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Official Little King's Story Thread of Tiny Conquistadors


Sorry but I need more help for the TV battle:

Okay, my mechants are able to find some holes and the text at the bottm shows where the TV King is hiding. But when I start digging all the holes disappear w/o the one I digged. But this is sometimes the wrong country?!

Edit: Lol, I'm such an idot. I got it :lol


Majora said:
I'm confused. I've made all the donations to the school and was told that
there would be a doctor in Glamour Town, I think. I can't find a doctor anywhere.
He's there, I saw him
come out of the hospital when I was looking for him


I lost 10+ men to the turnip guardian but accidentally suffered an alarm clock problem where the king keeps waking up at night instead of the morning so no-body washed up.

Going to go back an incremental save and do it again...

Found out what to do with my 20+ children after I beat it though, so I have an incentive!


Just beat the Onii king (yeah I know, slow. Haven't had the time to play the game for a couple of days). I really like the way the map slowly opened up into this huge world...just waiting for my domination. Great progression in these first 5-6 hours. So far I am truly loving this game.


I got killed by the Oni king. First time I was annoyed at no pointer support. I wanted to put two archers on the king but these logs were in the way and you had to thread the eye of a needle to get that because some logs were in the way.

So you cant chop the logs without having archers protecting and you cant use the archers because the logs are in the way.

I will take out the guys at the sides first next time.


hamzik said:
Just beat the Onii king (yeah I know, slow. Haven't had the time to play the game for a couple of days). I really like the way the map slowly opened up into this huge world...just waiting for my domination. Great progression in these first 5-6 hours. So far I am truly loving this game.

So guys, I'm asking some help with strategies or hints to kill that fat bastard without losing any of my beloved citizens, I tried with the archers but when they shut the first 100 arrows or so, there was no damage to that huge dude... theb I went nuts and attacked that sucker with all my might and 7 of my soldiers died. Yes, they managed to snap a good chunk of it's life but lossing 7 guys it's just too much to bear. So I want to try again, but without losing anyone.

Any help will be appreciated!

PD: I don't trust the beach, maybe they will pop up, or maybe they won't... I don't like it :(

Citizen K

Haunted said:
Is that a contract side quest or do you mean a proper 'king' boss? Because to get to the next king you need to cross over and beyond the bridge and the melon patch. You'll find a path leading to the fenced off area in the sunflower plains later on.
Approaching it from the north after you've defeated a certain king.

eXistor said:
This is from memory so it's probably a bit off. There might be some boulders near the arrow I think. There are a bunch of pots near the north too if I remember correctly.


Thanks, I found him now. I shoulda just kept goin but I thought it was going to a whole new section. The boss
, Duvroc, kicked my ass tho :(


I can't believe I almost messed-up the TV Dinnah battle right at the last. I cruised through the early exchanges, but botched the final location about 4 times in a row. And then it took me a few seconds to realise that I was in the right place and that TV Dinnah was standing right in front of me.

9 men lost their lives.

Dante23 said:
So guys, I'm asking some help with strategies or hints to kill that fat bastard without losing any of my beloved citizens, I tried with the archers but when they shut the first 100 arrows or so, there was no damage to that huge dude... theb I went nuts and attacked that sucker with all my might and 7 of my soldiers died. Yes, they managed to snap a good chunk of it's life but lossing 7 guys it's just too much to bear. So I want to try again, but without losing anyone.

Any help will be appreciated!

PD: I don't trust the beach, maybe they will pop up, or maybe they won't... I don't like it :(

You're pretty safe with the 'all-out' approach with bosses. AFAIK all losses during boss fights will wash up on the beach. It's just the losses during 'open play' that seem permanant.

And my strategy wasn't any more sophisticated than yours. Line up a few archers, send in the grunts, retreat, repeat.


Dash Kappei said:
Anybody received the game from The Hut or Zavvy?
I had pre-ordered it from The Hut, and it arrived on Monday. Haven't had much time to play it, but I have to go kill the Onii King now and I'm really enjoying it so far.
Have you read the secret message you find in the fanletters? Take the letters between quotes (") at the end of each fanletter, combine them (= read them in order) and you'll find the answer... :lol


So, I need help again. Last two kingdoms:

I treid to climb up that mountain, but I lost many man. Any tipps? Maybe I should first head to the island?

And where can I get Knights. Liam talked about them...

And I need a tactic against Ufos. Fighting one at marketplace is extremly difficult because my people switch their jobs there :/


Dascu said:
I had pre-ordered it from The Hut, and it arrived on Monday. Haven't had much time to play it, but I have to go kill the Onii King now and I'm really enjoying it so far.

Same for me, it's a blast :D


Does anything happen if I don't respond to Liam and Verde's wage demands? They're getting a bit ridiculous.
GC|Simon said:
So, I need help again. Last two kingdoms:

I treid to climb up that mountain, but I lost many man. Any tipps? Maybe I should first head to the island?
Of the later unlocked kingdoms, I did the Tiptoe Kingdom first. You'll probably fail a lot at first, but it gets easier every time.

