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Official Jan 2008 NPD Thread - HW Shortages + Spectacular SW


Arthas said:
Metroid cost = $50

Shovelware cost = $20

Carnival Games is actually $40 in the US. It's really kinda amazing - this non-marketed budget-developed game which can't have cost Take 2 more than $1-2M to produce is going to be a WW million-seller at a $40 price point, if it isn't already (I think it was released as "Funfair Games" overseas? I thought I saw it in a few PAL charts).

It'll probably outsell not only MP3, but also a lot of other quality games on the 360/PS3/Wii that were a lot more expensive to produce. It has to be one of T2's most profitable games of last year...certainly much more profitable than Manhunt 2.


Sucks at viral marketing
The big victory for Sony isn't that they beat the 360 for one month, but that they got the PS3 out the sub-100k trend it had fallen for much of last year. They more than doubled last October's sales. We might just have a competent console race after all!


Arthas said:
Talk about exaggeration.

Yep, it ousold the 360 by 30,000 in a month when everything sold so samish.

man you are all over this thread with the defense! you'll save ms, singlehandedly!
jgwhiteus said:
Carnival Games is actually $40 in the US. It's really kinda amazing - this non-marketed budget-developed game which can't have cost Take 2 more than $1-2M to produce is going to be a WW million-seller at a $40 price point, if it isn't already (I think it was released as "Funfair Games" overseas? I thought I saw it in a few PAL charts).

It'll probably outsell not only MP3, but also a lot of other quality games on the 360/PS3/Wii that were a lot more expensive to produce. It has to be one of T2's most profitable games of last year...certainly much more profitable than Manhunt 2.

And it will give Take 2 all sorts of wonderful ideas for future Wii support!


CcrooK said:
Bitter sweet tears...

Don't pull that crap. While he may be a little rude about it, you know why PS3 outsold 360. And it wasn't because more people wanted it than 360.

Arthas said:
You'll be doing much shooting then, the sonybabies have come out of the woodwork. Let them have their moment, because it won't last.


The REASON (not something that's debatable) why PS3 outsold 360 was shortages.

Really, it's not arguable.

Hell, three GameStops in my area haven't had a shipment of Elites since BEFORE CHRISTMAS. Every time I went in (which is a lot), they were out of Premiums as well. (And please, no "well that's just you. No, this is something many people all over the U.S. have pointed out.)


They ARE good, and I'm not saying PS3 can't keep selling those kind of numbers, but anyone who tries to spin this into the turning point for PS3 is simply wrong. We know WHY 360 was outsold (and not by much).


After 14 months of saying "Wait till " infront of multiple things, PS3 has outsold 360 for the month. I'm guessing it wont' take that many months for 360 to go back on top.


JJConrad said:
The big victory for Sony isn't that they beat the 360 for one month, but that they got the PS3 out the sub-100k trend it had fallen for much of last year. They more than doubled last October's sales. We might just have a competent console race after all!
Keep in mind, that they also sold over 200k units last January (244k)..it was after that that they started having a hard time to reach 200k every month..

Let's hope it maintains that 200k, even more with the GTAIV launch and the rumors of a price drop..soon...


diddlyD said:
man you are all over this thread with the defense! you'll save ms, singlehandedly!

If next month pulls the same sort of numbers, there will be much crow to pass out and more excuses just like that. Watching people come unglued is pretty funny. But fun to watch the Sony folk come on out and taunt. Fun times!


Mooreberg said:
So in both cases the lower priced item has sold more. What exactly are you two arguing?

For hardware? PS2 outsold Xbox and GC every month until just before Halo 2 came out. NES had to have had an even longer run but I don't think anyone has monthly info from back then.

I meant software. SSBB comes out in March, right?


JJConrad said:
The big victory for Sony isn't that they beat the 360 for one month, but that they got the PS3 out the sub-100k trend it had fallen for much of last year. They more than doubled last October's sales. We might just have a competent console race after all!


Companies don't worry about "winning" or "losing" the console war. They care about profit.


flinging feces ---->
Good for Sony. It's certainly nice to see the PS3 with a solid rank in the monthly sales. It even outdid the DS.

Judging by the fact that both the Wii and the 360 sold fewer units than expected, I would contend the reason for their sub-par sales performance is a direct result of supply constraints. Had it been one or the other, the subject might have been up for discussion but the fact that both of them suffered a similar fate leads me to deny coincidence: supply could not satiate demand.


dirtmonkey37 said:
Good for Sony. It's certainly nice to see the PS3 with a solid rank in the monthly sales. It even outdid the DS.

Judging by the fact that both the Wii and the 360 sold fewer units than expected, I would contend the reason for their sub-par sales performance is a direct result of supply constraints. Had it been one or the other, the subject might have been up for discussion but the fact that both of them suffered a similar fate leads me to deny coincidence: supply could not satiate demand.

The DS was also supply constrained. A lot.


sillymonkey321 said:
After 14 months of saying "Wait till " infront of multiple things, PS3 has outsold 360 for the month. I'm guessing it wont' take that many months for 360 to go back on top.

Does that include world wide sales? Because you'll be waiting for a while.
I'm not sure why some people are reacting negatively to what Arthas and others are saying. Everything that's been posted so far is true. The 360 and Nintendo shortages are very real and this is a temporary sales bump, something that happens a lot without being a harbinger for permanent change.

