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Official Madden '10 Xbox 360 Online Franchise: A World Without Favre

it is just baffling to me that freeman can do what he does in the game. it's not like he was a #1 pick or some ridiculous talent coming into the league, so where is this shit coming from? i bet his brother or a huge fan of his is on the development team. it's the only thing that makes any sense.

sanchez isn't half of what freeman is in this game and sanchez was taken much higher.


Rorschach said:
The game wanted McFadden out this week. It kept injuring him on our first game attempted and now in this game. Scripted!

I'm gonna go Freeman on the league!
How is that HB, Middlebrook? I wanted him in that 2010 draft. :mad:

Fifty said:
It's embarrassing to go out on the bottom like I did, but yeah, I'm out. I quit out of growing apathy, not out of rage (look to DM for rage issues). Thanks to everyone in the league for such a great community and commitment to play their games. This was, and still is, an unprecedented success.


Rorschach said:
Fifty, you're breaking my balls here...

Also, McFadden out for the season/post season. :|

Sorry to hear dude, it didn't happen on a big hit either. Really strange game, caught a couple of big breaks.

Rors goes 3 and out on his first drive. I go back for the punt and thought I had enough room to catch, I tried to pull out last minute, didn't and fumbled. Drives down the field, tie game.

McFadden then fumbles after I was stopped on my drive.

I'm up by a score, Rors gets into FG range (Jano FG range) but misses it. Sidbury made the kick longer because of a sack. 50 seconds or so in the half at this point, I move into FG range with around 17 seconds to go and 1 TO. I just want to run it up the middle to center the kick, Protak strike, TD Lynch.

Rors comes out throwing before half, int McKelvin, he gets caught inside the 5 by White with zero seconds on the clock.

Fastforward to the 4th quarter, I'm up by 3 with a little over a minute to play. 3rd and 16 (holding call backed me up) on the Bills 44, about 50 seconds to play, Raiders have no timeouts. Run a slam with Lynch and he has daylight, Raiders catch up with him 2 yards short of the 1st down marker, I try to break one more tackle or just fall forward....fumble.

Raiders get the ball with no timeouts. 2nd and 10, Schillens wideopen down the sideline, ball hangs, Whitner gets over and I hit stick just as the ball gets into his hands. 3rd and 10 McGee knocks down a pass that may have gone a long way if Rors held on to the ball a bit longer.

4th and 10, max coverage on my end, rush 2 guys and hang back to protect the edges against a rollout throw. White breaks out of the pocket, didn't want to take control of Poz too soon because he had a man in his zone, when I finally do I realize there is no way I get there in time because Poz isn't a burner. Alain sheds a block, does a 180, and runs down White after a pickup of 9 yards, turnover on downs.

Pretty crazy game, caught a bunch of bounces my way.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
"jano range". so he was at mid-field
Lag. :\ Didn't get the full bar. Also got lagged on the onside kick.

Oh and I got a glitch I've never seen before. The X button (which was WIIIIIDE open) just plum disappeared.... I hit X anyway since I knew who it was and it wouldn't throw. Ran out of the pocket and reset my feet...nothing. Frustrating as all hell. I need a real number 1 WR. Schilens is bullshit.
Rorschach said:
Lag. :\ Didn't get the full bar. Also got lagged on the onside kick.

Oh and I got a glitch I've never seen before. The X button (which was WIIIIIDE open) just plum disappeared.... I hit X anyway since I knew who it was and it wouldn't throw. Ran out of the pocket and reset my feet...nothing. Frustrating as all hell. I need a real number 1 WR. Schilens is bullshit.

was it raining? i think if he slips down it never comes back up.

p.s. i'll trade you crabtree, royal, and my next 3 first round picks for DHB


FrenchMovieTheme said:
was it raining? i think if he slips down it never comes back up.

p.s. i'll trade you crabtree, royal, and my next 3 first round picks for DHB
No, I've seen the raining one. It wasn't even cloudy. :'(

PS: deal!


Just played boobles and I got the button disappearing glitch again and it was X again. It was wide open... again. I didn't even change the play and MrBob didn't either. Is there such a thing as "too open"? :lol

FrenchMovieTheme said:
and for some odd reason our qb's have to be facing the line of scrimmage when they release the ball in order for it to be completed. ridiculous!
There is another....



Nice win Astrolad we NFC Easters need that shit. But....

Fourth Quarter Road Home
(DAL) I.Stanback 39 Yd pass from T.Romo(D.Buehler kick), 9:52
(DAL) T.Newman, returned interception 68 Yds(D.Buehler kick), 1:40
(ARI) N.Rackers, 38 Yd FG, 0:00

Holy crap you must have been shitting your pants. That is sorta why I have given up passing forever. I am going to run an option O with Bradshaw at QB. It'll be WVU with Pat White/Steve Slaton all over again.


