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Official Madden '10 Xbox 360 Online Franchise: A World Without Favre


Mrbob said:



Lonestar said:

They didn't put any arby sauce in the bag. Sauceless Roast Beef Sandwhich!!!!! :(

And this is what the thread has devolved into. Bravo sir. Bravo.

p.s. Bob, today is end of month, I can't play tonight unfortunately. But I should be around tomorrow evening.


intangibles, motherfucker
LiveWire said:
So someone made a few mistakes and is down 21 in the 4th. They're just not allowed to pass then? Only run plays? How about once someone takes a 3 TD lead why not just end the game right there? Let's see what you think after someone rings up 50+ point margins on you a few times a season and see how you like it.

It's one thing when it's risking a 20 point to 28-point lead vs perhaps going from up 20 to only up 13 in your example. But when you're up nearly 50 goddamn points, seriously, just punt the fucking ball or run into the line of scrimmage until you get tackled. If they score again, then you can score in return.

Well, the FGs I thought were unnecessary. Would've rather seen a punt through the endzone or a kneel on 4th down so I could practice some more on offense.
It has happened to me. I think I threw 6 picks in one game against Shawn last year. Whatever he does off those picks are fine. I'm only in that position because I put myself there with bad throws


Yeah I don't mind someone returning a pick against me for a TD when I'm down by a lot, as long as they don't do that stupid dive over the goal line front flip animation. That's just rubbing it in IMO.


Nightz said:
Yeah I don't mind someone returning a pick against me for a TD when I'm down by a lot, as long as they don't do that stupid dive over the goal line front flip animation. That's just rubbing it in IMO.
Did we advance? if so can we play today??!



Rorschach said:
Fuck off. Your game is EXACTLY proof that it's not garbage. I threw ONCE in the entire second half of the 72 point game. Fucking once. And it was in the beginning of the third.

*Gasp* In your game against the Skins you threw a 71 yard pass in the middle of the third?! That should have been an FB dive at most!
*Shock* A 34 yard BJac run!? You should have run out of bounds and taken 4 knees!
*Hearattackomgwheremypills?!* You kicked FGs?! Those should have been Punts!

All of my wins have been blowouts. Each time, I've tried to throttle back the last quarter at least. Bluemax may not realize it, but I didn't throw once in the fourth against him. Maybe he thought he was just getting good all of a sudden. I took the clock down on the Ravens even though he was just giving me every excuse to run it up. I ran it out as best I could against Arizona too. I could have put up 60 on all these opponents, no offense to any of them. All my wins (barring 2) last season were blowouts too. I never had a complaint by MY OPPONENT then either.

The reason I didn't go for 2 in those games where FMT questioned me was because I somehow thought that it might be considered cheese or some shit. I even called timeouts because I had called for a two point and then just went for the PAT. I don't even know what to do anymore.

[edit]I didn't run them back. I had a clear shot twice in the second with Nnamdi and just let him fall. Although, that's probably stat padding too because I got the ball on offense omg! You can't win either way.
Of course I am the one that gets lashed out at when at that point I was just addressing the running up the score thing in general, nothing for Lonestar or Matrix who started addressing your game in the first place.

I don't think I have to defend my game against LW as he already did. As far as the FGs at the end I was within the 35 yard line and seriously did not know what to do. I didn't want to insult the guy with a punt or a kneel on fourth so I just kicked the FG. Now that he addressed it it's what I will do when I am in a similar position. What I said during the game is that I wish I could offer a friendly quit not throttle it back, I was already just grinding the clock down.

You're really jumping down the wrong guy's throat on this one. I know you, Fifty and DM think I am a jackass for some of my opinions but I have been a good sportsman the whole time, I respect And have tried to help everyone, and contrary to what you may think I do not attack someone passively. If I had a problem with you I'd tell you upfront like I have everyone else.