I had a relatively small party with my at the time, which probably helps. Bring along a cook, a few miners and a few lumberjacks for the cave bit and at the very least one carpenter. The carpenter is an absolute necessity because it's impossible to finish the course without one. I took two just in case my first one bit the dust. Feel free to leave all your soldiers home because there is very little fighting to be done. As always, equip your units with stat-boosting items, preferably life+ ones and make sure you have the Evade and Guard formations. You'll be needing the formations to dodge and take up as little space as possible when needed.

Be sure to make good use of the holes in the walls. They're ideal to hide you and your weaker units in while your miners get rid of rocks. Also, when you reach the part with lots of pots, I wouldn't bother sending your units to break them. You can smash them yourself much faster, though watch out for snails disguised as pots.

One nice thing to know is that the boulders, beard-pillars and mounties' explosives will always land on the same couple of places. After having done the 'battle' a couple of times you should know exactly which safe paths to take. The only randomised part of the course is the cave. Read the sign outside for directions and let your specialised units deal with the obstacles inside quickly.
GC|Simon said:
And where can I get Knights. Liam talked about them...
The Steel Knight is one of the special classes where you can only have one unit of. You can buy one from one of the merchants that visits your castle. You'll need to continue paying Liam and Verde whenever they ask for their salaries to trigger the merchant though.

Oxx said:
Does anything happen if I don't respond to Liam and Verde's wage demands? They're getting a bit ridiculous.
If you don't pay them, merchants and messengers will stop visiting your castle when you go sit on your throne. You'll have to keep paying them if you'd like all the upgrades and special units. At least Verde is reasonable and only asked for larger amounts whenever she actually needs them. Unlike a certain other minister that outgrew his use after the first few hours in the game that just names large numbers for the sake of it... >:
Dante23 said:
So guys, I'm asking some help with strategies or hints to kill that fat bastard without losing any of my beloved citizens, I tried with the archers but when they shut the first 100 arrows or so, there was no damage to that huge dude... theb I went nuts and attacked that sucker with all my might and 7 of my soldiers died. Yes, they managed to snap a good chunk of it's life but lossing 7 guys it's just too much to bear. So I want to try again, but without losing anyone.

Any help will be appreciated!

PD: I don't trust the beach, maybe they will pop up, or maybe they won't... I don't like it :(
Just beat that bastard few minutes ago. On the bottom left there are some bushes and their you'll find a bath thingy for your guys to get new health!

I destroyed the lumbers on the right first to kill that guy, after this I put my archers (5) in the middle to penetrate the enemies and keep me free of their attacks and send all my soldiers to the fat guy.

This worked out great.

This game is huge. I love it! :D

Now I have to collect those pictures. Are they all in the area I can reach yet or are they spread over the whole 8 kingdoms? Have you found the one with the old lady from Phoenix Wright (Wendy Oldbag)!? :lol The picture looks a lot like her at least.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Dascu said:
I had pre-ordered it from The Hut, and it arrived on Monday. Haven't had much time to play it, but I have to go kill the Onii King now and I'm really enjoying it so far.

Damn, I preordered it too, in fact I'm quite sure The hut owns me a few orders which went through thanks to me posting a link to their deal+discount code... I deserved better goddamnit! >_<

(still nothing)
Got it yesterday and have been playing almost 5 hours so far.

What an amazing game already! It oozes of charm, polish and creativity. So much awesome stuff, one of the first spoils I got was an Aikido Fish, and as a student of aikido I almost fell down of my chair. Its little details like these that are everywhere in the game. The dialouge is also pretty impressive; all the conversations with your citizens, the letters, the narrative, it really makes you smile a lot.

I've only just beaten the group of Oniis with a spiked-club wielding leader, so I've hardly even begun this game.

Defintely a contender for the best Wii game.


Now I don't know whether to continue this first or play the shorter Rogue Trooper Wii

Help me decide, GAF.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Dascu said:
Now I don't know whether to continue this first or play the shorter Rogue Trooper Wii

Help me decide, GAF.

So you do like it??


Dash Kappei said:

The Hut delivered, finally!

Going to play tonight when I get back home from a few drinks, sweet!

Best Wii game this year, bar none.

Dascu said:
Now I don't know whether to continue this first or play the shorter Rogue Trooper Wii

Help me decide, GAF.
All depends on the mood for me. Itching for action or for strategy? Also, starting to play games concurrently instead of one at a time has made my gaming life a lot more fun.
who am I kidding I always did it that way.


Vinci said:
Really though, this doesn't say much. It's not like you're barring that many.

Seeing as how he said isn't barring any of the wii games this year, your last statement was redundant. :D


Finished this last night at around 45 hours. Really enjoyed the final stretch and the way the story developed. Very clever.

GOTY so far for me. Beautifully refreshing and original. I hope the interest hasn't gone by the time this ends up in the US.


Vinci said:
Really though, this doesn't say much. It's not like you're barring that many.
Mostly EXCITE, HotD and MadWorld, I guess.

and Broken Sword.

And I still need to check out Klonoa and DK Jungle Beat.