Hail to the KING baby
Wellington said:
Nice win Astrolad we NFC Easters need that shit. But....

Holy crap you must have been shitting your pants. That is sorta why I have given up passing forever. I am going to run an option O with Bradshaw at QB. It'll be WVU with Pat White/Steve Slaton all over again.
Yep it was a crazy, crazy game. I'm so used to it now though being on the verge of shutting the door and then just giving it up or coming close to at the end on a crazy play or plays. I was also running out of time to bring my pick-six-thrown streak to like five games (noticed I have the most offensive yards and the most first downs and am like 20th in points scored--that's what about five pick sixes in the red zone this season will do for you). Even when I was trying to run down the clock I pretty much had to pass because my 66-rated rookie replacement for Beanie was averaging about .5 yards a play, literally. Defense was just eating him up. Welcome to the team Julius Jones!


It is interesting walmart is offering a 20 dollar gc w/ purchase. Last time we saw that large of a gc w/ a game was Modern Warfare 2. Hopefully amazon matches.


I have a question!

So, in my league, I noticed that a few players have quite a few "times started" numbers racking up. Like in the 20's. If a player disconnects (i.e. loses connection) does it make the game void, or can they sign back in? Basically, it LOOKS to me, like they are losing, and then restart the game. I just want to make sure everyone is playing fair and not trying to work the system.


MrPliskin said:
I have a question!

So, in my league, I noticed that a few players have quite a few "times started" numbers racking up. Like in the 20's. If a player disconnects (i.e. loses connection) does it make the game void, or can they sign back in? Basically, it LOOKS to me, like they are losing, and then restart the game. I just want to make sure everyone is playing fair and not trying to work the system.
Yeah the game is voided and they can restart the game. If their opponent is the CPU, that's probably what they are doing. Either that, or stat padding.


Hail to the KING baby
Sounds like they're cheating to me if you mean it's a vs. CPU league. If the game doesn't finish it doesn't get counted and the TS number goes up 1. We play all vs. games here and it almost never goes above 3 unless there's some insane connection issue. Your friends are cheaters.


AstroLad said:
Sounds like they're cheating to me if you mean it's a vs. CPU league. If the game doesn't finish it doesn't get counted and the TS number goes up 1. We play all vs. games here and it almost never goes above 3 unless there's some insane connection issue. Your friends are cheaters.

Okay, because my whole thing is..if you're playing against the CPU (I only have 8 people in my league ATM) then you get disconnected...why not just sign back in?

I'm going to see if a sign out / sign back in will still register the game, or if it get's voided. I'm just not buying the "I'm having some connection issues". A disconnect doesn't STOP the game, yenno?


Mrbob said:
Fiddy don't quit. I've had about the most unlucky season one can have and am still playing.

I think that belongs to me, not you.

You're just tanking. On the other hand this game has cursed me because of last season and forced me to step on it to make me feel better.


DenogginizerOS said:
Your link shows the X360 version. I thought we were going back to the Triple next year....
Preach it, brovah!

MrPliskin said:
Okay, because my whole thing is..if you're playing against the CPU (I only have 8 people in my league ATM) then you get disconnected...why not just sign back in?

I'm going to see if a sign out / sign back in will still register the game, or if it get's voided. I'm just not buying the "I'm having some connection issues". A disconnect doesn't STOP the game, yenno?
If you get disconnected vs the cpu or the game freezes (yes, you can lose connection to the cpu -_-), then the game is nullified and you have to play it over. Oh, and it does kick you out of the game. If you disconnect vs a person, it gives you the option to continue, but it may also give the other player the option to continue. I've never finished one of those games because I always play it over with the opponent, so I don't know what happens in that situation. Whoever finishes first? :p

20 starts is way excessive unless it's the Broncos.

I keed!


DenogginizerOS said:
Your link shows the X360 version. I thought we were going back to the Triple next year....

Why would you guys do that? Did you even have a full league on the PS3...or finish more than 1 season?


Birdman02 said:
Why would you guys do that? Did you even have a full league on the PS3...or finish more than 1 season?
Yes we had a full league. No, it didn't have more than 1 season, but we haven't had more than 1 season in years. I bet this wouldn't have gone more than 1 if not for franchise.

People tend to get bitchy around the second month or so.

Right now, I'm kinda bummed out and disillusioned with the league myself because everyone is trying to get an "edge" with their own brand of cheese. All of a sudden, winning is the only thing.


