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Official Little King's Story Thread of Tiny Conquistadors


NolbertoS said:
Hmm..never heard of this game, but I'm slightly interested for now..but disappointed at the same time that it looks like a Shovelware Wii game :|
Don't know how you got that impression, but rest assured, it's not. Clearly one of the finest games I've played this year so far, across platforms.


A question to all people who finished the airship:

I'm miss three parts. All on the left site and the propeller. Where can I find these parts? I've two quests:

1) God TV. It's marked on the map but how to get there?
2) A point on the island is marked. But there is no way for me due to some blogs. How can I remove them?
I haven't found a use for the merchants other than opening giant purses, so I never bring them along with me. Are they good for anything else? (ps. if the anwser is spoilerish, just repeat with yes/no)


Metroid Killer said:
I haven't found a use for the merchants other than opening giant purses, so I never bring them along with me. Are they good for anything else? (ps. if the anwser is spoilerish, just repeat with yes/no)
They can find
invisible holes to dig in, which usually amount to relatively substantial (like, 3000 to 5000?) worth of treasure.


Metroid Killer said:
I haven't found a use for the merchants other than opening giant purses, so I never bring them along with me. Are they good for anything else? (ps. if the anwser is spoilerish, just repeat with yes/no)

You will need them for one boss. And they discover holes you can't see.

Edit: beaten


Something else to note with merchants is that
If you speak to them while they're stood in the arcade they sometimes give you items you can equip your team with, the usual health boosts and stuff

GC Simon I don't know if you've figured it out but

The immigrant from new island destroys blocks.
To get the god tv part, go back to where you killed the tv boss and stand under the giant tv


God damnit this game is addicting quote.

Lost four hours of progress today without even noticing.
Died once at the Onii King and got a "retry?" so I thought death were saferly safe and wasn't too worried, then four hours later I get killed by one of the Onii that shot something without even noticed he was shooting at me.

Decided to play a bit more to get back to where I was and before I know it 3 other hours were gone.

Of course this time, not having much patient to do it all carefully a second time, instead of having 1-2 people killed during the whole period of time I had about half of them die on me on each expedition.

So is there any long term bad effect on too many people dying?


Played for four hours yesterday and haven't started the campaign against the Onii king yet. Does anything happen in the mushroom forest? Beat all the mushroom, but nothing happened. got a lot of money for it though.


Urgent questions to all people who build already the airship:

I'm now in the space / on a desk. But what the fuck should I do now? I've no plan :/


kottila said:
Played for four hours yesterday and haven't started the campaign against the Onii king yet. Does anything happen in the mushroom forest? Beat all the mushroom, but nothing happened. got a lot of money for it though.
There's a quest later on that triggers a Guardian Fight in that area.
GC|Simon said:
Urgent questions to all people who build already the airship:

I'm now in the space / on a desk. But what the fuck should I do now? I've no plan :/
Keep walking around and talk to your queen a lot. It'll trigger the next event.


Just beat my third king
the drunk guy
and am loving the game. Unfortunately I haven't been able to persuade any friends to buy it, they automatically dismiss it based on the art style. :/

I usually burn through great games asap but have been trying to savour this one, so only play for about an hour a day. Just thought I'd chime in and say how great it is for anyone still on the fence.

How do I beat metal Onii? Need miners?


GC|Simon said:
Saw the credits after at least 25 hours. Great game. Could be better (with pointer controls), but it's still a great game. Buy it!

I think I will share a detailed opinion in a few days!

A YouTube channel with a video walkthrough:

Ah, the spacing's the reason I couldn't find one before. *watches whole thing* OH, GOD! They took the ending from my favorite of their other games! And watching the credits reveals that Punchline's Kimura isn't the only Love-De-Lic member on board! Vanpool and Skip employees did work on it, too, which essentially makes this a Love-De-Lic reunion game! I AM SO EXCITED I CAN'T CONCAPITALLETTERSEXCLAMATIONS!

...Love it, love it, love it. Again, serious thanks to all who bought the game.


Metroid Killer said:
Wow I just beat the third boss, and the clock is now 22... Haven't you done any sidequests?

I have done a lot of sidequests at the beginnig. It took me maybe 10 hours to get to the second boss. After the second boss I went to the third boss. And I really liked to fight the bosses. And now, I'm at the end... but I'll come back to check out some more sidequests, especially the ones from the princesses.


Ugh...Sobamanjaro, yet another needlessly complicated boss battle.

Okay, it wasn't horrifically difficult, but I still had to try it a few times. New queen is hawt.

I still love the face Liam makes during the earthquakes. It's almost worth the millions he has fleeced from me.


I managed to survive the
zombie apocalypse
this time around.

It really caught me by surprise yesterday.


The thread has gone disconcertingly quiet. Maybe people are searching for the thread but can't find it because the name of the game is incorrect...

Anyway, I've been playing for 35 hours and I still have one king left to slay.

My impatience does seem to be getting me killed increasingly often while exploring.

