, including myself.

What else?

If there was massive demand for 360's, people would buy them online. They are not.

I know it sucks. Learn to deal with it. There are DVD's to watch, programs to attend. You will get over it. Life goes on.
You realize that all other arguments aside, you're trying to defend an analysis that involved DECREASING installed base for the Wii and 360, right? Not decreasing sales, but that somehow negative console sales were achieved.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
schuelma said:
All the progress you had made...gone in a blink of an eye

What progress? spwolf has never NOT been a frothing mouth fanboy. He's just sad. Take pity on him

Actually no, dont take pity on his insane ass


Remember kids with your razor blades, it's down the street not across the hall!

Anyways, obviously the Wii is suffering from shortages, not a doubt in this mind.

Obviously, the 360 if it wasn't in such severe "shortages" (though it's been readily available around my area, and beyond like in Philly when I went shopping there) or something. It had to be some sort of limiting factor, and obviously, if more readily available it would've sold more than the PS3. I'm dead serious. But, if that's not the factor, well, then MS had a good run and you have to wonder if it's just that it hit the fanatics from the first and dying down now to normal levels? I'm going with shortages.

Nobody, nobody goes onto buying a PS3 though because the others weren't available, not at it's price. Regardless, FACT of the matter is in a shortened selling month from the previous year, it increased in sales, and surpassed a lot of expectations. It's starting to do better and it could be for various reasons. People are fed up with the 360's poor reliability, despite nay-saying Sony's sticking this out, the price has come down to a more affordable level, a greater selection of games, people starting to transition from PS2 to PS3, Blu-Ray, who knows. Most likely a variety of those slopped together.

Funny thing is though, there's still no MGS4, still no GTA (which is still apparently recognized as a Sony game, people are stupid), no GT, no SOCOM... 08 is really going to be an interesting year for those who's love and enjoyment of said consoles games become better or worse in relations to "sales". :lol


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
HK-47 said:
What progress? spwolf has never NOT been a frothing mouth fanboy. He's just sad. Take pity on him

Well he hadn't been quite as bad the past few weeks. I thought maybe he was growing just a bit of objectivity. Guess not.
Deadly Monk said:
360 software killed PS3. It will remain this way for a long long time.
It did, when you don't look at the install base of both systems. 360's software sales were about 2 times bigger, with userbase being over 2.5 times bigger.


botticus said:
You realize that all other arguments aside, you're trying to defend an analysis that involved DECREASING installed base for the Wii and 360, right? Not decreasing sales, but that somehow negative console sales were achieved.

nah, merely commenting on their resulting outcome. i am not defending anything lets let numbers speak for themselves.


If this sales trend continues, maybe it's an indicator that people are sick and tired of replacing their broken 360s, or hearing about their friend/coworker/neighbor's dog's issues?

Just sayin'.


HK-47 said:
What progress? spwolf has never NOT been a frothing mouth fanboy. He's just sad. Take pity on him

Actually no, dont take pity on his insane ass

Why are people worried about damage control so much? Sorry the PS3 had a good month dude! Why not just discuss what people say rather then just attacking them personally? I can see if they provoke you, but still...

Anyways Spwolf, don't worry, it's just HK-47, probably the most balanced gaf poster setting you straight!


schuelma said:
No one was laughing at PS3's raw numbers or even that it could be above the 360- we were laughing at the assertion that the Wii would somehow sell 17M in the next 3 years. Tonight's numbers do absolutely nothing to make that report credible. Nothing. Stop with this reasoning.

you were not laughing at their PS3/360 estimates, we were. Speak for yourself.

Man, if these so called shortages continue, March will be pretty hard month for many of you guys.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Ynos Yrros said:
It did, when you don't look at the install base of both systems. 360's software sales were about 2 times bigger, with userbase being over 2.5 times bigger.

Install base means little to publishers.


spwolf said:
nah, merely commenting on their resulting outcome. i am not defending anything lets let numbers speak for themselves.
If their resulting outcome is even remotely close, it'll be pretty sad. The totals were very low.

Unless you're just talking about ordinal position, but then I don't know why you're talking about them at all.


Wow this is one of the better NPD threads i've read in awhile. Kind of sad we rarely get these threads. Those are some high numbers all around, not enough gifs imo(come on gaf you can do better). Hopefully this trend continues and many here won't disappear when the next couple of NPDs show up. Seriously they've been pretty boring but the minimeltdowns have been pretty interesting, still hoping for the big meltdowns though.:D


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
spwolf said:
you were not laughing at their PS3/360 estimates, we were. Speak for yourself.

Man, if these so called shortages continue, March will be pretty hard month for many of you guys.


Time to bail


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
J-Rzez said:
Why are people worried about damage control so much? Sorry the PS3 had a good month dude! Why not just discuss what people say rather then just attacking them personally? I can see if they provoke you, but still...

Anyways Spwolf, don't worry, it's just HK-47, probably the most balanced gaf poster setting you straight!

J-Rzez? Setting me straight? Ha thats good for a laugh


kyle (in stereo) said:
Wanna know how the rest of the year is gonna look for the PS3?

Pretty much like last year.


Isn't the reporting period 4 weeks this year instead of 5 weeks like 2007 was for NPD?


J-Rzez said:
Why are people worried about damage control so much? Sorry the PS3 had a good month dude! Why not just discuss what people say rather then just attacking them personally? I can see if they provoke you, but still...

Anyways Spwolf, don't worry, it's just HK-47, probably the most balanced gaf poster setting you straight!

i dont get it either. But it is funny. So much insecurity while being so far ahead. Does not make any sense.

Funniest thing is that they expect us to talk some sense into them. Just unbelievable.

Wii Fit alone will sell 10 million in USA, and yet people are on the edge. Funny shit.
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