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Official Madden '10 Xbox 360 Online Franchise: A World Without Favre


Nightz said:
Do you guys have at least a concrete time/date for your matchup?



intangibles, motherfucker
you were talking about Encals skills at PG. Which are irrelevant because i never played Point when we played. Besides that, i rather be compared to MJ in any context. Vidako got me the ball when i used VC last night and i dominated
CB3 said:
you were talking about Encals skills at PG. Which are irrelevant because i never played Point when we played. Besides that, i rather be compared to MJ in any context. Vidako got me the ball when i used VC last night and i dominated

dominated what? Kobe shit all over you I have no idea how that fucking bum Odom got player of the game I did it all! :lol


CB3 said:
you were talking about Encals skills at PG. Which are irrelevant because i never played Point when we played. Besides that, i rather be compared to MJ in any context. Vidako got me the ball when i used VC last night and i dominated
We got shafted with a shitty Denver team, and i swear everytime i made a mistake...u gave me the virtual Jordan stare...yet Pheeniks 7 3 seconds in the paint was never mentioned.

DCX said:
We got shafted with a shitty Denver team, and i swear everytime i made a mistake...u gave me the virtual Jordan stare...yet Pheeniks 7 3 seconds in the paint was never mentioned.


3 seconds in the paint only means I'm putting effort in defending the rim!

and I think I might take off my mic from now on. hearing hunter bitch whine every second is not what I to hear before I sleep. i fucking went to sleep last night with echos of hunter's voice going "open. Open. OPen. OPEn. OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


ph33nix said:
3 seconds in the paint only means I'm putting effort in defending the rim!

and I think I might take off my mic from now on. hearing hunter bitch whine every second is not what I to hear before I sleep. i fucking went to sleep last night with echos of hunter's voice going "open. Open. OPen. OPEn. OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
On offense fucker? It means you cost us 7 possessions to score :lol :lol



intangibles, motherfucker
LukeSmith said:
Wait, so after all of yesterday - DCX is playing a sub?

fuuuuuuuuuuuucccckkkkkkkkkk :lol


honestly. we could have been in the next week no worried if you guys listened to me yesterday
DCX said:
On offense fucker? It means you cost us 7 possessions to score :lol :lol

Uhhh I'm pretty fucking sure I didn't get 7 three-second calls. and maybe that's why you're a fucking terrible PG because you're worried about calls instead of the game. I guess that's what happens when you like the new york knicks (see: frankman)

also i sent you an IM bitch. reply


ph33nix said:
Uhhh I'm pretty fucking sure I didn't get 7 three-second calls. and maybe that's why you're a fucking terrible PG because you're worried about calls instead of the game. I guess that's what happens when you like the new york knicks (see: frankman)

also i sent you an IM bitch. reply
I played the post a few times got called for 3 seconds once..my PG skills were great before that Denver BS, and even so, my JR Smith skills almost won us the game in spite of your cement feet and brutish head.



AB asked me to fill in for him because he has work stuff going on. I can play as soon as I get home from work at 6:30CST or anytime after that.
DCX said:
I played the post a few times got called for 3 seconds once..my PG skills were great before that Denver BS, and even so, my JR Smith skills almost won us the game in spite of your cement feet and brutish head.


i wasn't even on your denver team you fucking idiot. i was on the team that beat denver and the shoot-in-the-post-with-birdman viakado

i still don't know what "3 seconds" shit you're talking about. anyone else here know?


Well, I guess that's settled.

LJ11: Let's play tonight! I won't take no for an answer!*

*Unless you say "no." In which case, let me know when is good for you.


Birdman02 said:
AB asked me to fill in for him because he has work stuff going on. I can play as soon as I get home from work at 6:30CST or anytime after that.
so 7:30 ish...ok i should be ready to go.



Rorschach said:
Well, I guess that's settled.

LJ11: Let's play tonight! I won't take no for an answer!*

*Unless you say "no." In which case, let me know when is good for you.


Tentative yes right now, need to take a nap, really tired.


ph33nix said:
3 seconds in the paint only means I'm putting effort in defending the rim!

and I think I might take off my mic from now on. hearing hunter bitch whine every second is not what I to hear before I sleep. i fucking went to sleep last night with echos of hunter's voice going "open. Open. OPen. OPEn. OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


wow...i get dicked on a 3rd and short, the few times Jesus Collins throws bad throws my DB stoned them...and CJ is stronger than Tank, or is it the god like line backers are stronger than Tank? Either way it's bullshit...THX Airbob, everyone gets to abuse you but me :(

GG Bird, you sure gameplaned well for that game

should i be looking at possibly banning nickle odd split? let me have some feedback. why is this defense cheese and is it something that should be banned?

i've played against it (i think...) and didn't find issue with it but that's the 4th or 5th time i've seen it brought up. what's going on with this D?


Mrbob said:
Please ban hb toss while you are at it too kthx.
So how u feeling Bob?