It's hard to strike the right balance. It would probably be a lot easier to get around unscathed with a more specialised, offensive entourage but there's nothing worse than clearing out an area only to discover that if you had a carpenter you could bridge two locations and make traversal a whole lot easier.

But there certainly is value in taking a small dedicated force into the unknown to scope the area before bringing along a thirty-man squad comprising of two of every animal.


About 10 hours in so far, and really enjoying it. I've built the Cow Cannon at the entrance of the Boney Tunnel and I've explored the area a bit to find the entrance to King Shiskebebop (sp? :lol ), but I'd rather have some more troops before I fight him. I currently have 17 men under my command, and I've only killed the Onii King. Sooo... some questions:

- Is Shiskebebop the king you're supposed to fight next, or am I supposed to find and fight Duvroc first? If it is Shiskebebop, any tips on fighting him?
- Is there a way to trigger the Command upgrade so I can have more than 17 men?
- I assume there's a Guardian fight in the Red Turnip forest and against that big white Mushroom north of the old Mushroom Forest. When/How can I fight these guys?


I fought Duvroc first. Apparently you can make this battle much easier by
bringing one of the children along.

Shishekaboo tips:

I had plenty of problems with this guy. He always managed to kill the king, I never ran out of soldiers.

The thing to remember is that anybody who dies in a boss fight will wash up on the beach, so you can afford to be reckless. Take as many people as possible and just shoot them out in a line along the board. If he gets passed your defences, just get out of the way. He will regain health by eating, but that can easily be whittled down again.

The one crucial aspect of this battle that I was unaware of right up until the time that I beat it was that when the screen turns black you can send your men straight up the board to destroy the rock that's guarding the ultimate target.

With that in mind, all you have to do is just keep Corobo away from the boss and get Shishkekaboo's health down to 50. Then just try and get him somewhere near the top of the board. You don't have to be deadly accurate. Just shoot him in the general area.

I'm currently engaged in battle with that Jumbo boss. I should probably take a time out. Each attempt I make I get that bit more impatient.
Just beat my 4th boss and thus conquered the Worrywart Kingdom. 32 hours in.

Man the last bit of the Worrywart Kingdom fight took me quite some time to figure out... I did it all -_-... (those who beat it will know)

I really like that I've died in every boss battle cept for Duvroc. And some of the big digging holes can be a trouble as well... 4 dragons in one hole o_o!

I've also spent way too much time and money on changing peoples job until they hit a good amount of HP.

Dascu just beat more guardians and more boss and more expandable quests will show up
I was thinking about writing down all the 'little' things that can be enjoyed in the game. There is so much stuff that you'll probably miss something.

~~Little King's Story's little list of little things to discover~~

NPC Interaction:

*TAXES: Send a man into a house to collect taxes. You can do it once in each house in a day. Send in your whole group at the same time for maximum effect.

*LOVE: People will fall in love, usually after a long campaign. Send them into the church so they can start a family. You can also find lovestruck couples on a nighttime date in your forest. Talk to your princess and sometimes she'll kiss you.

*ANIMALS: Push a near animals to interact with them. Throw a guard at them for fun. Verde and Liam seems to have a rat problem outside the castle as well. Rabbits occasionally have a letter in their mouth.

*EXERCISE: When you stay idle long enough your royal guards will start doing excercises and stretches. The different excercise law upgrades can be seen performed by your citizens. Carpenters will wake up early to do their morning excercise.

*BEACH: When people die they often wash up on the beach. But not always! Talking to your citizens will also reveal that occasionally die in their daily lives. Once in a while a stranger will wash up. Send your guards out in their water where they can express their opinion to the wide ocean's ears.

*HUNTERS: Before the sun rises the Animal Hunters will have a meeting and take off. You can find them carrying their prey or roast it on their fireplaces.

*PANCHO: Pancho will sometimes wake you up. He can also be seen playing with Howser during the day.


*JOBS: When you send a carefree adult into a job building he will get a random HP assigned within the designated job. For the free and cheaper jobs keep changing until he gets a high HP.

*FARMERS: Always bring a farmer with you. He's good at digging, but most important he's the only one that can open those cracks in the ground mostly revealing a hot spring. Makes some of the boss battles less fatal.

*BOL: Raiding peoples houses for taxes can reel in about 3000.000 in all the kingdom, but questing is where the real bol is at. Before expanding too much grind the red turnip forest for some expensive shiny turnip.

I'm forgetting a lot of stuff, but feel free to add more. I tried not to spoil too much, try just describing the action but not the result... if there are any little things like that.


Oxx said:
I fought Duvroc first. Apparently you can make this battle much easier by
bringing one of the children along.
How can I reach Duvroc? The only way I can think of would be through the Red Turnip area, but it seems like I can't continue until I beat a Guardian there or something.

