omg trasher just told me why he got banned. Amazing. I didn't know you could go off-topic in a community thread. I thought that was the point of community threads.
Look out Bob. Stay on point from now on.
Bought a 3ds in prep for Luigi's Mansion. Recommend me some games that arnt Mario or unobtainable for less than $50
Bought a 3ds in prep for Luigi's Mansion. Recommend me some games that arnt Mario or unobtainable for less than $50
For the love of god buy fire emblem
Bought a 3ds in prep for Luigi's Mansion. Recommend me some games that arnt Mario or unobtainable for less than $50
Don't listen to FMT he tricked me into buying NNK!
Don't listen to FMT he tricked me into buying NNK!
get FE tho
He liked PSRBAMBRAWM. You should have known better
Nnk is great! You even had a nnk avatar for awhile!
CB, what's your issue with NNK?
You guys find me a copy of FE, and I'll get it. I love those games! But it generally breaks my under $50 rule
And NNK is great!
Yeah until I realized its impossible to catch the good familiars! After that i deemed "game is trash" rors style and never touched it again!
Check target. That's where I got mine and it seems alot of others had luck the same way. Seems noone shops there or games
And NNK is trash. Art style is amazing but It's a hot girl with no personality. I had my fun with her and on to the next one!
And NNK is trash. Art style is amazing but It's a hot girl with no personality. I had my fun with her and on to the next one!
Didn't he get banned for calling that dude a guy instead of a girl
Wow you're a jerk, mastershake
Did you ask the waitress to play Ni No Kuni for you?
Bought a 3ds in prep for Luigi's Mansion. Recommend me some games that arnt Mario or unobtainable for less than $50
FE downloading now. Thanks for the recommendations, I'll keep an eye out for things
Be a man and play with permanent character deaths!
Is there an other option? Because the other FE games I've played we're merciless as fuck
I am sad that I'm on the last chapter. 35 hours playtime according to my Nintendo log but I did replay chapters when certain people died
Be a man and play with permanent character deaths!
Did you ever beat Dark Souls? Be a man.
Demons souls is the true mans game
Someone already did it better today:
XXXXXXXXX (2:36:14 PM): had to check the site again
XXXXXXXXX (2:36:20 PM): to make sure you really lost to bob
what does your SLI titan score in 3dMark11? I want to compare it to mine!(
SLI Titans Stock @ stock
Single Titan
shake?! shaaaaaake!
It's way before 7PST!
Ready to rumble now?
I'll run that heaven benchmark after nightz whoops up on me
Yeah, got off work early today.