FMT here's my take...maybe i had a bad night or whatever but here's my crying bitching take on this situation

DCX: it's the way the lb are positioned
WhosSorryNow015: post in the thread please!
WhosSorryNow015: i want everything out in the open!
DCX: in conjunction with awr u can line up in a zone and still penetration on fucking run plays
DCX: and pass plays are covered :/
DCX: what is banning the D now going to do anyways, it's been three seasons of the thing :/ do i get my losses back
WhosSorryNow015: lol
WhosSorryNow015: no you dont
WhosSorryNow015: the D can be beaten
DCX: tha fuck
WhosSorryNow015: LJ put up 60 on a dude last night using it in ranked
WhosSorryNow015: i just want to see going forward what people think
DCX: i did beat it a few times
DCX: i mean seriously how many teams in the real NFL use nickel as a base D
DCX: i mean it's going to make every team in the league use it to compete :(
DCX: uncluding me, i'm researching odd split cheese as we speak
WhosSorryNow015: well how does LJ put up 60 on it
WhosSorryNow015: like i said, post any thoughts or findings you have
WhosSorryNow015: im tired of posting shit 2nd hand
WhosSorryNow015: and then people say
WhosSorryNow015: "well who told you that! who said this who said that!"
DCX: cope paste brother
WhosSorryNow015: nay
WhosSorryNow015: if you've got something to say then step up to the plate!
DCX: LJ is a genious
DCX: he is elite
DCX: us non elite folk don't have the time to put in to break every new scheme there is..we just want to play football :/
DCX: u know maybe i'm just pissed from the whole airbrian thing, and then to play a dude who picks NO offense and Bal D lol
DCX: Titans base D is good from what i know of them
WhosSorryNow015: i used to use titans D
WhosSorryNow015: it is missing 4 or 5 plays i need though :(
DCX: it just screams, hmmm i have CJ ok toss cheese and wr screen cheese
DCX: and bal D, nickeal odd split ftw
DCX: or 155
DCX: ok i'm posting it brother...

I'm losing my smile...it's not that i lost..whatever i've lost many games :lol It's just something about the way the game was lost that irked me. Idk..no disrespect intended Bird.



intangibles, motherfucker
i think when people are using a Nickle D as their base D to stop the run, clearly something is wrong right there.


GG DCX. You definitely got screwed in a couple of short yardage situations...the worst being your FB dropping the pass in the flats when no one was within 15 yards of him. I also got lucky with a couple of catches on throws that I shouldn't even have made.

It's nice to have a defense that can actually tackle. Almost all of the Titans' defensive guys are overrated.

LukeSmith said:
Sounds like Birdman is the latest convert to the Crow Chedda of Nickel Odd Split.

Who's next!

It's not like I sat in it the whole game. I only ran it against 3+ WR formations, and I was mixing in the other nickel formations too. FWIW, the cpu will shred the nickel odd split.


Birdman02 said:
GG DCX. You definitely got screwed in a couple of short yardage situations...the worst being your FB dropping the pass in the flats when no one was within 15 yards of him. I also got lucky with a couple of catches on throws that I shouldn't even have made.

It's nice to have a defense that can actually tackle. Almost all of the Titans' defensive guys are overrated.

It's not like I sat in it the whole game. I only ran it against 3+ WR formations, and I was mixing in the other nickel formations too. FWIW, the cpu will shred the nickel odd split.
It's all good, there is only so much you can do when CJ is stronger than Tank shedding off Briggs and Lofton to get a first down...and Tank can't get past the Titans all pro LB core. Not to mention the amazing spin doctor performance by your WRs on screens!



FrenchMovieTheme said:
should i be looking at possibly banning nickle odd split? let me have some feedback. why is this defense cheese and is it something that should be banned?

i've played against it (i think...) and didn't find issue with it but that's the 4th or 5th time i've seen it brought up. what's going on with this D?

I use it because it allows me to have more speed on the field. It also lines up the SS on the TE. Lately(as of the first 5 weeks), I've been using it less because of other players passing with too much success against the nickel odd split. The wrs are usually lined up one on one against the cbs and this has given up huge passing plays. But I do use it on long downs because I like the zone coverages in that package.

Also, I rarely used NOS against running formations. I rather have another D-Lineman on the field.
guess i'll be filling in for the broncos agains unless someone else wants to (until viakado gets the game).

so peter let me know if you want to play or ask anyone else in the league if they want to play if im not around! don't matter to me!

p.s. but it can't be anyone who stands to gain from a broncos loss!


There's nothing really wrong with that D unless you put certain personnel in.

Just show some fucking restraint, people. Stop moving to the next cheese to give you the edge. The worst game I played last season was a laggy game where the other user used nickel odd split exclusively and strong i close tosses throughout the game.

That said, it's stoppable as long as the connection isn't garbage. So are tosses, Pats direct HB snap, HB throw, wildcat, etc.


I have the Nickel Odd Split in my defense, and I like the primary Nickel and the 1-5-5 better. The 3-3-5 isn't too bad either for pass coverage (zone). Never felt like I was controlling the offense's fate with the Odd Split.


Rorschach said:
There's nothing really wrong with that D unless you put certain personnel in.

Just show some fucking restraint, people. Stop moving to the next cheese to give you the edge. The worst game I played last season was a laggy game where the other user used nickel odd split exclusively and strong i close tosses throughout the game.

That said, it's stoppable as long as the connection isn't garbage. So are tosses, Pats direct HB snap, HB throw, wildcat, etc.

laggy - check
nickel odd split exclusively - kinda check
strong i close tosses - eh

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