But back to how awesome this game is! Just found and recruited the last two unique jobs today. Now I just need to find some more weapons to
finish the small princess' record quest.
No idea where to look, though. :/

I'm also missing
2 food items, some UFOs and 2 jewels. Still a lot of stuff to do before I can finish the game in good conscience.

Oxx said:
Over 30 hours in. Liam and Verde have cleaned out the treasury. Greedy bastards.
wait, what? Did you not pay them their salary?


I did. There wasn't a lot left in the coffers afterwards, though.

I'm just about to try and scale the mountain.


Curses! The batteries in both of my Wiimotes just died at the same time.

I guess the mountain climb will have to wait.


Oxx said:
I did. There wasn't a lot left in the coffers afterwards, though.

I'm just about to try and scale the mountain.
Yeah, I was starting to like Verde because she didn't want as much as that greedy bastard Liam, then bam!

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Phife Dawg said:
Damn, still nothing for me. I hold you personally responsible Dash :lol .

Damn, I thought I was going to be the last one to get it... having it for the week-end would have been killer I know, I'm sure monday the postman will bring you a nice surprise
Nope, I'm not talking about having your wife to open the door
Don't wanna jinx it tough!

Haunted said:
and Broken Sword.

Look at the pic ;)

Dash Kappei said:
Damn, I thought I was going to be the last one to get it... having it for the week-end would have been killer I know, I'm sure monday the postman will bring you a nice surprise
Nope, I'm not talking about having your wife to open the door
Don't wanna jinx it tough!

Look at the pic ;)

I'm sure you jinxed it :D . Oh well Post works on Saturdays as well here, so not all is lost. Not being too optimistic about it though :lol .


Majora said:
Finished this last night at around 45 hours. Really enjoyed the final stretch and the way the story developed. Very clever.

GOTY so far for me. Beautifully refreshing and original. I hope the interest hasn't gone by the time this ends up in the US.

How's the ending? Do you have any means to upload it?
Noooo Alice is gone for good! :¨( She was such a good hunter as well!

Wow the Mushroom guardian took out 10 of the 11 Hunters I brought to the fight, as mentioned above one of them died permantly.

I'm 17 hours in and have just beaten the 2nd King. There was so much stuff to do after I beat the 1st King, if it's gonna be at this pace between every king, it's gonna be a looooong game.

But I love it, the difficulty is great as well, there have been several times where I had to retreat since I just wasn't prepared for what was around the corner, and some of the guardians have killed be a couple of times. I saw a glimse of a huge dragon in Sunflower Plains, just the thought of how many lives such beast is gonna take is grueling.



I find my self loving this game more and more for every minute I am playing it. I am now 9 hours in and on my way to overthrow the second king. There was much to do after the Onii King and I am taking my sweet time. Exploring and gathering treasures is so much fun. Overall there is sooo much to do in this game. Exploring, gathering stuff, finding paintings and killing random enemies can just swallow an hour of playtime without even feeling like an hour went by. Loving it!

Good to see that the game is still in top 12 (Wii-only) in UK in its second week. Hopefully it continues to sell.


Thanks @ Earthpainting. I tried it today and all went well! I played now nearly 20 hours and defeatet six bosses, one to go. I'm pretty fast, I should do more sidequests. On ther other hand, I really like to see my kingdom raising...


GC|Simon said:
I'm pretty fast, I should do more sidequests.

I am the opposite. Doing sidequests, exploring and just taking in and enjoying all the little details. Ten hours in and only Onii King defeated.


Oxx said:
You're pretty safe with the 'all-out' approach with bosses. AFAIK all losses during boss fights will wash up on the beach. It's just the losses during 'open play' that seem permanant.

And my strategy wasn't any more sophisticated than yours. Line up a few archers, send in the grunts, retreat, repeat.

Caesar III said:
Just beat that bastard few minutes ago. On the bottom left there are some bushes and their you'll find a bath thingy for your guys to get new health!

I destroyed the lumbers on the right first to kill that guy, after this I put my archers (5) in the middle to penetrate the enemies and keep me free of their attacks and send all my soldiers to the fat guy.

This worked out great.

Thanks a lot for the info, I made it!, I defeat that bastard without lossing nobody, all my soldiers are intact and in great shape!!



hamzik said:
I am the opposite. Doing sidequests, exploring and just taking in and enjoying all the little details. Ten hours in and only Onii King defeated.

I did the same at the beginning - but I speeded up after the first three kings.


Hmm..never heard of this game, but I'm slightly interested for now..but disappointed at the same time that it looks like a Shovelware Wii game :|


NolbertoS said:
Hmm..never heard of this game, but I'm slightly interested for now..but disappointed at the same time that it looks like a Shovelware Wii game :|

Read the OP. The game is getting some solid 9s and a few 8s.


NolbertoS said:
but disappointed at the same time that it looks like a Shovelware Wii game :|

This is nowhere near showelware. Get your eyes fixed or just get the game and enjoy one of the best Wii-titles out there. Imo, only Galaxy, Prime 3 and Twilight Princess are better.
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