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Official Madden '10 Xbox 360 Online Franchise: A World Without Favre

dcx plays exclusively out of the 1-5-5 now? lolz.

anyhow, i beat the rams (as controlled by livewire). english with a masterful game aside from 1 BS pick where the guy warped to the ball.... but to be fair i should have thrown another pick 6 that was dropped, so it all evens out!

also i took a 24-14 lead in the 3rd, in complete control, then this rams guy returns the kick 92 yards for a td. ensuing kickoff my guy fumbles and its returned for a td. in the span of like 15 seconds i'm down 28-24 :(

but english and crabcakes wouldn't let me lose. oh and keller. thanks again fifty!


FrenchMovieTheme said:
dcx plays exclusively out of the 1-5-5 now? lolz.

anyhow, i beat the rams (as controlled by livewire). english with a masterful game aside from 1 BS pick where the guy warped to the ball.... but to be fair i should have thrown another pick 6 that was dropped, so it all evens out!

also i took a 24-14 lead in the 3rd, in complete control, then this rams guy returns the kick 92 yards for a td. ensuing kickoff my guy fumbles and its returned for a td. in the span of like 15 seconds i'm down 28-24 :(

but english and crabcakes wouldn't let me lose. oh and keller. thanks again fifty!
love how you ignored the over abundance of toss and screen i brung up, way to lead bro.



I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Wellington said:
Wow, huge game for AJ on only 4 catches.

Yeah, I noticed that earlier. Ror doesn't like throwing the ball, but AJ is a damn beast no matter when or where you use him.

His TD to play ratio is insane, up there with Season 2 Tribow numbers. 6 TD's to 11 catches :lol
DCX said:
love how you ignored the over abundance of toss and screen i brung up, way to lead bro.


i'm not ignoring it, but it is well known that the 1-5-5 is an.... unrealistic defense in how it works. vary your formations and people wont run screens and tosses on you is all i can say! if i were to run a goal line defense formation every play, and my opponent went 5 wide, do you think i could say "HEY! bullshit brah, lineup in goal line too so i have a chance to stop it!" it's not a win at all costs thing, its more of a "hey, no one in real life runs the 1-5-5 every play, and no one in the NFL ever would"


DCX said:
The incentive is to play my best players at all times. In three seasons i have noticed slot cheese, te cheese, toss cheese, screen cheese and rb flats cheese. With this D, and these players i can combat just about each of those in a standard game environment.

The way my D breaks down is a heavy dose of any of those :( tosses and screens tire my lbs out, not to mention the defensive AI for those plays are atrocious, so much so it's even in the rules not to use them toooo much :/ Which is i figured eh, two screens, three screens..he'll stop...it didn't same with the tosses, i didn't adjust my gameplan to expect tosses and screens all game. It's all good, every game here on out i will play for those plays and adjust accordingly.

It's all good, i guess i need a list :p

If you wanted something to combat screens, tosses, and TE passes, you chose the wrong thing. Those are exactly where this formation is vulnerable. :|

The inside run is what is stuffed instantly and drop back passing is almost impossible.
[edit] In example: http://www.easports.com/media/play/highlight-reel/18591811 (3 plays)

You have to play out of the shotgun mostly and throw your runs outside.

I LOVE to run inside and have since forever, but it was impossible.

Outside runs were more available especially when you played that zone blitz middle.

love how you ignored the over abundance of toss and screen i brung up, way to lead bro.
If you want to talk about stuff to combat the screens, you should run a 4-3 defense, IMO. Have the defensive ends (dunno if you have any good ones...probably got rid of them in the transition to 1-5-5, but if you don't, play OLBs there) play the HB screens for you. Also, it seemed to me that you like to play LB? If you can play MLB, you're at an advantage when people try to run screens or tosses to the HB. You can also play DE and manually defend the HB screens OR have them play DE contain. This way, they won't be enticed by the opposing QB and the screen will go nowhere because the rush isn't biting on the screen.

I don't know if you noticed, but only one of your screens went anywhere and the rest were stuffed or incomplete passes.


gg FMT. Now you know what I'm talking about on those bullshit warp INTs. :lol

I should've trusted SJax more, but in the rain I figured Manlaw and P-Will would kill him. Of course, then I hit a 30+ yard TD run with slow ass Pittman from the wildcat. :lol

4th quarter I just fell into bad habits, should've tired out your d-line more, even if my runs were going to be 1, 1, 8 yard gains. Not much I can do with the Rams default playbook against TE corner (VD), WR drag (Crabtree), HB flats pass (Keller) and Vicking (English rolling out or scrambling out of tackles). Cheese like a real man next time!

