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Official Madden 2005 Thread


So far I've acheived golds on all the Mini Camp drills and Game Situations in Rookie, Pro, and All-Pro. The gold for QB Precision Passing drill on All-Pro was a bitch, but I snagged it after about 30 minutes. The Ground Attack on All-Pro is ten times easier than the Pro level, and I think I lucked out in the game situation with a good play call and a bad tackle attempt by the CPU, allowing Tomlinson to rush for a 63 yard TD.

Doing the All-Madden drills tonight should be fun...


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Rubber Band AI makes me want to fling my controller
Blackace said:
Rubber Band AI makes me want to fling my controller

I just shut down the Steelers 24-0. Don't be so aggressive in your defense and play smart in the 4th quarter. Use the defensive assignments to your advantage so you can look at speed so your primary CBs don't get burned on a mismatch.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
WasabiKing said:
I just shut down the Steelers 24-0. Don't be so aggressive in your defense and play smart in the 4th quarter. Use the defensive assignments to your advantage so you can look at speed so your primary CBs don't get burned on a mismatch.

Was ahead 24 - 0 and the CPU came back with 2 onside kicks... Which I called the D for... and they didn't drop a pass during the last 4 mins of the game...


I've decided to continue my online tour of the NFL. I just played Matrix with the Saints, and it turned out to be a very good game. I'll go back to the Ravens only for important games, or once I have used every other team once.
And people complained about backs never being able to breakaway in ESPN 2K3... It is fucking rediculous in Madden. Even if you break 10-15 yards, big fucking if, the LBs and DBs take you out in no time like a fucking heat seeking missile.


Cerebral Palsy said:
And people complained about backs never being able to breakaway in ESPN 2K3... It is fucking rediculous in Madden. Even if you break 10-15 yards, big fucking if, the LBs and DBs take you out in no time like a fucking heat seeking missile.

During my preseason game with the 'Skins, I broke for a 40 yd run, and then on the ensuing play, threw an INT.



Ah BS CP,I just got done playing a game before you where I broke 2 huge runs for TDs with Portis.

Dont be mad cuz the Steel Curtain got on that ass :p


I haven't played many regular games, but I haven't had many problems rushing in drills and game situations on All-Pro once I learned how to effectively utilize my blockers.


ok dont want to start any more espn vs madden debates but last night im at my cousins and we played both games till about 5am. here is the thing i dont get about espn, and maybe someone can tell if it happens only on the all pro diff and maybe not on legend, but why is that most any RB can just turn the corner and go off for like 30+ yds???!!!!? its frikin annoying when my defenders either let the RB just run by or get so entraped in the blocks they cant seem to ever catch up. also the tackling, i know they improved it much considering where it was at 2 yrs ago but why is that the dive button makes u dive from where u are to basically that same spot? its as if the dive doesnt even go forward...like when im on D chasing someone down and take the right angle, get right behind them, and then dive to tackle them they almost alway get away.

and maybe this last thing is also cause im playing on all pro but why the hell do DBs just happen to slow down on some go routes allowing WRs to just break away?

playing madden u really notice the diff in style, graphics, and presentation but i think the gameplay trumps ESPNs. my only real gripe is that the game is much slower compared to ESPN and since ive been playing ESPN much more these past few days im not used to madden yet.


Yeah, it's definately easier to rush in ESPN. True fact: I rushed for a TD with Stephen Davis in ESPN 2K5. A 99 yd rushing TD.

So far, my longest rushing TD in Madden 2005 is a 1 yd TD, and that was by luck because I got tackled from behind and got pushed into the endzone :p
no offense but you guys suck balls if you can't run the ball in madden. i can get a consistent running game going with Kbar. My longest TD rush against the CPU was 67 yards on all-pro (with sliders adjusted in the CPU's favor) and my longest TD rush online i believe is 45 yards, but that maybe off by a few yards (give or take).

if you aren't finding success running, here are most likely your problems:

a. defense is blitzing the shit out of you; audible out and make them pay. use the pass to setup the run
b. you aren't following your fullback. i've seen a lot of people have the tendency to ALWAYS want to bounce it to the outside. just trust in the running system: if you go up the middle and follow your fullback, the blocks WILL happen (no matter how congested it looks). sometimes you can break away for a big one.
c. use the right stick to switch your RB's direction without switching the formation back. this can catch the D off guard if they've shifted to one side.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
no offense but you guys suck balls if you can't run the ball in madden. i can get a consistent running game going with Kbar. My longest TD rush against the CPU was 67 yards on all-pro (with sliders adjusted in the CPU's favor) and my longest TD rush online i believe is 45 yards, but that maybe off by a few yards (give or take).