Oh, and those are some cool tips Metroid Killer. I try not to collect a lot of taxes, because I'm afraid it'd make people unhappy. Does this really have an effect, or can I just raid their houses like a Libertarian's Nightmare?
Dascu said:
How can I reach Duvroc? The only way I can think of would be through the Red Turnip area, but it seems like I can't continue until I beat a Guardian there or something.
You can find Duvroc's kingdom in the same area as the Ripe Kingdom entrance, where you built the cannon.


I play this game slowly I'm 7 or 8 hours in, working my way through sunflower fields. Is it just me or is the map totally useless?


gamingeek said:
I play this game slowly I'm 7 or 8 hours in, working my way through sunflower fields. Is it just me or is the map totally useless?
I really wish you could zoom in a bit more.

And thanks, Earthpainting. I'll give it a look.
Yeah the map isn't that helpful when exploring new areas, but it works great with quests and once you get accustomed to each area the map suddenly makes more "sense".
Also in the beginning there are so many gates limiting your travel further in, the more paths available the more useful is the map, imo. But then again by that time you're probably using the cannon instead.

Collecting taxes doesn't affect the moods of your people as far as I know.


Is there a specific strategy for
Jumbo Champloon?

I know the memo says take a varied party but I just keep running out of steam during the final phase.


I bought it last week, played a couple of hours but definitely i did NOT fall in love.
It seems like everybody's truly loving it when i just find it kinda good.
I don't know, i guess it's my fault... :p

And i really don't understand some design choices: the controls without the cursor feel a lot less natural, the pathfinding for your men is pretty bad and the map is confusing at best.

I'll keep on playing when i feel like, even if i'm not that motivated.


Fascinating reading, guys. I wish I could contribute. I'm getting increasingly worried about E3's and Independence Day's proximity to the U.S. release, though. I'm sure that websites will make a big deal out of it during review week (and maybe 1 week afterward), but post-E3 news and unwinding's going to cut off preview hype and the short week of July 4th will steer discussion elsewhere. Here's hoping text and scores make a big enough splash for it to succeed.


finally got the game from TheHut yesterday!
Iam 9h in and this game just gets better and better. I love all those little details and i constantly have a smile on my face watching the action in my little empire. I Think the gameplay is solid with a couple of flaws (like the allready mentioned useless map, save system or vague controlls) but as a whole this is a shiny awesome cake of joy :]


I've collected all the parts but I'm going to leave it there for today. I've been playing it quite a bit.

Haven't managed to run into a
yet. I'm not exactly sure where he's hanging out or what hours he works.


Alright, found Duvroc and beat that bastard. :D
I just love going around your kingdom and watching your minions' daily lives. It's amazing how much detail they put into this game.
Heh I noticed that pretty much 80% of my citizens were jumping around, some of them with water drops above their heads... Whenever I talked to them they would say "Ordinances... Get out of here!" I was what ordinances? Then it hit me that I had ordered them to do jumping jacks to increase health. None of them seemed to enjoy it though :lol

Beat the final area guardian(I think) after 3 failed attempts. I've now come to realize that in tougher boss battles, if the openings for attacks are very small you are most likely doing something wrong(using the wrong team etc.)

anyway more stuff

~~Little King's Story's little list of little things to discover~~

NPC Interaction:

AGING: Your guards will grow old if their HP reaches 1. Likewise the king will grow a beard if losing 1 point and grow old if losing 2 points. Staying out for a whole day will also result in a beard


*MERCHANTS: The way they find treasure holes is just by having them in your party and walk over a sweetspot and they'll reveal a hole. It's a good idea always to bring one of them in your party since they find some really expensive treasures.

*ONE-HIT KILLS: UMAs such as Cockadoodledo, Concodore and Rocky can be taken out immediately provided you send in the right job(shouldn't be that hard to figure out)


I'm currently polishing off some of the quests before hopping in the
flying machine.

I was prepared to hate the fetch-quest, but it was no where near as irritating as in more recent Zeldas and Metroids. It probably helps that exploring the world, digging up treasure is my favourite part of the game.
Is it weird that I have been playing this game for 18 and a half hours and just got up to the second king Duvroc?
I just spent an insane amount of time just doing daily quests.
Can someone also tell me what the tiny cracks on the ground with glowing bits are and how I can open them up? I got a Merchant but the only thing he seems to do is open the big purses.
Eyemus Lutt said:
Is it weird that I have been playing this game for 18 and a half hours and just got up to the second king Duvroc?
I just spent an insane amount of time just doing daily quests.
Can someone also tell me what the tiny cracks on the ground with glowing bits are and how I can open them up? I got a Merchant but the only thing he seems to do is open the big purses.
The Farmers can open them. There are more tips in my post above if you care. :)

And yeah the game really opens up after the first king. But the same time it gives you the option to achieve world domination quickly if you want.

I lost my main man yesterday. Mike was one of my original citizins from the beginning, so there was a huge following at the church about 20 or so. Now it's time for Akira to step out of Mike's shadow and lead my army in the future!

Am I the only one who assign jobs to citizens with fitting names? I originally wanted to have Akira and Star become
, Ash is an Animal Hunter etc.
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