Oh I <3 Torry Holt. Dude is MR. CLUTCH.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
if you want to stop screens and tosses use the 4-3 playbook (rors is right). specifically you should use indy playbook
I ran a 4-3 and i got abused by slot cheese and TE cheese.



Well, did you switch for TE/Slot cheese or constant screens? If it's for screens, see the post above. If it's for TEs, then I don't think anything short of manual defense is gonna stop Greg Olsen. :\ That said, I had much more success stopping HB and TE passes using 4-3 (looking at you, Colts!) than 3-4.

If you can play MLB or Safety, the slots and TEs are covered. If not, then there are still some plays in the 4-3 that are specifically in to stop the middle from being exploited. They won't work all the time (because they're not supposed to), and once in a while a bullshit QB will put a pass through your guy, but you gotta shake that off (until after the game where you can yell and curse at the TV).

I used the 3-4 last year because I was pretty much forced to due to the crappy draft, but I switched back this year to 4-3 after dumping off my extra LBs. It's just a safer defense, IMO. Yeah, the 3-4 has more exotic packages and blitzes, but you suffer in other areas when you gamble like that on every down.

I think FMT and I have been running "bend, but don't break" for years now. :lol


daw840 said:
And this is exactly why that formation is complete bullshit and should be banned from the league. Those LBs get that kind of penetration every fucking time it seems.
didn't you quit?

the formation is a bit ridiculous on how much it can cover, but as has been posted it's not unstoppable. if someone is running the 1-5-5 on you all game.... screen and toss away!


FrenchMovieTheme said:
the formation is a bit ridiculous on how much it can cover, but as has been posted it's not unstoppable. if someone is running the 1-5-5 on you all game.... screen and toss away!
yes give people a green light to break your rules... :lol :lol you guys are classic, like i'm some sort of elite player now hahaha

DCX said:
yes give people a green light to break your rules... :lol :lol you guys are classic, like i'm some sort of elite player now hahaha


running tosses or screens against that defense repeatedly is no more unrealistic or "un-sim" than a team running a fucking 1-5-5 in the nfl. i mean jesus christ, bill bellicheck has been one of the more exotic defensive minds in the past decade, and even he doesn't run that shit on a consistent basis.

the proof is in the pudding that the 1-5-5 is an overpowered defense. it's not unbeatable, but come on dude even you have to admit it's pretty much bullshit when you can cover nearly every possible run/pass out of a couple plays in that formation. you say it's to "take advantage of your personnel" but give me a break. its a broken formation that can be beat consistently only with specific types of plays


DCX said:
yes give people a green light to break your rules... :lol :lol you guys are classic, like i'm some sort of elite player now hahaha

You sit there and laugh about other people "breaking the rules" while you do the same yourself is the funny part. The leaugue is supposed to be a "sim" league and you play the most un-sim of any player here.


ok so im done.. story take the Falcons in 11. I suffer as the Browns owner for years. Take my beatings as the Bills. Play, and practice and pick elites and vets brains to be better, to think better...to play better.

for what? to be accused of cheese and un sim play? and for what? am i 7-1? Am i a threat to win a super bowl? Am i Bjoerning the league? My stats with this D is no better than half the players in it...my record is a predictable as it always has been.

I guess i should have stayed out of the lab to try and get better and just accepted my fate as a run of the mill player. I bid you guys farewell, to those who deserve it...



I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
DCX said:
ok so im done.. story take the Falcons in 11. I suffer as the Browns owner for years. Take my beatings as the Bills. Play, and practice and pick elites and vets brains to be better, to think better...to play better.

for what? to be accused of cheese and un sim play? and for what? am i 7-1? Am i a threat to win a super bowl? Am i Bjoerning the league? My stats with this D is no better than half the players in it...my record is a predictable as it always has been.

I guess i should have stayed out of the lab to try and get better and just accepted my fate as a run of the mill player. I bid you guys farewell, to those who deserve it...


Hey, before you go, trade me Dexter Knox!


