Didn't stop you from buying PBRMEASAP
I'll always give someone a first chance!
Didn't stop you from buying PBRMEASAP
I was wondering why I liked that bombcast so much and then I finally realized it was because of no Ryan! Dave Snider should have been on there to fill in for him though...
No Ryan was good but the volume level of this Bombcast sucked. Had to turn it up a lot more than I usually do in the car.I was wondering why I liked that bombcast so much and then I finally realized it was because of no Ryan! Dave Snider should have been on there to fill in for him though...
That must have been a horrible experience for you, Nightz. Are you doing okay now?
I don't know how I've managed to go my entire life without playing a Bomberman game.
Online still suck dick?
The video Ph33nix just posted like 3 posts above yours.
Online seemed fixed last year if you are on wired. Not sure about wireless.
The video Ph33nix just posted like 3 posts above yours.
Online seemed fixed last year if you are on wired. Not sure about wireless.
How does that even happen
Don't know. And I've been gaming since the 2600.
Ive heard good things about Saturn Bomberman but Super Bomberman 2 is my favorite. Bombermine is pretty great but its got a bit of different strategy than normal 4 player Bomberman.
Its a shame the one on Xbox Live is super fucking average.
I remember getting Super Bomberman when it came out on the SNES. It came with that bulky ass 4-player dongle and my friends would come over with their controllers and we'd play for hours.
MLB still sucks online in terms of leagues. Good luck getting everyone to match. Regular online is still hit or miss. Mostly miss. If you get it for offline play, it's one of the best sports titles year in and year out.
I remember destroying you with the Asstros. Never heard from you again.
MLB still sucks online in terms of leagues. Good luck getting everyone to match. Regular online is still hit or miss. Mostly miss. If you get it for offline play, it's one of the best sports titles year in and year out.
The Show doesn't even have online franchise, only single season mode.
Getting moved to a 17th floor office with a view of the lake, park, and the bean. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww YEAYUH!
How many floors is the building so i know your exact place on the food chain![]()
The Show doesn't even have online franchise, only single season mode.
I played in a GAF 2k league on 360 like 7 years ago. All I remember is that every at bat ended in 1 of 3 ways:
Hit in the head with a pitch
strike out
Such a terrible game. Playing against assholes like Konex made it even worse.
Lol even rapist cabana Joe can't make me buy a soccer ball.
You should give them to poor people in third world countries, like Trasher.
Didn't Pizza Hut used to give away basketballs? I had a bunch of those. Man basketball sucks.
I'm not sure. I remember they gave away pizzas for half assed book reports. Growing up, the Pizza Hut was across the street from my school. I reaped the greasy benefits.
Didn't Pizza Hut used to give away basketballs? I had a bunch of those. Man basketball sucks.
God, I wish I'd just decreed the draft was Tuesday. This baseball talk is awful.
Bob, don't you have a mother's day gift to tell us about shopping for or something
I'm not sure. I remember they gave away pizzas for half assed book reports. Growing up, the Pizza Hut was across the street from my school. I reaped the greasy benefits.
Ez do you buy your wife shit for mother's day or do you take the proper stance that she isn't your damn mother?
That was one of my favorite outbursts from my father.
MLB is very smooth online. We are going to implement a progression system, as the rosters you use are custom.
We have a few complete seasons under our belts. The main thing I'm going to stress going forward is flexibility. All players should have access to 2-4 series they can play at any time, making availability issues a bit easier to swallow.
I take any excuse I can to buy my wife and kids shit.
What? Custom rosters?
I doubt he has ever been to Wisconsin.