Please also remember that I took a monster asswhooping from you in the tournament the likes of which I never have and did not complain afterwards that you run up the score, as I was unable to get a stop on D. I think you scored 50+ in that game. (Cant check, I am at jury duty)


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
"Matrix who started addressing your game in the first place. "

Ehhh I have no issues wih Rors or his game style. I was just responding to Lonestar's issues with the score. I said I had no clue what went down with BJ and Rors and even blamed BJ for his style of play leading to these high scoring blow outs.


Wellington said:
Of course I am the one that gets lashed out at when at that point I was just addressing the running up the score thing in general, nothing for Lonestar or Matrix who started addressing your game in the first place.

I don't think I have to defend my game against LW as he already did. As far as the FGs at the end I was within the 35 yard line and seriously did not know what to do. I didn't want to insult the guy with a punt or a kneel on fourth so I just kicked the FG. Now that he addressed it it's what I will do when I am in a similar position. What I said during the game is that I wish I could offer a friendly quit not throttle it back, I was already just grinding the clock down.

You're really jumping down the wrong guy's throat on this one. I know you, Fifty and DM think I am a jackass for some of my opinions but I have been a good sportsman the whole time, I respect And have tried to help everyone, and contrary to what you may think I do not attack someone passively. If I had a problem with you I'd tell you upfront like I have everyone else.

Please also remember that I took a monster asswhooping from you in the tournament the likes of which I never have and did not complain afterwards that you run up the score, as I was unable to get a stop on D. I think you scored 50+ in that game. (Cant check, I am at jury duty)
I didn't want you to "defend" your game. I was saying that your game was prime example of that. The fact that there was a defense for it proves my point. You and Livewire know what happened and everyone outside would just be guessing and making assumptions. The only ones that knew exactly what happened would be you and Livewire. Me pointing out the scores would just be doing so OUT OF CONTEXT. And I agree with you on the FGs, but obviously Livewire doesn't as he said he preferred a knee or punts. I would be greatly insulted if someone did that against me with tons of time left on the clock and FMT kinda chewed me out once when I could have easily scored multiple times on him and just took knees instead because it was a slap in the face. So, what's that mean? That you have to know who your opponent is. But what does that matter when people are dogging you from the outside anyway?

[edit] Oh, and I don't think anyone is a jackass for having an opinion. You always have this insecure, everyone's out to get me mentality and you make posts like "the commishes don't like me" or "you guys think I'm a jackass" or whatever. I always respond to you on AIM with how I feel, but I'm not going to quote you every time you say something like that to massage your ego. Just keep "Oh, no Wellington, you're an asset to the league and we appreciate your participation" on notepad and bring it up any time you get the urge. I mean it sincerely even if I can't speak for everyone.


DCX said:
Did we advance? if so can we play today??!

Yeah we advanced last night. I posted yesterday asking if you were available today, but it probably got lost in the sea of arguments lol. If I don't have to stay late for work, would 5 pm PST work for you?


CB3 said:
if your passing when the game is in control and making it last longer for me, then you better not throw a pick then I guess. Ill take it back on you. Its not like I'm running the score up. You passed it to me.

But isn' that the very definition of running the score up, since the score will have no impact on the outcome of the game? Not only that, but you are also making the game last even longer for yourself by scoring again, since the opposing offense is probably going to continue passing the ball when you could have just killed some clock.

If someone is down big in the 4th qtr, why shouldn't they continue to work both the running and passing game, so they can try to get better against someone who is obviously better than them (at least during that game)? Sure, it's on them if they throw a pick, but that doesn't mean you have to rub it in even more by running it back.

Just to be clear...I'm not attacking you. I'm just asking a question.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
If someone doesn't mind getting blown out, then I guess it's alright to do so. Can we get a Rule #2 change then, just scratch out the " there's no reason to run up the score on people" part, because it's now on a case-by-case basis. How about a list of each person's parameters, because it's too confusing, with it's conflicting nature of "is it or isn't it" a blowout?

