CB3 said:Inside Zone is zone blocking ala Broncos no? Slam might be the more conventional run blocking
Wellington said:Stupid question but who is dropping from the league at the end of the season as of now?
That's interesting on the counter. I've consistently seen guys in the backfield right where they need to be for my G to pick them up.LJ11 said:That's the thing CB, there are plays labeled Slam that function like Inside Zone, and there are other Slams that are just rubbish. I would say this Madden, more than any other, is dependent on play book selection rather than playcall selection.
An Inside Zone is an HB Slam as far as I'm concerned, there's no difference. You want to hit the B gap, or at least press the B gap, if the LBs flow inside then you kick outside. Yet you can't do that with every Slam, depends on the playbook.
There's also some retarded barrier near the line of scrimmage that defenders can't cross. Denog was in a 3-4, I called a counter run, ROLB and RMLB had outside contained perfectly, yet they would not cross the line on their own. Free lane, yet didn't attack the line, they just stood their waiting.
What I'm guessing is that both defenders had some sort of man responsibility, and couldn't come across unless someone took control of them. I just waited for my FB/OG to kick out and picked up a tough 3. Play should have been blown up in the backfield. If you're quick on the sticks you may have blown it up, but the AI should have blown it up regardless.
huh?LiveWire said:Uh-oh. Just got my SC2 beta invite. See you guys in Madden 15.
que? brother man owes me a top 5 pick!Wellington said:Stupid question but who is dropping from the league at the end of the season as of now?
DCX said:que? brother man owes me a top 5 pick!
i'd have my brother in law sign in fuck that!BigAT said:Enjoy your CPU assigned offensive lineman.
daw840 said:huh?
Some of it is scripted this year, though. That's what we get when idiots complain too much about TEH ANIMATIUNZ!CB3 said:Trust me. I play both Madden and 2K. Madden is not scripted. Atleast not nearly to the extent of 2k. Their shit is ridiculous
daw840 said:IDK, I might stay in. I am undecided. I was going to stay in until that game with the Broncos last night........
Wellington said:Stupid question but who is dropping from the league at the end of the season as of now?
ph33nix said:nah i'm not leaving
anyways lonestar go ahead and play cpu because i won't be around and i wasn't sure when you were anyways. or the league can just sim past it
Lonestar said:aight, but it doesn't look like you signed out of it, so I can't do it.
You can beat up on me in MLB. I suck so much that Miguel is actually competitive with me! Oh the shame in losing to Miguel at a videogame!storybook77 said:I'm more than likely dropping since MLB will be out next week, my son is playing baseball, and I have softball this spring. I stuck out a 2 win season for you bastards though! I'll get my revenge next year.......if I have a better team.
Rorschach said:You can have the commish temp boot him and send him an invite so he can join later.
Ah. Looks like he started a game.Lonestar said:already sent DM a message, if he can drag himself away from the menu screen of whatever basketball game he's playing.
Rorschach said:Ah. Looks like he started a game.
We need multiple commishes in Madden 11!
storybook77 said:I'm more than likely dropping since MLB will be out next week, my son is playing baseball, and I have softball this spring. I stuck out a 2 win season for you bastards though! I'll get my revenge next year.......if I have a better team.
Mrbob said:I'll be in another year, but my interest will wane in madden due to MLB coming out. Madden will have to take a back seat to the real deal sport representation.
Matrix said:Same.... 1 more week till I'm in sports heaven.
Btw where is Zep? Look at my profile from last year, lag my ass. I never had a disconnect and that was playing over 200 something ranked games, had none in unranked either. He better not vanish this season and blame it on lag.
Mrbob said:Does Sony San Diego have a bunch of Disastros fanbois on their development team? It's like they overrate the entire stros pitching staff each year to freeballin' status.
Mrbob said:Does Sony San Diego have a bunch of Disastros fanbois on their development team? It's like they overrate the entire stros pitching staff each year to freeballin' status.
CB3 said:It could be a Tiburon/Tampa Bay Bucs situation.
He's not wrong about the Bucs, though.Matrix said:bwahaha says the man that swings at any pitch he sees :lol
Rorschach said:He's not wrong about the Bucs, though.
Matrix said:bwahaha says the man that swings at any pitch he sees :lol
CB3 said:hey! dont make me go all DM on you!
Matrix said:Haha go ahead :lol It's just words and you will feel bad about it later... if you have a soul!...unless you meant get ready for when I play you in show and bean your ass 10 times a game cause I'm frustrated, which is Dm's M.O.
CB3 said:D. None of the above
I actually meant i was gonna run HB Toss multiple times whenever i play you next in madden!
Wellington said:Stupid question but who is dropping from the league at the end of the season as of now?
Fifty said:I definitely am. I probably shouldn't have even come back. Finding time to play my games is tough and trying to care about them, when I know I'm leaving soon is even tougher.