if you aren't finding success running, here are most likely your problems:

a. defense is blitzing the shit out of you; audible out and make them pay. use the pass to setup the run
b. you aren't following your fullback. i've seen a lot of people have the tendency to ALWAYS want to bounce it to the outside. just trust in the running system: if you go up the middle and follow your fullback, the blocks WILL happen (no matter how congested it looks). sometimes you can break away for a big one.
c. use the right stick to switch your RB's direction without switching the formation back. this can catch the D off guard if they've shifted to one side.

a. I usually do two or three short passes before running the ball.
b. I'll give you this, my reaction is always to bounce it to the outside.
c. I use thiss too, but it only works to minimal success :/


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
53 yard FG for the win..how did you pull that lucky shit out of your @ss Dm? >_< :(

I never win coin tosses for OT and why must Houston always suffer heartbreaking losses.


Matrix said:
53 yard FG for the win..how did you pull that lucky shit out of your @ss Dm? >_< :(

I never win coin tosses for OT and why must Houston always suffer heartbreaking losses.


I just wanted to end the game, if I had time to keep playing I would have just punted but I knew Marty had a 50+ yard FG in him after i hooked that other 50 yard FG.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Yea,but 53! FITY-FUCKING THREE! :(.... I'm cursed.


I just got done playin another game,Portis rushed for 200 yards...sweet lord its so fun to be able to have a running game,Im lucky if I get 40-50 yards with the Steelers :(


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Ramirez said:
I just got done playin another game,Portis rushed for 200 yards...sweet lord its so fun to be able to have a running game,Im lucky if I get 40-50 yards with the Steelers :(

Playing the computer or against someone?


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
doh...im dumb.

Davis cant run for shit in this game either.
Ramirez said:
I just got done playin another game,Portis rushed for 200 yards...sweet lord its so fun to be able to have a running game,Im lucky if I get 40-50 yards with the Steelers :(

Portis has a 97 speed rating, while Staley only has an 85. No wonder.

Fucking Holmes has a 92 speed rating and it is near fucking impossible to bust out a big run.


Staley never gets the chance due to the extremely shitty blocking my O-Line gives him :(

Anyways,I played a friend yesterday and I was the Chefs,Holmes had 2 50 yard runs that I remember...big running plays are possible,it just has to be against the right D...of course if both Safeties are playing back the run shouldn't be a big break away.
Cerebral Palsy said:
Fucking Holmes has a 92 speed rating and it is near fucking impossible to bust out a big run.

I'm breaking runs in my season with Justin Fargas, and he's a 94 speed. Like I said, let your FB and tackles make you a hole, then run through it. If you're trying to turn the corner on the front line, juke, run, then sprint...


4 minute quarters are wayyyyyy too short

feels like a sprint through the game especially without replays.

I dont like the fact that they incorporate that rule about having a short play clock after time outs. its not like we were sitting at our play select screens during the time out.

I think Im doomed to never break a 12 pts per game average in this game as I like to try to get long drives going and I cant get over the feeling that Im always in a hurry to call a play.


I beat all of the Mini Camp challenges and game situations on Rookie and then my lil' cousin runs over and is all like "YOU CAN'T PLAY ON MY PS2 ARGH A;LKJD;AFLKJDF" and turns off the PS2.

Damnit :mad:


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
How come when I lose to Fifty and Dm I feel like I get screwed over by the footballs gods with unlucky breaks and when I play FMT I lose cause he's ten times better than me.... :(

Man I cant wait till the Texans become real good and this team becomes a top rated team in videogames and ......

then I can have my revenge!
Man I cant wait till the Texans become real good and this team becomes a top rated team in videogames and ......

haha, the texans are rated higher than the niners i believe in all areas (defense/offense/overall)!

gg tho matrix, "bof teams played hard", but after that first drive you couldn't get the run game going. i couldn't get the run game going either, but i stuck with it and broke the big one. i'm telling you guys, stick with the run! much like the nfl, you may fail your first 10-20 rushes, but that 21st rush you're going to break a 70 yarder!