I'm ok with running back an INT for a TD. It happens, and is the leading cause of these blowouts. I am ok with the opponent milking the playclock to get the game over with (because hey, that's Sim). In the rare instance I'm protecting a lead late in the game, I will attempt to milk the clock. I have even knelt out/punted while in the redzone with a few minutes left.

I would love to get a 44-7 game, where it's easy sailing, but I've somehow developed a overall gameplan, of perpetual 24-21 games. Games down to the wire, that are hard fought. Win Some, Lose some. I figured that was where most of the fun of the league was supposed to be from.


If an opponent is up big and they're running the ball to get the game over with but still do jukes and spins and trucks, that's still padding your stats / running up the score in my opinion. If you're really trying to run out the clock and end the game, just run it up the gut. It's quite simple.

EDIT: Just to clarify, only when the opponent is close to scoring again (redzone).


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I'm ok with just playing like normal, up until you get into the redzone/10 yard line (well, not throwing long bombs to get there). Just legitimately trying to get 1st downs on 2 or 3 plays. Long, sustained drives (that kill clock).


I don't think it is too tough to make a proper judgment call depending on the flow of the game.

If you are up by 14 in the red zone with under 2 min left. You run the ball to end the game, and your opponent calls TOs kick the FG.

If you are running and the opponent isn't calling a TO just let the game end. Pretty simple.


Nightz said:
Yeah we advanced last night. I posted yesterday asking if you were available today, but it probably got lost in the sea of arguments lol. If I don't have to stay late for work, would 5 pm PST work for you?
That would be great!



LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I just want to make it be known if I ever play Bob in a league game and I'm up big somehow I will stat pad and run up the score as much as I can. I don't care if it's a fluke game. I know the odds wouldn't be in my favor to do this, but again let me repeat myself...

If I'm ever up big against Bob I will not let up. I will make him shit Battle Red.

Bob knows why I'm typing this or should know why.


Matrix said:
I just want to make it be known if I ever play Bob in a league game and I'm up big somehow I will stat pad and run up the score as much as I can. I don't care if it's a fluke game. I know the odds wouldn't be in my favor to do this, but again let me repeat myself...

If I'm ever up big against Bob I will not let up. I will make him shit Battle Red.

Bob knows why I'm typing this or should know why.

shots fired?



You type the impossible because there is no way I would ever let you beat me. :D

I'll throw it 50 times to Olsen if need be to win!

37 to 0 lulz


intangibles, motherfucker
Birdman02 said:
But isn' that the very definition of running the score up, since the score will have no impact on the outcome of the game? Not only that, but you are also making the game last even longer for yourself by scoring again, since the opposing offense is probably going to continue passing the ball when you could have just killed some clock.

If someone is down big in the 4th qtr, why shouldn't they continue to work both the running and passing game, so they can try to get better against someone who is obviously better than them (at least during that game)? Sure, it's on them if they throw a pick, but that doesn't mean you have to rub it in even more by running it back.

Just to be clear...I'm not attacking you. I'm just asking a question.
Because I've noticed in this situation when I'm clearly trying to run the clock and they keep passing. I'm hoping a pick-6 will put more emphasis on you to stop passing. Or atleast run more. also if I'm down big and I throw a pick, I would rather have it taken back. Don't dive. That's more of a slap in my face. Its like pitying me. I don't want that and I don't want my opponents to feel that. Atleast on defense, I'm giving you everything I got for the whole game.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Smokey said:
shots fired?

It's only because of all his cpu bs talk.

I have beat Bob in the past, back when I had Carr :lol He beat me really bad though in a playoff game. I think he shut me out cause the Bears D was insane and of course he TE cheesed me all game.

edit- yea that was the game

"I'll throw it 50 times to Olsen if need be to win!"

Figures :lol
Matrix said:
I just want to make it be known if I ever play Bob in a league game and I'm up big somehow I will stat pad and run up the score as much as I can. I don't care if it's a fluke game. I know the odds wouldn't be in my favor to do this, but again let me repeat myself...

