That's a very good effort for your first review in English, fella. A nice read.
Anyway, it's a crying shame more people aren't playing this. I hope the hype starts to build up again before its US release because it really does deserve all the plaudits it's been getting and more. It does have a few tiny problems, and I do think it might have benefitted from pointer controls (or at least the option to have them) but I poured 32 hours into the game just to reach the end of the story, and I'd say it could well take me as long again to do absolutely everything there is to do in the game.
It's just a beautifully put-together third-party game with genuine thought, effort and - y'know what? -
love invested in just about every aspect of it. It looks lovely, it sounds fantastic, the treasure-hunting, monster-bashing gameplay is fun, the bosses are really inventive, the dialogue is wonderfully weird and witty, and the whole thing is imbued with a rare charm and a genuinely interesting mix of light and shade (and you'd best believe that it
can get pretty dark when it wants to) that mark it out as a pretty damned unique title full stop.
It's not just a great Wii game, it's a great game full stop, and if it's
not my personal Game of 2009 by the time December rolls around, then it'll be something very special indeed that's beaten it.