Rorschach said:
Kinda fucked up when you and Striker finally rise that one of the big two bails out. :\

If you guys want, I'll take Flacco!
Yeah I want Fifty to stay. For some reason it was my games against him that made me want to improve my team. It was freakin' Mr. Glass who pushed me to get Derrick Johnson and John Abraham in the offseason. The last game I had with him was the one I was looking forward to the most. Didn't think he would leave after that. :(


Rorschach said:
Preach it, brovah!

If you get disconnected vs the cpu or the game freezes (yes, you can lose connection to the cpu -_-), then the game is nullified and you have to play it over. Oh, and it does kick you out of the game. If you disconnect vs a person, it gives you the option to continue, but it may also give the other player the option to continue. I've never finished one of those games because I always play it over with the opponent, so I don't know what happens in that situation. Whoever finishes first? :p

20 starts is way excessive unless it's the Broncos.

I keed!

I was waiting for this. :lol


I don't have a PS3 anymore, so you could count me out on that one. :p

Right now, I'm kinda bummed out and disillusioned with the league myself because everyone is trying to get an "edge" with their own brand of cheese. All of a sudden, winning is the only thing.

I thought I was the only one that noticed!


Rorschach said:
Right now, I'm kinda bummed out and disillusioned with the league myself because everyone is trying to get an "edge" with their own brand of cheese. All of a sudden, winning is the only thing.

I haven't really noticed this. Maybe it's an AFC (All Freakin' Cheaters) thing.


Rorschach said:
Preach it, brovah!

If you get disconnected vs the cpu or the game freezes (yes, you can lose connection to the cpu -_-), then the game is nullified and you have to play it over. Oh, and it does kick you out of the game. If you disconnect vs a person, it gives you the option to continue, but it may also give the other player the option to continue. I've never finished one of those games because I always play it over with the opponent, so I don't know what happens in that situation. Whoever finishes first? :p

20 starts is way excessive unless it's the Broncos.

I keed!

Awesome dude, thanks. I actually had a disconnect against someone, but the score was already like 60+ to 23, so I didn't really think a replay would change much.

Last question (PS3 Ver). I have been trying to figure out for quite a while how to do voice chat. My mic works in every game (Official headset) but I simply cannot talk to people online (people I know, called up on cell phone, and they can't hear squat). Any ideas? Or is VC on Madden PS3 broken?


Rorschach said:
Right now, I'm kinda bummed out and disillusioned with the league myself because everyone is trying to get an "edge" with their own brand of cheese. All of a sudden, winning is the only thing.

I strategize with anyone that is interested in listening to me ramble and it has kept the game fresh as a daisy for me. Just yesterday talking to DSkillz he told me some things I never even knew about the DL. I really think this is the deepest Madden game ever and there are still so many things that I haven't seen or done and it's been almost six months since release. It's a testament to what's possible within the confines of the game and the rules of football that I am excited to matchup against Lonestar's Wildcat variant (an offense which I have yet to see used successfully) and then my following game is against Sable's undefeated Saints, for which I have some new things I want to try out on defense.

It's to my detriment to share what I use successfully, that I know, but what fun is the league when you have guys that can't muster a win and just never improve. Parity is the best part of the NFL.


I am with BigAT on this one, I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Wellington said:
I strategize with anyone that is interested in listening to me ramble and it has kept the game fresh as a daisy for me. Just yesterday talking to DSkillz he told me some things I never even knew about the DL. I really think this is the deepest Madden game ever and there are still so many things that I haven't seen or done and it's been almost six months since release. It's a testament to what's possible within the confines of the game and the rules of football that I am excited to matchup against Lonestar's Wildcat variant (an offense which I have yet to see used successfully) and then my following game is against Sable's undefeated Saints, for which I have some new things I want to try out on defense.

It's to my detriment to share what I use successfully, that I know, but what fun is the league when you have guys that can't muster a win and just never improve. Parity is the best part of the NFL.

Don't really use it anymore. I liked using Miami's playbook for it, before the patch. Now, not only is there that wierd handoff glitch/pause, but there seems to be no control on who receives the ball on the handoff (with the in motion guy). Used to be to hold the button (A or X) when the motion man is in the handoff area, to handoff to him. Now, that doesn't seem to work. I think you have to hold the button the whole what through the play, but that doesn't always work. So, I've gone away from that playbook, because of not being in control of the handoff, and a long pause which will result in tackles for loss.


Rorschach said:
Right now, I'm kinda bummed out and disillusioned with the league myself because everyone is trying to get an "edge" with their own brand of cheese. All of a sudden, winning is the only thing.



Rorschach said:
Yes we had a full league. No, it didn't have more than 1 season, but we haven't had more than 1 season in years. I bet this wouldn't have gone more than 1 if not for franchise.