If I'm ever up big against Bob I will not let up. I will make him shit Battle Red.

Bob knows why I'm typing this or should know why.

Me too.


CB3 said:
Because I've noticed in this situation when I'm clearly trying to run the clock and they keep passing. I'm hoping a pick-6 will put more emphasis on you to stop passing. Or atleast run more. also if I'm down big and I throw a pick, I would rather have it taken back. Don't dive. That's more of a slap in my face. Its like pitying me. I don't want that and I don't want my opponents to feel that. Atleast on defense, I'm giving you everything I got for the whole game.

Wait, you don't want your opponents to feel like you're pitying them by running up the gut and eating clock, but you don't want them to try and fight their way back into the game by passing (which is realistically the only way to make a comeback of 28+ points) so you'll run up the score and rubbing it in, making them feel even worse? That makes no sense whatsoever.

Running up the gut and burning clock isn't pitying someone when they're down 28+ points. It's just helping to get the game over with. If they pass and manage to score once or twice and are a threat you can begin dominating again. If they pass INTs down 28+, just down it or run out of bounds, and begin your next drive with more clock-killing runs, it's not rocket science.


LiveWire said:
Wait, you don't want your opponents to feel like you're pitying them by running up the gut and eating clock, but you don't want them to try and fight their way back into the game by passing (which is realistically the only way to make a comeback of 28+ points) so you'll run up the score and rubbing it in, making them feel even worse? That makes no sense whatsoever.

Running up the gut and burning clock isn't pitying someone when they're down 28+ points. It's just helping to get the game over with. If they pass and manage to score once or twice and are a threat you can begin dominating again. If they pass INTs down 28+, just down it or run out of bounds, and begin your next drive with more clock-killing runs, it's not rocket science.

CB says he's cold-blooded this season.
Mrbob said:
And you get your shot this year too!

Let us up the stakes. Winner of our upcoming Madden league game get the Heat in NBA Live 11!
even if pheeniks got the heat, he still wouldn't pass the first round.

sorry, i just sensed the word "nba" somewhere and it lead me back here.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I had a shot to blow out Bob. I should have went to the TE more.

Or Run the ball.

Or kick a good field goal

Or watch more Cheers. I was Cheer-pleted, and it hurt my chances of victory.

I had been watching Doctor Who, and it doesn't seem to give me that special "Umph" when it comes to achieving football victory. I'm thinking of switching it up to Knots Landing.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
viakado said:
even if pheeniks got the heat, he still wouldn't pass the first round.

sorry, i just sensed the word "nba" somewhere and it lead me back here.

Stray bullets fired.


intangibles, motherfucker
It makes perfect sense. I fully control my offense. Rules and people keep me from running my offense normally. So ill run it for the most part and punt if I dpnt get the first. But if I'm on D and you throw it to me, and I have a clear lane, I'm taking it in. I don't control someone else making bad decisions with the ball. And it happens in real life. No matter the score if the qb makes a throw that will result in a pick 6, the defender doesn't just dive to the floor.

I'm competing the whole game man. Besides what the rules limit me. I don't expect anyone to let up on me in a blowout. if I make a bad throw in a blow out, that's my bad. Dagger me and put it in the endzone. End of story


Good game BigAT, I just didn't have much on O today. Couldn't really move the ball. Shitty playcalling, shitty reads, and good D on your part. After that Lynch TD, I thought it would swing moment my way, but you got the same break I did on the next series (Pro Tak).

The WR screen was the dagger, I've looked at the replay twice and McGee goes straight for the OL. So much for being the force defender. Good running too, especially between the tackles.

I'm not sure how you got some of those passes off, but you did a good job. I probably hit Rodgers three out of every four drop backs.


CB3 said:
It makes perfect sense. I fully control my offense. Rules and people keep me from running my offense normally. So ill run it for the most part and punt if I dpnt get the first. But if I'm on D and you throw it to me, and I have a clear lane, I'm taking it in. I don't control someone else making bad decisions with the ball. And it happens in real life. No matter the score if the qb makes a throw that will result in a pick 6, the defender doesn't just dive to the floor.

