I cheat. When that happens consistently, i switch teams and give the ball back lol
Is that the "play offense, switch teams, punt, switch back, play more offense" move?
I did that back in the Super Tecmo Bowl days.
I cheat. When that happens consistently, i switch teams and give the ball back lol
Oh shit, Ferny is like the Guild Wars 2 cock of the walk.
I cheat. When that happens consistently, i switch teams and give the ball back lol
Ferny is the GW2 king pin. You have to kiss the ring before he accepts you into the family.
Edit: There is a website dedicated to the GW2 gafguild? Swet!
One noteworthy difference is that the GAFGuild has a Zero Tolerance policy on Drama. The guild is meant to be a place for GAFers to play together and we know disagreements are bound to happen, but anyone intentionally holding grudges, starting arguments or causing trouble within the guild will be dealt with swiftly. The worst thing that can happen is one person ruining the atmosphere and attitude within the guild and hurting it in the long run. Our goal is just to have a friendly guild where people can log in and have a good time with fellow GAFers without having to face a lot of drama.
Great game!
Game is awesome. I hope to beat it before GW2 and Madden, so that gives me 2 days. >_>
So do we just send a message in game to get a Guild invite for GW2?
Short, but still a good run Ez. There will be other guilds
Why dont u just go into coach mode and supersim while on d?
If you do season ticket, can you play the game online?
I hope the Rors league isn't 14 people, he knows better than that
Last page sold me. GW is getting downloaded tonight!!
There aren't too many deals remaining, figured I would give you the heads up after scouring before purchase. There are really two deals remaining.
I did the Amazon Digital Purchase. You can start playing on the 25th and get $5 Amazon credit. Combine that with my Madden I'll have $20 towards NHL.
If you don't mind waiting, there is a coupon code on Newegg. $48 w/three day shipping for the physical copy. That is the best deal at the moment.
AT, Ferny is going to be even worse at DOTA2 if he's running the Guild Wars Guild.
If you do season ticket, can you play the game online?
Thanks, but I already purchased.
btw- GMG has it for 48 bucks too. :x Digital version so it's a better deal than new egg if you want to play day 1. I went with amazon too.
So do we just send a message in game to get a Guild invite for GW2?
How many of you guys are getting GW2?
How many of you guys are getting GW2?
Sounds like quite a bit of us. Between Madden and GW2 my gaming time is almost full lol
Suddenly my most anticipated game of the year. I blame talking to Bob.
Damn, I want to play with my madden bros but I don't know how much time I'd put into it! It looks like a fun game and I'd probably make a necromancer/warlock/whatever name that class is but I can't decide to look into it or not!!
You don't need to worry about putting a lot of time in. If you pvp you get temporary level 80 with all abilities so you can play with anyone and any of us could come back and play with you since it levels us down with you.
That's awesome. I'm scrolling through that mass info dump on the gafguild site. It's like 100 pages. Good lord!
Holy shit. Just C&P'd into a .pdf for tablet reading. 104 pages, 26,737 words. Luke hasn't read that much in his entire life.
That's awesome. I'm scrolling through that mass info dump on the gafguild site. It's like 100 pages. Good lord!
Holy shit. Just C&P'd into a .pdf for tablet reading. 104 pages, 26,737 words. Luke hasn't read that much in his entire life.
Nah, I have a worthless degree in English Language and Literature, I've read way too much. I like that you edited in a joke about me though, I am your new GARY WHITTA
Barely know anything about gw2. Know its f2p, at least no monthly fee. Assume its a full retail game. Is it as instance heavy as the 1st game?
this is the shit you guys are going gaga over? lololollllllllllllll
this is the shit you guys are going gaga over? lololollllllllllllll
Someone give me the quick and dirty version of GW2
Let it be known. The first time Guild Wars 2 holds this league up, its being simmed. Consider this the warning
this is the shit you guys are going gaga over? lololollllllllllllll
It's made by Koreans.
You guys are idolizing a false god. Ill wait for the one true king to return
It's funded by Korea, the developers are in Seattle/Bellevue