DCX, if you aren't having fun, fuck it, no reason to really continue.

But quitting over this, you should think it over. People just want you to mix it up. No one wants to face X formation repeatedly over the course of a game. Doubt anyone feels that you're a cheap player.


Oh come on, DCX. You can't have it both ways. FMT wasn't even telling you to stop playing the way your playing. He was giving Daw advice on how to beat that formation. If you don't like people running outside, running tosses, or running screens against that formation, then don't run that formation exclusively. Easy as that. You can't be angry at him telling people how to counter that formation AND still want to run the formation exclusively.

But seriously, take my advice in the posts before. It's to your own benefit to run a more varied defense instead of trying to run a "money" defense. If you're doing this well running one thing over and over, you'll only get better running a more varied defense and offense. If you never focus on any one thing, then the opponent can't win by just taking one thing away.

You can still use all your LBs if you play 2 as DE, 3 as LBs or 4 as LBs.

All that said, if you really want to leave, then howabout leaving for now and coming back for 11 if you need a break from Madden?


DCX said:
ok so im done.. story take the Falcons in 11. I suffer as the Browns owner for years. Take my beatings as the Bills. Play, and practice and pick elites and vets brains to be better, to think better...to play better.

for what? to be accused of cheese and un sim play? and for what? am i 7-1? Am i a threat to win a super bowl? Am i Bjoerning the league? My stats with this D is no better than half the players in it...my record is a predictable as it always has been.

I guess i should have stayed out of the lab to try and get better and just accepted my fate as a run of the mill player. I bid you guys farewell, to those who deserve it...


Don't be hasty dude, I don't think anyone was saying "stop running that D." You're a good dude, and a valuable asset to the league. If you need a break from '10 then take it and come back for '11.
Maybe DCX and Rors should read their PMs when I need you to get online ASAP and accept my buddy invite/join our BS test league! FOR THAT WHEN THE MLB 10 LEAGUE STARTS I WILL END YOU TWO!!!


DCX - Both Knox and Ross would be 90+ DEs. Knox would be amazing even though he is way undersized to play DE in real life.

A 3-4 with those two at OLB would be insane.... and you're already running Jets D.


The Frankman said:
Maybe DCX and Rors should read their PMs when I need you to get online ASAP and accept my buddy invite/join our BS test league! FOR THAT WHEN THE MLB 10 LEAGUE STARTS I WILL END YOU TWO!!!
:lol I did check my pms but then I had to go!
gg birdman. that one play where my dude just stood there for like 20 seconds and had everyone open, my controller died :(

made some terrible throws in the red zone and that first ronnie brown fumble hurt bad. god damn maybe that's why my battery died


GG Pheenix. Conservative 2nd half defense almost came back to bite me in the ass. Luckily, I had built up just enough of a lead.

I lucked out on that Ronnie fumble. I actually turned my back on the play, but when my guy turned around he was in perfect position for a big hit while Ronnie was breaking a tackle.

The opening 2nd half kickoff return was huge for me too.


Wow Striker just got screwed. Driving to tie the game the injured player screen came up when he was trying to run a hurry up O since he had no time outs... made him pick a play and that killed the chance of getting the play off in time.

GG Striker. Whatever you do on D is insane. I had 100 yards in the first quarter then nothing until the end.


I'm happy I was able to keep it close. Felt after your 10-0 lead, I was doomed. But on my next drive Robiskie goes up and nabs a deep ball, gets cracked by your FS, but hangs on. Really saved me early on.

Too many mental errors in the second half in my playcalls. Esp defensively deciding to go man and not putting a Safety back. Reggie Corner got beaten repeatedly by Super Mario.


I will make changes to my base D. It will no longer be the 1-5-5. It will be a more accepted base D, the 1-5-5 will be used in certain down and distances.

We're about halfway done with the regular season though...damn guys keep it up
I can't see who I get with my high draft pick :(


FrenchMovieTheme said:
if all 4 games could be finished today i could play my game against the jets before i leave for another week!
That would be nice, I doubt Bob and the AI can make their schedules work tho.


Wellington said:
That would be nice, I doubt Bob and the AI can make their schedules work tho.
after bob's game and smokey's game we have two left. Jets VS Pats and Packers VS Lions.



Mrbob said:
Cutler 30tds 6 ints midway through the season going into the bye week. :D

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