Bullshit, there have been plenty of times in the NFL after a pick where a defender has just run the ball out of bounds.

And you say you're OK with it, I believe that's only because you haven't had to deal with it that often.

Anyway, it appears the argument has run its course and nothing will change, so I suggest that all of us "dirty console peasants" run up the score against the "glorious master PC race" (DM, FMT, Rors, CB, LJ, Smokey) if we are ever in the position to do so.
ok I'm seriously confused about the ints for td stuff. FMT were you insulted when i dove and tried to run out more of the clock when I got that last int that would have been a easy TD? I felt like at the time it was the right thing to do, but questioned my decision afterwards.

I know you said you would have been fine with me running it back and actually it seems like most people are saying running it back is fine, in which case I will attempt to run back every single int I get from now on.

LiveWire said:
Bullshit, there have been plenty of times in the NFL after a pick where a defender has just run the ball out of bounds.

And you say you're OK with it, I believe that's only because you haven't had to deal with it that often.

I know I've seen it happen numerous times, which is why my initial instinct is to just dive down. But then again this type of stuff also had conflicting opinions when for example mjd knelt down instead of scoring a td. There are people (coaches, ex-coaches, players, etc) who say you always take the guaranteed points. It's hard for me to decide which is right.
dude if you guys are seriously THAT annoyed to the point where you are against someone returning your INT for a TD, then just message your opponent "you finish vs. the CPU" and then you leave the game while the other guy has the option to finish vs. the CPU. I've done this in a few of my blowouts (*cough LJ) and my opponents have graciously said yes.

by the way, if i'm ever blowing someone out and they throw a pick 6, no way in hell am i going to dive or whatever shit. i'm with CB on this one


sableholic said:
I know I've seen it happen numerous times, which is why my initial instinct is to just dive down. But then again this type of stuff also had conflicting opinions when for example mjd knelt down instead of scoring a td. There are people (coaches, ex-coaches, players, etc) who say you always take the guaranteed points. It's hard for me to decide which is right.

MJD is a different situation because it was a close game (2 point difference IIRC?) that they wanted to close out with NO chance of a comeback by trying for a FG. That's apples-and-oranges compared to diving instead of taking a TAINT when you're up 52-10 with a minute to go in the 4th.


intangibles, motherfucker
I've dealt with it. Up until recently I spent many leagues getting dominated by ck and Shawn. Especially Shawn. As I said just last season he got 6 picks in one game on me. And he won by a ton of points. More power to him. I got beat and took it. He is a competitor and so am I.

And this is not just Madden. I've been dominated and been on the other side also in 2k. This is nothing new to me.
LiveWire said:
MJD is a different situation because it was a close game (2 point difference IIRC?) that they wanted to close out with NO chance of a comeback by trying for a FG. That's apples-and-oranges compared to diving instead of taking a TAINT when you're up 52-10 with a minute to go in the 4th.

true true, it was just a example of how its not just us that is torn by the kneeling down thing. I've heard announcers/coaches say you take the guaranteed pts. mjd they called stupid because they ended up kicking the fg to win it, but say the fg gets blocked or something like that, then you don't get the td and lost. I'm just trying to figure out what the thoughts are on this situation. Like I said my original instinct is to dive if its not close, i'm just trying to figure out what the league thinks


LiveWire said:
Anyway, it appears the argument has run its course and nothing will change, so I suggest that all of us "dirty console peasants" run up the score against the "glorious master PC race" (DM, FMT, Rors, CB, LJ, Smokey) if we are ever in the position to do so.

I'm not getting into this debate, but I found this comment hysterical. :lol

You can cross my name off the list Live, because I seem to recall this one time, the Skins really laid the wood...hahahaha

All in good fun.

Edit: My bad, you were the Pats.