People tend to get bitchy around the second month or so.

Right now, I'm kinda bummed out and disillusioned with the league myself because everyone is trying to get an "edge" with their own brand of cheese. All of a sudden, winning is the only thing.
Joke post?


Wellington said:
I strategize with anyone that is interested in listening to me ramble and it has kept the game fresh as a daisy for me. Just yesterday talking to DSkillz he told me some things I never even knew about the DL. I really think this is the deepest Madden game ever and there are still so many things that I haven't seen or done and it's been almost six months since release. It's a testament to what's possible within the confines of the game and the rules of football that I am excited to matchup against Lonestar's Wildcat variant (an offense which I have yet to see used successfully) and then my following game is against Sable's undefeated Saints, for which I have some new things I want to try out on defense.

It's to my detriment to share what I use successfully, that I know, but what fun is the league when you have guys that can't muster a win and just never improve. Parity is the best part of the NFL.
That has nothing to do with what I said. I'm fine with people experimenting. I'm fine with people looking at different playbooks (I do it all the time and I know others do too). I'm fine with learning new things about the game.

I'm not ok with people looking to do something just because they know it's a broken part of the game. Some people are doing it just to keep up with the rest of the cheesers, some are doing it because they lack in that specific area, and some are doing it just for the win. It's not specifically against the rules, so it must be ok, right?

It's become less about football strategy and more about "is there a way to combat this cheese? Is it an unbeatable cheese? I know! I must counter it with CHEESE!" That's not really fun for me and it's the exact opposite reason I play in this leagues. And if people are using this shit mercilessly against players who already have a hard enough time competing, then that's a fucking fun at all and I can see why people want to quit now.

bluemax said:
Joke post?
Kiss my ass?


Lonestar said:
Don't really use it anymore. I liked using Miami's playbook for it, before the patch. Now, not only is there that wierd handoff glitch/pause, but there seems to be no control on who receives the ball on the handoff (with the in motion guy). Used to be to hold the button (A or X) when the motion man is in the handoff area, to handoff to him. Now, that doesn't seem to work. I think you have to hold the button the whole what through the play, but that doesn't always work. So, I've gone away from that playbook, because of not being in control of the handoff, and a long pause which will result in tackles for loss.
Ah so it is broken. I tried the Wildcat recently in practice but couldn't ever get it to hand off so I scrapped it. I thought it would be just hold A like for zone reads in NCAA but alas.


Hail to the KING baby
ignorance is bliss. pretty much all i know about the game is what lj taught me. half the time i'm out there just slingin and slangin


AstroLad said:
ignorance is bliss. pretty much all i know about the game is what lj taught me. half the time i'm out there just slingin and slangin
Fear leads to Slinging, Slinging leads to Slanging, Slanging leads to Suffering


AstroLad said:
ignorance is bliss. pretty much all i know about the game is what lj taught me. half the time i'm out there just slingin and slangin

I look forward to our matchup. It better be high scoring, 51 to 45 style. Anything less and I will be disappointed.


You better watch out, I'm implementing my gameplan now for our league matchup. I have at least 15 circus throws planned. I'm going full dmqbcheeseball (need a shorter name for this) on u .


Rorschach said:
That has nothing to do with what I said. I'm fine with people experimenting. I'm fine with people looking at different playbooks (I do it all the time and I know others do too). I'm fine with learning new things about the game.

I'm not ok with people looking to do something just because they know it's a broken part of the game. Some people are doing it just to keep up with the rest of the cheesers, some are doing it because they lack in that specific area, and some are doing it just for the win. It's not specifically against the rules, so it must be ok, right?
I know, I was just saying that I am still really into the game and listed my reason. Please don't hurt me. :(


Wellington said:
I know, I was just saying that I am still really into the game and listed my reason. Please don't hurt me. :(
I'll hurt you!

I'm still into the game itself. I'll scrim/converse with anyone any time!

Mrbob said:
You better watch out, I'm implementing my gameplan now for our league matchup. I have at least 15 circus throws planned. I'm going full dmqbcheeseball (need a shorter name for this) on u .
Heaven help me. :(

And it's called "Freeballin'."

Wellington said:
BTW Rors, I am not south american but i am hispanic if you are interested in a Messibowl this weekend.
Yeah. Mig said he'd play too, but we'll see!


Btw- any of you guys with PS3 Burnout want to get that race going this week? We never did get that in. :( We can shoot for Saturday and maybe fill up!

I know I'd be in along with DM who has expressed interest and maybe Nightz. That's 3 right there! I think Dskillz said he was interested way back in that first offseason? Let me know, fellas!
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