I dont know if anyone eats more junkfood than you.
Wait 'til they get a load of me.
I dont know if anyone eats more junkfood than you.
Y'all just jelly of my brother Richard Sherman.
Ferny I will be on in 5 minutes. God I feel like a fat fuck, we'll see where my head is at in this game
Just play Sim City 4 with me and then we can... talk about how well we're doing!
Which one of you jerks is buying the Age of Empires 2 HD four pack on Steam?
Man that had the be the stupidest bug i've ever had in Madden phee![]()
How does he go from 0-60 on a drop back? Caused a safety and all. GG though phee.
The drop back right into the endzone. I didn't do that, I pressed A and he just did like a 10 step drop SUPER fast and I tried to roll right and and get out but the animation wouldn't let me.
Harbs: Ok richard i've seen what you can do at WR and we're going to move you to corner back.
Richard: Fuck you coach i've accomplished more than you ever have. I"m here at stanford. i'm a wr. You ever get into stanford as a student? you ever play wide receiver? Nope!
Harbs: What?
Richard: Yeah that's what I thought bitch. I"m a communications major. You ever major in communications?
Harbs: I don't even...
Richard: Yea
Michigan has lower academic standards for both athletes and regular students!
Plus its not like Harbs majored in something more difficult than jerking off and you know it. People are threatened by Sherman cause he's an intelligent black man! Racists!
(You mofos all know you'd love Sherman if he was on your team)
Michigan has lower academic standards for both athletes and regular students!
Plus its not like Harbs majored in something more difficult than jerking off and you know it. People are threatened by Sherman cause he's an intelligent black man! Racists!
(You mofos all know you'd love Sherman if he was on your team)
Bring back Astrolad.
#BBB '13.
(Bring back Bog)
My AIM friendslist has the following people on it that I don't think are in the league currently:
RoNn 4180
Surely one of them wants to play Madden!
It's almost 1am here so I gotta go to bed, but seriously, how the fuck do I get in contact with Trasher?
Yea, I was talking to Trash all night on AIM, he mentioned he didn't think he'd be able to get his game in tonight because of his GF.
Well let him play, then.
Game for fun anyone?
i talked to trash, he said he's at dinner for another hour. i'll set him to auto pilot AZ if you can't wait up. he said it's fine to play the CPU if you can't wait
It's 1am and I got work in the morning, so I'll just play when I get home tomorrow, unless everyone else is done.
so how the hell does pitching work in The Show? I mean I've played like 6 games and I still don't understand...
Pulse... why can't I get the pulse as close as the ball? It's always twice the size and the ball is never in the area.
Meter... Do I stop the first line on the green/yellow/red? Either way, again, my pitch goes way off.
Analog... An okay setup but I don't want to use that.
Classic... same with this. I feel like it's to easy.