Even if the far more unlikely situation is true, that the PS3 has finally initiated a reversal in January 2008, the meaningful changes will not happen for a very long time, if ever. The 360 still dominates the PS3 in software sales dramatically. It's also fairly ridiculous to assume that sales momentum in January will carry itself into the next few months and years. Who can say that the PS3 won't falter after this month or when it hits the next few million? This is as ridiculous as saying the DS is old news in Japan because it's no longer setting sales records. Both systems established major hardware and software presences first in both markets and after doing that, it's pretty easy to keep the ball rolling.


Rancid Mildew said:
I'm not sure why some people are reacting negatively to what Arthas and others are saying. Everything that's been posted so far is true. The 360 and Nintendo shortages are very real and this is a temporary sales bump, something that happens a lot without being a harbinger for permanent change.

Even if the far more unlikely situation is true, that the PS3 has finally initiated a reversal in January 2008, the meaningful changes will not happen for a very long time, if ever. The 360 still dominates the PS3 in software sales dramatically. It's also fairly ridiculous to assume that sales momentum in January will carry itself into the next few months and years. Who can say that the PS3 won't falter after this month or when it hits the next few million? This is as ridiculous as saying the DS is old news in Japan because it's no longer setting sales records. Both systems established major hardware and software presences first in both markets and after doing that, it's pretty easy to keep the ball rolling.

You know what else had shortages in January? the 80 Gb ps3 :O


Wouldn't it be something if all 3 consoles sold the exact same amount of units every month and life time to date numbers were also exactly the same. Just think, no more looking to NPD every month for fanboy comparisons because "look, they all sold 500k this month!".

But wait, then all people would do is bitch about software sales. Oh wait...



jgwhiteus said:
Carnival Games is actually $40 in the US. It's really kinda amazing - this non-marketed budget-developed game which can't have cost Take 2 more than $1-2M to produce is going to be a WW million-seller at a $40 price point, if it isn't already (I think it was released as "Funfair Games" overseas? I thought I saw it in a few PAL charts).

It'll probably outsell not only MP3, but also a lot of other quality games on the 360/PS3/Wii that were a lot more expensive to produce. It has to be one of T2's most profitable games of last year...certainly much more profitable than Manhunt 2.
Haven't people been saying that Carnival Games has been and remains pretty well marketed? I don't watch Nickolodeon, so I couldn't say.
yoopoo said:
amazon.com ranking. NOW its all over.

PlayStation 3 80GB #6
Playstation 3 40GB # 17
Xbox 360 Pro #34

It's pretty much been like that for weeks now, with the 80GB rising a few spots each week.

(I have Amazon top 25 on my RSS feeds, so I see it every day, for like 10 changes a day)


yoopoo said:
amazon.com ranking. NOW its all over.

PlayStation 3 80GB #6
Playstation 3 40GB # 17
Xbox 360 Pro #34

Dude, first of all the 360 supply was constipated and secondly the constipation is only applicable to 'bricks' and 'mortar' stores.


yoopoo said:
amazon.com ranking. NOW its all over.

PlayStation 3 80GB #6
Playstation 3 40GB # 17
Xbox 360 Pro #34

Amazon ranks are like that for about the whole january.

Of course amazon doesnt represent acurately anything, BUT, ps3 used to be on the #20-#25 range, which indicates its selling better. And, no surprised, NPD confirmed that.


These numbers make sense. There are piles of Wii's/360's(Mostley Elite's) sitting unsold at several local miejers around my house.

PS3 has really picked up steam, and with the great games coming, 2008 really is the year for the big, bad bluray player!

I expect PS3 numbers in Febuary to double these.


moku said:
These numbers make sense. There are piles of Wii's/360's(Mostley Elite's) sitting unsold at several local miejers around my house.

PS3 has really picked up steam, and with the great games coming, 2008 really is the year for the big, bad bluray player!

I expect PS3 numbers in Febuary to double these.


at least


botticus said:
Haven't people been saying that Carnival Games has been and remains pretty well marketed? I don't watch Nickolodeon, so I couldn't say.

? I seriously couldn't say either - I've never seen an ad for it on TV or elsewhere, even an online banner. They might have started putting more effort into marketing after release once they realized they had a "hit" on their hands.


yoopoo said:
amazon.com ranking. NOW its all over.

PlayStation 3 80GB #6
Playstation 3 40GB # 17
Xbox 360 Pro #34

You see you see guys BC is important. Forget the haters(hugs his 60gb model).


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
sonycowboy said:
80GB has been out of stock (now discontinued) at most Gamestops since mid to late January. That's going to hurt PS3 in Feb, IMO.

sonycowboy, can we expect some numbers for NMH, Endless Ocean, Advance Wars and Burnout PS3? Plzzzzz =o

TJ Spyke

Struct09 said:
I have been waiting for this day.

Except it's comparing October sales of Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock to November sales of Rock Band (which will be boosted by Black Friday customers). It would be like comparing sales of November to those in December.

As for Carnival Games, i've seen tons of commericals for it (including on FX and USA Network) for several months. Advertised more than most games.


Suckin' dicks since '66
After reading all the meltdowns and crazy crying from all sides it was really really hard not to post earlier! All I have to say is this and this only "The Dream Lives On" :D
jgwhiteus said:
? I seriously couldn't say either - I've never seen an ad for it on TV or elsewhere, even an online banner. They might have started putting more effort into marketing after release once they realized they had a "hit" on their hands.

There are TV ads pretty much constantly on the Disney channels, Nickelodeon and the like.
I saw 2 just the other day, even.
It has had a very strong marketing push since before it was released, so it's far from an unmarketed game.
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