Watch this video around the 4:28 mark. Baltimore still has 3 timeouts, and Brackett intercepts it and drops to the ground instead of running it back. He could easily have ran to the left for a pick six. Taking knees after picks does happen in the NFL. And this was even in a close game! There's just no excuse for running it back when you're up as much as some of these teams are so late in the game. No NFL team does that.


LiveWire said:

Watch this video around the 4:28 mark. Baltimore still has 3 timeouts, and Brackett intercepts it and drops to the ground instead of running it back. He could easily have ran to the left for a pick six. Taking knees after picks does happen in the NFL. And this was even in a close game! There's just no excuse for running it back when you're up as much as some of these teams are so late in the game. No NFL team does that.
I don't really give a fuck because I just took the dives with Nnamdi last game, but that's a completely different situation. That pick sealed the game and he had nowhere to go.


LJ11 said:
I'm not getting into this debate, but I found this comment hysterical. :lol

You can cross my name off the list Live, because I seem to recall this one time, the Skins really laid the wood...hahahaha

All in good fun.

Edit: My bad, you were the Pats.

I remember beating you with the Skins, but it was like a 17-14 type game, not a blowout. I don't remember blowing you out with the Pats? I did? Wow. :lol I don't think I've ever put up 50+ on anyone, scrim or league match.


LiveWire said:
Anyway, it appears the argument has run its course and nothing will change, so I suggest that all of us "dirty console peasants" run up the score against the "glorious master PC race" (DM, FMT, Rors, CB, LJ, Smokey) if we are ever in the position to do so.


I don't even have a blowout win!

I hate all these douchebags who are running up the score. Especially the ones who are like "Well you were still trying to win with 2 mins left and I was up by 50! I HAD MY RIGHTS!!"


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Livewire you keep talking about a sim league and how certain teams play, well BJ wasn't playing sim at all and you don't have any issues with that.


LJ11 said:
Good game BigAT, I just didn't have much on O today. Couldn't really move the ball. Shitty playcalling, shitty reads, and good D on your part. After that Lynch TD, I thought it would swing moment my way, but you got the same break I did on the next series (Pro Tak).

The WR screen was the dagger, I've looked at the replay twice and McGee goes straight for the OL. So much for being the force defender. Good running too, especially between the tackles.

I'm not sure how you got some of those passes off, but you did a good job. I probably hit Rodgers three out of every four drop backs.


I have to say I had a bit of a smile on my face after Grant broke that ridiculous nonsense of a touchdown run following Lynch's similar run just a play or two earlier.

It's been said before but I might as well echo it, you're ridiculous with your rookie DT and your defensive line in general. Your line generates crazy pressure on nearly every down, even when it's just the front four rushing. I felt like I would drop back and immediately get popped. There were definitely a few that even I thought should have been sacks, but Rodgers managed to barely get them away.

I almost lost my mind after Bigby fumbled and lost that ball after he intercepted it, especially since I'm pretty sure I was pressing for him to protect the ball. That could have potentially been a huge difference maker.


Hail to the KING baby
bluemax I might be able to play tonight before I head out if you happen to be around. if not saturday night or sunday works. add me on live: astrothelad (can't find your name b/c the ea site is down).

Since both of our games have come down to the last play, running up the score is a moot point; there's no dilemma!


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Yeah, DM doesn't play the type of ball to blow out anyone, or be blown out. Ball Control, and contest everything on defense.

I might have to switch back to the Miami playbook, for the Wildcat. I've got players to run out of it, better than straight up running...
LiveWire said:

Watch this video around the 4:28 mark. Baltimore still has 3 timeouts, and Brackett intercepts it and drops to the ground instead of running it back. He could easily have ran to the left for a pick six. Taking knees after picks does happen in the NFL. And this was even in a close game! There's just no excuse for running it back when you're up as much as some of these teams are so late in the game. No NFL team does that.

Are you seriously using that video as a comparison to getting a pick 6 in a blowout dude?

Wow, I shouldn't even have to explain...
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