I have noticibly improved my running game. I actually follow the FB and let him and the O-Line create holes for me, than blow through it, juking between defenders. I've improved from losing 2 yds/rush to actually gaining 5-6 yds/rush, and sometimes breaking 30-40 yd rushes.


I have a total of almost 75 rushes in Madden for a total of like 190 yards with Domanick Davis. This run game is killing me, but I made a small adjustment.

Matrix...put Mark Bruener as your FULLBACK. Good LORD he'll make some great blocks for you. I had 101 yards total after 2 games with DD, and in the 3rd game I got sick of Morran "Moron" Norris not making a single fucking block. Bruener opens up some nice holes.

I think I've completed 26 of the 32 Mini Camp drills for gold so far. I may go and do the game situations later tonight just to see what I've missed. Hoooly crap some of those take forever to finally get down.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
DMczaf said:
And then you will make a horrible prequel?

No doubt!

Yea I should have stuck to running more FMT,its just I find it hard and I'm big baby.I always abandon my game plan too quickly when things dont work out for me.

edit- I'll try using him my next game Mig.


Junior Member
hgplayer1 said:
4 minute quarters are wayyyyyy too short

feels like a sprint through the game especially without replays.

I dont like the fact that they incorporate that rule about having a short play clock after time outs. its not like we were sitting at our play select screens during the time out.

I think Im doomed to never break a 12 pts per game average in this game as I like to try to get long drives going and I cant get over the feeling that Im always in a hurry to call a play.

Yeah, I always thought that was stupid. You call a timeout and can get a Delay of Game penalty if you aren't paying attention.
[shot at espn] see bowser, when you depend on executing the play, following your blocks, and not depend on gimmicks like shoulder charge, you can have success running the ball in madden [/shot at espn]


WasabiKing said:
I'm breaking runs in my season with Justin Fargas, and he's a 94 speed. Like I said, let your FB and tackles make you a hole, then run through it. If you're trying to turn the corner on the front line, juke, run, then sprint...
haha I replaced Wheatley for Fargas my first game. :p
Does anyone else have the problem of lag when Madden tries to bring up a replay? It's only once in a while, but it's annoying as fuck.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Gunstar77 said:

I'll play you,I feel like losing again :) I'll go log on.


One of my favorite running animations is when my RB uses the opponent's head as leverage to jump over his teammate, heh.


Ramirez keeps on winning :p I'm 11-8 (or 9, I forget) and ranked in the 10 thousands, while he is 15-4 I believe, and in the top 500 :( Not that I should care about my rank in this game...it's hard enough getting a high ranking in any online game, let alone in freakin' Madden :p


I just finished getting every gold trophy and finished every Game Situation on every level of the Mini Camp. Holy shit, the Madden-level Ground Attack sucks. Goddamn Jamal Lewis' slow, fat ass gets pounded by his own defense, and I think the Raven's fullback must have an IQ of 20. Motherfucker kept trying to block pylons while Ray Lewis was tearing my head off.


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
Fifty said:
Ramirez keeps on winning :p I'm 11-8 (or 9, I forget) and ranked in the 10 thousands, while he is 15-4 I believe, and in the top 500 :( Not that I should care about my rank in this game...it's hard enough getting a high ranking in any online game, let alone in freakin' Madden :p

I just gave him another lose tonight, I am finally getting into the swing of things.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
[shot at espn] see bowser, when you depend on executing the play, following your blocks, and not depend on gimmicks like shoulder charge, you can have success running the ball in madden [/shot at espn]

You're way off base with this. You can knock ESPN for many things, but the running game is certainly not one of them- it poops all over Madden's.


Thanks, HG. You helped produce one of the most memorable moments ever in our game when you didn't fair catch that ball.

A couple of my buddies were waiting for me to finish the game so we could go out, and no kidding, right as my one friend is saying how the Hit Stick is so useless, THE HIT (c) happens.

"It doesn't seem like anything's changed. The Hit Stick is bullshit...."
"He's gonna take it at the 20"
"I mean....."
*whole place goes nuts*

Haha. :D

I think if Ray Lewis would have been the one to deliver that hit your guy would have been dead.
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